~~Run ~~
"You really think you can keep up, candytail?" Firework called back to Melanthios. Melanthios smirked and casually leaped from the balcony she'd taken to avoid some metal drums someone had left in the track. She was about to counter the taunt when she spotted the ketucari on the track. A charcoal female with a burning stick in her jaws. Melanthios's heart leaped into her throat and she stumbled. No... no they wouldn't interrupt the race, would they?
"Firework look out!" she screamed the warning just in time for her packmate to turn her head and swerve, leaping off the assigned track just as the charcoal surged forward, trying to bring their stick down on Firework's back. Melanthios snarled and lowered her head. "Get off the track, akadri-kisser!" This was no fan, she dropped to shove herself under the charcoal and reared, throwing him down to the pavement six stories below. Continuing her frantic path, she pricked her ears as screams filled the city. Cries for help from her fellow racers, cries of attack from their hunters--the Bird of Prey. Shit. She couldn't follow Firework, the arrogant buff would have to get back on the right course herself. Melanthios had other concerns, throwing herself up a slanted roof, over the chimney, and leaped to reach the roof of the apartment complex. She didn't have time to slow or stop, but she scanned the city. Every where, ketucari ran with fire beside them, converging on spots of color and flashing lights. Her pack, her fellow racers. Her heart thundered in her throat. Where was Kouki? She couldn't see him...
"TAIL-LIGHTS!?" she cried over the shouts filling the air. Her paws pounded against the stone roof, carrying her to the other edge. No answer came from her brother, and she heard Firework screech for her companion as well. Gods no... "TAIL-LIGHTS, WHERE ARE YOU!?" she reached the ledge and threw herself to the next roof. Damn it!
"Cold Fire!" She snapped her head up at the voice, yelping as Krem leaped up. "Keep going, the pack's under attack! You and Firework need to reach the finish line, go! I'll cover you!"
She wanted to ask, but there was no time. Search lights were firing up all around the city, and she caught a flash of Rangi charging across the distant rooftops in pursuit of a white-furred stranger. Keep moving. She nodded her understanding to Krembrule and leaped across to the next rooftop. Krem's pawsteps fell in a staccato behind her, and Firework landed ahead of her, relocating the track from her detour. For once, the smug racer was silent, her eyes wide with terror. Melanthios landed hard on the piping and was twisting to take a shortcut of her own when a bronze male leaped from the slanted panel's cover, a burning branch blazing beside his white-scarred face.
Her scream was drowned by his snarl and a blissfully familiar avian shriek.
Cold Fire - Racing Records
Plains of Messus [City]
Revive: Yes
Firework (Owned by: Shedo310 ) - Racing Records
Plains of Messus [City]
Revive: Yes
Probably can't be rolled but just in case (IGNORE IF INELIGIBLE FOR ROLLING):
Plains of Messus [City]
Revive: Yes
Guest Starring:
Mara and Rinari
Sergej (Owned by: TheAsterik )
Krembrule (Owned by: TwiliShewolf )
Thank you guys for letting me borrow your critters. TheAsterik I apologize for not doing Sergej's AP count myself, it's been over 4 months since I looked at AP stuff and I have no idea what the numbers look like anymore.