hyperionwitch — The Wolf in Haunted Clothing - mk. VII by-nc-nd

#ghosts #gy #nobody #organizationinfinity #orginfinity #orginfinitus #organizationinfinitus #gyxin #org_infinitus #org_infinity
Published: 2022-04-14 14:09:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 8078; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Gyxin (pronounced Guy-shin)

Number: VI

Element: Ghosts

Rank: General

Age: 30

Height: 5'4"

Proof of Existence: The Wolf in Haunted Clothing

Brief Description of Element Use: can be possessed by the ghosts tied to him, and can use their unique abilities as his own while possessed--the three abilities he has access to are causing night-like darkness in an area around him, becoming slightly transparent and incorporeal, or being able to touch someone and sap some amount of health or life-energy from them (Gyxin - Ghost Crew )

Weapon: Rope Dart

Homeworld: The Land of Dragons

Backstory: Gyxin was once Ying, a gambler and scammer who often concocted schemes with his closest friend, Shen, and later with his new buddies Zheng and Guo.  Charismatic and clever, Ying always had some kind of plan up his sleeve, and the four of them used their collective skills to gain money and local influence...and only sometimes lose both in unlucky deals.  But in pursuit of ever greater power, Ying eventually got the group hooked up with a mysterious woman who was ravaging the countryside with a small army of Heartless.  This woman, Juān, gladly recruited the crew of men and put them to work spreading her influence, but Ying wanted more.  He didn't want to be a flunky, he wanted an equal partnership at least.  Paranoia, greed, and Juān's whispers convinced him that only three things stood between Ying and his own control of the Heartless--Shen, Zheng and Guo.

Unfortunately, Juān never intended to give Ying anything at all.  When he turned up to her, the blood of his friends freshly on his hands, she turned her Heartless on him to make a powerful tool out of the murderer's Heartless.

When Gyxin awoke, he had no recollection of this sordid past.  However, the three malicious spirits that badgered him day-in and day-out seemed to remember exactly who he was.  When he was approached to join the Organization, he jumped at the opportunity to get his haunting under control...and maybe find a new kind of power with it.

Personality: Charming and flirtatious, Gyxin has always been the "face" in a group.  He loves talking, and he uses that love to his advantage, talking up a storm to make friends, antagonize enemies, and get any information he can from just about anything.  He has a strong desire to acquire things, particularly knowledge and gossip (and possessions, to a lesser extent), but he also has a lust for power that lurks beneath the surface.  He's usually friendly, even if it's for an ulterior motive, and once he's close with someone he's fiercely loyal and even possessive.  Still, he's not above being cut-throat and can easily be selfish if the situation calls for it.

After dealing with his past turmoil and being a big ol' melodramatic baby and not taking care of himself, as he's wont to do when Dealing With Shit, he's returned to being much like he used to be (i.e. in this description), albeit with less reluctance to trust people and keep things to himself (only with people close to him, of course).  He's also doubled-down on his dedication to the Organization--he better understands his cutthroat nature, and is working on honing it into a tool to use against the opposition.

  • Gyxin has three ghosts that are tied to him--specifically, they are tied to either him or the lanterns he carries (or other people, see below), as they have to be tied to a "host".  If a lantern is blown out, at Gy's request the ghost tied to it will possess Gyxin, causing his eyes to glow yellow-green, and he temporarily gains the powers of the individual ghost that has possessed him.  Here is a visual reference of the ghosts: Gyxin - Ghost Crew
    • Shen, the tall, thin ghost, gives Gyxin the power of darkness, letting him create an area of unnatural darkness in a small area around himself.  It's generally a night-like darkness during daytime or in a well-lit area--if the area is already dark, it simply darkens the area a little bit more.  This darkness does not affect Gyxin, and he can see as normal, but it does affect allies and enemies equally.  (If someone can see in the dark, this will not affect them.)  This tends to be his go-to ability when he doesn't need to worry about allies.
    • Zheng, the stocky ghost, gives Gyxin the power of limited transparency and intangibility.  When possessed by this ghost, with some effort he can become mostly transparent and he pass through objects and people, but it affects his possessions, including his weapon.  Additionally, if he touches a person while in this form, the transparency effect is greatly lessened--think of it like starting at 10% opacity and being forced into 90% opacity.  This ability is less useful for combat and more for escape or stealth, as it's difficult to turn on in time to use it for dodging.
    • Guo, the short, young ghost. gives Gyxin the power of minor drain.  Gyxin can touch targets with either his hands or his weapon and drain a small amount of health from them, which also causes them to become slightly cold.  This is a very minor drain, and mostly serves to unnerve targets, though it does heal Gyxin to a tiny degree and can thus be helpful if he's injured.  This is his second choice of ghost for combat situations.
    • (Note: though some of these abilities are similar to other Nobodies' abilities, his are a decidedly weaker form.)

  • The ghosts can now also possess other people when their lanterns are blown out within 50 feet of a target.
    • When possessing other people, the ghosts all have the same effect--they can force the possessed individual to do simple things, like move somewhere nearby, open a door, pick up an object, or drop a weapon.
    • Other people are not equipped to have ghosts possessing them like Gy is, so the exhaustion effects that hit Gy after 10 minutes of possession will hit other people almost immediately.
    • That said, most people are also going to resist possession, so the ghosts can only maintain possession for about 3 minutes maximum before they will be forced out of any given person, and they won't be able to possess that person again for 24 hours.
    • The average, untrained person won't have the willpower needed to be able to shake possession until they hit 3 minutes, so they will be able to be controlled in minor ways until the time is up, after which point they will be exhausted.
    • Stronger willed people, like other Nobodies or Keybladers, will be able to shake possession much faster--generally the ghosts will be able to force them to take one action before they get a chance to resist possession (such as with some kind of saving roll in a spar ).  The amount of time they stay possessed will affect how exhausted they are--someone who kicks possession after a few seconds will barely be winded, while someone who is stuck until 3 minutes are up will be wiped out.
    • Obviously, if a ghost is occupied possessing someone else, they won't be available for Gy to use their abilities.  However, this does lessen the worry about lanterns being blown out--he won't be automatically possessed by his own ghosts if a lantern is blown out, they could instead choose to possess another living person nearby.  Now it's only a problem if he's alone!

  • UPDATE: The repaired bond between Gyxin and his ghosts has allowed the ghosts themselves more abilities.  They can not only speak but also move farther away from their lanterns when not possessing someone (max range of 200 feet away)--they will appear almost as if they are no longer tied to the lanterns, but a keen eye can see a slim thread connecting them to their homes.  They are also capable of seeing and communicating with other ghosts, if ghosts are to be found in a given world--they can relay this information back if asked nicely.  Gyxin, in addition to hearing and feeling the emotions of his own ghosts while possessed, also inherits this communication ability.

  • UPDATE: Gyxin can only reasonably maintain possession for about 15 minutes before the wear on his body is too great--having two people in one body isn't really healthy.  Though he can technically keep the ghost inside himself longer, he will rapidly become too exhausted to be useful, and he can cause long-lasting injury by doing so.  In fact, being possessed at all can leave him tired, but if done for short periods of time, he can recover more quickly.  He can force a ghost to leave at any time by re-lighting the lantern in which they usually reside, so he carries small sticks with him to transfer flames from one lantern to another when needed.

  • UPDATE:  As a General, Gyxin now has access to his berserker form.  Though normally it is dangerous for him to be possessed by more than one ghost, this form allows him enough strength to handle having all three ghosts possessing him for a temporary time.  For a maximum of 5 minutes, he gains access to the abilities of all three ghosts and all that that entails, and he has enough cognizance to remain in control of his body in spite of having four people in one host.  However, once 5 minutes are up, Gyxin will begin taking serious damage and, most likely, will lose control of the body to the collection of people in his head.  Since this isn't good for any of them, the ghosts will attempt to either move to a different host or, failing that, try to get Gy's body to light the lanterns so they have somewhere else to go.

  • Though he can be separated from his lanterns without issue, he can't use his element if they aren't with him.  The only exception to this is if he has been possessed, but without lanterns he can't force the ghost out.  Generally he'll only be seen without his lanterns when he's around the Castle or otherwise occupied by something that isn't dangerous and might require some amount of privacy.

  • Though Gyxin began life as a Nobody without most memories of the details of his past, he has recently regained his complete memories as Ying thanks to a perception-sharing brain journey with Braeligx.  He is not open with this information at this time.

  • Gyxin's ghosts were his somebody's best friends and partners in crime, and it was Gy's somebody, Ying, who killed them.  They used to be 100% hostile toward him, but over time they seem to have come to something of an agreement in terms of behaving better (well, all but Guo, he's still a little shit).  They can still often be seen floating around him, being obnoxious and causing minor trouble, and they do still seem to take pleasure in meddling in his affairs by appearing at inopportune moments.  However, since it's becoming less exhausting for them to materialize, they spend less of their out-of-the-lantern time bothering him and more time doing their own thing--like making friends? Somehow??

  • Though he's typically upbeat and friendly, and he generally has a good energy to him, he can often be found looking tired or pale, particularly if he's been training or out doing missions.  His element takes a toll on him, and he likes to relax between situations if he can get away with it (though his idea of relaxing is working constantly).  That said, he rarely complains vocally about his exhaustion, preferring to complain about the three jerks that follow him around and annoy him.

  • The ghosts have a minor effect on electronics--this is usually not anything that would be useful in a plot setting, but it's definitely good for shenanigans like ruining his neighbors' devices and screwing up his phone and its text messages.

  • Gy knows sign language!  Big ups to his best bro Brae.  He's pretty dang good at it these days.  Incidentally, Shen also knows sign language.

  • Gy is now married to dating Lohki and Mara!  They all have commemorative earrings, one from each partner. <3

  • This list is getting long, huh?  Last thing, during the Summer Games, Gy learned a valuable lesson about his skill set--it's much better used for stealth and espionage.  He can certainly protect himself, but he's generally less useful in a fight and more useful gathering information and working from the shadows.  Character development!
Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=…

Pinterest boardwww.pinterest.com/gillyrenk/oi…

Updated to match new club standards!  NO LONGER MAX RANK lmao

All relevant stuff belongs to Disney and Squenix
Gyxin belongs to me

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Miyanko [2022-04-14 23:53:21 +0000 UTC]

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DOOMY-Toons [2022-04-14 14:35:54 +0000 UTC]

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