IncredibleIntruder — Two Tantalizing Tawna - OmegaLuxifer

#anthro #bedlah #bellydance #bellydancer #brainwashing #crashbandicoot #djinn #femdom #furry #genie #haremgirl #hypnosis #hypnotic #magiclamp #mindcontrol #tawna #transformation #dancergirl #tawnabandicoot #malesub #djinnification #femsub #haremoutfit #genietransformation
Published: 2023-07-01 15:49:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 47526; Favourites: 588; Downloads: 84
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Couldn't keep my hands off those bandicoots.

Given that there's a new Crash game and that I did have plans for a follow-up in that storyline, the fact that this illustration got done recently makes this all the better. I do like the Crash Bandicoot games and Toys for Bob have been pretty neat in the N.Sane Trilogy and It's About Time. Might give their latest a go sooner or latter.

The artist for this one is OmegaLuxifer , an incredibly talented individual who just knows what to focus on and how best to use shading. I went back to them after that amazing illustration of Coco and Tawna, this time going for both Tawna in order to continue the tale. If you like their work, do know they take commissions and you can check out their prices right there 

And if you do like mine and want to support my work, I do have a Patreon you can check out www.patreon.com/incredibleintr…

Now how did the original Tawna get turned and what happens next? Read on and find out!

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                                                                                            DUAL DIMENSIONAL DJINNS

Where were Crash and Coco?

Tawna knew not the answer to this question no matter how often she repeatedly asked it in silence within her own head. Normally, the island they called home would be safe due to their presence as whoever had designs of world conquest, messing with the natural order of things or simply both were deterred by the two bandicoot siblings. It had been a while since she last saw both as her bond with them was pretty solid, meaning that she knew that whenever she was in danger she was sure they'd be coming...yet now was not the case.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are...” Tiny Tiger said, a predator by temperament and now also by action as he searched for her. She was hiding, hoping that her boyfriend or her bestie in the form of Crash and Coco respectively would come in to save the day. Yet it was not to be as she tried to stealthily go from one spot to the other. Tawna was no fighter, perhaps an okay racer in a go-kart but that was it as she never had the bold kind of insanity Crash possessed to simply fight against machines and people twice his size. She did yoga occasionally, but it did not entirely help her against ruffians, especially those who seemingly thought very highly of whom they served. “N. Tropy's gonna be right pleased when you're on his side. Just wait till you see N. Trance and you'll get it just like I did.”

Tawna was savvy enough not to make a peep as it was obvious that Tiny Tiger had been hypnotized, serving someone else rather than Dr. Neo Cortex as that one had been mysteriously absent too. Another bizarre team-up with Crash? Gone through a different dimension due to mayhem that Crash and Coco stopped? She couldn't quite know what had been going on and she wasn't about to ask as the moment she got herself spotted it would be over. Tiny Tiger was never the greatest guy or the best conversationalist and his current state of mind did not hint that it had changed.

“Found ya, sweet cheeks!” Tiny Tiger said, indeed sniffing her out and then pouncing on the bush that she used to hide herself as Tawna yelped and then ran as fast as she could. She moved past jumping crates, those filled with nitro and TNT, tried throwing wumpa fruits at the ferocious feline and yet as he was gaining ground on her she thought that it would have been probably much, much better to not be so passive and get the same kind of kung-fu lessons Coco had taken...or at least something similar. “Can't escape!”

Yet as Tiny released such a statement, he was proven false by pure happenstance, both a fortunate and yet unfortunate turn of events for Tawna as she slipped through a crevice that should have been activated by picking up a special gem. She fell down, thinking that her time was nigh and yet she tried to stop or at least soften the inevitable landing. She tumbled, did somewhat hurt herself yet not so badly that she couldn't stand as she felt that she had hit her lowest point, both figuratively and literally. It was a dark place, the only light coming from above and barely illuminating her surroundings. She was scared, alone and she feared that Tiny would come down to get her. She was doomed...yet not entirely in the way she thought herself to be.

“It seems you might just need some help~” a voice came from the dark, one that startled Tawna not just due to its suddenness but also because of a most peculiar and disturbing fact: it sounded just like her own. There was a bit more confidence, a touch more sass to it and yet this was something she could not be mistaken about as she turned toward its source, worried and unable to shake off thoughts of terrible things happening to her. “Don't worry, I'm here just for that. Now let there be light!”


Snapping fingers, a deflagration of light that temporarily blinded Tawna as the one who revealed herself was none other than herself...but the one from a different dimension. Coco had spoken about this one, an adventuring badass with attitude and a can-do approach to things, carrying a grappling hook with rope, able to kick and punch her way through bad guys. While her fashion sense did differ greatly with the tinted hair, the pseudo-mohawk, a mix of blue and pink with ripped jeans and a bomber jacket, she certainly cared little for appearance...or worked hard to seem as such. The regular Tawna would be saying this had it been the same other-dimensional girl she had seen in pictures, yet this one was decidedly much different in ways that were somewhat...baffling.

“I am a magic genie, a version of yourself granted incredible power,” the bedlah-clad Tawna went on to say as that punk-rock attire had been replaced by something more befit an Arabian Nights play. Her midriff on display, including those rock-hard abs, a blue and gold mixture with an Egyptian collar, a top that showcased cleavage generously and pantaloons that warped into a floating smoke tail, she certainly did look radiant in ways that were mystifying and yet particularly potent as the still-regular Tawna couldn't help but fixate her gaze upon that genie. “I am here to offer you an opportunity, a way for you to never feel weak, to belong, to be cherished but also feared~”

Tawna had enough experience with speeches and pitches to understand that such words and vague terms were eyebrow-raising worthy, but the way that other Tawna went on to sway her hips, making her abdominal muscles and her entire midriff glisten akin to a magnificent jewel of flesh did distract her immensely. Tawna was not exactly attracted to women and the very idea that a different version of herself seemed alluring was a touch troubling, but then again those wide hips and those taut muscles did make her swoon a bit as she unwittingly followed their motions. “I...w-what...”

“No need to answer right now. Just focus on me and what I am saying. Wouldn't you want to be as capable as me, as confident as myself?” the genie Tawna said as her own tail went on to float and then brush against the somewhat bruised Tawna, healing her on the spot and sending just a tiny bit of bliss from removing any pain she had recently felt. This and the way those sways went on to get wider, a bit faster and the fashion in which she just sucked her belly in and pushed it out to make her abs sparkle were just downright seductive. Each repetition brought a small pulsation as her focus was gradually cemented on the genie, on the bedlah-clad beauty whose power seemed more and more easy to believe in. “To never feel afraid, to be powerful, as radiant as me yet in your own way...all that I offer to you and more~”

There was a jewel attached to the genie's own navel, swinging as even though it was somewhat minuscule it reflected light and shone in ways that were borderline kaleidoscopic. Soon enough, Tawna heard some kind of Middle-Eastern kind of music accompanying this as the light conjured by the genie went on to converge towards her, tinting itself with her own palette. Blue and yellow, the latter bordering more on gold as they swirled and spun in ways that were especially easy to fixate upon. With that genie otherself at the epicenter of the phenomenon, a part of Tawna felt more light-headed and relieved of stress as those sways turned into lazy and slow spins, the fluttering of that stomach kept steady as it proved to be exquisite to gaze upon.

“You can join me and Coco in this, in becoming a genie. Immortal, strong, eternally beautiful...all this and more could be yours~” the genie bandicoot went on to say as those circles went faster and faster, evolving into shimmies as those piston-like motions pumped the doubts and the hesitation out of the still-normal Tawna's head in a way more figurative than not...but not that detached from the literal as well. Blue and gold spirals emerged from the bandicoot woman she was there to “help” as the genie could not help but smirk in satisfaction. “All you'd need would be your own lamp...and fortunately I have yours right there~”

There was indeed a vessel for a genie there, one in the form of a bandicoot's head. It even had ears, a snout and eyes that showcased spirals of pink and purple. The moment she laid eyes upon it, Tawna felt some kind of kinship to it as the form suggested that of someone she knew...Crunch Bandicoot. She hadn't heard from him in a while, though he wasn't always present for reasons that were unknown...as if he didn't belong in the timeline or something. Such questions and observations were moot however as the lamp was placed just in front of that performance of baladi, belly dancing being the core aspect that charmed her as the gold and blue spirals behind made her feel giddy and mindless, smiling without reserve.

“Come closer...meet your destiny~” the genie Tawna went on to say, a single finger beckoning and like the most irrepressible urge did the blonde and less-muscular bandicoot did obey. It spoke to her soul, to her needs and she got closer and closer. The genie before her seemed like a giantess, a mighty woman of means and pride and she did want to be like her. That one would never have been afraid of Tiny Tiger, with her confidence, her gorgeous muscles, her shiny bedlah, her sumptuous charisma...the lamp was within reach and before she knew it the object consumed all of her thoughts, that Crunch head mesmerizing her thoroughly until a connection was made...and then the deed was done. “Good girl~”

That praise and the link between vessel and bandicoot made her shiver in delight as Tawna was awash in a sea of bliss. Smoke erupted from the nose-spout of the lamp, brushing against her and entering through the pore of her skin, lightly touching her fur as whatever anguish she felt, whatever doubt plagued her mind was and would be long gone for the longest time, possibly forever. It began to merge with her, the colorless gas being tinted by the soul and favorite tints of this dimension's Tawna as she giggled softly from the contact and warmth.

Her clothes, partially ripped due to the fall, were not mended but torn down to fabrics and then dissipated, magical transmutation employed as her nudity lasted but a picosecond before a bedlah was tailor-made for her. A replica of the other Tawna, only pink, it suited her quite well as it pushed against her chest, contained it magnificently while placing in display her midriff that was the opposite in terms of muscles...but just as tantalizing. An Egyptian collar, gold jewelry and all were added, her hair cleaned and both her flesh and fur polished as she went on to get sucked inside. Purple and gold were her eyes now, spiraling from both her savior's influence and from the lamp as she turned into a genie, her fate sealed.

“I'll find you wherever you are!” Tiny said, indeed eventually finding her as was his promise to Tawna, yet he only saw another version that he hadn't been exactly chasing down...one dressed bizarrely yet sexily. The entire truth of the matter eluded him, yet nevertheless did he enjoy looking at this bandicoot as he grinned, showing his fangs in a way that could be described as both threatening and yet idiotic. “You're not the one I'm looking for...but you'll do all the same.”

“Oh, I do know who you're talking about...and she's right here,” the first genie Tawna said as she brushed one hand on the lamp that housed her counterpart. Immediately did the Crunch-shaped artifact go on to shine and shake, releasing a torrent of pink and gold smoke as the Tawna Tiny had been chasing was revealed, looking gorgeous and not as terrified as she had been minutes ago. The same kind of tail and outfit, which only made Tiny feel happy about seeing such beauties. “Why don't you show her who you are now, Tawna dearest?”

“But of course, my good Tawna~” the newly-created genie said as new ideas, new concepts and a whole understanding of what she was and what she could do was revealed to her in the brief few seconds she had been within the lamp, her vessel. She was powerful beyond measure and this feline, as fearsome as he had been, was nothing now before her. She felt like playing with him as she crossed her arms, smiled and then nodded before her otherdimensional counterpart. “Let's have some fun, shall we?”

“But of course~” the muscular genie replied as they understood one another, words being unnecessary as they both darted towards Tiny and then went on to wrap him up with their own tail. Deceptively soft and weak, the smokeless fire that composed their genie body could be as hard as diamond, flexible and yet unbreaking as their smooth and warm composition went on to soothen the tiger's muscles, resulting in Tiny trying to struggle at first and yet gradually getting more and more limp despite himself. “Let us see how well you dance now that you've seen a fragment of my talent, yes?”

“I aim to please~” the more curvaceous and softer genie replied as while Tiny tried to resist they both went on to dance as the illusion of music was spread within his psyche and senses. Sitars, drums, cymbals, even accordion went on to play within his brain as no matter where he looked did he get an eyeful of belly flesh. The muscular one was all about rougher movements, going for bumps, hip drops and the occasional shimmies while the softer one was more teasing, more languorous, slow motions that really allowed herself to stretch that midriff and show how nimble those wide hips were. To look at one was to perceive a change in the music, faster beats for the otherdimensional Tawna while a smoother and more intimate one for the one he had been tracking. “It is a very rare opportunity for you to see such delightful dancing. I suggest you indulge as much as you can~”

Tiny couldn't help himself even without that suggestion, but at this point it echoed within his weak intellect as his willpower was nowhere as strong as his physical self. To see two dazzling damsels, two genies charming and seducing him was something he could not protect himself again as he felt hot, aroused and a touch dizzy. Fortunately they held him high and even massaged him, their tails rubbing back and forth as his body grew as limp as his own spirit. He couldn't help but admire, love this entire experience as he purred as if he were a kitten, a most amusing kind of reaction for the two bandicoot genies to observe.

“I do believe he's fallen hard for us...not that we should have expected anything else~” the blue and blonde-haired Tawna said as she got closer, rubbing her stomach upon one side of the tiger's considerably large face. She aimed to overwhelm, Tiny being but a test and a little side-activity for her to partake in as her focus was on the other Tawna. “Are you satisfied with this?”

“Very much so~” the recently-transformed genie said as she mimicked her counterpart's action. She rubbed her midriff against the other side as the rough but warm abdominal muscles clashed severely with the soft and supple stomach there...and yet both brought delight in a way that annihilated any sense of self or resistance that could be conjured by the tiger. Whatever N. Trance had done to him was nothing when compared to the two genies who claimed his heart, body and soul right here and there. “To think I had been afraid before. I must thank you kindly for this gift, Tawna~”

“You can thank my master and become his slave as payment, Tawna~” the punk genie went on to say, a smirk of satisfaction and fondness upon her visage as she did like to please the good doctor...but she also enjoyed seeing that another version of herself would join Coco and her as well. They both removed their midsection from Tiny's face, witnessing that his eyes were filled with blue, pink and gold spirals right here and then, a dull smile on his face and drool dropping from his lower lip. “Follow us, Tiny. You'll make a wonderful gift for him and you can always serve as practice for my charming counterpart here.”

Thus did the two genies exit and returned as now Dr. Neo Cortex had three genies to his name. Coco and two Tawna's, as well as getting rid of both bandicoots who could be a thorn in his side as Crash and Crunch were now the very lamp that housed his most beautiful and powerful servants. His reign would start very soon now that most obstacles were removed...

And both Tawna's would see that it would be so.

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Dougielombax [2023-10-27 13:53:47 +0000 UTC]

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souletyler [2023-10-08 17:29:34 +0000 UTC]

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Dougielombax [2023-09-03 15:01:22 +0000 UTC]

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