My fan-made backstory for this kaiju is that hes a godzilla from an alternate reality where a population of godzillas were mutated by exposure an alien crystal. In this alternate reality the orga had already destroyed earth and he fled to our universe.
Similar in size to godzilla, but much longer due to his tail and slightly taller due to his larger spikes and also slightly heavier
- Can create crystals with his atomic crystal breath, by dragging the beam around it causes small crystals to grow where the beam touched, including encasing and even impaling enemies from the beam. His head crest glows a bright blue before using this and a distorted godzilla atomic breath charging sound which would sound like the charging sound but higher pitched, echoed, and played at a slower speed.
- Shoulder Absorption, while he has a maximum energy capacity, space godzilla can actually surpass his own limited energy by expending his energy and creating crystals, whether it be from his breath or other abilities, then eventually absorbing the energy he infused in these crystals to unleash in more powerful attacks
- Spacegodzilla can grow crystalline claws which are connected to electric-like energy pulses, which allows him to clumsily fly in earths atmosphere, though he does better when in space
- Space godzilla can grow crystals he creates using his breath by transferring energy into them. The crystals can become massive, as large as skyscrapers. The crystals also give off radiation, making areas he grows crystals in uninhabitable. Though the decay time of this radiation is only a few weeks
- From his shoulders, spacegodzilla can fire 2 blue gravity beams simalier to king ghidorah's the crystals on his shoulders will glow and spark before shooting the beams
- Some of the larger crystals of space godzilla can defend themselves when attacked with a atomic beam simalier to space godzillas own blast, these blasts take time to charge up but the crystals can seem to shoot unlimited amount of these, they are significantly weaker than space godzillas and do not spread crystals. Crystals can also shoot out the gravity beams
- Space godzillas tail acts like a huge whip and is also prehensile.
- Space godzilla can also swim underwater decentely due to his originally aquatic origins, he has gills which allow him to breath underwater
-Space godzilla is severely weakened after growing his own crystals from transferring a lot of energy to grow them. Destroying these growing crystals also makes him unable to absorb the energy back. The crystals are simalier in durability to steel if not slightly superior, making other kaiju easily able to destroy them, though the crystals are not hollow and larger ones may prove to be a bit of a challenge to destroy efficiently
- While flying space godzilla exerts a lot of energy, he will eventually be forced to land if he becomes too tired.
- Space godzillas shoulder crystals are a point of energy charge, as well as his head crest, simalier to godzilla's dorsal plates, destroying or damaging these while cripple his power. space godzillas dorsal plates also appear to store some energy, though not as much as the other already mentioned parts.
- Space godzillas crystals glow in the dark, though his back dorsal crystals dont as brightly (except for the blue row) Making stealth nearly impossible for him, especially due to the clinking and other crystals colliding sounds from him moving
- space godzilla is very clumsy due to his huge weight, quite the opposite of earths godzilla
- once he absorbs back the energy from one of his crystals, the crystal no longer will glow and will slowly crumble to the ground into dust
- space godzilla stands 395 feet tall, but counting his shoulder crystals makes him 425 feet tall
- space godzilla is 740 feet ling, due to his long tail making up over half his body length
- logically he should weigh much less but with how the monsterverse works and him should being heavier than godzilla he is 140000 metric tonnes (though more realistically i feel he should be around 50000 tonnes but godzilla is 90000 so :/)