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- R-0427 Polaris
- R-0226 Niera
- R-0359 Marras
- R-0002 Kastanja
Exploration payment!
Also, I'm using this as Polaris prompt too ...
Prompt info+ story:
A huge storm was coming, thunders could be heard on the distance and dark clouds began to form in the sky...
Most calved would have been terrifyied about it maybe loose their temper, but Polaris' calmness and fast thinking helped him figure out that the best thing he could do was to follow the adult Rukaan orders.
Character Development Prompts:
Personality: What is your Rukaan’s personality? Describe a situation when their personality was a great asset or a great liability to them.
Import Link: R-0427 Polaris
Rune Mark Tracker: [Rukaan Tracker] Polaris R-0427
Rune Mark points and bonuses: Fullbody, colored, shaded with complex background. Completely by owner. Story (57 words), Rukaan Ancestral Lands depicted, prompt image.
Exploration Bonuses: -
Exploration Area: Taiga
Proof of Tier/Area Unlock: Tier 1
Activity Tracker Link: [Rukaan Tracker] Polaris R-0427
Bank Name: HTRuiz
Import Link: R-0226 Niera
Rune Mark Tracker: Niera Tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: Fullbody, colored, shaded with complex background. Rukaan Ancestral Lands depicted.
Exploration Bonuses: Ghost Whisperer + Fossegrim’s Song
Exploration Area: Taiga
Proof of Tier/Area Unlock: Tier 1
Activity Tracker Link: Niera Tracker
Bank Name: Sankko
Import Link: R-0359 Marras
Rune Mark Tracker: Marras Tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: Fullbody, colored, shaded with complex background. Rukaan Ancestral Lands depicted.
Exploration Bonuses: -
Exploration Area: Taiga
Proof of Tier/Area Unlock: Tier 1
Activity Tracker Link: Marras Tracker
Bank Name: Sankko
Import Link: R-0002 Kastanja
Rune Mark Tracker: Kastanja R-0002 Tracker
Rune Mark points and bonuses: Fullbody, colored, shaded with complex background. Rukaan Ancestral Lands depicted.
Exploration Bonuses: -
Exploration Area: Taiga
Proof of Tier/Area Unlock: Tier 1
Activity Tracker Link: Kastanja R-0002 Tracker
Bank Name: KirasDarkLight
Art and Polaris HTRuiz
Niera and Marras Sankko
Kastanja KirasDarkLight