IceMintTea — Adast Reference sheet and bio

#reference #referencesheet #feca #wakfu #adast #wakfuoc
Published: 2017-08-27 19:23:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1756; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 3
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oh boy, finally I'm posting this after months of works  

Adast Grean

Ada (Dumbast, feca, fecass, foureyes,  -from Oz-)

Species: human

Gender: male

Class: feca

Age: 24

Birthplace: Sidimote Moors, Brakmar

Birthday: 13 Javian

Height: 177cm (5'9'')

Weight: 64kg(141.06lb)

Nation of choice:

Occupations (past and present): guard, adventurer, protector

Alignment: Neutral good (?)

Like: Trying to help people, chatting and throwing himself in fights

Dislike: mines and underground places in general, doing bad stuffs, being controlled by his shushu

Random stuffs:

  • He loves sweet stuffs, such as licorice and mint

  • His favourite island is Bilbiza, where he stole a green bilby pet

  • He was a workaholic when he was a kid, now he tends to be more relaxed

  • He talks just too much

  • Despite choosing Sufokia as his adoptive motherland, he can't stand too much the sun and he can't really swim decently

  • Has a shushu shield named Oz partly fused to his arm, always calling him bad names, insulting others and actually preventing Adast to talk too much

  • He can’t get drunk; his shushu does it in his place since they are constantly connected (and Adast gets to deal with the hangover later)


He's not really tall and his weight is average. His hair has a chocolate tone, all spiky and messed up; he has a medium/light olive skin tone and his eyes have a semi-dark shade of green, outlined by a big pair of drop shaped glasses, since he got a poor eyesight. Has a three pointed dark mark on his torso, several couple of marks on his spinal area and part of his forearm as a darker tonality due to the presence of his shushu that partly fused with it. Despite having a thin build, he's quite resistant, probably due to his constant fighting train. He usually likes to change clothes, from the basic green & brown feca outfit, to simple light bag trousers with no shirt, to a bilbiza themed costume and a guard armor;

(otherwise he'd just go out with random stuffs on, it mostly depends on the occasion).


Cheerful, friendly, helpful, protective, manipulative, over talkative, insecure, neglectful, reckless, self blame over things

He tends to be cheerful and helpful with others, he's a loyal and friendly fellow, always ready to laugh, he's curious and tends to be easily amazed by new or unusual things, if he decides to do something, he will try to stubbornly achieve it.  He's over talkative, and may result annoying when he gets to talk about things he likes/hates, also because he has the bad habit to talk over people. He's totally the type of person who hides his insecurity and fears behind a big smile; has the constant fear since his childhood to be considered just a weight for other people, thing that bring him unconsciously to neglect himself for the sake of others to the point of exhaustion and makes him not asking for help when in need.  He's reckless in combat, and will literally jump in the battle without caring about the consequences, if that only affects him. He's actually over-responsible at work, and would blame himself for every mistake or bad outcoming in missions, even if that's not directly connected with him. He's a guy who's actually good at bribing and manipulating people by talking, but he usually regrets and feels guilty for doing that afterwards. He's a good natured person raised up in a corrupted and mischievous environment. He was determined enough to leave Brakmar and live a honest (?) life, until he took a shushu to the knee.

physical and battle

  • Points of strength: high general resistances, high pain thresholds, his shushu (who also grants immunity from fire damages).

  • Weak points: recklessness, his brother, unarmed combat, magic spells that can bypass shields, poor eyesight, his shushu shield (if he doesn't collaborate, the feca is screwed) and his energy, ranged focused attacks, he's a terrible swimmer, he gets easily sunburnt.


Acquiring a shushu can't really be considered a dream that comes true, even if it's a shield for a feca.

Adast excels at using fire (shushu) spells and earth type of weapons/glyphs materialized from his shushu shield.

His strategy usually consist in throwing himself in the middle of a battle, immobilizing the opponent's movements and setting them on fire, careless of the damages he could receive from theirs attacks, as he can't be harmed by his fire attacks. Luckily for Adast, his pain thresholds and resistances are quite elevate, so he doesn't feel much pain while fighting, if it's not too serious, of course (it can be seen as a double-edged sword, since he doesn't know when stop fighting; he would probably fall to the ground before even realising the gravity of his wounds).

Spells of use:

shushu (fire) branch

Fecastopheles: A type of 'summoning' glyph. It acts as a temporary portal to summon lower type of shushus for a short period of time. It activates when someone steps on it or happens to be in its range. The frenzied shushus will attack everyone (even the caster) in the perimeter of the glyph, without being able to trespass it.

Shushu counter: the shield increases its dimension to counter melee attacks, burning the opponent.

Pain armor: shushu glyph that creates an armor around the caster. Connecting to their nerves and their wakfu centers in order to work, it decreases the wearer pain tolerance, defences and restoring ability (so, don't even try to heal them, it's useless in this state) in exchange of a considerable increase of their attack and strength. (Used mostly in combination with weapons)

Earth branch

Fecammer: type of weapon enhanced by wakfu. Actually shrunk and located in the green gem on the shield, it can only be retrieved and wielded by the one who enhanced it with their wakfu. Can't be wielded while using the plate armor glyph.

Plate armor: earth glyph that creates a heavy armor around the caster. Increases the wearer resistances and their ability to block the opponent, decreasing a lot tho their actual damage rate, strength and speed along with mobility, making them almost unable to wield weapons. It's usually used for buying time for allies in order to attack. Can be used in combination with defence glyphs (orb or stabilizer) and attack glyphs as fecastopheles (even if the actual glyph results weakened) and mostly, with the shield and its Shushu counter ability.

Orb: basic armor spell that projects shields that protect almost completely the target for some minutes, reflecting the hits. The defensive time may vary on the actual wakfu put in it. Can be recasted on the same target after a dozen of minutes. Can't be casted on the feca if he's using the pain armor glyph.

Stabilizer: glyph that increase considerably the gravity around the feca (except for the feca itself), leaving the opponent stuck in place. It lasts around 15 seconds. Can be casted only around 5 times each day, depending on the caster, since it consumes a lot of wakfu in order to be used.

While the earth branch armor/spells makes him like a wall, resistant but slow, the shushu pain armor transforms him in a fragile yet fearsome damage dealer.

As every evil magic spells, pain armor shouldn't be overused; being basically part of the shushu body, this armor once connected feeds on the wakfu's host, converting it in raw strength and releasing it in the body along with its own malicious essences. With this glyph the shushu, even more connected than before, can have higher chances to control its host or possess them, if they still have wakfu and their state of mind is not totally normal.

The side effects of overuse (with a total consumption of wakfu or an excessive concentration of shushu essence in the host) are: different tones of skin, hair, eyes and marks that reminds the shushu, mindbreak, violent and incoherent behaviour towards others and the inability to be controlled or possessed by the shushu.

Using it normally (without exceeding) can leave the host with some physical traits of their shushu, at least until their wakfu won't be recharged completely (or until the essence won't be completely reabsorbed by their shushu).


Adast was born in the Sidimote Moors in Brakmar, where he had a rough childhood since he had constantly to work in place of his abusive father in the mines; one day, after he got injured at work, he was healed by a kind eniripsa, ‘le repaire de eniripsa’ brothel owner Maman, who always saw him passing there when going to work. His life got a bit better when his father got killed thanks to Maman's connections and he was took on by a rogue gang and 'adopted' by the eniripsa and her girls. When one of them gave birth and named the infant Awast, Adast considered the little boy as his brother and, since he wanted to protect him, he decided to become a feca, the best kind of protectors known around. Mocked for his assertion by his gang mostly because he was illiterate, so not good for them to be a feca, he stole some books (and a shushu one) from the most dangerous house of the Moors, to exchange them for writing/reading lessons from a maniac book collector xelor called Time Lost, a thing that got his gang to be executed by order of Aldwyn Richbard, the rich enutrof owner of the stolen books.

Being in peril, the ten years old Adast ran away from the Moors with the xelor and the shushu book called Grimoire (Grim) travelling in search of books and studying with the two of them for some years (reading to the point of ruining his eyesight),  to later get to the feca temple of Bonta where he specialized mostly in defensive spells. When he went back to the Sidimote Moors to see Maman and his brother, at the age of 14, he discovered he had a bounty on his head, as the enutrof still seemed to care for his stolen goods; he thus tried to hide his identity, but the enutrof Aldwyn found out about him and kidnapped Awast for his revenge plan, asking in exchange for him the shushu book Adast had with him. As the feca did so, he was beaten up by Aldwyn's minions and then forced to put on a malevolent and badmouthed shushu shield named Ozvarius (Oz) that partly fused with his arm. Aldwyn then injured Adast's brother, triggering the feca and the shushu who possessed the boy; all this just because the enutrof along with his revenge, wanted to revive his old glorious memories of shushu hunter, slaying the thief and the shushu altogether.

While fighting though, the boy went completely nuts for the excessive shushu energy, and the shushu lost control of the body. The enu, disappointed by the lack of strength but intrigued about the thing he had unleashed, decided to leave it alive, wanting to see how strong it'd become, to at least have more entertainment in slaying it.  After knocking out the frenzied boy he ordered his men to take the two boys away; Adast, found and healed along with his brother, was stuck with the shushu shield. Oz simply kept threatening the boy about bad things happening to him if he even tried to tear him off his arm, and pointed out that he considered the feca just a mere but useful tool who shared his same hate for the enutrof and wanted to get revenge against him.

So, Adast continued to travel around, still keeping contact with his brother and Maman, and mastered the shushu armor spells and glyphs, modifying a bit the shield to make it similar to a feca one, in order to use and reinforce his earth defensive spells. At the age of seventeen he settled in Unna Bridge, a big commercial city of Sufokia, where he worked as merchant apprentice and part time protector to put in use his feca’s abilities, keeping most of the times Oz hidden not to scare other people. Noticed by the head guard for his skills after helping his squad, the already 19 years feca was asked to join the guards, and he agreed. He trained and worked as a guard, and occasionally was assigned for protecting and escorting important people in other nations/islands.

About to be promoted, at the age of 23 he was assigned to escort a daughter of an important brakmarian dignitary back home. Sadly, he was tracked down thanks to the letters he sent to Maman by Richbard's minions, who wanted to test out his strength, as their boss demanded. When his client got kidnapped and he got attacked by a big part of the group, Adast was forced to fuse with his shushu, a thing he was not used to since he mostly relied on his glyphs, just to contrast them. Trying then to rescue the girl while still fused, he got publicly framed in the market square by his own client, who accused him to have attacked her while controlled by his shushu, saying that her ‘kidnappers’ were trying to save her; the feca realized  in that moment that she was associated too with Richbard. Fired from his job and banished from Unna Bridge for the will of the girl, he was told by the same that Aldwyn was waiting for him in the Moors and would have never let him live a happy life if he didn’t go there to meet him.  

Wanting to stop once and for all the enutrof from ruining his life, he decided to go back to the Sidimote Moors, tagged along by two friends, Igrith Spelta the huppermage and Adast’s ex colleague, Bianca Stain the Ouginak, both unaware of his intentions. As he got to the old eniripsa ex-brothel (now motel) in the Moors he entrusted his friends to Maman. Sneakily leaving to fight Aldwyn the day later, he got noticed by Awast who informed the two friends of the danger his brother was going to face.

Entering the enutrof’s mansion, Adast was greeted by a xelor maid and led in a giant storage hall full of shushu ‘trophies’, where he met Aldwyn and they started to fight.

During the first confrontation with the enutrof, fighting with an offensive armor glyph on (pain armor) who connected him with his shushu oz, increasing his strength at the cost of his resistances, sanity and wakfu,  Adast got heavily injured; as his wakfu was blocked by an effect of one of the enutrof weapon (a shushu shovel named Epifanny), that  prevented Oz to take control of his host -while his evil essences still kept running into the feca-,  Adast went in a frenzy/shushu-fied state after a second heavy attack on his back. This made him crave even more thanks to its effect for his shushu’s essences, starting to suck out Oz energies. In that twisted state, resembling more a shushu than a human, he started to fight again against Aldwyn, who, delighted, changed his weapon with another shovel designed to take down shushus.

In the while Bianca and Igrith reached the mansion and fought the Maid who was blocking their path. After winning, injured, they broke in to help their friend, finding the enutrof fighting a red monster (who was revealed to be Adast by the shield). When Aldwyn noticed them, as Adast tried to take advantage of that moment, the enutrof threw the feca towards the two.

With the frenzied young man stunned by the hit, the shushu shield had the occasion to ask rudely to be taken off from his host’s forearm to save himself;  since the effects of Aldwyn’s shushu shovel hadn't a long life span by their own and were sustained by the essences of the target's shushu, as Oz was removed, they started to slowly wear off.

As the ‘'epic'’ battle the enutrof awaited for almost ten years was ruined in a moment by the huppermage and the ouginak who dared to come in his house and help their friend taking off the shushu -who was fueling the monster the enutrof was fighting-,  he went mad and attacked the group.

Thus began the second confrontation by Igrith and Bianca to protect their friend who, getting back to his senses, even though was badly injured, teamed up with the two.

After a long fight, as the enutrof was out of energies, they were finally able to attack and immobilize him with one of Adast's glyphs; Aldwyn though was able at the last moment to break free as the stabilizing effect wear off. Before the last powerful and possibly deadly attack of the huppermage could hit him, he escaped taking advantage of the confusion created by the spell.

As the enutrof disappeared, all  the shushus in the storage room started to laugh and Adast found again between them Grim, the shushu book; after retrieving them he headed out of that place to get heals along with his friends, since the three weren’t in the condition to follow Aldwyn.

After days of recovery at Maman’s place, Adast left again, tagged along by Bianca and Igrith. Meeting again during his travel Time lost, the feca entrusted Grim to him. Later, Bianca tried to get Adast again in the guards, but he refused, deciding to start an activity by himself as private protector, like the one he had before becoming a guard.

Travelling around, escorting and protecting clients for moneys, that became his job. From time to time, when he doesn't have to work, he adventures with his friends and helps his xelor mentor in his book hunt, always keeping an eye out for the reappearance of the dangerous enutrof or of his underlings.

Little update with other reference related to him:

 Oz reference

 Armored reference

 Shushu fused form reference

5 august '18 new little update:

I decided to fix this reference, giving  it a white background as the others I made until now, and drawing the body parts that were cropped when I first made this (and now this reference feels slightly better than before :'))

wakfu, feca, eniripsa, enutrof, rogue, huppermage, ouginak (c) ankama
Adast, the pic and this whole wall text (c) me

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Comments: 15

Soniclifetime [2019-06-23 00:34:25 +0000 UTC]

Adast is really cute lol, but why does he look mad at Oz ? XD

Maybe he could be friend with my upcoming Feca lady (and even more than friends if you want it lol) 

Her name's Sierra, and so far, I haven't draw her clothing. I only did her face and hairstyle (floating heads sketches for the way X'D). I'll show you when she's up. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Resident-Jinx [2017-09-07 11:37:58 +0000 UTC]

*Saves this to my ref folder for... Eh... Reasons >.>"*

Hohohoh, I do love what you've done with Adast here Ice! I'm really digging his colour scheme and overall design (Especially that armour, dang!) and that Bio you've thrown together was an absolute delight to read! I'm honestly looking for to seeing more of this dork in my gallery now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to The-Resident-Jinx [2017-09-07 23:47:46 +0000 UTC]

*mmmm reasons... that's a fine explanation, I won't question it XD*

I partly based his palettes and outfit design from the game, making it more armour-like (because yes, fecas and armours go together most of the times :')) and his bio...welp, it took forever to be completed (that's basically a condensed version of the one i was working on: from 15 to not even 2 pages) but I'm glad you liked it ^w^

more stuff about my foureyes will follow (at least after I will have finished all the other references I'm working on XD)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RiikoChick [2017-09-03 20:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Ha avuto la mia immediata approvazione appena ho letto che gli piace la liquirizia. |D Diventeremo grandi amicih (?????)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to RiikoChick [2017-09-03 20:50:26 +0000 UTC]

ah beh, la liquirizia è la cosa migliore al mondo *ahahah* ovvio che dovevo fargliela piacere :'D (ma certoh :'3)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VoidTorrian313 [2017-09-01 01:05:43 +0000 UTC]

This guy is looking epic as ever! Keep up the great work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to VoidTorrian313 [2017-09-01 11:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much Jay! (I will try :'3)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ElleRey [2017-08-29 05:55:11 +0000 UTC]

Your hard work paid off!! This is so good <3333

His armor is so detailed, I love the colorsssss. Nice work, my friend!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to ElleRey [2017-08-29 11:53:00 +0000 UTC]

aww thank you Elle! QwQ
the thing that took me more was the story, while the pic...I tweaked and fixed it since march XD it was a pen sketch of which I took a photo at first, you can notice that by the poor background (my scanner was dead at the time) but since I liked the paper effects, why not keep them :'3

and this is only his base leather like armor outfit....:'3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

D-CloudZone [2017-08-28 01:25:15 +0000 UTC]

looks like your skills are growing up eh?..
and his story is good too.
nicely done dude.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to D-CloudZone [2017-08-28 11:33:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! welp, I kinda drew the pic around march-april and tweaked it in these months, mostly because I was working on the story (this is the summed up version of it :')) and on the related things, I'm glad it turned out like this to be honest ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CoolCoolSkies [2017-08-27 19:28:48 +0000 UTC]


I can't wait to read all about him! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to CoolCoolSkies [2017-08-27 19:38:18 +0000 UTC]

finally after months XD I'm so happy Q.Q

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CoolCoolSkies In reply to IceMintTea [2017-08-27 19:39:07 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy for you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IceMintTea In reply to CoolCoolSkies [2017-08-27 19:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you cia QwQ

👍: 0 ⏩: 0