HronawmonsTamer — AA: Digivolution app by-nc-nd

#baby #champion #character #cyborg #design #digimon #digital #digivolution #dragon #evolution #mega #monsters #original #rookie #super #training #ultimate #hronawmon #kenpedramon #chibidamon #hrinimon #infernalmon
Published: 2017-09-02 15:42:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 7742; Favourites: 109; Downloads: 59
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Aaaaaaaand here it is! The digivolution chart! It's pretty big but thats because it has a lot of details and all... Anyways, enjoy!


Okay for ppl that know my shit from a long while: this ISN'T the God mode of Infernalmon because that one is explicitlly OP and uncontrollable and barely reachable (unless I bs stuff outside of octs or other shared groups, and even then it's a deus ex machina.

But yeah, I figured it was a good excuse to have a Super Ultimate... which I found out the english term is ULTRA (which makes a lot more sense since the ultimate level in english was opriginally called Perfect... ups).

Despite being stronger I did try to simplify the design a lil (try) and just keep it more majestic with the decorations and color choice.

OH SHIT! SOMETHING NEW! yeah since the oct allowed for a mode change... I figured, if I can come up with a creative one, I'll do it... and I did. Cyborg was always an odd one out of the bunch when it came to designs and even moves, so I decided to make the mode change just as odd... only in the completely opposite spectrum! I guess for future octs, if I have to pick a mode Ill do a coin toss? pfft

I'll be a bit blunt, while she may seem a bit more detailed and odd compared to her previous evos... I like it. I have been avoiding drawing Infernalmon for years simply because I didn't trust my art skill enough to come up with a good enough design. I wanted to do something epic, somethiong you'd see in an RPG game or in Duel Masters TCG. I love the armored dragons in Duel Masters, to me, they're one of the most badass things ever! So I hope you all enjoy this!


Level: Baby
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Slime Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar
Info: Chibidamon is a pretty normal baby Digimon. She’s small, not very mobile and, overall, not capable of combat. She is however seemingly more intelligent than a lot of other baby Digimon, as she retains full on intelligent thought, unlike a lot of baby Digimon that regress to an infantile mind state. She is a bit more emotional in this state, however, and she also has a bit of a speech impediment due to the shape of her mouth, making her mispronounce certain words like a toddler.


- Horn thrust (She points the horn on her head forwards as it spins, trying to stab the enemy)

Level: In-training
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Small wyvern Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar
Info: A Digimon with the attributes of a small wyvern, Hrinimon bypasses her previous form in terms of mobility by a fair margin. Gaining the ability to fly, Hrinimon is more adept at running away or moving around, but she’s still quite weak combat wise. She’s mostly built for fleeing and avoiding.
Even with her ability to fly, due to her small size and level, it is rather exhausting to maintain flight, as such she cannot risk flying too high out of fear of exhaustion.
Hrinimon is mostly seen in the human world, as she manages to save up space and feels safe enough to let herself in this vulnerable state.
- Fire bubbler (Spits out tiny bubbles with fire inside of them. When they pop they set things on fire.)

Level: Rookie
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Dragon Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar
Info: The original form the ancient Digimon Infernalmon came back as, Rookie is the most common form Hronawmon is found in and the most familiar to her.
Hronawmon is well trained physically, as such, she is capable of fighting up close. While she doesn’t have much in terms of land speed, she is surprisingly agile in terms of reflexes, being able to both rush at the enemy offensively, and counter their moves in cause of dodges. Even then, her bulky build offers her defense along with her attack as she fights.
In air, despite the small wings, she is a great flier. However, the heavy body and small wings does make her incapable of carrying much besides herself in flight. This also means she is less defensive in the air, due to her weight being more of a hinder, rather than an anchor against hits.
While Hronawmon has normally a mostly pleasant personality, in combat she is completely cold and focused. She is also not prone to giving up unless forced through KO or deletion.
- Fire arrow (Spits out a fireball shaped like an arrowhead.)
- Shine slash (Her claws grow in length and sharpness, as they start to glow. She used them to slash through. Can use this attack with one claw or both.)

Level: Champion
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Dragon Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar
Info: Kenpedramon is the start of Hronawmon shedding the clunkier aspects of her body, gaining a much more well defined, muscular frame.
While she is much more slender, her bulky build still offers her more defense and offense capabilities rather than speed, however, preferring to put the bigger built to smoother movements.
Her larger wings also make her a better flier, capable of easily maintaining her weight in flight and less susceptible to attacks affecting her flight pattern. She prefers to also be in the air more in this form.
Overall, she is also more offensive in this form preferring to use both her long range and close range attacks equally.
- Fire rocket (Shoots out a long, odd edged, fire projectile, resembling a blurry deformed rocket. Has a knock-back factor.)
- Light slash (Can either elongate one or both of her hand claws, as they glow with an intense light and sharp aura and light waves. It can be used to slash or block, the aura causing damage upon touch as well.)

CyborgKenpedramon (Alteration mode)
Level: Ultimate
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Cyborg dragon man Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar, metal empire
Info: Coming from the legends of Digimon attempting to revive the long lost Digimon Infernalmon by altering Kenpedramon’s data, CyborgKenpedramon is simply just Hronawmon’s ultimate level.
She has an odd, human-like body shape and proportion, despite having a rather huge size for her build. This basically makes CyborgKenpedramon a bruiser: great attack and defense, but not so much in speed. Her armor definitely makes her tanky and her wings much more resilient. But they come at the cost of better movement, only offset a bit by her useful humanoid frame, maintaining her reflexes and making her flexible
Unlike previous digivolutions, Cyborg isn’t so focused on flight, preferring close encounters she can handle face to face, whereas she’s on the offensive or blocking. Her flying ability is mostly useful to get her closer to possible flying enemies.
- Flare Blaster (Charges up her arm cannon, releasing a blast of flames. The move has a knock-back factor and the more she charges up, the harder it is. After the initial blast the canon acts like a flamethrower, the flames spreading around in a wide area.)
- Lightning sword (Summons a energy and electricity blade from her cannon arm. The sword is capable of slashing and blocking and it has a chance to paralyse enemies. The chance increases the more the enemy is hit or stabbed for.)
- Barrier-ONLINE! (CyborgKenpedramon can summon a barrier armor to coat her, making whatever part of the body she coats incredibly sturdy against attacks. However, the barrier is inflexible as such the more she coats the more immobile CyborgKenpedramon becomes. On the plus side, she can also use the barrier offensively, by coating her fist or foot in it, making her capable of dealing shielded blows without the risk of damage, depending on the enemy.)

CyborgKenpedramon (Reformation mode)
Level: Ultimate
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Cyborg dragon man Digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar, metal empire
Info: Legends say that the alteration of Kenpedramon's data to create didn't go as planned, and the digimon was damaged beyond any organic repair, in a gruesome loss of most of her body. Luckily, the remains were still functional, as such she was re-purposed using technology in a completely new design.
CyborgKenpedramon Reformation mode is an odd shift in the normal tanky, bulky, dominantly up close Hronawmon line: Reformation mode is a long range, indirect fighter.
Despite her mostly metal composition, Reformation mode boasts a weaker defense and physical attack than Alteration mode, and in exchange doesn't gain much speed, but instead, superb flexibility and reflexes. The new mode boasts magnetic ball joints, which allows any of her joints to rotate at 360 degrees, including her mid section, allowing her to move and dodge with greater ease than other forms. She also isn't dependent on her wings to fly: the legs boast anti-gravity thrusters, allowing, her to fly, as the wings are merely used for easier steering.
CyborgKenpedramon's normally strong arms have been re-purposed into strong speakers. While the lack of arms can be bothersome, the fact that the mode prefers to keep its distance doesn't impede her much.
While her modified metal wings boast fingers under the form of metal cables, these are merely used for convenient holding and grabbing if need be. This form prefers to let her legs do the heavy lifting, if possible.
- Flare cracker (Detaches her tail from her body, flinging it at the enemy. The tail tip then flies off the tail, as it spits into several dozen small cilinders. They heat up, beggining to glow red, and proceed to explode in an array of small, but powerful explosions. She can also detach her tail in the case of an opponent grabbing it and activate the bombs that way.)
- Machination shrill (CyborgKenpedramon screeches, unleashing a powerful sound from both her mouth and the speakers on her chest and stubs, deafening for those that hear it. The speakers proceed to unleash force waves, in the form of concentric circles AOE, dealing damage. The more the circular wave travels, the bigger and more powerful it becomes, making it efficient mainly at long range.)
- Gravity-RELEASE! (A dark energy begins to coat Cyborg, turning her entire body pitch black. If an attack hits her or an opponent attempts to apply any force on her, the dark aura pops, creating powerful blow-back energy, capable of throwing the enemy back. Usually good for a shield or a get away trick, however, CyborgKenpedramon can also choose when to release the energy herself, in case an enemy is nearby.)

Level: Mega
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon dragon god digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar, Dark Area, Virus Busters
Info: In ancient times, in the Dark Area, there was once a former shape that represented the late goddess Infernalmon, before her transformation into a digital god symbol. The original Infernalmon was a virus digimon and a symbol of hell itself, containing unfathomable fire.
Infernalmon is Hronawmon's natural mega. Despite the tendency for her line to always be vaccine, the mega strangely turns into a virus. This is due to the fact that, before her god-hood, Infernalmon was a virus dark area digimon. While not a dark digivolution, Infernalmon still keeps a fierce aspect of what she once was.
Infernalmon's impressive size slows down the digimon, instead opting for great defense, complemented by her though armor and thicker scales, to take hits and fierce attacking power, both physically and magically, in order to crush the opponent. Due to this she has a more reactive fighting style, preferring to block or counter, whereas using her strong limbs or her incredibly flexible light tentacles.
Infernalmon levitates in this form and doesn't outright fly, although she can pick up a lot of traction, in the need of traveling. The fire she has on her body isn't harmful towards allies, but enemies are advised to steer clear as it burns intensely.
Infernalmon carries herself in battle with an iron will and an intense focus. All 6 of the eyes on her body are fully functional: the first set on her head can see in a normal human-like fashion, the second set has a horse-like view and the chest-head can see straight even when her head is turning, making her very aware of her surroundings.
- Reversed apocalypse (Infernalmon plucks the fire orb from her tail, charging it up over her head. The orb proceeds to absorb the fire form the chest mouth, growing in size, able to be charged up to an immense size, turning into a sun figure. The absorption of fire has the side effect of draining heat from the entire area, leaving it colder, before she crashes down using her arms, intensifying the heat in the area.)
- Hexagram seal burst (Summons a hexagram seal in an area around her, being capable of summoning it both on the ground or in the air. If the opponent gets trapped in the seal after it forms or doesn't move in time in case the seal is summoned right under them, it is paralyzed. The seal proceeds to charge up and unleash a magical crushing implosion force. Depending on the level, the opponent has a chance to struggle out of the seal, but doing so still causes damage, although at a lower power. The seal can also be broken by outside forces, like an attack, but only if it hits the one trapped in it, making it a useful tool for setting up other attacks.)
- Poena armis (The light tentacles on her back stretch out, reshaping themselves into weapons. The tips can either become incredibly sharp to use in a stabbing motion, they can split apart, to more easily hunt down smaller/multiple targets or reshape themselves into bladed weapons, such as swords, double axes and saws. Each tentacle can take a different shape.)

- Hell hath such fury (The orbs and eyes on her body change from pale blue to an intense orange as her limbs become coated in a fiery orange aura. This gives her a small speed boost, however, it's attacking prowess stands in the aura now being able to heat up anything it swings at, including air. The area she touches heats up, unleashing a powerful heat and force blast, causing heat and blow back damage to whoever is in it. An opponent directly hit by her limbs during this attack takes the damage focused pinpoint on his body.)

Infernalmon Demi-god mode
Level: Ultra
Attribute: Data
Type: Ascending dragon god digimon
Family: Dragon’s roar, Dark Area, Virus Busters
Info: Legends say Infernalmon ascended from a ruler of the dark zone brooding digimon to a beacon of light, a holy being encompassing the symbol of unity itself. Yet it may appear as if the transition wasn't as smooth as one may think. In order to further comprehend unity Infernalmon had to grow in strength in order to protect the loved ones she had to grow stronger while she began comprehending the concept of Unity.
Infernalmon Demi-god mode is the evolved form of Infernalmon. As a middle spot between the normal dark area mega Infernalmon and the mythical godly powered Infernalmon, this Infernalmon gains the data type, going against both Hronawmon's normal Vaccine lines and Infernalmon's abnormal virus type.
Infernalmon Demi-god mode shares similar stats to her previous form except much higher overall in all areas, to match her ultra status. Similarly to her previous form, she is hyper aware in combat and still has a wide range of view thanks to her 6 fully functional eyes. Focused , she still has some trouble emoting due to her stuff mouth and gem-like eyes. But she still maintains her sanity.

Similary to the previous form, the fire on her body isn't harmful to allies or herself, but can be to enemies. Her shoulder pads also spew fire and she comes equipped with a back cape/stiff wings of sorts in order to provide even more protection. Her belly plates are cracked open revealing a moving jet of fire thorough her entire body.

Infernalmon Demi-god mode comes quipped with a giant levitating halo, that always sits behind her body. The halo spawns two dragon heads, with three eyes, that appear to be sleeping unless they use a specific attack. They aren't sentient and don't emote at all, just light constructs. The sides spawn a number of light tentacles that usually sit in the shape of wings, but are flexible. The number of tentacles can vary from a few short giant ones to dozens of tiny long ones.
Halo reference: Infernalmon-god-halo
- Inferno gate (Absorbs the fire in its tail into its body by clenching the tail tip shut, causing the fire on her body to ripple intensely. She then opens the torso mouth even wider, unleashing an intense focused blue fire jet. The trail from the jet proceeds to fall to the ground, moving like water once hitting any surface, but burning like fire to the touch. )
- Abyss memento (The tentacles on her halo switch into pitch black, sinking into holes in mid air. They then reappear out of portals near the opponents, wrapping themselves around them. The tentacle or tentacles squeeze until they explode from sheer force. The tentacles require great force to be escaped, but struggling out of them causes cutting damage due to the tentacles attempting to hold on by piercing the victim. The tentacles can split or teleport together to adjust to the size of the trapped victim.)
- Unitatis belator (The tips Light wings/tentacles on her back coil together, reshape and solidify in order to create various giant  weapons such as swords, bats and spears, acting as an extra set of arms. They can also bend and solidify in front of Infernalmon in order to guard her as a shield or reshape into giant arms.)
- Allmighty reality break (Focuses energy into her body causing a brief revigirating feeling. The blue gems on her body glow intensely as she strikes with either her limbs or tail. The strikes make big shock waves and cause strong ripples and vibrations, distorting the air and causing surfaces hit to crack open. Opponents hit by it experience strong ringing in the ears, flashes of light and a shaking sensation. Getting hit directly by her limbs while using the attack causes a strong shattering pain to the opponents core and more intense symptoms.)

- Sacred wyrm breathe (The two dragon heads on the back halo open their three eyes and mouths unleashing a bright laser beam. Any area the laser touches lights up in a big explosion.)

Main app:  
Size chart:

Assembly Arena:
Digimon (c) Bandai/toei
Art (c) ME!

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Comments: 78

HronawmonsTamer In reply to ??? [2023-06-12 09:36:13 +0000 UTC]

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tristarnova In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2023-06-12 18:51:41 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alphamon10 [2021-10-12 09:57:50 +0000 UTC]

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GatoroidRage [2018-08-18 12:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Hey look, it's Satan.

...what? There's literally a Jewish symbol on her and she evolves into a flaming monster.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-08-18 16:01:03 +0000 UTC]

This is the alchemical symbol for unity. 
The hexagram has also been a symbol used in hindu and pagan imagery. It's not exclusively Jewish.
Besides the entire point of Infernalmon is that she ascends. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GatoroidRage In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-08-19 01:58:57 +0000 UTC]


Still though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-08-19 09:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Still what? I explained my design motivation and theme. 

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GatoroidRage In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-08-19 09:21:23 +0000 UTC]

It looks like the Jewish symbol just by the look of it. I'm not trying to make you mad. Just saying.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-08-19 09:38:25 +0000 UTC]

... I literally just linked you the alchemical symbol of unity, and it's a hexagram.
A hexagram isn't exclusively Jewish. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GatoroidRage In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-08-19 09:40:03 +0000 UTC]

I know.

But it was because I thought it was only for the religion. (And you know Digimon pokes at religions.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-08-19 09:42:57 +0000 UTC]

Digimon literally only uses religious influence for AESTHETIC reasons and lore influence , otherwise most angel Digimon would be Christian, which they're clearly not.
And it does it in a respectful manner, not to poke at religions. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GatoroidRage In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-08-19 09:43:59 +0000 UTC]

Ah. Sorry about that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Returnofthedragon [2018-07-25 01:19:11 +0000 UTC]

Now infernalmon’s Demi god mode and it’s god mode has to be like the biggest digimon so far, and would probably be extremely powerful especially for the god mode and it’s level, and I would imagine god mode would be above ultra, perhaps great ultimate in Japanese or omega in English, I would imagine god form would be used to battle gaiamon, or another op digital life form/digimon.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to Returnofthedragon [2018-09-10 13:29:41 +0000 UTC]

...well yeah as I said in the description, the real god mode is only usable as a Deus ex machina.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Returnofthedragon In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-09-10 21:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Um okay.

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MisterMathio [2018-06-26 18:02:35 +0000 UTC]

God! Good designs!! If you have the normal mode and the demi-god mode for Infernalmon, there is a god form ?

Very interested to see demi-god in action

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to MisterMathio [2018-06-26 19:01:50 +0000 UTC]

I explained in the description.

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chaoman25 [2018-06-25 15:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Infernalmon is a human digiman stand !

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to chaoman25 [2018-06-25 15:58:05 +0000 UTC]


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chaoman25 In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-06-25 17:14:49 +0000 UTC]

just looks like one to me...


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HronawmonsTamer In reply to chaoman25 [2018-06-25 17:49:08 +0000 UTC]

... I disagree, but okay.

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LostDigidestined [2018-06-25 14:03:21 +0000 UTC]

awesome designs!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to LostDigidestined [2018-09-10 13:26:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PanaceaTheAnti-Venom [2018-06-25 11:09:43 +0000 UTC]

OMG!!!! I love the new addition on Hronawmon's Digivolution!!!! From a demon to Angel, Great concept!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to PanaceaTheAnti-Venom [2018-09-10 13:26:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Galordeus [2018-06-25 10:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... The concept of an Ultra is quite vague.
I researching and according to one source, you need a digimental (Digi-egg) to keep your digimon sane.
And other says that one Ultra is more like a title.

When I thought it couldn't go beyond badass you proved me wrong. XD
Abyss Memento is similar to one attack Erebomon has (tentacles appearing from the ground via teleportation and wrapping the enemy).

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

HronawmonsTamer In reply to Galordeus [2018-06-25 10:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Ultra is the English equivalent of Super Ultimate, which appears in the V-Tamer manga, which is an OLD Digimon manga. It's the level above mega used to describe Digimon like UlforceVeedramon Future mode and many other Digimon above mega like Armagemon.

Also teleporting tendrill attacks is one of the most common attacks seen in any kind of media when it comes to characters that have tendril limbs. No need to compare it every time you find similarities in our Digimon, otherwise I'd compare Hronawmon to every other fire lizard Digimon and it's pointless.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Galordeus In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-06-25 12:29:41 +0000 UTC]

I see

Okay. And apologizes, a habit I must to kill.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

A7ac4ma In reply to Galordeus [2018-06-25 10:34:41 +0000 UTC]

Super Ultimates, or Ultra, is not vague at all. They originally come from Digimon Adventure 01: V-Tamer, where multiple digimon attained a level above "Mega", like UlForceVeedramon Future Mode, Arkadimon (Super Ultimate) and Daemon Super Ultimate, and even Omegamon.  However, these levels are purely contextual, and some can be classified as Megas, but more powerful, just like a Mode Change or a Jogress. In this case, this was made for Assembly Arena, a context where the level "Ultra" exists, so it's not really that vague at all.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Galordeus In reply to A7ac4ma [2018-06-25 12:17:19 +0000 UTC]

I see.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kage-Bushi [2018-06-25 08:57:54 +0000 UTC]

That last evolution is awsome dude!

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to Kage-Bushi [2018-09-10 13:26:22 +0000 UTC]


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Kage-Bushi In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-09-10 15:24:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GatoroidRage [2018-06-25 08:29:27 +0000 UTC]


I'm sorry I'll stop.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-06-25 08:50:00 +0000 UTC]


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GatoroidRage In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-06-25 09:05:21 +0000 UTC]

They're all random lines the Digimon say in two games.

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to GatoroidRage [2018-06-25 09:06:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Returnofthedragon [2018-04-05 01:44:08 +0000 UTC]

😳 wow infernalmon is a huge change form the original digivolution line!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to Returnofthedragon [2018-05-22 13:52:22 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, she went through a few updates.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Returnofthedragon In reply to HronawmonsTamer [2018-05-23 00:42:25 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I guessed so.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hexidextrous [2017-12-07 18:49:48 +0000 UTC]

CyborgKenpedramon is so awesome looking, though why not just MetalKenpedramon?

Also Infernalmon is wicked cool looking. Reminds me of Metal Overlord from Sonic, but organic (especially with that second monster face on his chest).

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to Hexidextrous [2018-02-02 15:53:30 +0000 UTC]

Because i wanted to be more original. Idk, I didnt feel like Metal fit it enough.
Thanks, tho I was more inspired by Duel Masters monsters.

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Cannonfodder10503 [2017-11-25 04:46:39 +0000 UTC]

Very demonic and mythical, cool.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to Cannonfodder10503 [2017-11-30 16:38:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Crossfirefantasy [2017-11-25 02:51:56 +0000 UTC]

infernalmon looks AWESOME!
Looks like the boss that you'll be scare to fight! and i love it!
the face-armor looks neat and really intimidating.
And the stitches on her tail looks like if the tail could split in two

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to Crossfirefantasy [2017-11-30 16:38:33 +0000 UTC]

Tho the stitches have another meaning, they dont go up in the back, so she can't split her tail in 2.

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SpeedAction [2017-11-24 18:17:56 +0000 UTC]

Oh, it finally happened!! We're finally seeing Infernalmon!!
Would've been a cooler reveal if we saw it happen within the story itself, but I understand you need to do these first for the tournament, it's still cool anyway. 
Fella also looks sick! It's so odd for the final evolution to be so evilish that it makes it better.

Huh, couldn't help but spot that "???", wonder what's that about. 

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HronawmonsTamer In reply to SpeedAction [2017-11-30 16:38:10 +0000 UTC]

Well... digimons have a lot of evos!

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Fellsing [2017-11-24 15:21:40 +0000 UTC]

And it was worth the wait! Considering Infernalmon's power and backstory, it's befitting she should have some eldrich qualities so I really like this design. Plus, it's just satisfying to see a truly monstrous mega level for a Digimon, specifically a female one. Helps her stand out against the more humanoid megas.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HronawmonsTamer In reply to Fellsing [2017-11-30 16:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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