IncredibleIntruder — Doku the Half-Genie Master - Zombietwink62

#androgynous #anthro #bedlah #bellydance #bellydancer #brainwashing #dancer #femboy #genie #hypnosis #hypnotic #mindcontrol #poison #scorpion #scorpman #shantae #spiral #spiraleyes #maledom #halfgenie #femsub #haremoutfit #halfgeniehero
Published: 2021-05-25 12:54:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 54201; Favourites: 356; Downloads: 47
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Zombietwink62 and I are keeping the ball rolling on the continuous legend of the Blue Scorpion. This rather waifish, femboy enemy who got to earn the position of disciple to the Hypno Baron holds ambition, a palpable plan to for him and his tribe to enjoy life better. There's just one obstacle, one major enemy that keeps on disturbing them, defeating them in battle time and time again, yet perhaps with a different strategy and the skill of their newest warrior might they stand a chance against the troublesome half-genie.

Against Shantae!

Before we delve into the tale, though, let me link up to my Patreon, a place where you can check out tons of freebies (including NSFW) without even making a pledge. Go check it out: www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

And now, read on with trouble brewing in Sequin Land, friends.

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                                                                                           DOKU: HALF-GENIE MASTER

Doku was a goal-oriented person.

Needing a challenge, an objective to obtain, the satisfaction of becoming a somewhat successful hypnotist and being accepted by his people for who he was had been great...but now he needed something else. He craved excitement, a struggle, something to aim for lest he'd become somewhat complacent and dull. His journey to the Hypno Baron's castle, his training, the many inductions he attempted until he found success, how he replicated this in front of all the Scorpmen and Scorpgals...it had been fuel for him and now he was out as his days were filled with nothing more than patrols and the occasional person from his people who wanted to find out just it was like to be put under...for curiosity's sake if they were to be believed. His reputation had grown, certainly, but now he needed meaning and something larger than him to accomplish...and he found that out pretty quickly by remembrance of past events and random chance at the sight of one of the very few that everyone was afraid of.

The half-genie girl.

He recalled observing her in the past, her transformative dance, spells and her hair being devastating as none seemed to land a hit on her while she whipped them away or pounded them with one of her many forms. She was brilliant, radiant even, a magnificent dancer able to perform even in the highest of pressure, in dire environments and combat alike as Doku couldn't quite help but be amazed by her...yet also intimidated. The animosity between the Scorpion people and her was open and clear, making it so the sight of one made her go on the assault, meaning that Doku would probably be bashed and beaten before he'd even get a chance to employ his talents. Uncertain about who she was, what she could do and all he needed to understand all that he could on the matter and as such he made the trek to his mentor the Hypno Baron. He had questions about something that happened when he came back along with the identity of the half-genie girl whose reputation was barely known to him and his people...yet was known all the same.

He traveled far, alerting his people that he would be back as he claimed he'd defeat her once and for all, a tall claim that urged him to take things seriously as the Blue Scorpion made way to his teacher through various environment and perils. Managing to defend himself well against the many enemies, now turned allies while under their trance, he reached the castle as he entered the premise, the many minions of the Hypno Baron recognizing him and being rather happy that he had come back. As he returned, the baron himself came back to greet him in person, apparently worried about something yet unable to conceal it from someone who was close to him.

“Doku, I figured it would take longer before I'd see you again. I have heard through some sources about the Blue Scorpion, some very vague tales of a pretty boy and his convincing charisma,” the Hypno Baron began to say, approaching him as they then walked together on the premise. With many of his minions picking up crates here and there of various merchandise, the baron sighed as he confided in his disciple. “I must admit, things haven't been going too well on my end. My business deal is in shambles as my partner, the Squid Baron, bailed on me. Supposedly I was just a step up for him to become a final boss...whatever this means. We have to get rid of the shirts and statuettes somehow...Would you like one before they're gone?”

A small refusal was enough to convince the Hypno Baron that Doku wasn't interested, his own talent needing him to be appealing and such a garrish shirt of a big squid would not do, prompting the baron to chuckle at that statement. Concerned about his mentor, however, Doku spoke up as he pushed his own problem aside for the moment. “What happened? I remember you working very hard on this...surely he didn't just change his mind like that, especially not with you?” Doku asked, indeed beginning to believe that the Hypno Baron hadn't managed his inductions all that well. “Surely your partner must have been at your beck and call already.”

“Ah, but hypnosis is not so simple when one wants to build something genuine and long-lasting. I am known far and wide as the Hypno Baron, so people are ever wary as they believe that I am untrustworthy...so I need to work hard on proving myself,” the Hypno Baron admitted, his choice of name and title indeed not quite wise given how his whole persona was based around brainwashing and mind-control. “As for what happened, the usual for the two of us: Shantae came in and wrecked our plans somehow by pure accident, needing something that was in our possession. That half-genie girl is certainly a lot of trouble, to say the least.”

“A half-genie girl? Does she have purple hair and possess some form of magical dancing?” Doku asked, finding this coincidence rather well-timed as his interest was piqued. “A red and black bedlah, with gold accessories and the like?”

“Yes, yes and yes...that sounds like Shantae alright,” the Hypno Baron said, understanding all too well that she could be trouble for those in their inclination, creatures and monsters which may prove to be threats to the people of both Scuttle Town and the whole of Sequin Land. “Seems like there is a vendetta that the Squid Baron has for her and when she defeated us both...well he took it personally and stormed off, citing that he didn't have time for this business venture anymore. And that was that.”

“I don't get it...” Doku asked, indeed seeing a small pattern emerge as the Hypno Baron hadn't done the one thing he could have pushed for in order to resolve this situation. “Why didn't you hypnotize her? You could have had a powerful and pretty servant all to yourself.”

“Ah, but therein lies the problem: she is beloved and has many, many friends. To kill or downright steal her would be tantamount to attracting danger and retribution to my door. Even the zombies who lives in their own corner of my castle likes her a lot, so I'd make an enormous amount of enemies...like Risky Boots who'd certainly come for my hide with her pirate crew if I was the one to defeat her nemesis,” the Hypno Baron explained, indeed showcasing brilliantly one of the key problem with hypnosis as a mean of conquest: the allies and friends of the victims. For one that you'd enslave, there are plenty who would notice and thus each target had to be considered carefully, which Doku hadn't really thought about much. Simple monsters and merchants that were released after their inductions were one thing, but to claim this Shantae would be another matter altogether as it made him ponder on what the best course of action could be. “I did manage to hypnotize her on some few random occasions, but nothing too concrete. She is a good-willed being who wants to believe in others, a certain naïve traits of hers, but easy to use in some small capacity. However, it's catch-and-release with her, taking extra steps to make sure she won't notice or else you'll be in trouble, believe me.”

It did give him quite a quandary and much to think about as Doku indeed wanted to beat her...but to just do so that she'd avoid his people would certainly not be satisfactory at all. He wanted a certain form of revenge, of retribution and ownership in a sense...yet couldn't be too direct about it it seemed. “I have another question, an important one,” Doku said, indeed recalling an event that occurred back when he returned to the dunes where he lived, during his induction of the Bonelegs who escaped and stalked him. “I used your teaching and techniques back home and I felt this...energy invested in me, making me feel somewhat...potent? It is difficult to describe, but it felt as if I was projecting myself to the one under my power and...do you know what I'm talking about?”

“Yes, of course...It is the hypnotic energy, something I channel through my own inductions. It seems that you were more attuned to the mesmerizing ways than I thought...perhaps you were born to be a hypnotist,” the Hypno Baron said, intrigued that his prized pupil turned out to be more than just a curiosity on his part, but actually one with far more potential than he possibly believed. “We will have to train you thoroughly, but I think you'll be ready to get to the next level. I will arrange for your lodgings so that you shall be comfortable during your stay here.”

Already planning to ask for more lessons, this was a stroke of luck as Doku began his lessons near-immediately, the Hypno Baron needing something to occupy himself after the failure that he encountered. At first, they tried to bring back that aura, that energy which Doku was able to tap into as they went through the paradigms and the manner in which he invoked it. Then, finding out just how to properly access it, they went on to make him practice time and time again with the regular test subjects, each one all too eager to pass some time ogling some pretty boy who'd seduce and enthrall them thoroughly. At first it felt awkward, the energy coming and going seemingly as it pleased, all the promising progress somehow vanishing as his test subjects woke up groggily, confused and sore. However, as he perfected his technique soon he found out that this was indeed a projection of his will suppressing that of others, taking a certain form that the inducted targets described as a lazy and beautiful spiral following his form. Putting a certain emphasis on that during his speech and suggestions, it allowed him to improve in considerable ways, his own progress delighting both the Hypno Baron and himself.

“It seems indeed that you have a small gift, my apprentice...but now must come the next step in which I cannot really help,” the Hypno Baron said, slightly disappointed by what he'd say next as he nevertheless felt proud of Doku. “Such a thing means that you will need to find different ways to experiment and focus that energy. Your dancing is a fine tool...but you need more than just that. A trinket, an accessory or perhaps something to enhance your talents and channel them through it would be best...but I'll leave that to you.”

At first Doku didn't quite know what he meant, confusion greeting him as he tried to use a pendant initially yet it really didn't mesh with his dancing at all. Then he tried to use a belly ring, yet his whole personage was used for the induction and to make them focus on one single point proved counter-intuitive. It was quite a problem, one which seemed to have no easy solution at first but then he remembered one thing: he wasn't like anyone else. He was a scorpman, with many legs and a large prehensible tail. He didn't need to think in simple two-legged terms as he recognized some potential here with his appendage as it was milked for its venom once again as a favor to his teacher. His was different to the others as the Scorpgals and scorpmen alike had blades attached to their tip, literal weapons meant to slice and dice, possibly stab their opponents as well while his was a simple and banal stinger, like that of a regular scorpion. It had been the basis for some complex of his, one of the factors in why he didn't go for the warrior's way at first, yet this difference could very well be fated as he attempted something: to channel his hypnotic aura inside his venom. He felt it pulsating, vibrating and as he tried to sting one rat that passed by, doing so swiftly, he saw that the rat wasn't dying due to his strike and that instead swirls appeared in its tiny eyes. Time passed and his demise wasn't appearing still, yet the symbols in its tiny eyes never subsided as it just followed him around, waiting patiently for something as Doku had apparently succeeded in his experiment, which gave him the perfect way to use his talents and skills now.

With renewed ambition and motivation, he bid farewell to his mentor as a plan had been concocted in his head to deal with Shantae as he had learned more and more of his opponent. A half-genie girl, a belly dancer by trade yet also a guardian, she was indeed a heroine that protected all of Sequin Land from powerful threats...thus she was essential in a way. Seeing what the Hypno Baron was saying about her, indeed just claiming her permanently or slaying her would bring nothing but ruin to everyone, so instead he knew just how to approach this as he made his way through the many landscapes with a smile on his face. Using his technique on dimwitted creatures to protect himself, one sting indeed proved to be enough for the weak-willed to obey his commands, swirls appearing in their face as his influence had spread inside their bloodstream and in their thoughts. It seemed almost cheap, but it did prove to be massively useful as many of the creatures and beasts he enslaved helped him trod along, sometimes even carrying him to new destinations before he'd tell them to resume their life but to be ready for whenever he'd come back. Thus he made his way back to the desert, to his people, and told them of his plan as they were all too eager to finally be done with Shantae for good.

Soon, all that was left to do was going on patrols as they awaited the opportunity to deal with the half-genie girl. Days passed, everyone eager and anxious to claim the one victory they wanted more than any other until one of them reported sightings of the purple-haired warrior-dancer not too far from their territory. This meant then that they could proceed and as such everyone prepared themselves mentally and physically, arming themselves to help Doku with whatever he'd need. Moving en masse, they then proceeded to do the one thing that they seldom did: work together. Being proud and solitary beings, they left space for each other and tried not to be in the way of one's ambition and claim...yet for this they were quite alright with doing this as a team as they went on to assail Shantae as a tribe as opposed to lone beings.

This greatly surprised Shantae who had never seen this happen prior, meaning that she had to go forth and unleash all of her might and talent if she were to survive this. The Scorpion people were no joke and as such she jumped up in the air, whipped left and right as she dodged multiple blows in what seemed to be a ballet of strikes and slices. Conjuring scimitars to defend herself, she also transformed into various forms by dancing like a a harpy or her elephant shape as she stomped, flew and did all that she could to properly defend herself. They were many and some of her blows were guarded against as she knew not why they acted like this, but she wasn't about to lose to them if she could help it. Dancing and acrobatics were used to dodge and release spells, exhaustion rising as the dozens that attacked her fell one by one, stunned and incapacitated by the multiple strikes that the half-genie heroine was able to muster. It was an epic sight, making it very easy to understand why she was so feared as eventually Shantae still stood while they were entirely defeated, unable to prolong the fight. Taking heavy breaths and a few minutes to recuperate, this had been an intense battle, one that left her perhaps a bit vulnerable now...just as planned.

Doku had indeed hoped that his brothers and sisters alongside his closer family would indeed prove victorious so that his own task would be easier, but Shantae was indeed formidable as he revealed himself, the opportunity right there to be taken. He knew that he was less formidable than the others, no true muscles and even a smaller size as his blue flesh and chitin made him clash with all the rest. As Shantae witnessed him, he wasted no time with his own role as he began to dance before her eyes, going for an even more contrasting approach to the others so as to be even more noticeable. His hips bumped left and right, his arms up and a small smirk beneath his veil told of a more salacious and seductive scorpman, all part of his plan. “I do not wish to fight...and neither do you at this point, do you not?”

Already his suggestion was sent her way as he activated his aura, the spirals being felt now that Doku was aware of it. He projected himself as she couldn't help but gaze at him, at this new opponent with a calm, relaxing voice and a penchant for dancing. On her guard, she nevertheless couldn't quite avert her gaze from his hips and his rather feminine-looking appearance as she noticed some light spiral appearing in the background and on the gem he wore on his turban. There was something odd about him and this...but something intriguing as well.

“You must be tired from this fight, in dire need of relaxation and more pleasant things...” Doku continued to say, noticing that Shantae hadn't said anything yet which was a good sign. He began to go for vertical figure-eights, mayas as they were called, pushing one hip to the side and then lifting it up while he pushed the other, creating a loop that was easy to notice and which would strengthen the spiral pattern being established. “Let my dancing and my voice provide that for you, my lovely half-genie. I am no fighter and you could crush me with but one blow...so instead allow me to dance as a tribute to your victory. Enjoy my beauty and my words~”

It was indeed easy to just indulge a bit as Shantae's own body began to get slightly limp, as if her power was slowly waning. The proposition sent to her was potent and enticing, much like the alluring Scorpman was indeed a tantalizing sight to her eyes. His boyish hips, his lean figure, his soft features and the way he wore gold so magnificently...the smirk beneath his veil...and of course the spirals. It was quite distracting and her instincts told her that this was a trap as she nevertheless kept her sight locked on him...a rationale that would seal her fate as she was half-paying attention to his potential danger but also partly enjoying the view quite a bit too.

“No need to be wary, to be stressed...let all of this melt down in my moves and my curves, in my sumptuous appearance~” Doku continued, letting the euphoria linger on a bit as he kept on channeling his magic, this source of power as he could see her sway a bit, though also still on her guard. She was indeed strong and not of weak-will like many, trying to resist in some key fashion and yet also tempted, which would make a regular induction all the harder for him. He began to roll his stomach while also gyrating his waist, a difficult yet very eye-catching move as he undulated and spun lazily and sensually. “Enjoy this...don't fight it...let me take care of you and your needs, my pretty. No thinking, no resisting...just pure bliss~”

Doku had made a mistake here, going perhaps a bit too fast in his induction as the notion of dropping her guard, of surrendering in a subtle fashion ignited some spirit of rebellion in her as she began to recenter herself and return to her previous stance. It was a fight, her impulse being to keep on looking at the pretty boy with his sexy moves, but he was part of those who attacked her and no amount of appeal and allure could erase that. The sight of spirals and all gave her the hint that he was hypnotizing her, meaning that she needed to drag her mind back to its rightful place in order to defend herself...yet it proved too late as her own fixation on his more human half had made it so Shantae hadn't considered his scorpion tail, the one he projected in the sand below and then used to tighten her hands and wrists together, resulting in her being lifted off the ground in a helpless position. “Wha...let me...go...”

Those words died down right there as the moment Doku had her in her grasp he stung her...and the deed was done. His venom went on to pass through her neck to her brain and bloodstream as the hypnotic energy within pulsated inside her entire being. The vibrating and warm liquid thinned itself and spread rather fast, clouding her mind as thoughts of Doku flooded her mind, making her senses obsess about him near-immediately. Dazed and feeling very warm, her vision was troubled as spirals began to emerge in all corners of her eyes, those patterns becoming endlessly fascinating as she felt incredibly limp and relaxed, still held up in the air as she felt weightless and somewhat ecstatic. Then came the one sight she adored most of all now, that of the blue scorpman who stung her and made her feel this good and focused as the spirals made way for her to witness him...and he was gorgeous beyond what words could possibly describe.

“And so you have been defeated, my pretty half-genie,” Doku said with a chuckle as he saw spirals appear and spin endlessly in Shantae's eyes, essentially making it so his influence was now an intrinsic part of her. The way she stared at him through her altered eyes, her growing smile and her relaxed disposition made him quite confident in his victory as he approached her closer. “How do you feel, then? What have you to say to me?”

Immediately thoughts of obedience and worship converged inside Shantae's mind, Doku's influence and power claiming her reactions as she opened her mouth to speak. “Very good...I feel very good, my most beautiful master~” she said, her tone happy and excited as she couldn't take her eyes off him. Each inches of his skin, even his chitin, spoke of an allure so high and inescapable that lust and adoration rushed to her, investing themselves in her mind. As soon as she was done speaking, she returned to her silly grin, beginning to drool as she salivated at the sight of the one she called master now, intrinsically understanding her role now.

“That's right...I am your master now, your owner, lord and god all rolled into one...You will obey me now, won't you?” Doku said, the thrill of success decidedly greeting him once again as he felt particularly good about himself now, enjoying the sight of one who gave them such trouble now reduced to a drooling mess. “If I am your master...then what does that make you? Pray tell me your role~”

“I am...I am your slave...And I will obey~” Shantae said with no small amount of elation, the power of his venom indeed enhancing her attraction to him by an insane degree as his control was absolute. She was now his puppet, his toy and he relished it as he laughed in a triumphant way before them rewarding her for saying such words with conviction and devotion.

“That is entirely right...Your entire existence shall now be devoted to me and only me...so when I say a command, you shall obey. When I tell you how to behave or what to say, you shall do as you are told...and you will love me for it~” Doku said as he went on to flutter his belly, sucking it in and pushing it out rapidly in order to give her some visual stimuli, appreciative of how she was indeed so smitten by him that she couldn't, nor would ever, think straight again. “Are you ready for your new life, for you to be under my power and control, now and forever?”

“Yes master~” she answered quickly, no ounce of hesitation accompanying those words as he released her, making it so she went on her knees immediately, a proper stance to greet her master and owner...but also the best position to admire the lean and slim belly of her beautiful lord dancing just for her.

“Now kiss my belly in devotion, worship it~” Doku said, acting on a whim as eventually Shantae obeyed him and covered his abdomen in all sorts of kisses and licks, a sensual affair which cemented attraction, submission and arousal as part of the deal. She spent untold minutes at this task, eventually witnessed by the Scorpion people who came back to their sense only to see her in this humiliating position, mindless and claimed by the Blue Scorpion. Unable to see anything or act against the wishes of her owner, Shantae merely indulged in her arousal and continued to obey until she then heard how her life would be from now on.

She would still be a heroine, a much-needed one in fact. Her spirals could indeed be turned off, some semblance of focus granted to her through commands and a schedule she had to partake in. All aspects of her life were managed by Doku as she met her friends, acted normally and looked just like her regular self when in Scuttle Town or when she was accompanied...but in her solitude she kept on thinking of her master, the sweet and powerful Doku. Once every week she came back to bask in his hypnotic magnificence, worshipping him openly as she never fought a single scorpman or scorpgal ever again. They let her pass through as soon she was no more a feared opponent but rather Doku's slave, one who brought him gifts of gems and pretty clothes. She taught him to dance like her, enhancing his own talent greatly due to her own being considerable as soon she learned of how to adore hypnosis, her role and how everything was perfect. The illusion of normalcy was maintained, Doku understanding what the Hypno Baron meant as none but himself and his people would know of the truth.

That Doku was the half-genie's master, now and forevermore.

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Comments: 12

LittleRed11 [2021-05-29 17:27:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2021-05-30 13:51:48 +0000 UTC]

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BellmoTheGreat [2021-05-25 21:36:11 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to BellmoTheGreat [2021-05-26 12:45:53 +0000 UTC]

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LordGianmarco In reply to BellmoTheGreat [2021-05-26 04:44:38 +0000 UTC]

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BellmoTheGreat In reply to LordGianmarco [2021-05-26 04:48:25 +0000 UTC]

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Blockdasher91 [2021-05-25 17:01:14 +0000 UTC]

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Blockdasher91 In reply to IncredibleIntruder [2021-05-26 12:46:11 +0000 UTC]

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