InfinityStar — The World Train App - Roy Lassmeir

Published: 2014-07-07 06:22:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 2072; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description Roy (C) me :3

Roy Lassmeir (Letria - the last name he forgot)
Nickname: none
*Birthday: April 23rd
Star Sign:
*Height: 5'4"
*Weight: 135 lbs
Family: none living (that he knows of), Lidia is alive somewhere
*Creature: Angel - Medium light blue and white feathered wings that allow for flight.

*Dimension: Nelumik is a desert world in a binary star system. Its climate is harsh with heavy winds and high temperatures from the two suns that bathe the world with high amounts of energy during the day. Cold winds rush the world at night, making travel uncomfortable but possible. This is not to say that vegetation and life don't inhabit this mostly desert world. Jungles of huge, sprawling trees and foliage dot patches of the world protecting the small amount of water that can be found here and there. Dragons dwell in these jungles and nest deep in the poisonous foliage without fear of toxins, often devouring or attacking hapless travelers.

Despite the dangers of the world's wilderness, towns do exist, but under large barriers powered by special crystals. People here are very much in what could be considered an anarchy setting where those in towns usually keep to themselves and do as they wish. Aside from the general rules of 'don't kill people, don't steal, and respect people's space and property', there seems to be no unified government in most places. Only a few towns that have the largest barrier crystals have actual mayors or government and guards.

Their style of dress is typically leather and cloth based, with buckles and grommets for their armor, or rarely, a blacksmith will make suits of light armor. Status is defined by clothing, which often reflects the job of the person wearing it. Clothes are looser for peasants and more refined and tight for people who can afford to have clothes fitted to them, with adornments that are thematic to their standing and their job. People living on this world fear magic in certain regions.

*Personality: Roy is a colder, serious person with lone-wolf tendencies, and a rather mean daredevil streak. He doesn't trust easily, and he has a hard time expressing his emotions outwardly. While his way of speaking is formal, rarely does he offer more than a brush-off response that could be polite or rather rude depending on his mood. He's unafraid to say exactly as he feels no matter how scalding it may be to the other parties involved when he does say something. Most communications attempts with Roy are difficult, somewhat awkward, or stiff in nature because of Roy's loner tendencies. He has to frequently pause to think for a moment to respond to someone's words... if he responds at all. Quick in reaction and in temper, Roy is difficult at first to even get along with, but extremely loyal once trust is gained. This makes him protective of those he -does- hold close. Actions speak far more than words for Roy, where intimidation comes well before diplomacy.


Roy was a blacksmith in his dimension of Nelumik, being the adopted son of a woman named Lidia who owned a smithy on the edge of a large barrier town called Ileris. Life with Lidia was interesting, because Roy had been left in her care by chance - He had wandered to her doorstep as a boy of six years, and she took him in without really questioning what happened to bring him to her. From this young age under Lidia's tutelage, he began learning swordsmanship and battle tactics to hone himself. While Roy himself had no memory of what originally brought him there, Lidia knew from the townsfolk that he was the sole survivor of a dragon attack that took his parents while the boy was sleeping. It was for this reason Lidia taught him to defend himself and to forge his own weapons.

With a patient hand, Lidia raised Roy who had a fiery temper and a quicker wit. She instructed him to always wait for her at her home when she would travel to other barrier towns to make deliveries. Roy and Lidia nearly never left the home together, but the one time they did, she and Roy ended up cornered by bandits out on the road, and Roy was injured in the scuffle. Lidia, who previously had only shown kindness and patience became furious and dispatched the bandits swiftly and nearly effortlessly, leaving Roy in a dazed awe as she came to assist him. Strangely, Lidia's hands were aglow, and Roy's wounds healed under Lidia's strange light. Once they had returned home, Roy asked her about the ability, which gained him a terse response and she swore him to secrecy over it. Confused, Roy could only comply.

 The day came when he was to take his final lessons from Lidia when his mentor and caretaker never returned from her most recent delivery trip. He was fifteen at the time and obviously distraught by the development, but knowing his teacher's ire and her instructions, he waited. Weeks he waited at Lidia's home for her to return, careful to keep himself busy with his studies, swordplay, and the jobs Lidia had left unfinished before her disappearance. Those weeks turned into months, and the months turned into years without Roy understanding the reason she had left. The boy grew increasingly introverted and far less social with customers that came to make requests. He waited for so long that he took on Lidia's last name and the crest of her business at the urging of the local government, though uncertainty easily settled in, driving Roy into irritable periods of time where things would end up broken around the house or he would refuse customers.

What triggered the final change in Roy's life, causing him to leave to seek Lidia, was a customer who visited and defamed Lidia's name. In a fit of rage, Roy's nature as someone who could manipulate fire emerged, creating an inferno that consumed Lidia's home, and burnt the customer to death in front of him. Roy, not understanding what he had done quickly came to the realization that he was most assuredly not human as Lidia had raised him; He was something far different with a terrifying ability. His home burnt to the ground, and a man's blood on his hands, he fled from the town in self exile. He was expecting to burn in the sunlight from the two suns that hung high in the sky, but was instead met with only the harsh light and a lonely road ahead. It would seem even fire from the heavens wouldn't consume him because of his strange heritage. With nothing left but his life that he wasn't sure he wanted, Roy wandered.

The passage of time was something Roy lost track of during the years he wandered. Having left the shambles of his home at seventeen, he traveled, walking from place to place and finding what food he could, or working to repair things for the food he could get. He spoke less and less during these times, though he learned to listen. There was always one thing in his heart that he hoped to find, and that was information about Lidia. He would ask very few people about Lidia, thinking that if they didn't recognize her crest, they wouldn't know her, since that was the way merchants made their mark. He wandered through jungles, through the night, and days, searching for someone across the world who may not even be there. Only his determination kept him walking each day, from dawn until dusk. He had unanswered questions he wanted to ask, for certain, but most of all, he wanted to know Lidia's fate.

This was when heard whispers of something that he thought was impossible... almost as impossible as people sprouting wings and flying as dragons do; people leaving on some kind of 'train' to other worlds. Roy traveled onward, not paying heed to this strange rumor until he noticed people whispering something else too - the disappearance of 'certain people' who could do 'certain things'. He only caught small remnants of whispers, and rumors of strange occurrences that prefaced nearly every disappearance. It wasn't until he happened across a scene with someone in front of him being dragged away by the local guards that the idea solidified. The person the guards had captured had glowing hands as they struggled, dragged away in irons. This 'magic hunting' idea spread until it was nearly everywhere around him, constantly making him doubt his ability to remain in control of his hellish ability and seek out Lidia safely. He also feared the worst for Lidia, believing his teacher would not remain in such a place and must have either fled the world on this 'train' or was captured already.. or worse. He couldn't return from where he came from... so he followed the rumors of the train, and vanished from Nelumik.

Swordsmanship (Katana, attack/speed based) ::
Roy trained since the day he could hold a wooden sword to make swift-draw and slashing attacks with his Katana, and only his Katana. His fighting style is based on letting an opponent get as close as possible while he moves as little as possible, drawing his sword as his attack. Lidia also taught him to exploit blind spots and use a tactical approach to rout enemies. He works most effectively in combat when enemies are either unaware of his presence, or they are charging straight at him as this allows him the preparation time for his lethal quick-draws. Besides that, he focuses on slashing opponents and driving them back so he can sheath his sword again. His skill level is near mastery, with Lidia's absence being the only thing that prevented him from taking his final lessons.

Fire magic (though he doesn't use it consciously) ::
Roy is afraid of his fire magic which seems to make itself known in bursts that are affected by his emotions. It never has a solid form and seeks only to consume everything and everyone around it in a consuming cloak of fire. At times, it is known to increase the air temperature around him when his ire shows, or even leave burnt footprints as he walks. His fire is very much an aura that spells out how he really feels regardless of how much he tries to hide it.

Intimidation ::
Cold eyes and a sharp tongue are Roy's most noticeable features when someone first meets him. Because people may have a hard time really knowing where his emotions are or what he is feeling, his presence is imposing... something that he uses to his advantage perhaps too often.

Blacksmithing/repairman/handy ::
Roy was trained by Lidia to fix most anything that had metal parts inside or outside of it by using his smithing tools to either fix what was wrong, or break it better. In their universe, this was mostly mundane objects, and some technology that was gear powered like clocks, mills, and other basic gear-turned machines. While he's not a master smith -yet-, he has advanced knowledge of how metals work with one another, and how to fix most broken things that are gear-based. He has a higher understanding the the methodology behind fixing something, so he could probably be taught to fix most other things too... if he'd let himself be taught.

Call angel wings out or put them away ::
His wings could be hidden from view at will, or spread behind his back at will. They only allow him basic flight and nothing more. Recently Roy has learned just why he's not human and has become aware of his angel wings.


Emotional people ::
Roy's never been a fan of people he doesn't know. Since his youth was mostly working with Lidia and having strange people near him more than he liked, he shied away from most people in general. The hardest to deal with were the people who were overt with their emotions. Because Roy controls himself so acutely, he has a lot of trouble dealing with other people who are very upset, very happy, or very anything. To him it's a lack of control, and a kind of energy he just doesn't deal well with. His first coping mechanism for this is to look away, or remove himself from the situation.

Magic ::
He can't control his own magic, so he doesn't deal well with other magical affects either. Roy is easily susceptible to attacks that are supernatural in nature, partially due to his angelic heritage, but also due to his innate fear of his own magic. Maybe magic works TOO well on his kind? Either way, Roy usually walks the other way when it comes to high amounts of mystical powers flying around.

Risky combat (since he's a daredevil) ::
Roy takes a lot of risks in combat because of his fighting style. This makes his defense less than optimal almost all the time. If he doesn't manage to land his attack, he becomes vulnerable for a few seconds following the attack, usually shouldering the abuse on his right side so he doesn't slow down too much.

Fear of uncontrolled fire ::
Because of his mistake in burning down his own home, and killing a man in the process, Roy avoids uncontrolled fires. This means most fires that are outside of a campfire and a forge are uncontrolled in Roy's eyes. He'll either stand very far back from such flames, or turn around and leave. To this day, he doesn't know anything about controlling fire outside of a campfire or forge, even by mundane methods.

Health: 200 (+10) = 210
Magic: 110 (+10) = 120
Attack: 300 (+100) = 400
Defense: 130 (+10) = 140
Speed: 220 (+20) =240

Weapons: Katana (Black steel, silver/blue engravings)

            Lidia Lassmeir's crest :: This crest is metal, fashioned in a triangular shape. It features an upside down hammer surrounded with grey swirling metal, inset with triangular cut gems at each of the three points, and a small ruby in the center of the head of the hammer. the hammer itself is black and blue. He keeps this hidden from view.

            survival knife             :: The first knife Roy ever made for himself  without Lidia's help. It's more of a keepsake, but he keeps it in top shape.

            coin pouch embroidered with Lidia's crest :: The only common tongue people speak in his world is money - best to keep your standing, and your coin where no one can see it.

            Canteen                    :: Sometimes all you have left is that last drop. Better make it last.

            Desert cowl               :: Never know when you need to keep the sun off of your head and the sand out of your mouth.

*Likes: weapons, tactics, crafting, mechanics, being alone, music

*Dislikes: being in a crowd for too long, disorganization, being asked too many questions, his own magic, lack of control, being hungry/seeing people starve

Misc. Facts:
He has a large scar that goes over his right shoulder to right next to his heart
                    He's unaware that he has angel wings.
                    He has a habit of cleaning and caring for his weapons when he feels agitated or the need to think.
                    He's left handed
                    His roomate is West (Played by Inupii )


Reyou -
A friend, or a charge to care for; Roy hasn't quite decided what they youth is in his mind yet. Either way, he values Reyou's diplomatic personality... but often misses jokes in passing conversation. He deeply respects Reyou's choice and conviction in being a medic in such an extreme environment, and would do anything to protect him from harm to ensure not only Reyou's safety, but that of others as well.

Cinder - A charge to protect, a weapon of war that should not be. Roy feels distinctly responsible for Cinder because the boy can't feel and he acts very oblivious. The blacksmith would never admit it, but Cinder's presence gives him a very protective nature - he understands Cinder is too naive to be left alone.

West - His roommate, and strange ambassador of dragonkind. West is a unique case for Roy because he's half what Roy wants to protect, and half what Roy would rather kill. Awkward beginnings were nearly violent if not for Reyou's intervention. After being mostly forced to be in West's presence, and then venturing as roommates and begrudging partners to more than a few dangerous places, Roy has become protective over West as well. For some reason, he just can't leave this half dragon alone. A mixture of debt, guilt, and a promise keep him coming back... or is it actually friendship?

Matthew - The Black Wisp was a chance encounter in a rainy jungle some time ago, but it turned into an unforgettable spar that instantly made the two kindred spirits. Roy is most comfortable around Matthew because he views him as a similar peer in a similar situation, with their personalities meshing quite well both tactically in battle and simply visiting each other on the train or off. Tactics aside, Roy considers himself friends with Matthew.

Lucifer - The original encounter with Lucifer was one that made Roy hate the Vistori with all the fire he could muster. He was far too combative with Lucifer... until the train was attacked and Lucifer nearly sacrificed himself for the safety of the passengers. From then forward, the reaction Lucifer got from Roy was actually fatherly... Affectionate in a quiet, stable way to give the regenerating Vistori some solace and protection. He later protected Lucifer's child form from a separate attack while acting as a psuedo parental guide. This cemented Roy's need to protect Lucifer as a father figure would, and fosters the potential of further contact between them.

- Lucifer's 'mother'. Their meeting was brief and very hurried due to the combat that ensued, but Roy has high esteem for Keira's maternal instincts and her willingness to enter combat for her family and ideals. He is amiable to having further contact with her.

Pumpelo - He met the dragon-like woman briefly in a flower field and very quickly realized she was a danger to her own health. While he generally avoids contact with her, he understands her martyrism will affect others on the train negatively, especially Matthew.  He wants to protect her mostly from herself if he sees her.

Ospire -  A soldier on the train means a brother in arms for Roy, though Ospire seems more aloof than the others. Roy understands that Ospire will take some time to understand, but he considers him a valuable comrade regardless. Certain things about Ospire don't fit to Roy, such as his strange unfounded hatred of mangoes or his tendency to ramble, but at least the uniform he wears and the will to protect are familiar themes for Roy.

Rathera - Magicians were never a sought out companionship oppertunity, but one does not refuse Rathera under penalty of tears. Roy is begrudgingly involved with Rathera as his swordsmanship teacher simply so the mage can actually use the sword he has instead of carrying it 'just in case'. Rather than let Rath be a danger to himself and others, Roy has opted to educate him... and try to tollerate Rathera's constant sugar-rush like personality.

*RP Sample:

  The heavy heated air clung to everything around him, washing through his outer cowl and over his back, making the ache there intensify. Air. He needed wind; something to keep him from collapsing in this stagnant heat. Lifting piercing cyan eyes above the veil that shielded them from flying granules of sand, he coughed behind the airy fabric. The desert suns made the air stagnant, harsh and overbearing, making it all the more difficult to walk in the sun with nary a few drops of water to last him until the next town. The idle thought of just why he had left with so little crossed his hazy heat-muddled mind as his footfalls fell heavily into deep sand. The shuffling brought no answer to his blank mind, irritation scratching at his throat as he cleared it again from dust and the salty taste of his own sweat. Moving forward, the glimmer of a barrier over a larger gate caught his piercing eyes, causing him to squint. Was that...? He paused, the sand ceasing to move ahead of him and instead leaving him to sink deeper into the harsh sands, as if they sought to consume him. A heavy breath left his mouth and he lifted his canteen up, gripping the smooth metal surface with his gloved hand, fumbling with the cap, and tilting the container up. Sparse drops wet his parched tongue and he rolled his shoulders, taking a large step forward in the baking sands.

As long as you're standing up, you may as well walk forward.
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Comments: 45

Stabrina [2015-07-02 21:22:27 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 5! You now have an additional:

+150 Stat Points 
+20 Discs
+2 CP

Your current Stats are:
Health: 200
Magic: 110
Attack: 300
Defense: 130
Speed: 220

Please reply with your new stats and a (+???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. 
Remember to update your app with your new stats~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-07-03 05:43:21 +0000 UTC]

Health: 200 (+10) = 210
Magic: 110 (+10) = 120
Attack: 300 (+100) = 400
Defense: 130 (+10) = 140
Speed: 220 (+20) =240


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to InfinityStar [2015-07-06 03:23:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-07-06 04:17:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2015-06-06 02:09:50 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 4! You now have an additional:

+150 Stat Points 
+20 Discs
+2 CP

Your current Stats are:
Health: 150
Magic: 90
Attack: 250
Defense: 120
Speed: 200

Please reply with your new stats and a (+???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. 
Remember to update your app with your new stats~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-06-06 03:01:35 +0000 UTC]

Health: 150 +50 = 200
90 +20 = 110
250 +50 = 300
120+10 =130
Speed: 200
+20 = 220

Thank youuuuu!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to InfinityStar [2015-06-06 03:18:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-06-06 06:34:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jecksy-Candy [2015-05-21 03:41:28 +0000 UTC]

ooohhhhhh revamp!!! loving how his wings look *_*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Jecksy-Candy [2015-05-21 04:17:43 +0000 UTC]

*_* Thank you~ <33333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Inupii [2015-04-04 04:18:44 +0000 UTC]

Oooh lookin sexy~  Loving his new outfit~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScruffyPalmTrees [2015-03-21 07:12:59 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 3! Totally Tubular!             
You now have an additional:

+20 Discs

Your current Stats are:
Health: 120

Magic: 70

Attack: 200

Defense: 100

Speed: 170

Please respond with your new stats with a (+???exp) beside the changed stats and the actual total. Thanks, brother! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2015-03-21 07:23:32 +0000 UTC]

Health: 120+30 = 150
Magic: 70
+20 = 90
Attack: 200
+50 = 250
Defense: 100
+20 = 120
Speed: 170+30 = 200

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to InfinityStar [2015-03-21 09:46:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2015-01-16 08:24:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for bringing more members to the World Train!
You've received 10 Stat Points for your referral!
Let me know where you want them to go~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-01-16 13:49:39 +0000 UTC]

Please put them in health. Thanks

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to InfinityStar [2015-01-16 16:40:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2015-01-16 23:29:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kyo-kyo123 [2015-01-15 08:16:43 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You've just leveled up and have reached level 2! You now have an additional:

+150 Stat Points
+20 Discs (already allotted) 

Your current Stats are:
Health: 100

Please respond with your new stats with a (+???exp) beside the changed stats and the actual total. 
Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2015-01-15 19:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Health: 100 (+10) = 110
50 (+20) = 70
140 (+60) = 200
110 (+60) = 170

Thank you~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kyo-kyo123 In reply to InfinityStar [2015-01-16 21:29:45 +0000 UTC]

Done and done~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2015-01-16 23:28:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kultasuu [2014-08-06 10:52:15 +0000 UTC]

Hello there Mr Lone Wolf...looking good. 8DD *shot*
No, seriously, he looks cool. x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Kultasuu [2014-08-06 15:57:30 +0000 UTC]

Roy: >___>

XD thank you. I need to practice drawing him so he stops looking so bleh XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kultasuu In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-06 16:03:25 +0000 UTC]


Oh I think he looks just amazing as he is~ ;u;
It would be amazing to rp with you some day, By the way~ fav.me/d7t4h0f here's my girl- *shot*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Kultasuu [2014-08-06 16:09:22 +0000 UTC]

Roy's gonna HATE her for a while... unless something different happens
omg all my favorite colors. look at her cute self <3333 ahhhhh her outfit, her face.. SHE'S SO CUTE! Of course I would love to RP if you don't mind my sourpuss boy being an asshole for a while OTL.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kultasuu In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-06 16:19:14 +0000 UTC]

jhgbuyhgvuysh- a-all these words, dem kind words, my heart goes all doki, doki now- *hides*
Aaah, but I'm glad to hear you say that and it's okaaayyyy, my girl is...overly kind to everyone, like a momy bear and I'm pretty certain that she'll be able to handle your boy just fine, even if he does dislike her at first- *shot*
So I don't miiiinnnddd- what way do you rp? ;u; Docs, Skype, notes, comments, something else? I can start by the way....8D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Kultasuu [2014-08-06 16:23:42 +0000 UTC]

LOL I prefer skype! It's far faster/easier for me to keep up with since I am an admin of a skype group. my skype name is kitsune-hikaru

XD Roy's gonna look at her like she's nots being all self depreciating. Its gonna throw him for a loop.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kultasuu In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-06 16:29:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha, okay then, I'll add ya~ >u<

Pfffht- then this should be interesting, lets see how their first meeting goes. 8D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

olivetoart [2014-08-05 23:39:55 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to Steam cart!! And also the Red Head club Can't wait to see you around!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to olivetoart [2014-08-06 00:49:48 +0000 UTC]

T-thank you <3333333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MicroKumo [2014-08-05 22:32:34 +0000 UTC]

Ooohhhh I like him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to MicroKumo [2014-08-05 22:50:06 +0000 UTC]

T-Thankyou <33333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MicroKumo In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-05 23:07:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to MicroKumo [2014-08-06 00:49:40 +0000 UTC]

Like yourself some DIVINELY ATTRACTIVE people? //laff

okthatwasback <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MicroKumo In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-06 01:47:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to MicroKumo [2014-08-06 03:45:35 +0000 UTC]

don't mind me and my misspelled puns >_>

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hiyopu [2014-08-05 19:30:09 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations for making it!! / v / ///
He's so cool www but I see a lot of people making fun of his weight / o \

Stay cool Roy stay chill

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to hiyopu [2014-08-05 19:44:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

He's really not that cool. He's hotheaded and brash... he's not heavy or light though, he's just short! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hiyopu In reply to InfinityStar [2014-08-05 19:50:14 +0000 UTC]

A short-tempered shortie / o \ <3 
I think he's very cool * v *)/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to hiyopu [2014-08-05 20:22:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you >////<

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2014-08-05 18:38:13 +0000 UTC]

Remember to submit this to their specific application folder! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Stabrina [2014-08-05 19:43:19 +0000 UTC]

done and done! Thanks for accepting me~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Im-a-Barnicle [2014-08-05 16:42:50 +0000 UTC]

Congrats on getting in fellow steam-mate! Your chara is very cool! I love readheads fufu //shot

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InfinityStar In reply to Im-a-Barnicle [2014-08-05 17:48:27 +0000 UTC]

Aahhh >///u///< THANK YOU~

dfklghdfkghdlkghd Ohh I love yours too! She;'s an adorable vampire *wants her clothing* DAT GOTHIC STYLE <3333333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0