hypermegatailsfan — Disney Storybits 106
#disney #kingdomhearts #mickeymouse #minniemouse #mickeydonaldgoofythethreemusketeers
Published: 2015-08-22 18:25:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 9211; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 0
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A Promise Kiss.

If there was one thing Mickey couldn’t stand, it was a woman crying. The fact that it was Minnie crying made it a hundred times worse. Each pitiful sob she choked out was another knife twisted into his heart. If he had been made out of softer stuff, he might have been tearing up as well, but this was silly. He finally glanced behind him, trying to pretend as if every tear shed wasn’t killing him. “This is some way ta see me off.” He muttered, perhaps thinking if he could at least make her angry, she would stop crying. He’d rather have her hate than her agony.

But she wasn’t so easily turned, and on her knees, she looked up at him, her vision blurry from endless cries. Mickey couldn’t help but notice that she was insufferably pretty even when she was miserable. “B-But…” Minnie finally choked out shaking words, her fingers tightly clenching her stained dress. “Y-Y-You could be killed!”

“I could, but I ain’t gunna.” Mickey huffed, rubbing his nose a bit. “Have some faith in me, will ya?” All he got in return was another horrible sob. Honestly, it wasn’t like he wanted to go, but there were many times in life one had to do things that weren’t easy. Such as resisting the urge to take back what he said and scoop his girlfriend in his arms and swear he’d never leave her again and give her a big fat k-

Well. There was an idea.

Amazed by his own cleverness, Mickey turned on his heel, hands on his hips. “How’s about this? I’m gunna make you a promise.”

Minnie feebly tried to wipe her eyes. “A p-promise?”

“Mm-hmm.” He’d seen this sort of thing done in plays and picture films, and by darn if it wasn’t the most romantic gesture ever! “See, I’m gunna give you somethin’, and you gotta promise ta give it back when I return home.”

At last, another emotion besides misery hung on Minnie’s face – confusion. Mickey wasn’t holding anything in his hands, and didn’t know him to carry around anything of precious value. “Give me… what?”

Taking one last moment to praise his own genius, Mickey slapped his hands on Minnie’s shoulders – she gave a diminutive squeak in surprise – and pressed his lips onto hers. He could feel his girl go rigid under his touch, her mind possibly blown to smithereens. All the crying had made her face especially warm, and leaning more and more into her, even sliding a hand down to her back to support her. As he kissed deeper and deeper, and tilted her further and further back with no resistance met, he suddenly realized the fatal flaw in this plan.

He didn’t want to stop kissing.


A Whisper Kiss.

This was going to be embarrassing beyond comprehension, but it was better to be sure about the facts than to let her imagination go for a joyride. Once he’d been separated from his friends, she asked – demanded, truly -  to speak with him in private. He obliged, and now here they were, sitting on the floor across from each other. Mickey occasionally glanced at the clock on the wall, nothing how long it’d been since they’d entered the room, yet she hadn’t said a single word.  Growing bored, he yawned, leaning back. “So… is there any particular reason ya wanted ta see me?”

Minnie took a deep breath from her nose, trying to bite the bullet. “… You’d never lie to me, would you?”

Mickey blinked, thrown off by the question itself and the serious tone she said it with. “Of course I wouldn’t.”

“Then…” She clenched her dress in her fists, making herself look him in the eyes. “Did you kiss me while I was sleeping?”

Mickey nearly fell over from shock, but instead slapped his hands on the floor in front of him. “What’re you accusin’ me of!”

“I felt something on my lips last night.” Minnie shot right back, her cheeks burning to remember it. It’d been faint, so light it was like a whisper. “And you’re the only one here who-”

“You can’t prove I did anythin’!” Mickey pointed an indignant finger at her, his face becoming equally hot as hers.

“It’s a simple yes or no question.” She huffed, and then looked away, unable to take his face anymore. “… The proper thing would be to wake up a lady before kissing her…” She then mumbled, idly scratching her cheek.

Mickey hesitated, and then squinted his eyes, trying to get a proper read on her. “…What, do you want me to kiss you?”

“I said no such thing!”Minnie’s shoulders hitched, and now she was making sure he wasn’t in her range of vision of all, though it was killing her neck. “I only said if you’re going to do something, you should do it right! And you still didn’t answer me!”

“I don’t gotta! I can tell what ya think of me! Real nice!” Mickey stood up, straightening out his outfit for a quick second before resuming his rant. “I bet ya just got kissin’ on the brain… ain’t that just like a girl.” He then turned his back on her, determined to win the last parting shock. “And I ain’t responsible if you get some dream about kissin’ me.”

“I absolutely did not…!” Minnie sputtered, her rage at its hottest, practically spitting with every unfinished sentence. “W-who would want to… You think you’re so…Mickey Mouse, I wouldn’t let you kiss me if you were the last man on the earth!”

To this Mickey had no response, as he had already left the room, slamming the door behind him. He waited for his heart to stop beating so rapidly, and as he evened out his breathing, he glanced and saw his friend Daisy curiously poking her head around the corner. Before she could open her beak, Mickey was in her face, barking like a rabid dog. “You! You said she was asleep!”


A Doomed Kiss

Mickey had no idea how long he had been laying in this spot, unable to even open his eyelids to see the setting or rising sun in the window. Try as he might, he could not get a single piece of his body to move, not even the very tip of his tail. It felt like a miracle he could breathe through his nose, though perhaps that was a cruel mercy from the witch who had cast this spell. She’d been incredibly annoying when casting the darn thing too, saying it was a two-fold curse – he wouldn’t move, and should he get a kiss, the giver would also be cursed.

What a ridiculous notion. As if anyone would want to kiss him. Especially not Minnie, especially not after that big fight. Anyway, it didn’t matter, because his friends would find a way to break this spell and all would be set right. It was just a matter of being patient, which sadly was not one of Mickey’s strong suits. His mind was far too anxious to even sleep, so he busied himself with imaginings of his friends valiant rescuing. When he heard the door creak loudly, he thought for a moment that his imagination was very strong.

His heart was then gripped with horror as he heard the familiar call of his name, not by Donald or Goofy, but by Minnie. Even her footsteps gave her away, as small and delicate as she was. He heard her gasp his name again, and felt her weight when she threw herself on his body, instantly coming to tears. “Oh, Mickey!” She said for the third time, holding handfuls of his robe as she wracked with sobs. “Th-this is all my fault! I’m so sorry! Mickey…”

Worried thoughts bounced in Mickey’s brain. Did she understand he was under a spell, or did she think he was dead? How did she get here, and where were the others? His mind then skidded to a halt as he felt her lacy gloved hand touch his cheek, and heard her whisper. “I promise… I promise you I’ll find a way… to make up for this. I… I…”

For the first time, Mickey prayed to whatever deity would listen that Minnie hated him, that she loathed him, that any feelings they had for one another would be stomped to dust. He internally yelled for her to stop as he felt both hands on his cheeks now, knowing what was to come and yet unable to stop her. Of all his wishes to grant, why would it be this one at this time? Every fiber of his being was being focused into stopping Minnie, but still he could not budge.

He had no choice but to feel Minnie’s first kiss on his lips, no choice but to hear her collapse against him in a breathless heap, and no choice but to howl in his mind at the cruelties of life.


A Frightened Kiss

This practical joke may have gone a bit too far, Mickey conceded, as he felt Minnie’s frightened fingernails digging past fur and skin. As he looked down at her, seeing her tremble with fear, his guilt piled up into his throat, making him nauseous. He quickly darted his eyes away, looking down the deserted hallway for any signs of Donald or Goofy. Maybe he could find some way to signal his friends to stop the game of pretend while making sure Minnie didn’t know he was in on it. Alas, as he moved his flashlight around, there was no sign of either duck nor dog.

“Oooh, I wish we never came here!” Minnie buried her face into Mickey’s arm, almost needing to be dragged forward.

“That makes two of us.” Mickey mumbled, trying to remember the layout of the decrypt old house so he could find a quick way out.

“What if we’re trapped here forever and ever?” Minnie tugged on his arm, eyes beginning to well up with tears. “And then we’ll become ghosts too!”

Well, if she was going to CRY about it, Mickey certainly couldn’t keep up this stupid charade anymore. He exhaled very deeply, wondering if revealing the truth would either make Minnie hate him forever, or if she would just up and kill him. Neither one seemed too far-fetched. “… Listen, Minnie… there ain’t no such thing as-”

In a moment that would later earn Donald a swift kick to the rear, a disembodied “OooooOOOOoooo!” echoed throughout the ventilation system, bouncing back and forth through the hallway. Minnie shrieked at the top of her lungs, and before Mickey could explain it was only a big duck being a big jerk, Minnie was overcome with the realization she’d die without ever experiencing her first kiss. ‘Nuts to that!’she thought - but in a more demure feminine fashion of words- and she grabbed Mckey by the sides of his jacket, launching her mouth at him in a not very demure and perhaps slightly feminine fashion of movement. Mickey was so off guard by this sudden mouth on mouth appreciation that he lost his balance, and fell back onto an adjacent doorway.

Thus mouse one landed on his back, with mouse two on top of him, now next to the only duck who was standing atop a small ladder with a megaphone in front of an open vent.

Donald earned himself another later kick to the rear by quipping “Hey, it worked!”


A Surprise Kiss

While Princess Minnie was no spoiled brat, even she could admit there were many things about the ‘commoner’ lifestyle she was clueless about. One good example was that she never had a pet, and thus had no idea how to make a dog like her. Yet in her noble goal to be part of Mickey’s life, she was determined to make Pluto enjoy her company. Her first few attempts involved merely talking at him, with the occasional awkward petting, which only resulted in Pluto falling asleep at her feet. After a frustrated evening writing about this obstacle in her diary, the princess came up with a brilliant idea.

The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, so the old saying went.

The following day, Mickey was puzzled to find his playful pup not at his usual napping place. Since he still had time to spare before going on patrol, he searched high and low throughout the castle grounds with no sign of his beloved pet until he passed by the incredibly large dining room. He hadn’t planned to look inside, but the familiar sounds of slurping and chomping immediately gained his attention. He took a careful step as he slowly opened the door, glancing inside to see his dog laying on its back, surrounded by both empty greasy plates, and full plates of various meats and treats.

Pluto was particularly pleased, his tongue flopped out, and his tail loudly smacking onto the floor. Minnie was kneeling beside him, delighted that her idea was working. She then carefully reached out to touch Pluto’s ballooning belly, and upon meeting no resistance, began rubbing him. “Who’s a good boy?” She asked, having remembered Mickey saying these exact words. “You’re a good boy! You’re such a good boy! Yes you are, yes you-”

Then came the biggest slurp of them all, as Pluto licked Minnie’s face three times in rapid succession. Mickey’s stomach froze, expecting perhaps a screech of disgust from someone so primp and refined. Agonizingly sluggish seconds passed as he waited for her shriek, but as Minnie looked down at Pluto, she suddenly clapped her hands together, emitting a high-pitched tone of delight. “Oh, you do like me! I was so worried! You really are a good boy!” Throwing away proper decorum, she wrapped her arms around Pluto’s neck, hugging him closely and kissing his cheek in gratitude. “We’re going to get along great, you and I!”

As Mickey silently watched this joyous celebration, he wondered at what time it would be appropriate to join Pluto and give Minnie his own brand of kisses, because after seeing the lengths Minnie went to befriending his mutt, Mickey wouldn’t be able to hold back for too long.


A Slow Kiss

It’d been difficult to get a minute alone after all that celebration, and after all the partying, hand-shaking, speeches and food, Mickey was nearly dead to the world with exhaustion. He stood on what was now his balcony, attached to what was now his room, looking over what was now his kingdom. The idea of it belonging to anyone was strange, but that’s what his friends had said all day – this was his kingdom. Mickey wondered if he’d ever get used to the idea.

He heard the door open, and he grinned. As for something – someone – else belonging to him, that he had no problem with. He eagerly turned around to see his newly wedded wife timidly walking inside, smiling right back at him. “I didn’t think Daisy would ever let me go.” She said with a shaky laugh, nervously closing the door behind her. “But even she has to sleep sometimes.”

“Maybe she just didn’t wanna leave ya alone with a commoner.” Mickey quipped, beginning to walk over.

“Oh, stop that, she hasn’t said that kind of nonsense in forever.” Minnie delicately took off her crown, placing it aside on a nightstand. “Besides, we both know you’re no commoner anymore.”

“Say, that’s right.” Mickey was suddenly in front of her, tipping a finger under her chin. “I married ya, so I’m the king.” Minnie slowly looked up at him, because they both knew what wasn’t being said. No more hiding, no more secret dates, no more timing embraces before someone chided them for being improper. Now that they were husband and wife, they no longer had to hold back or speed through things.

Which ironically made Mickey terribly impatient. “Mick-” Minnie was about to tell her husband that she needed to change into her nightgown and brush her teeth and a hundred other bedtime rituals, but Mickey clearly didn’t care that she was still in her ball-gown or if her teeth had a tangy smell. He’d already seized her mouth, arms around her tiny waist, pressing her up against the door she’d come from mere seconds ago. Once he securely had her, he eased his intensity, merely happy to know her touch.

The queen was in a new state of bliss, demurely placing her fingertips on Mickey’s shoulders, following the lead with his lips. She could finally ignore time and memorize the way his mouth moved on her, focus on the steady way his chest moved as he breathed, and just… enjoy.
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Comments: 12

sampea [2019-04-22 05:00:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gwencarson [2016-04-03 19:58:01 +0000 UTC]

AWWWW love it
big fan of your work
hope to see more of it soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

animestar356 [2016-01-25 16:58:24 +0000 UTC]

This is so amazing 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Colorfulmoongato [2015-10-05 23:52:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShannonAllAround [2015-09-19 04:49:02 +0000 UTC]

I think my favourites are Promised, Doomed, and Frightened. Love these so much! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TopHatBigPencil [2015-08-27 11:39:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh how I missed your work! Your description and how you give them all the perfect personalities makes them so entertaining to read. You really are one of my inspirations and I hope to be as great as you someday.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cimorine90 [2015-08-24 03:54:26 +0000 UTC]

Nice to see you again! just started re-reading your Privates vs. pirates. Miss you here on Deviantart. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lishyp [2015-08-23 18:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Hey Melissa I have a request! Can u make the story pirate and the mermaid, how Mickey and Mer-Minnie first met plzzzz?   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ercrawford [2015-08-23 03:49:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Chlstarr [2015-08-23 01:07:02 +0000 UTC]

I Love 'em all!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

blue-shifted [2015-08-22 19:42:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lishyp [2015-08-22 19:07:37 +0000 UTC]

Awws this story is so sweet and romantic I love it!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0