InfernoTornado — Pikachu Variations

Published: 2018-10-09 20:47:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1306; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 8
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Pikachu was one of the first Pokemon to become commonly domesticated, being a perfect combination of cute and powerful. Over the years, many different variants of Pikachu have either been discovered or intentionally made through breeding. Just from the pure-breed forms, there are currently 9 different variants (though more are believed to exist). Each variant can also have certain traits that show up randomly (extra stripes, spots, longer fur, and so-on), as well as having alternate colored “shiny” forms. It is generally believed that the males and females can be told apart by notches in the tails or tufts of the ears, but there are many exceptions

Modern Kanto/Johto Standard; this is the current most common form of Pikachu. They can be found in certain places of the Kanto/Johto regions, and are what Trainers most often keep. Many people who don’t raise Pikachu consider them to be moody, but almost everybody who keeps them agrees they are very loyal

Original Wild Kanto Standard; this was the form of Pikachu before Pokemon were trained or kept as pets. For a long time, this was the only known form of Pikachu. As the years went by and cross-breeding occurred, some of the original traits were lost. Several of the original Wild Kanto forms still live in certain areas (they are considered a protected species. it isn’t technically illegal to catch one, but you must have a special permit)

Long-Eared Mini Variant; similar to the Original Wild form, this variant of Pikachu is somewhat small and has unique ears. Original considered to be a random trait that occurred in the Original Wild Pikachu, it was eventually learned that they travel with a fairly large migration range. Long-Eared Mini Pikachu will stay a tiny size until they fully reach adulthood

Wild Viridian Forest Variant; this form of Pikachu is found specifically in Viridian Forest. For a long time people worried they were going extinct as they were caught so rarely. However, it seems the groups of Viridian Forest are usually shy, but some of the Pikachu will be willing to show themselves after watching a Trainer. It has become a tradition for young Trainers to pace a path in the Forest, until they finally find one. Most have changed over the years and now resemble the Modern Kanto/Johto Standard, but a few still have the unique wild colors

Modern Hoenn Standard; this form of Pikachu is similar to the Kanto/Johto cousin, but generally a bit smaller. They were brought over to Hoenn to be placed in the Safari Zone, but some people have raised them as pets on the outside. Their are very popular, but not a common sight. Many Trainers consider them to be something of a special Pokemon, and they often wait until they feel they are fairly accomplished before having a Pikachu

Safari Zone Round Variant; found mostly in other regions, this form of Pikachu was bred within Safari Zones, and then released to be caught in the wild. They are most similar to the Hoenn form, but have become noticeably “rounder” and with larger cheeks. They often flourish in the areas they are placed in, but thankfully do not harm anything in the environment 

Oval-Cheek Sturdy Variant; this form of Pikachu is a little bit of a pest, as it often goes to areas populated by humans and nibbles on the electric wires of the houses. However, they usually get adopted by the family and become a pet or a traveling companion to a Trainer. They are know as “Sturdy” because of their bulky bodies and the determination they show in battle, a trait shared by the Kanto/Johto Standard

Rosie-Cheek Mini Varient; because of this form of Pikachu, Pichu were not officially discovered for many years. The Rosie-Cheek Mini is small, rather adorable, and has pinker cheek spots than other forms. Because Raichu can have Pikachu offspring, and sometimes family groups of Pikachu will help raise their younger siblings, many people believed Pikachu was a base evolution. Finally, researchers realized that Rosie-Cheek was a proper variant of Pikachu, and there was indeed a Baby form of Pichu. Now that Egg breeding is more common, Pichu are a well known Baby Pokemon

Alola Form Variant; none have been caught in the wild, and so far nobody has been able to successfully breed one in captivity, but many sightings and footage support the existence of Alola Pikachu. Like Alola Raichu, they have unique colors are rounded ears/tails. Physically they are very similar to the Kanto/Johto Standard

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo

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