HorrorMGAfan19 — Pokemon OC - Alex

Published: 2015-11-15 21:47:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 3520; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Description  BASICS 

Nickname: "Legendary Trainer"
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 20
Hometown: Striaton City 
Current City: Unknown
Family: Her mother and younger sister 
Past jobs: Worked in a Pokemon school when she was younger
Current job: Adventurer and Pokemon Trainer
Pokemon in her team: MewTwoEnteiKyogreGiratinaZekromYveltal
Theme song: Into free (Dangan) -  B'z - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBlBP…
Battle theme: One of us - Ivan Torrent ft. Julie Elven - www.youtube.com/watch?v=JelcQ3…


 Long brown hair with some light parts of brown
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: Red shirt, Black and grey custom hoodie, Black, Red and white Pokemon hat, Blue trousers with brown and grey custom belt, Black, Red and white sneakers
Accessories: Dragon tooth necklace, Stud earrings on bottom and ringed on top, Black fingerless glove, Most Pokemon Trainer equipment, Headphones
Other/Etc: Mole on left cheek


Favourite Pokemon:
Favourite Type:      
Favourite Quote: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely but it'll never corrupt me"
Personality: Not much can be said about Alex as she tends to hide herself most, if not all the time as she doesn't want people to see her, however, she is when seen very confident and kind to all Pokemon and Trainers she comes across. She is a very caring person and takes good care of anyone who is ill. She loves to laugh but also likes being mysterious. She is also very open about being lesbian and takes pride in this stating that "when I get to the Sinnoh Pokemon League and I beat Cynthia, I'm gonna bang her hard!" She does in fact have a massive crush on Cynthia.
Past: Alex grew up in Striaton City always admiring Pokemon and had always dreamed of becoming the greatest Pokemon Trainer in history. She later moved to Saffron city with her dad when he got a job promotion. Her father (now deceased), was a scientist who worked on Pokemon and he had given Alex her first Pokemon at the age of 6, he had given her Mew which she had named Alistair. The two got along great and would always play together and battle, however, Alistair was taken away from Alex to be experimented on and become MewTwo, she had searched long and far for Alistair but to no avail until his escape, the two reunited. She grew up and went on many travels to be the greatest champion alongside Alistair and set herself a different goal, she would obtain all the Legendary Pokemon and get all the badges in all the regions. She has managed to achieve one of these things, she has indeed captured every Legendary Pokemon in years of adventure and travel (she started becoming a trainer at the age of 6, she's now 20 so that's 14 years of adventure). The only way she could have possibly done that is to be pure of heart and to be recognised as a worthy trainer, to have a good heart and to have a will of steel. The Legendary Pokemon saw this in her and offered to help her achieve those goals.

(From left to right)

Raijin | Zapdos | Static + Pressure |  Modest | Genderless
Raijin was one of the first Legendary Pokemon Alex caught with Alistair in Kanto and was caught alongside Articuno and Moltres. She had travelled a long way and was still young and new to the world of Pokemon but graciously won a battle against Raijin to capture this Pokemon. Raijin could have resisted but saw how determined Alex was and surrendered to her, however, Raijin isn't exactly tamed either but Alex doesn't mind that. Raijin is a modest Pokemon and quite powerful with Electric type moves. Alex tends to give Raijin the bright powder when battling. Alex named Zapdos, Raijin, after the thunder god of Japan.

Azure | Articuno | Snow Cloak + Pressure |  Timid | Genderless
Azure was one of the first Legendary Pokemon Alex caught with Alistair in Kanto and was caught alongside Raijin and Moltres. She first caught Raijin as she had come across this Pokemon first but was still young when she caught him/her. Again like Raijin she had challenged Azure to a battle to capture this Pokemon. Azure isn't tame by Alex but respects her as a Pokemon Trainer and appreciates her taking good care of Pokemon around her. Azure is a Timid Pokemon and quite powerful with Ice and Flying type moves. Alex also tends to give Azure the bright powder when battling. Alex named Articuno, Azure, after the colour resembling ice.

Roji | Lugia | Multiscale + Pressure |  Bold | Genderless
Roji was caught in the Johto region and was the second gen Pokemon that Alex caught alongside his rival Ho-Oh. Alex was slightly more experienced with Pokemon by the time she went to Johto, she had battled many trainers and seen many Pokemon, She had already achieved the task of capturing all the Kanto region legendary Pokemon and now moved on to the Johto region legendary Pokemon. Roji is a Bold Pokemon and quite powerful with Psychic and Flying type moves. Alex gives the Leftovers to Roji to hold during battle. Alex named Lugia, Roji, after a  bulky samurai from Seven Samurai.

Tink | Celebi | Natural Cure | Bold | Genderless
Tink was caught after Ho-Oh and Roji and was the last of the Johto region Pokemon Alex had to catch. The different thing with this Pokemon was that instead of battling, Tink saw how Alex was a thoughtful and kind trainer and so offered to follow her on her adventure, granting anything that Alex would desire, however, all she'd ever desire is for her Pokemon to be happy with her, she would not spare a second thought to release them if that is what they would desire. Tink is a Bold Pokemon and quite powerful with Psychic and Grass type moves. Alex hands the Jaboca Berry to Tink when battling. Alex named Celebi, Tink, after the kind fairy Tinkerbell.

Mjolnir | Regice | Clear Body + Ice Body | Calm | Genderless
Mjolnir was caught in the Hoenn region and was the third gen Pokemon that Alex caught alongside Regirock and Registeel. By now Alex had already grown much more confident than she first was and believed that her dream could be achieved. By now she had captured all Kanto legendary Pokemon and all Johto Legendary Pokemon and was now going to try her hand at the Hoenn legendary Pokemon. Mjolnir is a Calm Pokemon and quite powerful with Ice moves. Alex gives Mjolnir any type of item during battle as long as it helps. Alex named Regice, Mjolnir, after Thor's hammer and whilst that may not seem like ice, Thor came from Scandinavia which is a collection of cold countries.

Titan | Registeel | Clear Body + Light Metal | Adamant | Genderless
Titan was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Mjolnir and Regirock. Despite being more machine than Pokemon, Registeel could still understand that Alex was a friend not foe as she treated him nice despite their battle and was soon taken under her wing with his/her other two counterparts. Titan is an adamant Pokemon and is quite powerful with Steel type moves. Alex hands Titan any item she can find that will help aid in battle. Alex named Registeel, Titan, due to the Greek titans who were rulers of Greece before the Gods, they were quite powerful and terrifying to all those who laid eyes upon them.

Phoenix | Moltres | Pressure + Flame Body | Timid | Genderless
Phoenix was one of the first Legendary Pokemon that Alex caught alongside Raijin and Azure, he was also the last Pokemon caught in this region. Fire being one of Alex's favourite type she was excited when she caught him as it would make a great combination with the rest of the Legendary birds of the Kanto region. Phoenix isn't a tame bird but respects Alex highly as she was strong enough to catch him. Phoenix is a Timid Pokemon and is quite powerful with Fire and Flying type moves. Alex normally hands him the bright powder when battling. Alex named Moltres, Phoenix, after the Greek fire bird who could be reborn again after death.

Thor | Raikou | Pressure + Volt Absorb | Timid | Genderless
Thor was caught in the Johto region and is one of the Legendary beasts of Johto alongside Entei and Suicune. Alex had caught Thor second after Entei and had found him/her a formidable opponent as he was fearsome in attack and rendered any Pokemon weak to Lightning vulnerable to his attacks. However after a long battle, Alex had come out victorious and had earned the support of another powerful Pokemon. Thor is a Timid Pokemon and is quite powerful with Electric type moves. Alex normally hands Thor the Micle Berry during battle. Alex named Raikou, Thor, after the Norse God of lightning.

Alistair | MewTwo | Pressure + Unnerve + Insomnia | Modest | Genderless
Alistair is Alex's first and most favourite Pokemon who she's had ever since she was a little girl. The two are best friends and always look after each other no matter what. Alistair is very protective of Alex as she was the first to accept who he was. He has now gone through a mega evolution into Y form and grows ever more powerful alongside Alex. Alistair was, of course, given to Alex when she moved to the Kanto region. Alistair is a Modest Pokemon and is quite powerful with Psychic type moves. Alex will either hand Alistair the bright powder, king's rock or Custap berry during a battle. Alex had no reason for calling Mew, Alistair, she just thought the name had fit him somehow, maybe due to his seriousness as the name sounds very fancy and serious.

Eon | Latios | Levitate | Hasty | Male
Eon was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Latias and is a third gen Pokemon. Whilst Eon has a mega form, Alex hasn't been able to evolve Eon yet, but she won't force it on them, if they wish to stay the way they are she accepts it. Alex fought this Pokemon with already a small army of legendary Pokemon from the other regions, her team was comprised slightly more differently, Alistair being the first Pokemon out so fighting Eon with a Psychic type Pokemon wasn't easy, however, Eon accepted on the condition that Latias would join them too. Eon is a Hasty Pokemon and is quite powerful with Dragon and Psychic type moves. Alex will hand Eon either the Soul Dew or Latiosite when battling. Alex called Latios , Eon, after the villain from Ben 10 who also uses Psychic attacks.

Athena | Latias | Levitate | Timid | Female
Athena was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Eon and is a third gen Pokemon. Despite having a mega form, Alex hasn't evolved Athena to this point as she doesn't know if Athena would like that or not. Alex fought Athena before Eon so when he had asked for them to bring Athena along, she was already in Alex's party. Athena seemed like a nice and charming Pokemon and settled in quick with the team which Alex enjoyed seeing. Athena is a Timid Pokemon and is quite powerful with Psychic and Dragon type moves. Alex will hand Athena either the Soul Dew or the Latiasite in battle. Alex called Latias, Athena, after the Greek goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature.

Golum | Regirock | Clear Body + Sturdy | Impish | Genderless
Golum was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Mjolnir and Titan and is a third gen Pokemon. Golum was hard to capture as due to the fact he/she is a Rock type Pokemon they are very good in terms of both Defence and Power rendering some Pokemon vulnerable to it, however if water types or grass type Pokemon are used then it's much easier so Tink was very effective in the battle against Golum. Golum was quite at home with the other elemental Pokemon so he/she didn't mind it as much. Golum has an Impish nature and is quite powerful with Rock type moves. Alex hands him/her any items that will be helpful during a battle. Alex called Regirock, Golum, after the mythical golems made of clay in Jewish religion and stone and rock in myths

Kambei | Entei | Pressure + Flash Fire | Modest | Genderless
Kambei was caught in the Johto region alongside Thor and Suicune and is a second gen Pokemon. Kambei is considered one of the most powerful of the legendary beasts and if not one of the most powerful Fire type Pokemon in the second generation. Kambei was quite fierce when battling Alex but only to test if she was strong enough to take care of these Legendary Pokemon as they are very special, she passed the test and had Kambei stand at her side. Kambei has a Modest nature and is quite powerful with Fire type moves. Alex gives Kambei the Custap Berry when battling. Alex named Entei, Kambei, after the samurai from Seven Samurai. 

Ishtar | Suicune | Pressure + Water Absorb | Bold | Genderless
Ishtar was caught in the Johto region alongside Thor and Kambei and is a second gen Pokemon. When Alex saw Ishtar she had fallen in love with how graceful and beautiful this Pokemon was and before even catching it had already called it Ishtar as she thought it reflected the beauty of this Pokemon. The battle wasn't really fought long and not much effort was put into it, Ishtar had seen that Alex had the other two legendary beasts by her side and tagged along. Ishtar has a Bold nature and is quite powerful with Water type moves. Alex gives Ishtar the Rowap Berry during a battle. Alex named Suicune, Ishtar, after the Mesopotamian goddess of war and sexual love.

Bennu | Ho-Oh | Pressure + Regenerator | Adamant | Genderless
Bennu was caught in the Johto region alongside Roji and is a second gen Pokemon. Instead of battling Bennu, Alex actually mended him/her back together after he/she was shot down from the sky and as thanks he/she decided to help Alex on her journey to be the greatest. This would give Bennu a chance to maybe try and get along with Roji. Bennu has an adamant nature and is quite powerful with Fire and Flying type moves. Alex gives Bennu the Sacred Ash when fighting. Alex named Ho-Oh, Bennu, after the Egyptian version of a Phoenix called the Bennu.

Neptune | Kyogre | Drizzle + Primordial Sea | Modest | Genderless
Neptune was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Rayquaza and Groudon and is a third gen Pokemon and a part of the weather trio. Alex had much trouble with this Pokemon as he/she proves himself/herself to be formidable in defence and power, undoubtedly due to the fact their Legendary, however Alex managed to overcome this by using an Electric type Pokemon against Neptune, for example say Raijin. With this Alex had conquered over Kyogre and who would become Neptune soon after. Alex has managed to work to find the Blue Orb so that Neptune can use his Primal form when he desires. Neptune has a Modest nature and is quite powerful with Water type moves. Alex lets Neptune hold either the Water Gem or Choice Scarf during battle. Alex named Kyogre, Neptune, after the Roman God of the seas, Neptune; or if you prefer the Greek God Poseidon.

Gaia | Groudon | Drought + Desolate Land | Jolly | Genderless
Gaia was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Neptune and Rayquaza and is a third gen Pokemon and a part of the weather trio. It was particularly hard to fight an opponent that is used to fighting on land and underground and can bury itself to dodge and attack. Gaia proved to be a challenge for Alex but by using Neptune against Gaia it made sure that the battle wasn't too serious as the two do have a history. Alex found the Red Orb to allow Gaia to use his/her Primal form. Gaia has a Jolly nature and is quite powerful with Ground and if in Primal mode Ground and Fire type moves. Alex gives either the Fire Gem or the Choice Band to Gaia during a battle. Alex named Groudon, Gaia, after the titan in Greek history that was the Mother of the Earth. 

Xeno | Deoxys | Pressure | Timid | Genderless
Xeno was caught in the Hoenn region and was the last Pokemon Alex had caught in this region. Unbeknownst to her, this was the first Pokemon she had seen that looked so mysterious due to the fact it seemed more alien than Pokemon, but this only made her want to gain his/her help even more. Alex could seriously use the help of a Pokemon that could change its form to better help in battle. Xeno has a Timid nature and is quite powerful with Psychic type moves. Alex hands Xeno the NeverMeltIce or the Life orb to help during a battle. Alex called Deoxys, Xeno, after the aliens known as xenomorphs, she called Deoxys this as it seemed suitable for an alien Pokemon. 

Jiraiya | Jirachi | Serene Grace | Timid | Genderless
Jiraiya was caught in the Hoenn region and is one of the cutest Pokemon Alex has ever come across excluding Tink, Alex loves cute Pokemon but somehow will always value strength and will over anything. Much like Tink, Jiraiya was caught by seeing Alex's determination to be the best and wanted to help such a kind human being, Alex gladly accepted Jiraiya into the team and he/she quickly got on well with the other legendary Pokemon. Jiraiya has a Timid nature and is quite powerful with Steel and Psychic type moves. Alex gives Jiraiya a variety of items to hold in battle, some being: Liechi berry, Micle berry, Starf berry, Comet shard, Star piece and Ganlon berry. Alex named Jirachi, Jiraiya, after the Japanese toad riding ninja.

Ryu | Rayquaza | Air Lock + Delta Stream | Jolly | Genderless
Ryu was caught in the Hoenn region alongside Gaia and Neptune and is a third gen Pokemon and a part of the weather trio. Being the leader of the weather trio, Ryu was particularly difficult to catch, not that that isn't the same for all Legendary Dragon type Pokemon but still Ryu was the hardest Legendary Pokemon that Alex had come across then that proved to be a massive challenge. However after a long fought battle Alex came out the victor and with the help of Ryu amongst her Pokemon. Alex has managed to help Ryu use his Mega form as that was what he desired. Ryu has a Jolly nature and is quite powerful with Dragon and Flying moves. Alex hands Ryu either the Dragon scale, the Life orb or the Dragon fang when battling. Alex named Rayquaza, Ryu, after the Japanese word for dragon.

Ippo | Azelf | Levitate | Modest | Genderless
Ippo was caught in the Sinnoh region alongside Uxie and Mesprit and is a fourth gen Pokemon and a part of the Lake guardians of Sinnoh. Ippo was the last of the Lake guardians that Alex caught but not the last Legendary Pokemon she would catch in the Sinnoh region. By now, Alex already felt that she was a pro Trainer and could send in various different Pokemon that would be effective in battle as she had studied much on Pokemon around the regions. Ippo and the rest of the lake guardians helped Alex stop Giratina when the world had become unbalanced, therefore she was in debt from their help, their request was for her to find them across Sinnoh and prove to them that she was a worthy trainer of their help, Alex obliged with this request and captured all the lake guardians. Ippo has a Modest nature and is quite powerful with Psychic type moves. Alex hands Ippo whatever item best helps him in battle. Alex named Azelf, Ippo, after the anime boxer from Hajime no Ippo who has very good willpower.

Janus | Mesprit | Levitate | Modest | Genderless
Janus was caught in the Sinnoh region alongside Uxie and Ippo and is a fourth gen Pokemon and a part of the Lake guardians of Sinnoh. Janus was the second of the Lake guardians that Alex had caught, however it wasn't as easy to catch Janus as whenever Alex came into contact/battle with her/him, he/she would quickly flee from battle making it a long process of catching this Pokemon. However, after much struggle Alex had won the heart of Janus and befriended this little Pokemon. Janus has a Modest nature and is quite powerful with Psychic type moves. Alex tends to hand Janus any item that will be useful to her/him during battle. Alex named Mesprit, Janus, after the Greek God of two faces which can also symbolise two different emotions.

Jeez that had to be the longest description I have ever done, I'm not even kidding this took me 3 days to write, from Friday to Sunday, but its finally done
If anyone has any questions about this OC feel free to ask

Any series mentioned does not belong to me but to there respected creators
only Alex belongs to me
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Comments: 80

HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to ??? [2016-06-29 14:40:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah she's a cool girl xD
But she'll only ever use 6 legendary pokemon not all

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-06-29 16:26:17 +0000 UTC]

Okay then. Which ones will use?

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-06-29 19:18:10 +0000 UTC]

Mewtwo, Entei, Rayquaza, Arceus, Zekrom, Yveltal
I changed two of them X3

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-06-29 20:10:06 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. My team would enjoy a good battle between yours.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-06-30 12:36:11 +0000 UTC]

It's a pretty badass team you have there

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-06-30 15:24:40 +0000 UTC]

Yep I worked hard to earn it

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-06-30 15:42:46 +0000 UTC]

Commitment pays off

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-06-30 15:45:32 +0000 UTC]

Yeah my team loves me a lot. But yours, they're frikin legendaries! I bet it took a while to develop a team like that.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-07-01 20:43:25 +0000 UTC]

It took a lot of commitment yes

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-07-01 20:51:04 +0000 UTC]

And it pays off in a splendid team.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-07-01 20:51:51 +0000 UTC]

it pays off if the trainer is good as well

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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-07-01 20:55:05 +0000 UTC]

Right. Its always good to be in sync with your team.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-07-04 18:08:22 +0000 UTC]


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pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-07-04 21:58:28 +0000 UTC]

Wanna try role playing a battle sometime?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-07-04 22:08:52 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that'd be cool ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pufflefluffstudios In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-07-04 22:10:14 +0000 UTC]

Okay note me whenever you feel like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to pufflefluffstudios [2016-07-04 22:19:41 +0000 UTC]

okey dokey ^^

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Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 14:43:13 +0000 UTC]

That's... a lot of legendary Pokemon you have there. 0 o'

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 14:47:11 +0000 UTC]

I hadn't even finished all of them xD ran out of space

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Scattered-Flames In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-03-06 14:50:12 +0000 UTC]

I can see that. xD
Though, isn't that a little... too much legendary Pokemon to have for just one person? 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 14:55:08 +0000 UTC]

Her main team only consists of 6 legendary pokemon from different regions, the rest would be in the pc box xD

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Scattered-Flames In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-03-06 14:56:52 +0000 UTC]

ah, I can understand if it's for the games (because, gotta catch them all. xD) but in terms of anime you can't really get away with that since in both grounds they are impossible to catch... unless you have a master ball. ' 3 '

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 15:01:53 +0000 UTC]

And you only get like one master ball from each region xD

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Scattered-Flames In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-03-06 15:05:29 +0000 UTC]

True xD Though, it's still in the game (ugh... so saddening. 'orz) and you only have one shot at catching one legendary Pokemon.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 15:17:15 +0000 UTC]

Pokemon equals the hard life xD

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Scattered-Flames In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-03-06 16:25:30 +0000 UTC]

No kidding. xD

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 17:22:20 +0000 UTC]

but I still love it -3-

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Scattered-Flames In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2016-03-06 17:32:14 +0000 UTC]

(pats your head) I know. :>

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Scattered-Flames [2016-03-06 18:53:51 +0000 UTC]


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xxReshiramxx [2015-11-24 22:36:10 +0000 UTC]

Nice job.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to xxReshiramxx [2015-11-24 22:51:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

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robloxlittle [2015-11-19 18:34:39 +0000 UTC]

I wonder what inspired this.
I cant be fucked to read the blub but the one word I DID see was "lesbian". That totes doesnt suprise me when its you lol.
Girl on girl to you is boy on boy to me

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to robloxlittle [2015-11-19 18:42:08 +0000 UTC]

Only picked that cause Cynthia was hot

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robloxlittle In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-20 19:40:50 +0000 UTC]


And thus you were the inspiration for lezzer!

//And thats lucky because now your son has a boyfriend.

Anyways I havent seen you recently so here

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to robloxlittle [2015-11-20 19:44:26 +0000 UTC]

Sort of in a pissed off mood at the moment

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robloxlittle In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-20 21:02:44 +0000 UTC]


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GreyHatGraphics [2015-11-17 12:01:33 +0000 UTC]

AWESOME!!!!! I bet you put alot of work into this one. It looks great! And her description is awesome.

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to GreyHatGraphics [2015-11-17 18:30:38 +0000 UTC]

It took me ages but yes it was worth it XD
thanks ^^

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Gloriagiraffe2 [2015-11-16 20:55:12 +0000 UTC]


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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Gloriagiraffe2 [2015-11-16 20:57:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Gloriagiraffe2 In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-16 21:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Np! ;3

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to Gloriagiraffe2 [2015-11-16 22:10:26 +0000 UTC]


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Gloriagiraffe2 In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-19 10:45:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DimitriWarchief123 [2015-11-16 20:07:19 +0000 UTC]

Sorry didn't read it all but it's amazing... I love it....ha ha eh

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2015-11-16 20:17:22 +0000 UTC]

It is quite long XD

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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-16 20:18:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it is ha ha eh oh well

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2015-11-16 20:19:54 +0000 UTC]

There's another one still XD

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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-16 20:25:20 +0000 UTC]

Yikes I see cool

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HorrorMGAfan19 In reply to DimitriWarchief123 [2015-11-16 21:02:34 +0000 UTC]


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DimitriWarchief123 In reply to HorrorMGAfan19 [2015-11-16 21:07:09 +0000 UTC]


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