Iceshadowsheart — The Ironclad Wildcard

#aggron #pokemon #teamrocket #tyranitar #pokefusion #fusionmon #rockethideout
Published: 2020-01-10 00:40:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 480; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description "I'm quite a Marvel, twice as strong as any Ironman."

For www.deviantart.com/rocket-hide…

Name:  Taro
Gender: male
Species: Tyranitar/Aggron
Age: preteen
Type: steel/dark
Nature: Quiet
Rank: bronze
Theme/Inspiration:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7T6Y…

Taro's has had quite the life, not that he'd tell anyone about it. I suppose you could say he was fused, but you could also say he was cloned. Through a careful grafting process, he was put together cell by cell in a tube (think along the lines of the clones in the first pokemon movie). He was made in the model of a once living larvitar, and had the aron DNA added later while he was left in suspended animation. The result was armor like growths developing to cover most of his skin. Once finished, the scientist kept the pokemon to treat however he wished. Nalia found him in the home of the Rocket Scientist who helped create her. Nalia "accidentally" killed his captor, and when she discovered the fusion, she named him Taro. She was never very creative. He won't say anything about his life before Nalia found him. At the time, he and everyone else believed him mute. Now that he has returned, however, he seems very capable of talking. 

For a while he lived at the old Hideout under the name Taro. He learned and grew at Nalia's side under her careful protection, and he was... happy... at least for a time. She was his big sister. When the Hideout fell to pieces, he had gone into hiding with Nalia in an old onix cave. One day, Nalia left the cave to find more food. While she was gone, a wandering trainer and his cranidos found the little fusion playing. He was thrown off guard by the pokemon who looked and acted a lot like Nalia, so he didn't protest when the trainer picked him up and took him to a nearby Pokemon center.

The trainer was a kind young boy who was concerned about the fusion. He thought the fusion was a normal larvitar someone had lost that had gotten stuck in some metallic trash. When the nurse informed him that he was a fusion listed for an unknown trainer, he took the strange pokemon with him on his journey in the hopes of returning him to this "trainer." He didn't realize that the one he was looking for was dead. 

He stayed with this trainer for a little over a year. Though he missed Nalia, he enjoyed this new life up until his pokeball was swiped by a poacher and shipped off to a distant land. Since then, he's passed through so many people's hands he can't keep track. He was used as a mercenary pokemon to fight alongside humans during combat. He was forced to fight in wars, defend cities, and participate in rebellions for the benefit of his trainers. He evolved twice from all the fighting, but is still young enough to be a kid.

Years later, during one battle, he went MIA. He slipped away during one brutal guerrilla attack, not looking back. He stowed away on a supply plane and gradually made is way back to Sinnoh. Fully intent on going "home," he returned to the tunnel where he had last seen Nalia, only to find her crying. She led him back to Team Rocket's newest base. 

He's... not sure if he want's to talk to her now that he's back, though.

Personality:   Considering he used to be mute, Taro is still Quiet. He'll listen intently to people talking to him, but may very well choose not to say anything at all if addressed directly. He can go days without uttering a single word. He is also random, unreadable, and unreliable. He might help you in a fight, or do the opposite of what you expect to implement a plan of his own, or walk away and ignore you entirely. All with the same stoic look on his face. He doesn't give much reason or explanation for his actions either.  Taro is often stuck in his own head. He is thoughtful and strategic, leading to some very out of the box solutions to problems.  However, he is a loner that doesn't know how to express thoughts and feelings. His ability to trust and develop bonds has been stunted by his experiences.  As such, he can be sometimes overprotective or distant to those he does manage to care about. 

Likes: unknown
Dislikes: unknown

Move Set: Rock tomb, Earthquake, Iron Defense, Hyper Beam

Starter kit

Relationships: (WIP)

Default relationship guide: 

 // Annoyed by

 // Dislike

 // Hate

 // Like

 // Respect

 // Respect a lot

 // Wary

 // Cautious

 // Avoided

 // Slight crush

 // Crush

 // Love

 // Friend

 // Good friend

 // Close friend

 // Wants to get to know them

 // Misses

 // Can't bear without

 // Relatives

 // Family

 // Joint at the hip

 // Not trusted

 // Slightly suspicious

 // Very suspicious

 // Shy

 // Jumpy/Nervous

 // Fearful

 // Lovers

 // Ex-Lovers

 // Role model

 // Dead

 // Missing
Open for relationships of all sorts

Nalia :   ???


Bluebelle :   
"She's nice."

Made with DeviantArt muro

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