InsurgentOutcast — Excerpt from The Heart of a Kelpie
Published: 2014-06-15 14:05:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 176; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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This is the first chapter of my story, The Heart of a Kelpie on Wattpad.

Logan's P.O.V:

The pitch black mare leaps out of the water. Seaweed is tangled in its mane and tail. This mysterious and majestic animal snorts. Sea water spraying from her nostrils. Leg muscles ripple as the horse paws the ground. Head tossing from side to side. Blue eyes seem to hold the sea, stormy clouds pooling in the round orbs. 

Only the sound of crashing waves can be heard. The smell of the ocean overwhelming. A young girl comes into view, carefully walking across the beach. Her pitch black hair flows in the wind, just like the mare's. The horse watches the girl carefully, her head tilted to the side. The girl carefully advances, her movements graceful but firm. 

Soon the two are only inches apart. The girl reaches out, her pale hand slightly shaking. It seems as if they will touch. 

Shouts echo across the shore. The horse rears, its eyes now full of anger and hunger. Teeth like sharp knives gleam in the horse's mouth. The shouts continue and the girl steps back. Once a graceful horse is now a angered sea monster. 

Fangs seep into young human flesh, screams of agony drowning the ocean out. Soon the darkness comes. And with it, a numb mind.

I jolt awake, sweat is all over my bed. My heavy breathing occupies the room. The silence scares me, more than anything else. My eyes dart to the window and take in the morning light. This nightmare has been going on for weeks now, and it has not changed one bit.  It was starting to worry me. Many people in this town believe in omens. Its not hard to feel as if this terrible dream is one.

"Come down here, stupid girl!" Mama screeches from downstairs.

"Coming Mama." I quickly reply, not wanting to piss off my mother. She always knows what I am doing or where I am. It is quite creepy if you ask me! Not that I would ever say this to her face, but she is a pile of bull. Most of what she says ain't true. When I do something wrong, I get a mean whooping and a scolding. She is always lecturing me on how to be more helpful in the house. I can't help 'cause I'm always helping Papa with the horses. Our family is built on horse breeding and training. Papa's family has had the horses for a real long time.

My father says that Mama was a beautiful young girl who loved horses who came from the south with her father to start a business here. My parents used to ride together and help train some of the horses. But when Mama's father died a few years back, well that changed everything. 

I am not the only child. On the contrary, I have two siblings. A younger brother, and an older sister. My brother, Aidan, and I have my mother's black hair and pale skin. I get my icy blue eyes from my father whilst my brother has brown eyes from Mama. My older sister, Katherine, is the opposite. She has Papa's blonde hair and brown eyes from Mama. I'm just an inch below my father, and taller than everyone else in my family.

Even though Aidan and I look more like our mother, we both act more like Papa. Katherine acts more like my mother. Always nagging me to get a man or to stop working in the fields.  Both my sister and mother are just fools if you ask me. Nasty fools at that!

"Hurry up, ain't got all day!" Mama gives a yell impatiently, and I can already picture her getting the stick ready. 

Hurriedly I get dressed and head downstairs, taking two steps at a time. "Mornin' Mama, is Papa out already?"

She nods slowly, gesturing towards a wrapped sandwich. "Eat it on your break. Now get going!" 

I give a friendly nod to Aidan. My expression turns sympathetic as Mama fusses over his unruly hair. 

The breeze of the sea hits me as I leave the small farmhouse. I can smell the ocean and I close my eyes. Smiling slightly I rush to the fields, my sandwich in one of my pockets. My feet pound the soggy ground. The beating of my heart matches my fast paced breathing.

"Papa! I'm here Papa!" I call out, seeing his figure in the ring. He waves me over with the flick of his wrist. Soon I'm leaning over the fence. I watch in awe as he trains a white filly. The foal's head bobs up and down defiantly. I smile knowingly, the young horse wouldn't be like this for long. Soon she would be a great, tamed mare.

Slowly I climb over the fence and head towards the filly. My hands raise slowly as I advance towards the filly. It rears, nostrils flaring. Slowly I reach forward. My palm presses against her soft muzzle. A wide grin spreads across my face. Papa beams proudly, "Always was one with the horse. Taught ya well."

After several hours of working, I wipe sweat from my forehead. The breeze helps cool my skin. I sigh as I catch the sound of my mother yelling. 

"Get to the market girl. I need some materials for a dress. Hurry up!"

Papa gives me a small smile and ushers me to head to the house. I groan and do as told, my feet dragging. I can hear Mama lecturing Aidan on his hair still. Sounds like Katherine is agreeing, like always. Aidan gives me a pleading look. "I'm going to bring Aidan to the market, Mama." I state quickly, recognizing Aidan's relief. 

Mama frowns and crosses her arms. Her eyes narrow, "Fine, but be back soon." Nodding I turn and lead Aidan outside.

"Oh and talk to Alistair! That boy has a liking to you, I just know it!" Mama adds, yelling over her shoulder.

I scowl at this, kicking the dirt as we walk into town. Aidan can sense I'm now upset. He remains quiet until we enter the market. Then he begs me to buy him a pastry from the bakery. A chuckle escapes my mouth.

"Okay you can buy one, I'll be at the material stall." I say this and watch him sprint to the bakery. I roll my eyes and head to the stall selling fabrics. A fake smile appears on my face. I've never been one to socialize. One of the many things both Mama and Katherine scold me for. 

After bargaining a price, I finally buy the fabric. My stubborn attitude definitely helps me with trading and buying. The one personality trait that I inherited from Mama. Aidan runs to me with powder all over his face and jelly at the corners of his mouth. I can't help but laugh, "Did you leave some on your face for later?"

He blushes slightly, a rosy red appearing on his cheeks. Not wanting Mama to hit him for being 'unpresentable', I clean him up. Aidan gives me a hug and gestures towards home, "Lets go." I nod and go to leave out of town when I hear a voice calling my name. I mutter curse words under my breath and Aidan giggles. I glare at him and then slowly turn with a signature fake smile on my face.

"Hello Alistair how are you?" I try to keep the displeasure out of my voice.

Alistair smirks and his eyes scan me. It makes me squirm and then glare. He is so full of himself. Just because his father is the only cattle herder here he thinks he has saved the town. True we would be hurting if we did not have beef, but we could survive without it. 

"Oh I'm good, 'ya know I just got back from a cattle drive. Those times are dangerous. I roped a dozen of them myself and branded most of them..." I stop listening to his bragging and just tap my foot impatiently. I can practically hear Mama's scolding. 

"Yeah well that is real interesting, but I have to get to Mama." I point a thumb back to the farmhouse. Aidan nods repeatedly and leads home.

"Oh yeah, well see you later!" Alistair calls, still in town. 

I roll my eyes and grumble. Aidan raises an eyebrow at me, "You okay Lo?" I shrug off his concerned expression.

"I'm fine Aid." I reply, opening the door to the farmhouse.

"Children it's dinner time, help me set the table." Mama commands, her attention on the food. Aidan and I get right to work, setting the plates and etc. 

Soon the food is ready and we are all eating peacefully. Well Mama is talking our ears off, but we don't mind. We are pretty much used to it. 

"So Logan, did you talk to Alistair? His family is sure nice, and he is just so handsome. You would make a fine couple." Mama states it excitedly, and I'm sure she's already dreaming what our grand kids would look like.  I wrinkle my nose and fight the instinct to leave the diner table.

Papa clears his throat, obviously catching on to my distaste. My mother however, continues to rant about how I need a man. I know she wants me to, but I just can't find anyone I like. Yeah there are some nice, cute, boys in town but.. They just don't strike me attractive in any way. I feel like maybe I'm just too young to understand. Then again Katherine was dating boys at fifteen. Now she is twenty-three and I'm nineteen. 

Maybe I should just hang out with Alistair more.. Frustration bubbles in my stomach as I fight with myself. Papa senses my tension and he gives me another one of his signature sympathetic smiles. I honestly have no idea how such a kind and gentle man ended up with Mama. Maybe she was kind like he says, but still.. I know he is loyal and I really respect him for it, but I still feel bad that Mama is always complaining about or to him.

After eating I help clean the dishes and then tuck Aidan to bed. Like every night, he requests I read a book to him. Just as the story ends he asks, "Can you promise me that you won't turn out like Kat? I like you just the way you are."

A smile spreads across my face and I give his small hand a squeeze. "I promise. Now get some sleep, your body needs rest." I mock in Mama's voice. He giggles and then nods obediently.

Giving him a kiss on his forehead I smile to myself and close the door to his bedroom. Luckily all three of us siblings get our own rooms. Mine is the smallest but I do not mind. After releasing a deep breath I smile in relief and drift off to sleep.

Anamíon's P.O.V:

An amused feeling forms in my stomach as I watch the blonde haired girl leave the shack and head towards me. The fine maiden watches me with curiosity. I love seeing human's reactions to my horse form. My black coat is silky and smooth to the touch. My sea  blue eyes are quite alluring. No one can resist my beckoning aura.

The girl advances until her hands touch my muzzle, then my neck. I've got you now, pretty girl. Come with me, I whisper into her mind in an alluring tone. Her eyes widen slightly, but then relax. I have already stopped her brain from thinking properly. She is not much of a challenge.. 

Slowly she gets on my back with a little trouble. Luckily my skin becomes adhesive and I gallop into the water, the ocean spraying my sides. Oh yes, I will have fun with you, in bed. A snicker comes from my throat as I lead her into my den. She has held her breath this long, and now I can reward her.

Some legends state that us Kelpies just eat our victims. Oh how they are wrong. We enjoy our humans, we have them please us. And in return they receive pleasure. Soon afterwards we kill them, but the humans we take never seem to regret their.. visit.

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