Issaric — Akito Application

Published: 2015-08-26 03:43:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 1159; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 2
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Description Akito, The wanderer who goes by AkklanMore references :: Akito
~||Basic Information||~

Name :: Akito
Alias :: Akklan ((this is the name he tends to give out when talking to those he doesnt trust))
Gender :: Male
Age ::  8 Moons :: as of 2015/08/26

Mentor :: Has never had one
Apprentice/Sucessor :: Too young
Village :: N/A
Past Village :: Nusubu
Rank :: Wanderer
Past Ranks :: Kitten

~||Physical Information||~

Breed :: Oriental/Turkish angora mix

Build :: When you first come across Akito you probably won't think much of him. He is scrawny and small, long limbed with scraggly fur that just never sits right. However, despite his unimpressive build, Akito is stronger than most might think. His limbs are strong, able to carry him in his wanderings without any difficulty. His head is more pointed and rigid, almost taking on a triangular shape. Akito's ears are large and pointed, the ends of them though appearing as though they were shredded. This however is just due to how his fur grew

Pelt :: Akitos pelt, a thing of softness with a habit of sticking up no matter what. His pelt is of a darker brown color that seems to fade towards a light color in his belly. His pelt isn't one that stands out, tending to blend into the land around him due to its dull coloration. The end of his tail fades into the lightest color he has, a murky greyish color, differing greatly from his legs. Almost as though he has some Siamese in him his legs grow into the darkest color he has, his paws being the darkest part of this tom. Stripes scatter themselves across his pelt in a seemingly random matter, as though they are smears in his fur although upon closer inspections you will find they do form a stripe, simply a stripe that is broken apart. He has a solid dark stripe stretching across his back, stopping at the neck. It curves around, covering the very front of his forelegs and the back section of his hind. Perhaps not one of the most striking pelts that can be found, but it is one that holds its own beauty in a chaotic manner.

Eyes :: Perhaps his most noticeable of features, but Akito's eyes are hardly ever open. They often look to others as though they are permanantly shut but this is not the case, his eyes are always open just a glimmer, enough to see. The most of his eyes that you will ever be able to see is during those times that something catches his interest as they open just a little bit more, showing the blueish silver that is his eyes.

Scent :: Due to his wanderings he tends to hold a scent of the world, a mixed and mingled thing of trees, grass, rivers, etc etc. However there will always be the prominent scent of flowers for that is where he tends to spend most of his time. Rolling around through flowers.

Voice :: Akito's voice isn't as you might expect, for someone his age you would expect it to be bright and clear, but it is infact raspy. His voice holds a slight gravelly tone to it which is rather peculiar.  Often times it is filled with annoyance, but there is hardly any malice in it. His voice tends to seem carefree, as though nothing truly matters except for here and now. It's raspyness comes from both lack of use since he is often alone and the injury he holds.

Accessories :: 
Mask :: An item he had stolen from a merchant not long after his face got disfigured. It is made from wood, having been hand carved. Red paint covers it in an intricate swirling pattern. Akito use's this mask to hide half of his face for his scars are not visible when he wears it. He is never seen without it.

Bells :: On his tail he has 3 small bells attached to a string. the are tied together and looped tightly so they don't slip off. He always wears these for he loves the soft sound they produce.

Bandages :: Something he often had around him as a kit, Akito is a rather injury prone cat and as such often uses these bandages to patch himself up.

Noticable features :: 
-The mask he always wears
- The scars hidden beneath his mask
- Small wiry build
- Always has narrowed/closed eyes
- Arched back
- Weird ear ends
- Has a tooth sticking out

Scars :: Akito's most noticeable scar is the one covering half of his face, exposing some of his inner mouth. Shortly after he left his village his brother had come to him, trying to bring him back. Upon Akito's refusal his brother tried to literally drag him back but things went wrong and he slipped, falling into a nearby river and smashing half of his face upon sharp rocks that laid upon the bottom. Didn't heal properly due to his lack of medical attention. Due to him wearing his mask however this often goes unseen, making the small tear in his ear the scar most tend to see.

Humorous ::
Intelligent ::
Sarcastic ::
Adventurous ::
Blunt ::
Whiny ::
Snappy :: Akito doesnt nessicarily have the best mood in the world, often snapping at a random passerby for no apparent reason. I
Solitary ::

As a kitten ::
    Akito's kitten life was fairly normal. He was born into the village of Nusuba, given the name of Akito at the very start. He was born along side one brother, a near identicle twin save for their eyes.  This brother of his went by the name Kirigaya. Kirigaya and akito were close since birth, each of their dreams to do their parents proud, or at least that is how it looked on the outside. That was Kirigaya's dream, not Akito's, the younger brother merely followed in his brothers footsteps. Who wouldn't? His brother was bigger than him, stronger, faster, perhaps not smarter. He was everything Akito wished to be. His parents were two, not exactly loving felines. Each of them wanted their children to grow up strong and proud of course, to do their family well and serve the village. They were always putting this expectation on their kits, hoping that perhaps it could lead one to follow a path that would make them a leader.

    Kirigaya instantly took to this expectation, almost acting as though it was his birth right of some sort to surpass everyone. Meanwhile Akito sat in the shadows, doubt festering in his mind. He had no wish to lead anyone, no wish to go down in history. Akito, he wanted to learn, to explore the world, to perhaps become a merchant. His parents frowned upon this wish, they were both village warriors. Why wouldn't there sons follow in their footsteps. Neither his mother nor his father suppressed their disappointment in their sons wish's, seemingly casting it aside, claiming them to be a kits story. something that could never be. It was around this time that Akito began to resent his family. They were all great warriors, ones who lived for it. None of them understood his desire for adventure and to learn of the world. 

    Once he was of six moons of age the opportunity arose, the one to go on a kittens coming of age ceremony. Kirigaya requested it almost instantly, not to anyone's surprise. But Akito didn't, instead declining to go. He watched from the edges of the village as life went on, his parents urging him to go and get his soul weapon.  It wasn't until Kirigaya came back, a small fan in hand ((much to his parents dissapointment. They had hoped that their fighter of a son might have a sword, perhaps even a dagger.)) that he agreed. In all honesty, Akito didn't want to at that time either, he was just tired of the pestering, the questions. the urging of his narrow minded parents. Something that had only increased once his brother had returned. 

    As he disappeared from the village, the charm tightly pressed to him he began to follow the path. His movements were jagged, jumpy, every bone in his body tense despite the wonders that was the world around him. It wasn't until he was halfway to the monks temple that he calmed down, taking in the world around him. It was so much more.. beautiful, than the village. Akito found himself in awe of this world, of the scents that were around him, of the light that filtered through the trees on all sides. He felt almost at peace here. Soon enough the small tom reached the temple, quickly moving on as he wasn't fond of being near civilization, even though it was but a temple. His ventures to the shrine were soon over, the god of weaponry took his token, and soon had presented akito with a weapon, the thing to which was bonded to his very essence. Something that made his heart drop at the sight. It was a sai, something with blades and pointy bits, something that could be used to fight. It was relatively simple, the metal dark but holding a blue sheen to it, smaller than one might expect, but due to Akito's size it was perfect. As soon as he received his soul weapon he left the shrine, feeling uneasy about that which was bonded to him. 

    At the monks temple he rested, keeping the weapon a distance from him, simply peering at it as he prepared himself to continue on his journey home. It was clear, he was displeased with what he had, and this displeasure kept him focused on it. During his trip back to the village he didn't pay any mind to the world around him, something that most likely saved him as had he not been distracted, a hollow or tainted spirit was sure to have dragged him astray. As Akito neared his village his pace was slow. He had a weapon, his parents would expect him to be a warrior since his brother now seemed as though he couldn't with a fan. 

    Sure enough, that is what was expected. His parents upon seeing the simple weapon to which Akito was bonded to were over joyed. Showering him with affection, something to which Akito disliked immensely. They were rare to show affection to him, it was always to Kirigaya, as such he refused the gesture, seemingly ignoring his family. The village celebrated his return with the weapon named Senrie. He wasn't entirely sure as to why it was named so, as the name itself had nothing to do with fighting or anything. It was named a thousand leagues, perhaps stemming from his desire to wander. Once the celebration was over with he paused, in the hype. He was preparing to go and vow himself to the spirit, but he felt no love for the village. It was not there to him. With this lack of love he refused to become loyal to the village, instead he choose to became a warrior. Something to which his village was disappointing about, but supported of. Where as his parents were in a cold fury.
Wanderer ::
    Soon enough he was off, back into the world to which he had loved in his short trip to the shrine. He had hardly gotten far, only to one of the nearby rivers when his brother came to him, pleading for him to come back. That he could still make his parents proud and happy, just as they had always dreamed of in the past. The words to which Kirigaya had spoken to him fell on deaf ears and he felt a certain coldness inside of him. Those were not his dreams, those were Kirigaya's. As bluntly as the tom could Akito refused, turning to once more wander away. The coldness to which Akito showed shocked Kirigya. Causing him to yell out at him, saying that what he was doing was selfish, he was born in Nusuba, that is where his loyalties lied. 

    As Akito promptly ignored his brother the larger tom stormed up to him, preparing himself to drag the younger brother back to where he belonged. To him, it was for the best. His younger, weaker brother perhaps just got mixed up in the head, maybe something had happened during his travel to receive his weapon that made it so the tom needed to see the priest. Things soon went haywire though, for Akito lashed out at Kirigaya's attempts to drag him back. In backlash the larger tom shoved Akito, sending him toppling down. The small tom rolled a short distance before splashing into the rapid waters below. His head smashed into the sharp rocks at the bottom and pain had shot through the tom. Soon enough he was carried away by the current, his name being called in panic in the distance. 

    When he awoke he was in the presence of a traveling merchant, one who had found him bleeding out at the side of the river. How Akito had survived he was not sure, but he knew his jaw was in pain. As he stirred the she-cat who had found him flew into a panic. screeching at him not to move, that things would be alright soon, that he should just, stay still. Akito at the panic of her voice did as he was told. Laying still once more. As it turned out, the right side of his face had been injured greatly, the skin and muscles having been torn off. The she-cat to whom Akito never learned the name of had done her best to keep him alive, but she was no healer, no priest. Her medicine was hardly medicine at all. His face managed to heal without infection, but it didn't look the same. It never would again. Large gaping scars were to be found, something that disgusted the small tom. This was his brothers fault, his villages, it was other felines faults. If they had just left him to his own devices, perhaps none of this would have happened.

    Akito soon was in relatively good condition, while his face was still in raw pain he could move properly, often following the she-cat around as she did what it was she did. She was a crafter, someone who made goods. The act of what she did fascinated Akito strongly, but he was off put in her offerings to teach him. No, he wouldn't accept that. He didn't need others any more. Due to his ability to walk he had left later that night. Before he left he rummaged through the goods of his savior, perhaps not very good thanks, but there was something he had seen her make that he had wanted. A mask. it was a beautiful mask in his eyes, one that seemed to fit him perfectly. Lifting it up he placed it over his face, covering his mangled face. He heard movement near by and froze. Guiltily he looked up, seeing the she-cat sitting near by, watching. She didn't seem upset by his theft, no, she seemed perfectly at ease. 

    It felt wrong to him, to steal from the she-cat, but alas he didn't want his face to be seen. He wanted the damages of his past to be hidden, he just wanted to forget his family and his village. Without another word he bolted, leaving the she-cat once more on his own. Now, for the first time in his leaving, he was truly alone, and he loved it. To him being on his own in this world was the most amazing thing. He renamed himself to Akklan at this time, ditching the name of his youth in a final effort to clear himself of his past. In his wanderings he slowly acquired a few more items, some bandages for as he learned he often would twist his paw along with a few bells from a kind merchant that would ring softly as he moved. Life now, was good, he wandered through the world, seeing what there was to see. For now he resides near the Nadibaki village. He plans to rest there for a few nights before moving on, but he is not sure as to where his life will lead from now.

~||Personal Information||~
Strengths :: - Endurance
- Speed
- Quick thinker
- Has learned to swim quite well so that he can help himself if anything like his past ever happens again.
- Can sleep literally anywhere. No place is too hard or uncomfortable.
Weaknesses ::-Social interactions
- Fighting
- Isn't skilled with his soul weapon
- Is stubborn to a point of fault
- Overly emotional
- Cant defend himself from attacks
- Weakling
- Short size
Dislikes ::- When people try and touch his mask
- When people have strong senses of family love
- Having to pick loyalties
- Most things
- Being around others
- Personal questions
- Being called "Aki" or "akito"
- Idiots
Likes :: - confusing others
- Being left in peace
- Nature
- Crafting ((though he doesnt say it))
- Trees
- Swimming
- Being a general nuisance if someone annoys him
- Flowers <33

Relationships - How do they see/act with others. List Family, Friends, Acquaintances, etc. !

~||Soul Weapon||~

Soul-Weapons Name :: Senrie :: A thousand leagues (from home)
Weapon Type :: Melee weapon
Weapon :: A short black sai with a blue sheen
Etc :: Is a light weight weapon, and Akito is totally clueless as to how to use it. He avoids fighting at all costs.

Abilities :: None

Design by Issaric
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Comments: 4

Wolf-mask [2015-08-26 10:38:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Issaric In reply to Wolf-mask [2015-08-26 18:41:01 +0000 UTC]

Its my job

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Prince-Crow [2015-08-26 10:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh you're joining!! ;;w;; <33 He looks awesome!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Issaric In reply to Prince-Crow [2015-08-26 18:40:20 +0000 UTC]

I am joining <333 and thank you~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0