IncredibleIntruder — Totally Dancers - RavenKreuz

#alex #arabiannights #bedlah #bellydance #bellydancer #brainwashing #clover #dancer #dancers #femdom #haremgirl #hypnosis #hypnotic #sam #spies #totallyspies #trance #femsub #haremoutfit
Published: 2024-04-07 16:46:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 37865; Favourites: 578; Downloads: 59
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It had been quite a while since I wrote Alex, Clover and Sam.

I had the need to do so, a tale growing in my head and as I talked about it to my friend RavenKreuz , it turned into a desire to collaborate on this together. I built a tale, sent it her way and then this illustration was born...and what a beauty it is. The poses, the different designs for their bedlahs, the subtle hypnotic touches, a lot to love for this one as one can tell she wasted no effort on this. A small passion project from us to you all.  

What did happen to those three spies, however? Why are they dressed thusly? Read on and find out!

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                                                                       AGENTS OF H.A.R.E.M.

Clover felt rather privileged to still be on speaking terms with Tassara.

The queen of Lyrobia herself, whom she had impersonated for a short duration of time, had somewhat kept contact with her, a fact which she did have to keep secret due to the nature of how such a relationship came to be. To be able to lord it over Mandy would be most sweet, yet it would also remove her cover as a totally ordinary gorgeous gal, revealing how even better than that pest she is due to her nature as a sexy world-traveling spy. Nonetheless did she receive letters, perfumed parchments which bore the most intricate and delicate handwriting, surefire signs of regal manners and sophistication that a queen ought to possess. While she wasn't at liberty to say what kind of missions she had been on behalf of W.H.O.O.P., she could still tell the most mundane things and receive a reply all in due time, which did make most of her day whenever she'd get an answer.

She did want to return one day to Lyrobia, especially to show off what she had learned with those baladi lessons she had begun taking a few months back. Her natural athletism and agility, combined with her alluring flair did make her a natural, one of her many reasons to attend such classes being that she could use it in case she needed to get undercover as a belly dancer...but it could also be an excellent tool of seduction in many, many cases. Those letters had indeed inspired her to go ahead, the exercise and the sheer appeal of a nice bedlah certainly making her rise to the challenge as soon she'd be irresistible...not that she wasn't already. She had told Tassara about those, naturally, asking for tips and maybe what might look good on her, which was actually given a response in the most generous and secretly extravagant of ways: with a package.

A royal gift from the looks of it, a box that Clover managed to get in secret, herself not delving all that she had kept ongoing with the Queen of Lyrobia for fear of jealousy from both Sam and Alex. It's not that she distrusted them, far from it...but the sheer exclusivity and the bond that she had forged by impersonating Tassara could not be quite replicated easily, or so she told herself. Within said present could be found exactly what she had hoped: her very own bedlah. Akin to a mixture of her latex spy uniform with a more traditional dancer attire, a nice top, a thin belt with a heart upon it, spirals within the symbol as well and a long open skirt were all there to behold and to wear. Gold and red, great colors, and the spiral heart did give her the impression that she'd hypnotize anyone looking at her with her great form too. It was certainly exciting and once she did put it on, Clover found herself in awe of just how glorious she looked in that ensemble. She shimmied her hips in front of a mirror, the coins hanging upon the belt jingling and making the most delightful sound. Yet it wasn't all to be found in the box as there was a smaller one holding something much more intriguing: a disc.

No indication as to what it was, purely one very simple instruction: “play me”. She did just that, inserting it into a player as the first thing she was greeted by when it loaded was the full view of a midriff, a feminine one with tan skin. Nice curves, smooth skin, oiled up and even with a nice navel ring, some slight sparkles and polish upon that belly too as she could figure that perhaps it was a personal lesson from Tassara herself. Maybe a killer move, a secret royal technique to rob hearts and minds alike as Clover watched with both curiosity and intense interest.

This is for you, Clover. Watch the dance carefully.

No voice-over, merely a subtitle as that stomach and those hips went on to sway and undulate, slowly and methodically. A light kind of music with very soft cymbals and low-key drums accompanied it as Clover tried to emulate what she saw, doing not too bad all things considered due to how slow it went. Left, then right, a few slow rolls upward and then downward, a low-key hip circle and then left...right...a most easy pattern once you got accustomed to it. The lighting made that midsection sparkle as a very faint but noticeable spiral had been traced upon that glamorous midriff, circling towards the navel. It was certainly an uncanny little detail, the kind a spy like her would pick up on, yet as the music got just a little softer, more words popped up.

Look upon it. A mysterious and seductive dance meant for your eyes only.

It was flattering, but also strangely arousing even though Clover did not quite swing that way. For a royal person like Tassara to go forth and perform for her, recording it and sending the results to Clover spoke highly of how much that friendship was valued. The swaying went on to go a little wider, light and color filters went on to occasionally accompany this performance as some of them even made the visuals pulsate ever so slightly. A very light psychedelic trip, something sensual yet gently delirious, qualities she hoped her own dancing would come to emulate sooner rather than later.

Admire it. Gaze deeply, observe the technique and its intricacies.

It was hard not to, the technique at first seemed obviously simple, yet it proved not to be so as some very occasional figure-eights brushed the air in subtle fashion, never letting the soft rolls be hindered despite the circumstances. The moment she got comfortable, a new wrinkle was added yet she held her own as her body was put on automatic, mimicking what she saw to the best of her abilities. The colors and the slight shine, a near-indiscernible spotlight upon that midsection enabling that effect, made it so appealing to the eye as Clover felt no fatigue despite...how long had it been? She couldn't even tell at this point.

You love this. You can't look away and don't want to.

It proved a bit arduous to agree, but the fact that she was indeed rather taken and seemingly ensorcelled by this performance proved that she could do naught but nod along with that statement. She felt a bit light-headed, the twirls and twists of that abdomen making it so the spiral drawn upon it was made to be even easier to notice, just like the way that navel ring and the belly button it was attached to seemed to contort in all sorts of tantalizing manners. It was a sordid thing to notice and realize, but it was indeed a very cute navel, the jewel of that midriff in a sense.

Rewind back to the 11 minutes mark, if you please.

11 minutes? Clover was confused, though she did as she was asked as somehow her hand had already grabbed the remote, her finger pushing on the appropriate button to do as per this suggestion. As it went backward, she realized that it had been already 45 minutes...which felt immensely odd. Yet her innate precision, which was a surprise even to her, went on to make her stop at exactly the right time as the low and slow hip circle returned, making the spiral swirl as this was when the color pulsations went on to accompany that tan, smooth, sublime belly. That sight pacified her, the question lingering and then vanishing as she resumed the dance anew.

Look upon it. A mysterious and seductive dance meant for your eyes only.

She had indeed seen that one, though she began to notice a few details that weren't quite there before...or that she hadn't realized had always been present. Slight inscriptions on the hips, curved yet readable which spelled OBEY. A little spiral upon the small gem that was attached to the navel ring. On the upper part of the abdomen could be seen the word SUBMIT. It was as if different and deeper facets were unlocked for her as Clover felt light-headed, the pulsations igniting a certain passion and fixation upon her which had been there prior...but not with that kind of intensity.

Read the words...let them seep into your core.

That one was new, Clover still dancing as there were zoom-ins and zoom-outs now that accompanied occasionally slow and then fast belly rolls. The forward and backward of the camera only amplified that as the subtitles and the words on that stomach gained an impossible power. The allure and appeal of the video only grew, making her wonder what she might have missed. It did not dawn on her how fragmented her attention span was, though as the colors pulsated some more and the spiral went on to illusory spin and swirl, it mattered not anymore.

Follow your instincts, your impulses...and the commands.

It sounded like an excellent idea, this approval on her part making her feel even more light-headed as she seemed detached from her own body. Save for her hips, waist and abdomen, nothing else was felt as her own senses were projected onto the screen. An extreme close-up to that navel and ring, some light shimmies which made the piece of jewelry go forth almost like a sped-up pendulum. It was all so captivating, enticing...hypnotic. She couldn't nor would even dare to entertain the notion of looking away, her room fading away, her sheer presence barely registering as all that mattered was the video now.

Let your mind shut down...let me guide you towards absolute bliss.

Such an excellent idea. So much stress was related to her work, to her double-life. She needed an outlet, a way to relax and this would do very nicely indeed. If only she could bury her face on that tummy, worship it even...it felt like a new idea, but also a comfortable one for some unknown reason. She accepted it, her brain turning somewhat off as she couldn't help but smile just as the swaying motions went on to diminish in its arc, speeding up its pace.

Rewind back to the 57 minutes mark.

That jump in time, the notion of her going back to that actual moment did not dawn even one notion of wrongdoing, of something being utterly off. Her hands already compelled to do so, obeying the edict, she did not even witness that the video had been going on for over 90 minutes now. All this time had she awkwardly danced, her muscles as limp as her thoughts as Clover was helpless, entranced by this gift. In her mind's eye did she perform, but in truth did she actually sway very slowly and inefficiently in the hope to replicate this enthralling performance she just saw.

Obey me. Submit to me.

The words on that body seemed to almost shine and sparkle, meshing with the spirals and the navel ring flawlessly. A symbiosis, a surrender of her own perceptions to this presentation made Clover powerless, vulnerable beyond comprehension and something within her felt tremendously happy about that. Then there was a zoom-out, one that was slow and methodical, shimmies going on as the pulsations sped up, the colors going wild save in one key area: the abdomen. It was the anchor to all of this as eventually was the dancer revealed...

You are a slave to mistress Makeda.

It was not Tassara but her sister, a being of ambition and no small amount of guile, one that Clover, Sam and Alex had thwarted in her evil plan. Yet in all that time had she escaped imprisonment and planned her revenge. She had her own network, a veritable cavalcade of both witting and unwitting hands assisting her in her plan to rule Lyrobia and Kenyopia...at first. Through videos and other such personal means to brainwashing had she claimed more than a single agent through her own shadow organisation: H.A.R.E.M., which stood for Hypnotized Assets Recruited with Enticing Mesmerism. Clover had been one of the first due to personal grudges.

You are under my power, my sway, my charm...you are mine.

Clover by now was utterly unable to do anything else but comply, doing so happily in fact. This has not been the first video, not by a long shot. Tassara had indeed been sending missives and letters, though they had been intercepted and then some key details were added...often in the form of videos. The idea of wanting to be a belly dancer had been one such implement in the spy's psyche as by now Clover was but an agent of H.A.R.E.M., another tool at Makeda's disposal. Feeding her information on W.H.O.O.P., going on secret missions unbeknownst to all, a sleeper agent in all shapes and form.

Fast-forward to 117 minutes, slave.

She obeyed, Clover already doing as she was bid to as by now swirls, spirals and the sheer radiance of mistress Makeda went on to turn that once-vile woman into a living goddess. Always wearing a gold waist adornment that hid her stomach, now she was bare-bellied and it only went on to enhance the sheer exotic and magnificent charisma of that living deity. Clover was in awe, admiring and adoring the one who had once again hypnotized her as she smiled, no longer dancing but instead kneeling as per triggers put into her own mind.

You shall still go forth and watch video number three to seventeen, this one, at regular intervals for me. I want your instructions and devotion ever fresh.

“Yes mistress...” Clover responded, unaware that Makeda could not hear her, but uncaring about it anyway. Such was her loyalty and devotion as the hypnosis kept on pulsating, the colors and patterns assailing and weakening her, putty to be molded into whatever Makeda wished of her once-enemy. Still did Alex fixate on her mistress and handler, the head honcho of H.A.R.E.M. whose orders were absolute. Her truest, deepest allegiance was to the rightful divine ruler of all and thus did Clover already register within her subconscious what she needed.

You will soon receive new instructions, you and your companions that is. You shall infiltrate an embassy for me and mesmerize people into giving you the information that I need. Close the video and join the others immediately.

Clover rose machinally, dressed in her bedlah as in truth this was but one of many that she had been sent. Each of them were registered in her portable makeup and disguise kit, this one soon joining them as she got out of her room...and met with similarly-afflicted Sam and Alex. Both had their bedlah as well, color-coded and a touch different as since Clover had been the first to be affected by Makeda's plan she was the de-facto leader of this small H.A.R.E.M. cell. One of her very first instructions had been to personally mesmerize and recruit both of her friends and partners using hypnotic baladi techniques, her own copy of the neural-scrambler navel ring actually a part of her first attire. This and the videos had turned the red-head and the raven-haired spies into staunch allies and tools at Makeda's disposal...which only made it so that Clover felt proud.

“Mistress Makeda wants details on the new diplomatic envoy from Lyrobia...and for him to join the fold,” Sam said, ever the one in charge of intel and mission details. Her wide and curious mind had made it so that any information that was crucial would be registered in the large database that was her mind, all for the sake of H.A.R.E.M.

“I have a safe route and contacts for meeting up with him...we have a window of 30 minutes for hypnosis and conversion,” Alex went on to add, herself a more physical and athletic one. She would divulge key elements and keep track of people of interest for the team.

“Very well. I shall arrange for transport and for us to be at the right time and place discreetly. In the meanwhile, let us spend the afternoon with video four, seven and thirteen,” Clover commanded as the operation would not be now, Makeda too wise to go forth like this. Further indoctrination and other intel would need to be gathered, yet three agents and perhaps more would be prepared all in due time. Thus did they go forth and go through specific channels to encrypt their presence to W.H.O.O.P...and further assimilate and absorb instructions, edicts and worship to their mistress and goddess.

In truth, all three of them were to be contacted by Tassara, though each had been at first mesmerized to keep it quiet so that neither of the trio would potentially warn the other about possible weirdness. It had taken months, subtlety and yet now did Makeda possess a veritable little army for H.A.R.E.M. which would allow her to accomplish her goals in no time. The world would soon be hers...

With H.A.R.E.M. her own sexy and hypnotic vanguard in her conquest.

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Ninja44444 [2024-08-30 19:38:05 +0000 UTC]

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LittleRed11 [2024-05-19 10:26:44 +0000 UTC]

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IncredibleIntruder In reply to LittleRed11 [2024-05-20 01:14:43 +0000 UTC]

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BryanFoseid [2024-04-07 23:42:42 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2024-04-07 18:05:52 +0000 UTC]

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Blockdasher91 [2024-04-07 17:05:26 +0000 UTC]

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