InaSaori — Surprised Annoucement

Published: 2014-05-13 17:45:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1457; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 6
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Description CH.2: Colors of the Rainbow

It took two weeks for my ankle to heel up. For the past two weeks, Tsuna and I have become really close friends. Tsuna has been helping me walk me to and from school until my ankle healed. Today I am excited because I am able to play soccer again. I ran down the stairs to hear my legal guardian Lucia calling out to me, “Morning Akane, I am glad to see that your ankle has healed. I bet your excited to go back to soccer practice ain’t yah?” Lucia smiles at me as she hands me my apron.

“Yep!” I said happily as I began to prepare two lunch box bentos.

“Mmmmmh Hmm” she says in a cheerful gesture.

I giggled, “What?” I didn’t look at her as I continued preparing the food.

“Who’s the extra lunch bento you’re making huh Akane?” Lucia playfully nudges my arms.

“Ahhh…” I began to blush.

“Let me guess…it’s for Tsuna isn’t it?” Lucia guessed right since my shoulders tensed.

“W-What! How did you know, Lucia?!” I looked at her overwhelmed that in fact that the lunch bento is for Tsuna.

“Oh come on, Akane,” Lucia made an ‘isn’t-it-obvious’ tone.

I blushed even more, “I just want to show him my appreciation, Lucia. He has been an awesome friend helping me.” 

Lucia rested her chin on her palm of her hand, “Ah Haaa”

“I am serious Lucia!” I shouted while still blushing, “Leave me alone. I gotta finish this bento before I gotta go to school on time.” 

“Awwww your soo adorable!” Lucia pinches my cheek.

“Owwww! Lucia!” She simply giggles which I couldn’t help, but giggle as well. After I was able to complete my two lunch bentos, I got ready to head out to school, “Ok Lucia! See you later! Going to School!”

“Okie! Have a good day at school Akane!” Lucia shouted right before I closed the door.

Lucia was finishing up cleaning the Kitchen when her cell phone began to ring. “Nani? [1]” She blinks at her ringing cell phone, *Who would be calling me at this time?* She smiles at the name blinking on her screen of her phone. She answers the phone, “Well Well, It’s a great surprised to get a phone call from you.”

The person on the other side of the phone line simply smiles, “Hello Lucia.”

Lucia leans against the kitchen counter and smirks, “It’s a pleasure to hear from you, Reborn.”

I hummed as I walked my way to school, I was closing up to pass up another neighborhood street when someone pops out of the corner, “Ahhh! Oh my god Tsuna! You almost scared me half to death!” I said with my hand attached to my heart.

Tsuna scratched the back of his head, “I am soo sorry Akane I was rushing towards your house soon as I could. How’s your ankle today? Is it completely healed?”

He asked me with concern, I smiled, “I am completely healed as of today.”

“That’s great! Now you can play soccer again.” Tsuna smiles brightly at me.

I nodded my head, “Yeah! I am sooo excited. I hated begin like couch potato.”

We both laughed, “I am sorry again, Akane.”

I shook my head, “No, thank you Tsuna. I am glad that you sprain my ankle.”

“Seriously?!” He looked shocked at me, “B-but why? All this time I have been wondering if you actually meant it when you yelled at your team mates that time.”

“I did because I don’t want to work with a team like. Besides I didn’t like how they were treating you.” I said as I pulled out the lunch bento, “Here I made you this bento as a token of my appreciation for helping me for this past two weeks.” Tsuna accepted my lunch bento like always. I have been making him lunch bentos for the past two weeks.

“Wow! Thank you Akane. You shouldn’t have. I feel bad that you keep making me all these every day.” He says as we began to walk.

I pouted, “Is that an excuse to say that my cooking is bad?”

“Ahhh N-N-No!” He waves his hands in front of him, “I love your cooking Akane. It’s just feel kinda bad that you take your time do something for me.”

I look at him straight in the eye, “You pinky swear that you’re not lying to me, Tsu-kun?” I called out his nickname for him. Tsuna nods as he wraps his pinky.

Him pinky swearing made me happy, “I am glad. Don’t worry about it Tsu-kun. I love making your lunch bentos.” I said slightly blushing which also causes Tsuna to blush.

“Say Akane…”

“Hm?” I replied without looking at him.

“Could you come over to my house later on today?” he asked a little nervous.

I heard the nervousness within his voice, “Sure, Tsuna why what’s up?”

“Well you see my tutor wants to meet with you.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Your tutor? The crazy tutor that you’ve been troubling with his weird teaching methods?” Tsuna nodded.

I asked him again,  "Why does he want to meet with me?"

Tsuna shrugged his shoulders, “I am not sure. He didn’t explain himself.”

*That’s kind of weird…I guess it don’t hurt to go.* I sighed, “I’ll go Tsuna. Don’t worry.”

“Juudaime!” A boy yelled out as he ran waving his hand in the air.

“Ah! Gokudera.” Tsuna turned around to face the silver haired guy.

“Juudaime, I have gone to your house but you weren’t there.”

“That’s because I came ahead to catch Akane at her house.”

“Akane?” He asked as he looks at the red head girl beside Tsuna. “You’re Akane?” He says a little shocked as he points at me. Gokudera asks because Tsuna has been talking about the girl he saved from Reborn and the person who brings him the delicious lunch bentos. One day Tsuna allowed Gokudera taste the lunch bento which he thought was the best thing he ever ate.

I nodded, “Yeah I’m Akane Hirogashi.” Gokudera was stumped because he thought, even though her cooking was magnificent, that she would be some type of tomboy looking girl. He has herd the Red Dragon of Namimori High, Akane Hirogashi. He imagined she would be a masculine kind of girl since she’s the star player. Gokudera was amazed to see her that she has an angelic body, especially her face.

“Ummm…” I stepped back, “Is there a problem?”

“Ahhh…no…I just thought you would be taller and more of a tomboy that’s all.” Gokudera answers.

“Eh?!” I glared at him. “Why because I play soccer?!”

“Exactly! Soccer players are masculine!” 

“Says who?!”

“The sport! The intensity of the game has tomboyish girls!”

“You’re ridiculous!”

“Guys!” Tsuna yelled in order to stop us from arguing. We both look at him, “We better get going we are going to be late.”

Gokudera checked his watch, “Dammit! Let’s go!” We all began to run towards the school when Gokudera mention that it was entirely my fault that we are getting late.

*Seriously?!* I looked at him while running, “How is this my fault?!”

“For making Juuidame late by arguing with me!” I scowled as I swiftly tripped him.

“AHHHH! OW! WHAT THE HELL!?!” I continued running with a ‘humph’ escaped my lips. Leaving Tsuna stop running to help Gokudera get up from the ground.

“Stupid Midget Soccer girl.” Gokudera mumbles as Tsuna sweat drops.


"Stupid...Gokudera...He...Can...Go...F-" I was saying in between sit-ups until someone called out my name.

 "Akane!" I was cut off by Miyako. I stopped doing my sit-ups as I look up at her. She was staring down at me.

"What's wrong, Miyako?" I blinked at her as she pouts madly at me. I sighed knowing the look she was giving me, "What I do now?" 

"You spoke to the new kid, Gokudera, without telling me?!" She says pouting even more. Miyako has a huge crush on him, but I believe she just has a fan girl obsession.

I sighed as I stood up. We were both in the middle of soccer practice so I sent the groaning team members to go get a water break so Miyako and I could talk. "I just met that jerk this morning with Tsuna." I grumpily said with my arms crossed.

“Why are you calling him a jer-Wait! Gokudera was with No-Good Tsuna?” Miyako cocked an eyebrow.

“Don’t call him that!” I snapped at her.

“What? No-Good Tsuna?” She blinks at me like a damn blonde she is.

I slapped my forehead, “Yes, Miyako. That’s what I meant. Simply just call him Tsuna ok?”

“Yeh Yeh Ok” She simply said while swinging her hand. She noticed my glare, “Hehehe Sorry Ok I promise I won’t call him that.” She smiles at me with reassurance.

“Promise? Because if you don’t, I’ll call your nickname from kindergarten.” I blacked mailed her.

Miyako went wide eyed, “You wouldn’t dare, Akane.” She glares at me.

I smirked, “Try me.”

She sighed, “You’re just bluffing.” I shrugged and I was about to shout out her Kindergarten nickname when Miyako quickly covered my mouth with her bare hands, “ACK! I PROMISE!” I giggled as she let go of me. She pouted, “Your mean, Akane.”

I simply smiled and wrapped my arm around her, “Awww no I am not. Come on Miyako I’ll treat you for ice cream for my little black mail against yah.” I winked at her, “The ice cream is on me. How that sound?”

Her eyes sparkled, “You mean it!?” I nodded as she continued to speak to me, “Since when Gokudera became friends with Tsuna?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I am not sure. Did he just came to the school the other day?”

Miyako nodded, “Yeah, I am surprised that they both became friends so quickly, No offense Akane.”

I shook my head, “None taken. You’ll be surprised how awesome Tsuna is when you get to know him, Miyako.”

“Oh?” Miyako closes her face towards mine as she wiggles her eyebrow, “Does someone have some type of fascination towards Tsuna?”

“Eh?!” I blushed, “N-No! It’s not like that Miyako I swear!” I waved my hands.

“Ahhh Haaa suuuure.” She smirks

I glared at her, “I am serious, Miyako!” 

She simply laughs, “I am kidding Akane. Geesh. You should have seen your face Hahahahaha.”

I playfully shoved her, “Hahahaha Hey!”

Miyako giggles, “So are you gonna take me to the ice cream shop after practice?”

“Ahhh Shoot! I am sorry I’ll have to take you tomorrow.” Remembering that I had to be at Tsuna’s house today to meet his Tutor.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaat! Why?” She asked as I explained to her that I had to meet up with Tsuna’s Tutor. She looks at me weird after I explained, “You serious?” I nodded as she stays quiet for a bit then she smiles. “Oooooh I get it! You just making that up so you can hang out with him alone. I see. Okie I’ll let you two love birds have fun.” Miyako walks off with her hands behind her head.

*Eh?!* “That’s not true! I am being serious about the Tutor thing Miyako! MIYAAAAAAKO!” I ran after a laughing Miyako.


Tsuna and Gokudera are waiting on the steel bleachers near the soccer field. They are both waiting for Akane finish her soccer practice. Gokudera is tapping his foot against the bleachers as he waits impatiently, “Juuidame, why do we have to wait for that girl?”
Tsuna didn’t mean to ignore Gokudera’s question, but he was focus watching on Akane play a quick playful soccer game before practice was over. Tsuna was amazed how virtuous I played the sport. He could tell how I loved the sport, not only for what he heard from her, but the smile she held while she played.


Tsuna was knocked back to his senses as soon as he herd Gokudera called out to him. “Eh?” Tsuna blinks, “Oh Sorry Gokudera what you say?”

“Are you ok, Juuidame?” Gokudera asked a bit concern.

“Y-Yeah..ah….What did you say?” Tsuna was a bit nervous. He didn’t want Gokudera to think anything about him.

“Why are we waiting for her to finish up practice?” He questions.

“She coming over to my house because Reborn want to meet her.” Tsuna answers.

“Reborn?” Gokudera was surprised, “But why?”

Tsuna shrugged, “I am not sure he didn’t say why, but all that he wants to meet with her.”

“I don’t see why Reborn wants to see that Red Midge-AGGGH!” Gokudera yelps as a soccer ball hits him on the head. Gokudera is on the ground with a red soccer print plastered on his face.

“Gokudera are you ok?!” Tsuna asks all frantic. Tsuna looks back towards the soccer field with Akane’s angry face with her leg extended. Akane was running by when she had just herd Gokudera’s comment that she kicked the ball at the silver head guy. 


Gokudera is glaring at me as he wears a bandage over his nose. I on the other hand waited patiently on the floor in Tsuna’s room. “Well…” Gokudera asks me in an angry tone.

“Well what?” I replied.

“Aren’t you gonna apologize?!” He asks.

“Hmph! Nope!” I looked away.

“What!?” He slams his hands on his sitting table, “You kicked a soccer ball at me you crazy midget!”

I followed his actions, “I’ll apologize when you apologize first for calling me names!”

Gokudera was about to say something when he was cut off by the sound of the door opening. We both turn our heads to see Tsuna and a baby in a tuxedo walk in.

As soon I saw the baby, I screamed. “Oh my God! Reborn!” I quickly ran and hugged him.

I rubbed my cheek against his, as he replied smiling, “Nice to see you Akane.”

“EEEEEEEEEH!” Gokudera and Tsuna yelled in surprised. They expected for me to freak out. They both were wondering how in the world did Reborn and I knew each other.

“A-Ah Akane, How do you know Reborn?” Tsuna asked nervously to know the answer.

“Nani? [2]” I blinked just realizing that he doesn’t know your relation to him, “Oh, Reborn is my God-Father.” I said happily. Reborn smirked at Tsuna.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!” Gokudera’s and Tsuna’s jaws dropped to the door.

Tsuna stared at the smiling Akane with the dangerous hitman, he couldn’t believe that a sweet girl like me can has that type of relation with Reborn. “But H-How?”

“It’s your fault not knowing people who are involved in the mafia, Tsuna. If you’re going to run the Vongola Mafia Family, you gotta read people.” Reborn said within my arms.

“Wait What? Reborn, how is Tsuna involved into the Vongola family?” I asked looking down at my God-Father.

He smiles, “Because he is the next lineage to run the Vongola family, Akane.”

“EEEEEEEH! You mean that Tsuna is the 10th?! Don’t tell me the reason you brought me here is to-” I looked shocked at him.
He smirks, “Tsuna, meet your future fiancée.”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tsuna eyes had gone wide as saucers, as well as Gokudera’s. 

[1,2] = What

~*~*~*All rights for the original characters of KHR belong to  Akira Amano, expt my RPC character, Akane*~*~*~

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Comments: 4

KatBanks300 [2014-05-24 05:38:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow very exciting

Can't wait for the next

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ranma-inuyasha-lover [2014-05-15 03:35:16 +0000 UTC]

She looks very pretty

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InaSaori In reply to ranma-inuyasha-lover [2014-05-15 04:12:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KatBanks300 [2014-05-13 23:00:29 +0000 UTC]

Wow looks interesting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0