ImitationEve — Remembering Me [Bertolt x Reader] Chapter 3

#drama #romance #readerinsert #attackontitan #readerinsertfanfiction #attackontitanshingekinokyojin #bertholdtfubar #bertholdtxreader #bertolthoover #bertoltxreader
Published: 2014-12-18 13:34:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 4080; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 3

This story may contain light spoiler but it is not exactly same as the original storyline. This is just a fanfiction made from my imagination.

Bertolt blinked for a moment, trying to insert in his head what Annie was going to talk about. When he realized it though, he gulped. “What did she say?”

Annie sighed. “Maybe you should stop trying to befriend her so quickly. Make the time do it, not you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Bertolt asked, his brain suddenly stopped trying to work.

“She said she doesn’t want to be with boys. And the way you do around her makes her feel, well, uncomfortable.” Annie’s words made Bertolt uncomfortable and it hurt him to hear that.

“I’m not trying to date her right away.” Bertolt protested.

“I think she just hates boys.” Annie’s words became daggers.

Bertolt looked down, trying not to show any emotion but from his height and Annie looking from below him, she could see that he had tears in his eyes. After waiting for over decade, this was what he got.

[Name] walked over and tapped Annie’s shoulder, asking her opinion for a one-piece dress she brought. She glanced at Bertolt, “What’s wrong?” She asked Annie.

“Nothing. And I don’t think the color suits you. Try something else.” Annie said and with that [Name] walked away, taking Annie’s advice. Annie glanced at Bertolt and with a sigh, she walked away, leaving the poor boy alone. He sat on a nearby chair and dug his face into his hands. Definitely depressed.

Few days passed. [Name] was getting along with girls well now. She was often seen smile and sometimes even laugh. For the first time in his life, Bertolt wanted to be a girl. His little fantasy about her was gone. But he was now curious about her.

[Name] was so different from how he remembered her. And most of his friends had the same personality as they were in their before life. But she was so different that it almost felt as if she was someone different, but all the Rememberers agreed that she was the one. Their invisible bond told them so.

Bertolt tried to think positively. At least she talked to him during World History class. Apparently she was trying to take his place of the ace student. He watched her taking notes. He was mesmerized by the sight that he forgot that he was in class. He was happy that she is a smart student, just like how he is.

That was when he took a glimpse of her lips. Those soft pink lips. She bit it in concentration.

He gulped.

He tried to pay his attention back to the class but he just found himself staring at the beautiful face of hers. She looked up from her textbook and turned to face him.

“Do you have any problem with me or something?” She whispered.

“No. Um sorry.” He replied.

She sighed and went back to taking notes. She found it rather uncomfortable with him staring at her in almost every class. And surprisingly he didn’t miss out homework nor asked her for the notes. Instead he asked her if she need any help, which she declined.

She was rather comfortable with Mikasa and Annie more than him.

But whenever she was hanging out with Annie Bertolt came. Every time.

“Annie, how close are you to Bertolt?” [Name] asked during lunch. Mikasa was with Levi and the two girls were sitting on the bench of the school.

“I was friend with him for as long as I can remember.” Annie answered, looking up at the ceiling of the gym.

“Then why do you think he wants to befriend me so badly?” Annie didn’t answer. It would be rude to tell her that he had a crush on her. And besides, even if Annie told her about their before life she wouldn’t believe it. Who in the right mind would believe anyway?

“I don’t know.” That was all Annie could say.

“Maybe he likes you.” Annie said pushing down the urge to tell her the truth.

“[Name], can’t you treat him good?” Annie asked.

“It’s weird for you to ask such a thing, Annie.” [Name] said.

“[Name]…” Annie was about to say something but stopped herself when she spotted Beatrice. [Name], apparently didn’t know about her, because she said, “She looks exactly like Bertolt. If he was a playboy.”
Annie told her that they are twins and [Name] raised her brow.

“Annie, have you seen my brother? Beatrice asked, flipping her hair as she walked up to them.

[Name] blinked lazily and Annie shrugged.

“If you are trying to flirt with Reiner, give it up. He has a crush on someone else. Someone better than you.” Annie said with a glare.

“What do you know, bitch?” Beatrice spat at her and walked away. Annie growled and turned to [Name], “Don’t even try to talk to her. She’s impossible.” [Name] nodded slightly.

“They look alike. Bertolt and her, but they act opposite.” [Name] said.

“Bertolt’s shy, timid, sweet, tender and hard-working student. But Beatrice is a bitch. She likes Reiner, at least, she says so, but I’ve seen her making out with random boys.” Annie said, growling. [Name] was pretty scared, she’d never seen Annie like this.

Annie sighed and kicked the air for a moment.

“Bertolt used to help me with math but now he’s too busy with his own business.” She said, changing the topic.

“Then would you like me to help?” [Name] asked after a moment of hesitation.

Annie looked up, looking slightly surprised. “Would you? Thank you!”

“I mean, literary course’s math is easier than science course’s anyway.” [Name] said.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Annie said as she grabbed the girl’s hands. For a moment [Name] saw Annie’s soft side. Normal girl rather than the one who loves martial arts so much and can flip a guy that was at least as twice as big as her.

“Wow, I didn’t know you can be like this Annie.” [Name] heard herself saying and the relieved look on Annie’s face had faded.

“Forget, please forget what you saw.” She said. [Name] nodded quietly. The bell, ending the lunch. [Name] stood up, waved Annie goodbye and ran to the World History class. Bertolt was standing in front of the class, waiting for her.

“[N-Name] I was waiting for you! The bell is about to ring, let’s get inside.” Bertolt said with relieved look on his face.

“You could’ve waited me inside you know that.” [Name] said as she walked into the class, passing by him.

“B-But you weren’t in there so I was worried.” He said. [Name] stopped to look at him, she stared at him for 3 seconds and sat on her seat. Her eyes was saying something to him but he knew that it was not something he wanted to hear so he decided not to think about it.

“Hey [Name]?”

The girl looked up. “Can I come over to your house later?”

“No.” [Name] answered without even hesitating for a second. Bertolt looked very disappointed but he expected it anyway.

“But,” [Name] looked up, “I can go over to your house as long as Annie comes over. I need to teach her math anyway.” Bertolt’s face lit up so bright that both [Name] and the teacher avoided looking at him.

After class during P.E Bertolt asked Annie about it. “I know I’m supposed to help because you helped me with Armin, but I honestly don’t think she has any interest in you.” Annie said as she stared at the students playing basketball.

Bertolt gathered his legs to his chest and hugged them tight. “I’m just trying to befriend her. What’s wrong with that?”

“She’s not comfortable with it. That’s what’s wrong.” Bertolt buried his head into his knees. He peeked to see [Name] running laps around the field.

“Is she being punished?” He asked.

“No, she said she wanted to run.” Bertolt watched her run. He blushed a bit and hugged his long legs even tighter.

“Annie!” Bertolt looked up to see his beloved running toward them.

“I just wanted to ask what part of math you wanted me to teach.” Annie blinked a bit and answered ‘Function’.

“Okay.” With that she plopped down right beside Annie. Bertolt blushed. He thought [Name] looked extremely hot in gym uniform.

“Bert, can you get rid of Beatrice? I think she will go on about you and us to the whole school.” Annie said and Bertolt shrugged.

“It’s not like she listens to me. She hardly listens to anyone.”

“Then make Reiner do something.”

“Are you trying to sacrifice our best friend?” Bertolt asked, looking quiet shocked.

“I can ask Krista to go out with him this Saturday. Oh whatever.” Annie threw her arms up in their air in frustration.

“I don’t mind her being around.” [Name] said quietly. Annie’s expression changed from expressionless to ‘are-you-out-of-your-mind’ look. Bertolt stared at her as well.

“You will regret what you just said as soon as you speak with her personally.” Bertolt said.

“She can’t be that bad.” Both Annie and Bertolt shook their head.

“She is worse than whatever you think is the worst.” Bertolt said.

“She brings new boy every month.” Annie added.

[Name] shrugged, “We will see about that.”

Bertolt opened the door for the girls and led the way.

“Your house looks very nice.” [Name] said as she entered the cozy living room. The room was connected with dining room. The stairway was visible right from where she was standing-on the entrance of the house-and she could see the large living room with lots of decoration. She spotted beige colored sofa in front of TV and glanced at Annie. The blonde girl nodded and [Name] went and sat there, quietly putting down her bag next to her as well.

[Name] looked aside and saw fireplace. “Do you use that?” [Name] asked Bertolt.

“Only on Christmas and Thanksgiving.” Bertolt answered.

Annie sat down next to [Name], who asked her to take out work sheets. Annie sighed as soon as she saw what was printed on that.

“Annie, you can do it. Just tell me what you do not understand.” [Name] said calmly. Bertolt watched them quietly and headed upstairs. He squiggled out of his uniform and changed to comfortable brown sweater and long black comfortable pants. He ran downstairs and headed to the kitchen. He poured orange juice into three cups and brought them out.

“Thanks.” The girls said together. Bertolt sat down across the girls.

That’s when the front door slammed open and Beatrice entered.

When she spotted the other two females she groaned and stomped upstairs.

“I’m sorry for her behavior.” Bertolt said.

“I see it every time.” Annie said with a shrug.

“Not you.” Bertolt said with a small frown.

“If you were talking to me, I’m fine. I’ve seen worse.” [Name] said not even looking up. Bertolt realized that she was wearing glasses. No wonder she always sat in front row. She had shiny [color] rimmed spectacles that suited her very well.

“You guys are totally opposite though.” She said as she looked up. She took off her glasses but didn’t put it down.

“We know that.” Bertolt said, playing with his fingers.

“How did you end up like that?” She asked, finally putting down the object she was holding, along with her mechanical pencil.

Annie stood up, told them that she need to solve the problems at somewhere quiet and headed to the dining room, leaving the two alone.

Bertolt shifted uncomfortably. He then looked at her.

“I don’t know exactly what happened. I was at New York for the church’s camp back then. With Annie and Reiner. She wasn’t the sweetest sister but she got crankier when I returned.” Bertolt said.

“I asked mom but even she doesn’t know what happened. Well I think she just got jealous. Dad always had his favor in me rather than her.” Bertolt didn’t look sad or disappointed.

“Are you saying she was always like that?”

“She gets crankier every second but yeah, as long as I remember she was always like that.”

That was when Beatrice stomped down loudly, all dressed up nicely.

“Where’re you going?” Bertolt asked.

“On a date. I’ll be back by 9.” With that she was out of the house.

“She probably means 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.” Bertolt mumbled.

“And I’m not taking care of her when my parents are dead.”

“Things can change.” [Name] said.

“I hated my brother but now we are closer.”

Bertolt shrugged, “I’m not sure. She hates me and I am not thinking about liking her.” They were silent after that. Bertolt stared out the window and watched the cars driving by. [Name] had put on her glasses again and was reading through the text books.

“Since when did you wear glasses?” Bertolt asked.

“I only wear them when I’m studying. I’m thinking about bringing it to school though, my eyesight is getting worse.” She said rubbing her eyes a bit.

“Hey, I’m done.” Annie walked over to them. [Name] grabbed the sheets from her and started grading it with red pen while Annie watched the girl circling the rights and crossing the wrong.

Bertolt took out his phone, it was buzzing loudly.

“Hey, Reiner’s going to throw a welcome party for [Name]. You are coming, right?”

“He is going to whine if I decline. I don’t have a choice, just imagining him acting all cute and stuff makes me want to puke.” Annie said with such a serious expression that it seemed like she meant it seriously.

“And since it’s your welcome party, you are coming as well, right?” Bertolt asked carefully.

“I guess so. But I need to ask my parents first. Is Mikasa coming?” She asked.

Bertolt shrugged, “Call her.” Annie suggested.

[Name] scratched her head and pulled her phone out. She excused herself and walked into the kitchen.
Annie corrected the problems she got wrong and Bertolt watched her doing so, solving the exercises in his head to see if Annie got it wrong or right.

“Stop it.” Annie suddenly said.

“Stop what?” Bertolt asked.

“Doing that thing in your head. Are you trying to grade me?” Bertolt shook his head violently.

“N-No! Why would I do that?”

“Because you are smart. You are way smarter than the rest of us. Except maybe Armin. I don’t remember you being this smart back then, what happened?” Annie asked.

“I-I’m just same as you guys.” Annie snorted at that.

“You rank top 3 in science course! I know they have less than 100 students but 2/3 of them are like geniuses! And our school is like one of the good schools, except for few students like me, Connie, Eren….” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Well you are the best, have pride in it.” Annie finished after thinking about what to say. She looked a bit frustrated.

“She’s coming.” [Name] said as she entered the living room but paused when she realized the atmosphere wasn’t very enthusiastic.

“Is there something going on here?” she asked.

“No. That’s good! This is your first time going to American party, right?” Annie said.

“Right. Hope they don’t drunk me.” [Name] said with light laugh.

“Don’t worry. I will kick those who try to.” Annie said.

-to be continued
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Comments: 4

MinerWolf9000 [2014-12-18 18:43:12 +0000 UTC]

Hahah this is turning out great :3
Cant wait for next chapters!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ImitationEve In reply to MinerWolf9000 [2014-12-19 04:17:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment! I will update as fast as i can!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erza-mao [2014-12-18 18:32:34 +0000 UTC]

OMG I want more like NOW!!!!!! XDD im kidding take your time 

this is getting SOOO good >~<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ImitationEve In reply to erza-mao [2014-12-19 04:17:26 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the comment i will try my best!!! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0