IncPara — MRPG 2e ~ Hana Tilki (OUTDATED) [NSFW]
#character #charactersheet #lilim #miko #ofuda #shrinemaiden #succubus #maiesta #maiestarpg
Published: 2017-08-21 04:05:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1337; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Hana Tilki"Okay, I'm alright with being called a skilled warrior, b-but I'm not THAT stunning! Alright?"
Novice-tier Predator
0 XP (300 spent)
50 AXP (150 spent)

Core Attributes

Vitality: 10
Capacity: 4
Affinity: 3
Battle Rating: Silver
Armor Rating: Silver
Movement: 6

Weapon Proficiencies: Blades, Bows, Claws, and Polearms
Carried Weapons: Sansun-Zume (bow), Clawed Sleeves (x2 blades)


Battle Action
Keyword: Devour
Gravitas Cost: 0
Attunement Threshold: None
One moment, a menace - the next moment, a meal.
Effect: Target an adjacent enemy, then roll two silver dice. If the target is suffering from any conditions, roll two gold dice instead. If the check's result is equal to or greater than the target's remaining vitality, you can swallow the target whole, gaining two points of added size and removing them from the play area. If the devoured enemy was an Elite, gain three points of added size instead. If they were a Boss, gain four points of added size instead. While far from pleasant, being devoured is generally lethal only if a predator wishes it to be, and even fully 'digested' creatures can usually be disgorged after a fight with nothing worse than a few mild acid burns and a coat of slime. The mystery of how they continue to occupy a predator's stomach while taking up so little space is one of the great mysteries of the world.
Note: Hana's Devour uses a lilim technique to swallow the target's soul through a kiss (on their lips if they have any), leaving their physical body as an unconscious husk.

Arcane Trigger
Battle Action
Keyword: None
Gravitas Cost: 2
Attunement Threshold: 1 Ardent, 1 Erudite
Whatever clever tinkering goes into your traps, woe to the enemy that forgets that, at the end of the day, they're magic.
Effect: Move one of your traps up to one hex in any direction, then trigger it, treating it as having been triggered by whatever creature occupies its new hex.

Set Trap
Utility Action
Keyword: None
Gravitas Cost: 0
Attunement Threshold: None
You toss out a cunning device, ready to be triggered at a moment's notice.
Effect: Place a Trap in an unoccupied hex within seven spaces of you. Enemies are aware of the trap's location, but it is impossible to discern the nature of a trap before it is triggered. Traps can be triggered with any "Trap" action you learn, and you do not need to declare a trap's type when you set it.

Snare Trap
Sudden Action
Keyword: Trap, Affliction
Gravitas Cost: 0
Attunement Threshold: None
Your prey's escape was doomed from the very start.
Effect: This sudden action can be used when a creature enters a space occupied by one of your traps. Halt the creature's movement immediately, and immobilize it until the end of its next turn. Then, destroy the triggered trap.

You fight better on a full stomach.
Effect: At the start of your turn, after gaining fatigue, you can eliminate one point of your size (from any source other than carried gravs), gaining a benefit as you digest your meal. You can choose to roll a silver die and regain that much vitality, to eliminate two points of fatigue afflicting you, or to regain two points of gravitas.

Deadly Scheme
You've always got another trick up your sleeve.
Effect: Whenever you use an ability with the Trap keyword, you can move the triggered trap up to three hexes to an unoccupied hex, rather than destroying it.

A plan well executed is a satisfying thing.
Effect: Whenever you use an ability with the Trap keyword, you gain the benefits of satiation triggering, but do not reduce your size.

Natural Affliction (Mesmerized)
Battle Action (Racial)
Uses per Encounter: 3
Sticky webs, dizzying venom, or beguiling features - members of your race are well equipped to hinder those who would cross them.
Effect: Inflict Mesmerized on an adjacent enemy until the end of your next turn.

Gravic Boons

Attunement: 1 Erudite
Usage: Once per short rest
Effect: With a touch, you can almost perfectly stabilize another willing or unconscious creature for up to 24 hours. While in this state, the creature is effectively in stasis, not requiring food, water, or even air. The progress of poisons or illnesses, or the effects of injuries, can be staved off indefinitely through this ability, so long as it is reliably applied once each day. Creatures under the influence of this boon are unconscious of the world around them until revived, and will feel as if no time at all has passed upon waking.

Racial Quirks
Exotic Diet (Soul): Though they can also sustain themselves on solid foods, lilim have the option of consuming others' souls. A small nibble at the soul can give a lilim enough energy to last a day at least and only leaves the dinner partner somewhat drained until their soul regenerates, while eating the whole soul leaves the lilim overfull and the dinner partner an empty husk. Souls can always be "regurgitated" afterwards with no negative repercussions on the dinner partner.
Exotic Charm: It goes without saying that lilim have a natural abundance of allure, and usually have an easier time persuading others when putting this allure to use.
Reputation: Every race has stories about horned men and women that devour the souls of those they lay with, and they generally aren't the heroes of those stories. It doesn't help that little else is known about them aside from these ancient tales. Even the most accepting communities, a lilim will have some problems getting certain people to trust them due to the impact of the stories.

Current Gravs
Andebert (Ardent.)
Eve (Erudite.)

Total Gravitas: 7

Ardent Attunement: 1
Astral Attunement: 0
Erudite Attunement: 0
Mordant Attunement: 0
Savage Attunement: 0

Adventure Skills
The Art of Making (Ardent): Bronze
  Craft: Bronze
  Perform: Bronze
The Art of Sharing (Astral): Silver
  Persuasion: Silver
  Empathy: Silver
The Art of Knowing (Erudite): Bronze
  Academia: Bronze
  Medicine: Silver
The Art of Hiding (Mordant): Silver
  Duplicity: Silver
  Investigation: Bronze
The Art of Moving (Savage): Bronze
  Athletics: Bronze
  Wayfaring: Bronze

Hana was born and raised on Alanah, a small island occupied almost exclusively by the lilim race. Lilim and other races didn't really get along well, since people tended to be scared of anything that would eat their souls and envious of anyone more beautiful than them, so their contact with the outside world was limited to sailors and migrants. Hana's "education" was spent in the local shrine, alternating frequently between helping to care for it and learning whatever life skill the island's Temple Mother chose to share on any given day. Every afternoon, her walk home would take her to the docks, where she would seek out sailors weaving tall tales of the adventures they had found beyond the island. She would sometimes spend hours sitting with them, asking question after question to help her visualize the world beyond the ocean. Some of the tales were a little too tall to be believed, of course, but she didn't care. She dreamed of going out there and meeting new people and going on adventures. When she was seventeen, her interest in the outside world the island skyrocketed with the announcement of a student exchange program between the shrine and a school in Kadar, and on an impulse she convinced her family to sign her up. This is how she met impish sheep-wildling Juliana, a merchant's daughter who was to live with Hana for half a year before taking her back to Kadar with her for another half a year. The lilim girl immediately fell in love with Juliana and the romantic thought that she would be whisked off the island by this roguish young woman. Hana's eighteenth birthday came two weeks before the end of the first half-year. She received a few baked goods from neighbors, her favorite sailor had sent her a large book of exotic fables, and the shrine had given her a magically enhanced set of shrine maiden's clothes originally used by the Temple Mother during her own adventuring days. But her favorite gift came on the night of her birthday. Juliana finally took the initiative for her, admitting that Hana was terrible at hiding her affections and offering to be her very first dinner partner. Hana still sees that night as the best night of her life. When she woke up the next morning, she found herself heavily pregnant with her first grav, having awoken as a maiesta while she slept off the meal. At the time, she knew basically nothing about the birds and the bees, and automatically assumed that she had accidentally become pregnant with Juliana's baby. She immediately panicked. (Juliana still reminds her about this misgiving whenever she can work it into casual conversation.) After her parents calmed her down and explained reproduction more carefully, she was taken to the shrine, where the true nature of her pregnancy was revealed by the Temple Mother. Hana was suddenly ecstatic. She saw becoming a maiesta as her ticket to adventure and moderate acceptance when she went to Kadar. In the following two weeks, she worked on altering the Temple Mother's adventuring clothes to fit her smaller frame, and Juliana hastily got her enrolled in an academy in Kadar that catered specifically to helping maiesta adapt to their new abilities. The time flew by, and soon Hana and Juliana embarked via boat to Kadar, where excitement would no doubt be waiting for them...

Hana's behavior tends to contrast harshly with the behavior others generally expect of the lilim, who are so often depicted in other races' myths as tricksters and temptresses. Though she does possess a natural knack for persuading others, it generally stems more from her mien of honesty and trustworthiness rather than sexual desire. Out of modesty, she plays down most compliments directed at her, usually while giving a slight blush and a sideways glance. She also tends to get fidgety and nervous when too many people are staring at her at once. Despite both this shyness and her race's association with revealing garments, however, she does not show any preference towards either overly modest clothing or overly revealing clothing. Being raised in an isolated community has left her relatively naive and clueless when it comes to the world at large, and she is always happy to learn new things about it, though she can also prove to be somewhat gullible as a result. She will sometimes even hypothesize totally fantastical and nonsensical explanations for certain phenomenon. Though she acts serene most of the time, she is highly territorial of her home and her friends, and tends to get cold and aggressive whenever either is threatened with destruction. She also has occasional obsessive-compulsive urges to clean, and will sometimes spend her free time just making sure her living space is totally organized and dust-free. Her heritage has left her with a deep-rooted hunger for souls, and though she never acts on it it to minimize the awkwardness of interactions and the envious teasing of Juliana, she still has a bad habit of ogling others when she thinks nobody is looking. Aside from this taste for souls, she prefers to dine richly whenever she can afford to, and always practices exquisite table manners. She has no sense of humor and will laugh at anything remotely amusing.

Hana is an eighteen-year-old lilim, but is a couple inches shorter than the average for her age. Her hair is dark, and she generally wears it loose and long, though she will tie it up into an untidy bun when cleaning or reading. Her eyes are bright blue. A small pair of horns poke out from the sides of her head, and her fingers and toes end in slightly pointed nails. Even when disregarding the effects bearing gravs has had on her, Hana's figure is quite voluptuous, which she claims out of her usual modesty to be below average by the standards of female lilim. Her adventuring clothing is an unusual mixture between the traditional garb of a shrine maiden and the utility of a predator, with a long red skirt and a white haori modified to fit her shorter/rounder frame. The haori's sleeves are unusually long, hanging down to her ankles when her arms are rested at her sides. Hanging from the ends are long red ribbons, similar to the claws on the ends of traditional predator sleeves, which can be manipulated with the dexterity of fingers and can cut with the sharpness of daggers. She also has a loose-fitting neckwarmer with a zig-zagged pattern reminiscent of teeth, but unlike the scarves of traditional predators it is nonmagical and only serves as an accessory. Outside of adventure, she shows a preference towards more casual clothing like skirts and short-sleeved shirt.

 Juliana Agnusdei: A mischievous sheep wildling eight months older than Hana. The lilim currently lives with her as part of a Kadar-Alanah student exchange program.

 Warding Tags: A collection of paper tags that Hana makes in her free time. Though traditionally used for scaring angry spirits away from households, her maiesta abilities amplify their latent magic to turn each one into a unique and highly dangerous trap that activates when an unwelcome soul defiles the sacred ground it marks.
 Book of Fables: A large book of stories gathered from across the world by one of Hana's favorite sailors. She reads them whenever she gets the chance. Some of them tend to be a bit gruesome, but she doesn't seem to care.

Growth Log
 Started with 200 XP and 0 AXP
 Purchased Machinations for 100 XP (100 XP remaining)
 Purchased Arcane Trigger for 100 XP (0 XP remaining)
 Purchased +1 Capacity for free (200 XP threshold advancement)
 Gained 100 XP and 200 AXP (100 XP and 200 AXP total)
 Purchased Deadly Scheme for 100 XP (0 XP remaining)
 Gained 1 Erudite Attunement from birthing Sahnaz
 Purchased Homeostasis for 150 AXP (50 AXP remaining)

Adventure Log
Maiesta Academy - Session #2 (08/20/2017): Game run by TheDarkWatcher
    - Gained 100 AXP
Maiesta Academy - Session #4 (08/26/2017): Game run by TheDarkWatcher
    - Gained 100 XP and 100 AXP
    - Gained 1 Erudite Attunement from birthing Sahnaz
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