Hypno-Scream — Ventus' Post KHB Run

#keyblade #killtheking #ventuskingdomhearts #multiverseau #kingdomheartsbeyond #keybladedesign
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Description     Ventus is ready to hone his skills and become stronger, to defeat the Master of Masters and whatever hellish beast he fought to make him this way. Reunited with Chirithy, he sets of to reclaim his lost memories, and make some new ones.

Enchanted Dominion(Sleeping Beauty)

    Ventus' first destination is a familiar land, home of a princess he helped ages ago, and an evil Fairy he fought. Turns out, she gave his successors some grief too while he was asleep. He sets out to deal with the Heartless in the area, and seal up the Keyhole there once and for all. Then he learns some...interesting stuff.

Ventus: "Alright, Maleficent, this ends now!"
Maleficent: (Her nose buried in a book)"Okay, I need you to learn to be quiet for once, because I have been searching for this book all day. Do you know how many books are in my library? Too many. While you were breaking into my house, I've been having Pete help me find the right record. One that answers some glaring questions I think we both have."(Smirks at Ventus)
Pete: (Hanging at the top of a bookshelf above a fallen ladder)"I'm still stuck up here."
Ventus: "What are you talking about? We can't have that much in common. I mean, you're-"
Maryweather: "A despicable, completely repugnant pile of neverending cruelty and sadistic malice?"
Aurora: "Maybe she found something important. If she's actually willing to tell us, we should hear her out."
Maleficent: (Faking a genuine smile)"Oh, Princess, I'm touched.(Looks away for a bit and groans)Anyway, this Master you're fighting, took away your friend? Gave Xehanort that little push? He's fighting something."
Ventus: "Darkness?"
Maleficent: "I wouldn't call it that. It's more evil given form. The Heart of Chaos and Corruption, a morally and emotionally bankrupt menace that knows only one thing, hatred. It's cruel, it's monstrous, it has been around since the dawn of time itself. There were tales of the Heart and the Void at the very beginning, but there were two beings in-between, one was a protector, and the other was this abomination. It hated the Heart of All Worlds and the Astral Void. No reason, it just loathed them, if they had necks, it would do everything in its power to wring them out for eternity. But they don't, so it goes for the other option, corrupt, corode, and torment everything in its wake. Everything the Void spawned, everything the Protector loved, everything the Heart breathed life into."
Ventus: "Is that...you?"
Maleficent: (Talks through gritted teeth)"I'm not that old, you idiot."
Ventus: "Oh, uh, sorry..."
Maleficent: "Anyway, this thing, the Chaos Blot, as it is known, is everything the world can't bear. The realms beyond time reject it, the noblest of beasts snarl at its presence, and it wouldn't have it any other way. It sadistically feeds into fear, hatred, rage, pain, all to spiral every world into neverending agony. I believe that is what this Master we keep talking about is fighting."
Ventus: "The Heart of Evil?"
Flora: "Then why tell us all this? What is your end?"
Maleficent: "Because evil is my domain, and this thing seeks to upstage me. I didn't like Xehanort barging in on my territory, what makes you think I want something else waltzing in and plunging all those worlds you cherish into a neverending screaming contest when they could be crumbling under my boot?"
Fauna: "Are you...helping us?"
Maleficent: "Hell no! I'm here to see who's the weaker link among us, and who's strong enough to take on this Master and this wicked Heart. So then, New Sora, show me that Keyblade of yours and see if you can even best the Mistress of Evil, let alone some hooded freak!"

Kuzco's Kingdom(The Emperor's New Groove)

    On his search, Ventus comes across another world, this one with a man helping a transformed prince. Ventus helps them make their way back to the palace, noticing the Heartless seem...a bit more frantic than usual. Ventus gets separated from them dealing with an overworked kitchen. After confronting the two people hunting Kuzco down, he ultimate reunites with the two and they head off for the palace. From there, Ventus pulls the wrong lever and gets separated again, this time running into Kronk, whose loyalty to Yzma wasn't exactly repayed. Learning about Kuzco and Yzma's past brings to mind what Ventus learned about his old teacher and brother, or rather what he suppressed about them.

Kronk: "So this, uh, Xehanort guy? He raised you?"
Ventus: "As far as I can remember...I can't say I wanna raise kids the way he did."
Kronk: "Well, nobody's perfect. I mean, Yzma raised Kuzco, and now he's a llama. I feel like both sides might've failed from there. Not to say you're to blame here."
Ventus: (Looks down a bit as he recalls all this)"I wasn't the only one he raised. There was one named Vanitas. He was crazy, tried to kill everyone. He was just Darkness drowned in evil, raised by an insane person looking to reset everything."
Chirithy: "Ventus?"
Kronk: (Flummoxed)"...................Wow, that's....that's a lot."
Ventus: "Do you think Kuzco or Yzma could've turned out better if they were raised right?"
Kronk: "Well, not everything can be traced back to parenting, Ventus, there's a lotta factors."
Ventus: "A friend of mine once tried to reason with Vanitas when he found out we were technically brothers."
Flashback Sora: "Come on, you and Ventus are brothers! Shouldn't that mean more to you than all this, being a puppet to some dark force that doesn't even care about you!?"
Flashback Vanitas: "Heh, you really don't get it. That's all I was made to be. The Darkness in his Heart made to fight him to the death. That's my life, and if I try to be anything more, for better or worse, I get disposed of."
Ventus: "That moment's been stuck in my head ever since I heard it. I'm still not sure who was right."(Chirithy tries to comfort Ventus)
Kronk: "Ouch. Well, uh, you can't change everything, especially stuff that's already said and done. But hey, you can still maybe stop Yzma. I mean, considering the options, I wouldn't really see a Llama as a worse choice for an emperor."
Ventus: (Smiles and nods)"You're right, Kronk. Let's go save them!"
(One Heartless fight later)
Yzma: (Evil kitten laugh)"I win!"
(Ventus and Kronk smash a door into her face by accident)

The Axiom(WALL-E)

    A trip into space has Ventus board a huge ship housing descendants of humans that had to leave their old world because of...contamination. He finds he isn't the only stowaway, a robot named WALL-E who went there to save another robot named EVE. Turns out, she didn't need saving, but the people on-board did, and Ventus joined the robots to get everyone home. Easier said than done, as the ship's steering wheel believes staying in space is better. Chaos Blot also makes itself known to Ventus, and tries to halt Ventus' efforts to help.

Ventus: (Watching WALL-E and EVE dance in space)"They look so happy...Dancing out there without a care...(Briefly envisions himself dancing with some friends at a celebration in a town with a huge, ornate clocktower)Huh...It kinda reminds me...of..."
Chirithy: "Daybreak Town?"
Ventus: "Yeah..."
Chirithy: "I didn't think dumping everything on you at once would be helpful."
Ventus: "Why would you think that?"
Flashback Terra: "It's nice to meet you, Ventus. How do you know Master Eraqus' friend, Master Xehanort?"
Flashback Ventus: (Falls to his knees, clutching his head and screaming)
Ventus: ".........................Nevermind."
Chaos Blot: "It really is beautiful.(Ventus and Chirithy jump and turn around to see the beast behind them)Not to me, of course, I've been silently puking into my flesh-cloak this whole time. But I suppose it's nice to admire something while there's still time, before they fail spectacularly, yes?"
Ventus: "Who are you!?"
Chirithy: "I think that's the Heart of Corruption Maleficent told us about. I guess she wasn't lying."
Ventus: (Trying his best to ignore the Blot's monstrous appearance)"Well, maybe he's not as bad as she said?"
Chaos Blot: (Shrugs its...shoulders? It doesn't have arms)"Oh no, whatever she said, I'm much worse. That little plant they're dancing around with? I intend to crush it and leave the people and machines on this ship wallowing in despair and insanity for eternity where nobody can hear them scream. You two don't have to be on it when it happens, but I'd like for you to stay and watch."
Ventus: "Wha-!? Over my dead body!"
Chaos Blot: "If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer you more like one of these.(Summons some Corrupt Heartless)I can't really stick around too long myself. Animals don't like me, and frankly, I don't think machines do either.(Chuckles and turns around)I wonder why..."(Disappears into a strange corridor)

    Things go south when the ship's wheel, AUTO, turns on everyone. Ventus is separated from EVE and WALL-E, and when he finds them again, WALL-E is dying. With a lot of help from humans and robots alike, get the ship into hyperdrive. Mid-flight to Earth, Chaos Blot gets involved, pulls Ventus and EVE into a dark corridor, and revives AUTO as a huge mechanical monster. One bossfight later, they're back on the Axiom as it lands on Earth. EVE fixes WALL-E and revives him with a kiss(?).

Ventus: "Heh, I guess it all worked out in the end. Humans and robots living together in peace."
Chirithy: "But I gotta wonder, how did WALL-E get a Heart if he was all alone? I thought they needed connections."
Ventus: "Maybe he found something out there, something that made him want to be more than a drone. He finally found it."
Chaos Blot: (Sitting right next to them, causing them both to jump)"What kind of Get Along Gang croc is that? They're machines with delusional bugs in their overfried chips."
Ventus: "Do you just hate everything good!?"
Chaos Blot: (Pretending to be offended)"What!? You think that of me!?(Makes a monstrous face at Ventus)But I look so compassionate!"
Chirithy: "You can't just accept when you lose, can you?"
Chaos Blot: "You know, when people call someone evil, they usually say they eat puppies or kittens or something.(Morphs into a snake-skull and gets up in Chirithy's face)What do you think evil incarnate would do to something like you then?(Ventus slices the skull-head off, driving it back)Ugh, always thinking with your gut, aren't you?(Regrows its skull)Get it through your skull-pun intended-that those things aren't alive, they can't feel, they can't think, and after seeing how far you went to help them, I'm not sure you can think eithe-!"(EVE blasts it to pieces)

Danville(Phineas and Ferb)

    Next up is Danville, where Ventus gets roped into helping bust some kids, Phineas and Ferb, but then things escelate when he learns their pet platypus Perry turns out to have a double-life. Ventus promises not to tell anyone his secret, and goes with him to fight a pharmicist.

Doofenshmirtz: "Ah, Perry the Platypus, and I see you brought anime with you!(Ventus and Chirithy exchange looks)Well, you're just in time to see my new creation, the Body-Build-Inator! You see, when I was little my father always said 'Heinz, your genes make me sad, and your brother Rodney will be a whole lot more chiseled then you'll be when you're older!' Well you know what!?     He was right. BUT NOT ANYMORE! With this ray, I will have the body of Hercules himself! And then people will be so distracted by my evil pecs, that nobody will be able stop me from taking over the Tri State Area!"
Chirithy: "So that's why he hasn't been arrested. He's not evil, he's delusional."

    So a day or two goes by, but things take a turn for the worse when Chaos Blot gets involved. Doofenshmirtz's old Inators get hijacked and become a lot more dangerous, to the point where Phineas, Ferb, and their friends have to get involved. And Ventus has to help both parties while keeping Perry's secret. Easy, right? At the end of it all, Danville is saved, and Ventus joins in the celebration, once again recalling Daybreak Town, and...

Candace: "So what was your hometown like, huh?"
Ventus: "Well, uh...(Recalls something horrific)We tried to 'bust' someone too, but we didn't even know who they...Uh, hurt.."
Candace: (Catching on pretty quickly)"Oh...Uh, I'm sorry..."
Ventus: "I'll figure out what happened. If I can remember. I need to! I'm crying right!? They had to mean something!"
Chirithy: "Her name was Strelitzia."
Ventus: "Why doesn't that name sound familiar..."
Candace: (Clearly confused and scared)"...Hey, if you remember them, that means you care, right?(Laughs nervously)..."
Ventus: (Smiles)"Thanks. Candace, you have some great brothers (and a great pet), be sure to look out for them."

The Big, Webbed Apple(Spider-Man)

    Ventus asks Chirithy for more info on his home, but not a lot of Chirithy's words seem to ring any bells. Still Ventus ponders them, before getting caught in a fight between a superhero and a weird goblin thing. They learn from this hero, Spider-Man, that Green Goblin has been toiling with Dark creatures, believing them to be Heartless. But then it turns out they're something else, Symbiotes. One even latches onto Spider-Man himself. Nearly losing a new friend to these odd beasts winds up triggering some unpleasent memories in Ventus. Ones he vents to Spider-Man and Chirithy after freeing him.

Peter: "So, what did you see, Ven? Something bad?"
Ventus: "I saw...Darkness...it was taking my home, all my friends, but...there was something else hiding in it. Watching...and laughing..."
Chirithy: "Was it that thing? The Chaos Blot?"
Ventus: "I think..."
Chirithy: "I thought it looked familiar, but I couldn't recall."
Ventus: "It's been centuries..."
Peter: "Centuries!? You're...a lot younger than you look."
Ventus: "Uh, sorry, I got a bit sidetracked, let's deal with that goblin."

    After a fight with the Green Goblin, they find the OG Symbiote he was experimenting with. After managing to defeat it and quell its rage, it winds up bonding to Spider-Man. Cue Goblin coming back with a Symbiote clone bonded to him, creating some horrific beast, some Monster Goblin. After defeating it, the heroes part ways with some words.

Ventus: "I guess that just leaves the real Symbiote, huh?"
Peter: "Yeah, I think it's calmed down. As much as an alien suit can be, anyway."
Ventus: "It doesn't seem like those other ones, it almost seems sentient. The other ones were so..."
Chirithy: "Blood-hungry?"
Ventus: "Yeah, I could feel some kind of evil coming from them."
Peter: "Oh, good, I'm not the only one who felt that."
Ventus: "Well, Spider-Man, I guess with all that out of the way, we better get going. Anything else we can do for you before we leave?"
Peter: "Well, you can take this. Not sure what it is, but I think it fits on your keychain.(Hands him a spider-logo keychain)You really are powerful, aren't you, Ventus?"
Ventus: "Aw, I wouldn't say that."
Chirithy: "Then why do you look so proud?"
Peter: "You know, a great man told me something once. With great power comes great responsibility."
Chirithy: "Words to live by."
Peter: "That's one way to put it. Just don't lose sight of who you are and what you're doing."
Ventus: "And why I'm doing. I promise, Spider-Man."

Radiator Springs(Cars)

    Winding up in Radiator Springs, Ventus is a bit horrified by the living cars at first, before finding some not-so-familiar faces, Marluxia and Larxene, or rather Lauriam and Elrena.

Lauriam: "Don't worry, Sheriff, he's with us.(Throws his arms around Ventus)Ventus! Thank goodness, we've been looking for you!"
Ventus: "Uh, Marluxia and Larxene, right?"
Elrena: "Not now, genius, it's Lauriam and Elrena. Get it memorized."(Somewhere, Lea is shedding a tear of pride)
Ventus: "No offense but...what's with the dresses...and I thought Roxas killed you."
Elrena: (Glares)"It was his idea...besides I got better."
Lauriam: "We both did, and now we need to work on you!"
Ventus: "Eh?"
Lauriam: (Lacking a sense of personal space, to the point where his Chirithy is trying to pull him back)"Do you remember us? Anything?"
Ventus: "Uh...Daybreak Town? Something creepy? Chirithy said something about a girl named Strelitzia?"
Lauriam: "Aaaand?"(Their faces are kinda smushed into each other right now)
Ventus: "The name didn't ring a bell..."
Lauriam: (Backs up, clearly sad)"I see...Well, maybe we can fix that!"

    Between learning that the town is housing a stranded racer and getting to know the residents, the trio and their Chirithy's do a bunch of minigames and fight off Heartless together. They even set up a clocktower replica out of tires.

Ventus: "That tower looks..."
Lauriam: "Familiar?"
(Lauriam, Elrena, the Chirithy's, and Mater lean close to Ventus)
Mater: "Why're we starin' at him?"
Ventus: "Neat?"
(They all fall over around him)
Elrena: "Come on!"

    Eventually, after helping restore the town and following their new friends to Lightning's big race, they fight off a huge Heartless drawn to one of the other racers, uh, the green one. With all this out of the way, Marluxia and Elrena try out a new technique to dig up Ventus' memories, and it seems to work.

Ventus: "I...I remember now...Ephemer...Skuld...Brain...Lauriam...Elrena...Strelitzia...She was murdered...by-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

    Seeing that these memories are hurting Ventus, the two stop their session and encourage him to just enjoy the after-party. He seems to enjoy it, but he can't shake the feeling he needs to remember who the killer was...


    Ventus kept searching, until he's in a strange miraculous town nurtured by a family with extraordinary gifts. And he and Chirithy are just in time for a celebration of their newest gift. He learns some interesting stuff about the Madrigal family, Mirabel's situation, where the miracle came from, and this beautiful little bit.

Ventus: "So the house is alive?"(Walks through the crowd entering the Casita for the ceremony)
Camilo: "Hey, stranger! You got a twin!"(Turns into Ventus and raises his hand for a high-five)
Ventus: (Screams his heart out and points at Camilo, remembering the first time he had a twin)
Camilo: (Shrugs and points back)

    He eventually learns from Mirabel that the house's miracle is dying. Nobody believes Mirabel at first, but then while searching the town, Ventus senses something evil.

Ventus: "Show yourself!"
Chaos Blot: "Would it really hurt that much to say 'Hello'?"
Ventus: "Are you the one killing that house!?"
Chaos Blot: "I didn't do anything, Ven. I just showed up to feed on the despair and screams. Even I need nourishment."
Ventus: "You do?"
Chaos Blot: "Well, no, but it tastes nice."(Sports the biggest sh-t-eating grin a skull can form)
Ventus: "Well, what lackeys are doing it for you then?"
Chaos Blot: "That's my favorite part, nobody is serving me here. Not even the Heartless you've been fighting. I'm just here to watch the rainbow Jenga tower up there.
Ventus: "Then who is!?"
Chaos Blot: (Scratches the back of its head with a tendril)"Well, I could tell you, but to be honest, I don't really like you, or anyone really.(Ventus slices it in half, then it reforms behind him)Did you act like this to your father too?(Gets sliced again)Fine, I understand, I know when I'm not wanted.(Begins to disappear in a cloud of smoke)Entitled prat."

    Eventually, a dinner goes wrong and Ventus tries to help Mirabel cover up a vision.

(Ventus gets knocked out from under the table)
Isabella: "What are you doing under there!?"
Ventus: "Uh...I live here. I've been secretly living in the Casita and nobody knew!"(He looks so damn proud for coming up with that)
(Two coughs can be heard, one from Dolores and another from behind a painting)

    When Mirabel goes missing, Ventus looks to the other Madrigals to find her. He goes with Antonio into the walls of the Casita after learning something from the rats and they...learn some things. It all culminates in the Casita collapsing. The fear and panic draws in Heartless, and Ventus fights them off before getting pushed out of the house by the Casita itself. After that, Mirabel disappears and everyone searches. Ventus even offers to protect Alma when she searches. That's when the Chaos Blot gets involved and conjures a monstrous house to prevent the miracle from being revived. Ventus, of course, won't let it get what it wants.

(After all is said and done, the two relax)
Chirithy: "The Encanto really is something special, isn't it?"
Ventus: "Yeah...But seeing the Casita crumble...It reminded me of something...(Sees images of the Dandelions arguing, then Daybreak Town crumbling)Chirithy...I need you to tell me, who killed Strelitzia?"
Chirithy: "To be honest...I don't remember myself. I just blacked out."
Ventus: "Well, I'll find out. There has to be some answer out there..."
(The following night, after they've left)
Camilo: (Morphs into Ventus)"Did he look like this?"
Elrena: "Yeah, that's him. Did you see where he went?"
Camilo: "Well, I saw him heading into a weird ship, then he soared off in that direction."(Points to a star in the sky)
Lauriam: "You have our thanks."
(The two head off)
Camilo: "Hey cariño!(Elrena turns around to see he looks like her now)Come back soon!"
Elrena: (Shudders and keeps walking)"You think he figured it out?"
Lauriam: "Well, we can't, but he won't stop searching until he finds out who...You know..."
Elrena: (Looks concerned)"Uh, Laur, do you want to figure it out? We could just find Ventus and leave it unanswered, it isn't gonna hurt anyone...hopefully."
Lauriam: "She was my sister, Elrena. I have to find the answer for her...even if I don't want to know..."

Dagobah(Star Wars)

    Final world on Ventus' run, and it seems like an empty swamp, but then he hears a voice...

???: "Lost, are you?"
Ventus: (Draws his Keyblade)"Who's there!?"
???: "A friend, I am. Hmm, curious."
Ventus: "What?"
???: "The weapon you wield, it is rare in this galaxy."
Ventus: "The Keyblade?"
???: "Out of my element, it is, but help you, I can."
Ventus: "Help me?"
???: "Offer you a similar blade, I can, and perhaps even answers. A strong Heart, I sense, but an unresolved anguish, I can see."
Ventus: "You can help me find answers?"
???: "Prove you are strong enough to face your fears, then answers, you will find."

    After completing some puzzles, fighting some Heartless, and whatnot, the voice leads Ventus to a cave, warning him that it houses a dreaded Darkness within it. What will he find in there, whatever he takes with him.

Elrena: "He went in there?"
???: "Yes, but go in after him, you should not."
Lauriam: "But I feel something cold coming from there, he could be in danger!"
???: "Have more faith in your friend, you must. Run in, you shouldn't."
Lauriam: (Rushes in)"I'm running in because he's my friend!"
Ventus' Chirithy: "I really wouldn't!"
(Lauriam gets flung back, seemingly by nothing)
Lauriam: "WHAT-!?"
Elrena: "-THE HELL!?"
???: "Let you wander in, I cannot."
Elrena: (Clearly angry)"Speak normal, can you!?"

    Inside, Ventus fights through a shattered Daybreak Town, with Unversed at every corner. Eventually, he finds a memory of Strelitzia...with Vanitas standing over her.

Ventus: "Strelitzia! You....You..."
Vanitas: "Don't be coy, Venny, we did."
Ventus: "...............No...No, no!"
Vanitas: "Don't you remember, Ven? Found her? Said she had an important message? Then...gone."
Ventus: "I'll...I'll kill you!"
Vanitas: "Oh, Venny, Venny, Venny, you already did. You wasted your one chance, now you can live with this. Or stay in here with me.(Draws his Keyblade) Make your choice, Brother."
(Bossfight begins as Daybreak Town's ruins collapse)

(Ventus stands over Vanitas, ready to strike him down)
Vanitas: (Smirking as blood(?) drips from his mouth)"I-I knew you had it in you...Go ahead, kill me. Kill me now. Do it.(Ventus raises his blade)Go ahead, face your fear!"
(Ventus pauses, before stabbing a laughing Vanitas in the chest)
Ventus: "...........(Pulls out his Keyblade)I'm not scared of you.(Vanitas stops laughing and his eyes widen in shock)I'm not scared of the Darkness. I fight it when it hurts people, and if the Light did the same, I'd fight it too. I was scared of losing my friends and myself to some endless war. The same one Master Eraqus and Xehanort got pulled into, and the same one you almost pulled me into."
Vanitas: "So...I-I-I did scare you?"
Ventus: "Not anymore. I don't know what you are, whether you had any good in you at any point, but I have more important things to worry about. Friends to protect, I'm not wasting my time with you. I'm through dreading you, I'm through hating you."(Starts walking out of the cave)
Vanitas: (Struggles to get up, clutching the hole in his chest)"V-Ven! Ven, s-stop! VENTUS! Y-Y-YOU CAN'T L-LIVE WITHOUT M-ME! I-I-...I NEED YOU! VENTUS!"(Fades away)

(Outside the cave, Ventus talks with the others)
Ventus: "Lauriam...I'm sorry..."
Lauriam: (Clutches his fist, before releasing it)"...Ven...You aren't the only one who did horrible things in the dark......At least now we know you avenged Strelitzia...and for that, you have my eternal gratitude..."
Ventus: "..........."
???: "Faced the fear of war, have you?"
Ventus: "Huh?(He looks up to see the others staring in shock at something behind him)What are you all-(Turns around)GAH!"
???: "Surprised, are you?"
Ventus: "A-A little, I didn't think you were..."
Elrena: "Undead!"
???: (Chuckles)"One with the Force, I am. Ventus, you've proven yourself. Impressive, your determination is. Jedi are often taught to suppress their emotions. But, found your own way, you have."
Ventus: "Does that mean I can use the Force now?"
???: "A simple skill I can grant you, that is not.(Ventus Offscreen: "oh")But this, I can trust with you."
(Hands Ventus a Holocron Keychain)
Ventus: "Wow, thanks, Master-Uh, I never got your name."
???: "Yoda, I am, and ready, you are. Fallen to Darkness, many Jedi have. Control it, very few have. Friends, I have lost to such wars, but protect your friends, I trust you can."
Ventus: "Thanks, Master Yoda.(Smiles to his fellow Dandelions and Chirithy's)I'll try my best."
Yoda: (Nods)"Do or do not, there is no try. With that, nothing left to teach you, I have. May the Force be with you."(Fades away)

    I figured these Keyblade stories are a good way to summarize some of the adventures these characters go through. These particular storys about preparing for the Master of Masters happen between Die Dracula and Kill the King.

To be updated...
All characters belong to their respective creators/owners.

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Aureliamaster02 [2022-02-02 00:46:23 +0000 UTC]

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