ILOVETMI101 — Batman X The Reader Part: 19
#joker #batman #dccomics #dickgrayson #fanfiction #harleyquinn #nightwing #jokerharleyquinn #dccomicsbatman #xreaderinsert
Published: 2015-07-15 20:53:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 5743; Favourites: 99; Downloads: 0
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Description Once out of the elevator, your guards lead you to a door you had never seen before. Unlike the other heavy steel doors in the warehouse, this door was painted green and had this creepy and decrepit look to it. Before you could think more of the door you felt a large hand on your shoulder, in was one of your guards.


A man of many words, you thought and you turned and began to reach out to the door. As soon as your knuckles first grazed rickety door you heard an unwelcoming voice.

"Come in."

Forcing yourself to remain calm, you reach out your hand and open the door.


As he walked into the GCPD, Bruce looked around only to see chaos. Every police officer was either shouting into a phone, frantically typing on their computers or running out the door to their squad cars. It was clear to Bruce this all had to do with Barbara Gordon, a girl who was not just a normal girl, but a girl that had risked her life to help her father. Not to mention she had helped Bruce on several occasions when it came to hacking and helping him collect information on Gotham's most wanted criminals. But most importantly Bruce had made a promise to her, a promise he never fulfilled. He decided then and there that he had to help.

Bruce walked up to the front desk where a hectic police officer was shouting into his radio.

"What do you mean you can't find them? That crazy ass-clown always has his men out and about near there!"

"Uh excuse me sir?" Bruce asked trying his best to be polite.

The officer ignored Bruce, "I don't care what you have to do, all I know is we have to find her!"

"I'm sorry but I'm looking for-"

"JUST DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!" the officer shouted before putting his radio down. Upon seeing Bruce the office's face turned red, "You saw most of that I take it?"

"Only all of it." Bruce replied.

"I'm sorry, its just-" the officer stopped in mid sentence, regaining his composure in the process, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Jim Gordon, he currently has a boy named Richard Grayson in for questioning. I'm his guardian, Bruce Wayne."

The officer nodded, "Ah yes, Jim mentioned you would be coming in, follow me I'll take you to our questioning room."


As soon as you opened the door you were overwhelmed by the musty smell that filled the dark room. But what really filled you with fear was the chilling voice coming from across the room.

"Come closer my dear, don't be shy....."

Looking in the direction of the voice, you notice a grand fireplace that was the only light source in the room. In front of it sat a large wooden desk, and there seated at it was the creepy clown prince himself. The Joker.

Stopping in the center of the room you crossed your arms over your chest and did your best to remain calm, "Why am I here?"

A roar of laughter erupted from the Joker, "Isn't it normal for one to talk with a member of the family?"

"We are not family," You say through gritted teeth.

"That's such a disappointment (y/n)," Joker said with a sigh, "here I was looking forward to you joining in on all those family gatherings...Oh and the Christmas cards! Ah but non the less, (y/n) please have a seat we have so much to discuss!"

Taking a deep breath, you walked over to one of the chairs in front across from Joker and take a seat, "Is this about Harley?" You ask.

Joker smiled clapping his hands together before pointing his fingers at you, "Smart girl, I see Harley wasn't lying about your intellect."

"How did you kn-" 

"Harley has told me so much about you," Joker states, cutting you off, "(y/n) Quinzel, your GPA was a perfect 4.0, you were planing on going to college until your parents died in that terrible accident.....so sad. Leaving you with no money you and-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" You shout.

Joker raised an eyebrow at your outburst, "Have I upset you (y/n)? I'm afraid that was not what I had planned to do. You see what I called you down here for was to ask you for a favor."

"What makes you think I would ever do you a favor?" You ask, anger dripping in your voice.

"Oh didn't I say? It's not just me asking for the favor it's-"


Turning your head towards the door you saw Harley, who was possibly wearing one of the biggest smiles you have every seen in your life.

Joker took this as an opportunity, "Harley, sweetheart, darling, you're timing couldn't be more perfect, please come sit!"

Sitting down in the seat next to you, you noticed the small bump under Harley's shirt, that was becoming more noticeable each day.

"Mister J, the doc told me some wonderful news!" Harley said, excitement clearly in her eyes.

Knowing that "the doc" Harley mentioned was Lyle, you mind began to drift off in wonder. Obviously he was ok, being the only doctor that Joker and his gang kidnapped, but that didn't mean you felt no worry towards him every time he was summoned to check on Harley and the baby that was growing inside her.

At this point, you noticed Joker wave his hand in an uninterested sort of way towards Harley, which Harley at this point didn't seem to noticed and still sat there with a smile on her face.

"Harley, I was just about to tell (y/n) here about our plans for her." Joker said as he took a seat as well at his desk.

"Oh but Mister J," Harley began in protest, "I have to tell you-"

"It can wait till later Harley." Joker said, his more more sharp than before, so sharp in fact it made you flinch at the sound of it.

Harley, who had been a beaming ray of sunshine before, now nodded in understanding and began to look down at an envelop that was in her hands. You didn't notice it before and thus began to wonder what it's contents could be. However your thoughts were interrupted as Joker spoke up yet again.

"Now then," Joker said, annoyance still tracing in his voice but didn't have the sharp tone it did before, "Over the past few months, before your arrival here, Harley had gotten word of you in the neighborhood," Joker gave a short laugh and then continued, "And since your family, well it seemed to both me and Harley that you could fit in to our little world we've created here."

"So what I'm here just for your entertainment then?" You asked, anger growing dangerously in your tone. So dangerous in fact that Harley looked up at you with a look of warning almost, but as soon at it was there it was gone.

Joker just laughed, which didn't make the tension in the room any less, "Perhaps, but that's not the case," Joker started, "Harley, would you like to tell her?"

Harley gave a smile and nodded before turning to you, placing your hand on her belly, "We want you to be our nanny."

"What!?" You cried out in shock.

"Our nanny," Harley repeated again, "For the baby."

Realizing your hand was still on Harley's stomach, you quickly withdrew it before looking at both Harley and the Joker, who both waited for your answer, "What makes you think I be a good nanny?"

"Well," Harley said, "You're my little sister, and this baby's aunt, that has to mean something right?" Harley asked you, eyebrows raised in questioning.


The word began to burn in your head. You hadn't thought about it before, but this child, Harley's child, was to be your niece or nephew. An innocence child that had no choice of being brought into this world of crazies and the cruel hearts of the people around it.

"Well (y/n)," Joker began, "What do you say?"

Before you could even get out an answer, a phone, which was placed on Joker's desk, began to ring.

Grumbling, Joker hastily picked it up, "Yes, what is it?"

Glancing back at Harley, you couldn't help but stare at her belly, so many questions flowing through your mind.

"Doc says it's to be a girl." Harley whispered suddenly.

"Huh?" you say, stupefied at the situation you were currently in.

"The doc," Harley said again, leaning slightly closer to you, "He said I'm havin' a girl!"

You eyes could only widen before Joker shouted.

"Just bring her in then!" And then slammed the phone down.

"What is it Puddin?" Harley asked, concern on her face.

Joker clasped his hand together, "It would seem our new prisoner is not responding to what we ask of her."

"You mean little red?" Harley asked as she rose from her seat before take her place next to Joker.

Joker nodded, laughing as he did, before pointing at you, "It seems our guest of honor here has yet to meet little red for herself."

At that very moment there was a knock on the door, followed by Joker shouting permission to enter. A man carrying a gun walked in, followed by two men dragging a girl by the arms in the room before pushing her to her knees in the center of the room. You understood where her nick name came from, the girl that knelt before you had red wavy curls that sheltered her face from the audience around her. She was dressed in a pair of blue plaid pajama pants and a grey tank top, showing her arms which were covered in black and blue bruises.

"I hear you haven't been doing what you're told," Joker said as he sat, once again, at his desk, "Is that true?"

The girl remained still, unresponsive.

Joker looked at one of the guards and nodded. The guard then grabbed the back of the girls head and forced her to look at Joker. You gasped as you made eye contact with the girl's deep blue eyes, which were holding back tears and had a ferocity look to them. 

She's brave. You thought as you looked more closely at the girl. She was young, not as young as the Tim Drake boy had been but young non the less. She could only be in her early teens at the most, but she was so small making you wonder how long had she been here and what had they been doing to her?

"I only ask you to do a simple task, and yet you refuse me?" Joker questioned, "Why is that my dear?"

When the girl didn't answer, the man other man who had also dragged the girl in, raised a hand and slapped the girl hard in the face.

You felt sick then. Just answer the question! You begged at the girl in your mind.

The girl looked back up, and still remained silent.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Joker said, waving a finger at the girl as he did so, "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

The man once again hit the girl in the face, this time using his first rather than the palm of his hand, causing the girl to wimpier in pain. After a few moments, the girl still had not answered, resulting in a knee to her ribs. The cry the girl let out cause you to shutter in fear, making you feel as if you were caught in a nightmare.

If only that were the case.

"Ready to answer me dear?" Joker asked, a sadistic gleam in his voice. He was clearly enjoying this. From behind him Harley also had a smile on her face, you found it hard to look at her when she looked like this.

Turning you attention back to the girl, you saw the large bruise starting to appear on the left side of her face. She spit up blood toward the Joker, clearly giving him her answer to his question.

"Tough cookie this one is, isn't she Mister J?" Harley giggled as she wrapped an arm around Joker's shoulders from behind. It gave you chills that she enjoyed this.

Clasping Harley's hand with his own, Joker smiled, "Appears so....perhaps we should bring in re-enforcement."

Harley smiled before picking up the phone, "Hey, it's me bozo! Tell Mister Hammer to get his ass up here."

No! You thought, She'll die!

"Stop, please stop!" You shouted, jumping up from you seat.

Everyone in the room looked up at you, all their faces, even the girl's, was in shock. Everyone except for Joker.

"Hold that order Harls," Joker said, smiling at you, "This could be interesting."

Taking a deep breath, you tried to keep your voice as calm as possible, "You don't need to do this."

Leaning back in his chair, Joker placed his feet on his desk, "And why is that?"

Without hesitating, you gave your answer, "I'll persuade her."

The laugh that roared from Joker was follow by small chuckles given by the henchmen, "How do you expect to do that?" Joker asked, between laughs.

"I'll show her around, convince her this is the side worth fighting for," lies, all lies, "And I'll take care of her, make sure she's out of your way."

"As nice as that would be," Joker said, unconvinced, "I hope you understand when I say, I rather have this little one close to my operations." 

Taking another deep breather you gave in, "I'll be your nanny..."

Joker stood up, raising a hand to his ear, "What was that dear?"

"I'll be your nanny."


"Bruce! Hey man, how's your day been?" Dick asked as his guardian entered the room.

"Don't start," Bruce said before turning his attention to a tired looking Jim Gordon, "Mr. Gordon sir?" Bruce asked.

"Ah Mr. Wayne," Jim said, standing up to shake Bruce's hand, "I'm sorry for the trouble, I hope you understand why I had to question the boy."

Bruce nodded, "What happened exactly?" Bruce asked, "Do you know how took your daughter?"

"If I did do you think I be standing here!" Jim said, voice trembling with anger.

"I'm sorry," Bruce said, "I didn't mean to upset you."

Sighing, Jim gave Bruce an apologetic smile, "No, I'm sorry. I've just been......on edge."

"That's understandable." Bruce answered, truthfully.

"I understand that your boy here has been close friends with my daughter for some time now." Jim said turning back to look at Dick.

"That's true sir," Dick said, standing up, only to be restrained by handcuffs attached to the table.

Bruce gave Dick a pointed look before asking, "Is he free to go now?" 

Jim nodded, "Yeah," he said, walking over to take off the handcuffs, "He can go home."

Dick rubbed his wrist, "I wish there was more I could do Mr. Gordon."

Without giving an answer Jim left the room, leaving Bruce and Dick alone, "I think I have a pretty good idea where Barbara is." Dick said.

"So do I," Bruce said, thinking of Joker, "But why?"

"What does it matter?" Dick said pulling on his jacket before walking towards the door, "He's got Barbara and (y/n), we need to go the Joker's warehouse tonight!"

"Keep your voice down!" Bruce hissed, before opening the door, both him and Dick leaving the room.

"I'm sick of doing nothing Bruce!" Dick whispered as the made their way to the GCPD exit.

As they reached the door, an announcement came on the intercom, the announcer was no doubt Jim Gordon.

"Attention GCPD officers, as of tonight we are under code black, I repeat, Code Black!"

Bruce looked at Dick, "Looks like you got your wish, happy?" 
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Comments: 17

Sand-Stars [2020-05-19 05:59:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zozo1139 [2020-04-27 17:12:19 +0000 UTC]

I love this if it's ok with you could you continue with this

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThetaNakkula [2019-05-09 05:23:04 +0000 UTC]

I gotta say, this story is the best Batman reader insert I’ve read (and I’ve read a lot of them). The plot is enticing, it’s well written, I have no idea what’s gonna happen next, and Bruce had a really good shot at having a girl in his life (for once). If you decided not to continue, I can respect your decision, but I want you to know, from one fanfic writer to another, that I appreciated this story and would love to know what comes next.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tashymorto [2018-07-20 21:28:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm guessing no more parts to this?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MovieFan24 [2017-07-17 01:49:01 +0000 UTC]

PLZ continue

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArtisticNinjaCat [2017-04-30 06:37:49 +0000 UTC]

Code Black? As in Batman is getting called in? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Spunky89 [2016-11-09 00:30:34 +0000 UTC]

Great Story! plz plz plz update soon. I hate to be this person cause I know how hard it is to update sometimes but i'm dyyyiiiinnngggg 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BunnyOtomia [2016-09-29 02:01:28 +0000 UTC]

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I need you to update soon.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

piucookie [2016-09-12 15:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Update please *^* i luv it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Star14love [2016-03-16 05:15:28 +0000 UTC]

More please

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HannaAika [2016-03-04 01:57:27 +0000 UTC]

Update, pleaaaase

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MissOperaGhost [2016-02-23 01:40:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Angelbaby456 [2016-01-07 07:36:49 +0000 UTC]

More please!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bookworm101012 [2015-10-28 22:55:38 +0000 UTC]

chapter 20 plizzzzzzz

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

deanandsamareawesome [2015-07-29 06:18:47 +0000 UTC]

Moreeee plz and tell me when there is more!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MonstersInsideMyHead [2015-07-23 09:59:36 +0000 UTC]

OMG waiting could drive me nuts but...in the end, I know it's all worth it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HarmedSoul [2015-07-19 04:04:01 +0000 UTC]

It wasn't terrible at all! I loved it and I'll be patient    

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