ItemShoplifter — DEATH BATTLE idea #028

#avengers #connors #death #illuminate #secret #amazingspiderman #battle #beast #curt #hank #idea #lizard #marvel #mccoy #mutation #secretwars #deathbattle #itemshoplifter #vs
Published: 2014-09-20 14:51:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 7748; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 12
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Description Hank "Beast" McCoy vs Curt "Lizard" Connors

Name:Hank McCoy
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 402 lbs
Species:Homosuperior (mutant)

Origin: Henry "Hank" Phillip McCoy's father, Norton McCoy , worked at a nuclear power plant where he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation during an accident. Norton was completely unharmed, but the radiation affected his genes and, as a result, his son was born a mutant . Unlike most mutants, Henry showed signs of mutation from birth: unusually large hands and feet. A prodigy, Hank was also endowed with an innate superhuman intellect and during adolescence he gained the power of simian-like augmented agility, reflexes, and strength. Thanks to his powers, Henry became a star football player as a teenager and earned the nickname Magilla Gorilla. Hank hid his mutation and thirst for knowledge in plain sight - until the school asked him to leave after he was exposed as a mutant. Hank's remarkable athletic abilities and brilliance attracted the notice of Professor Charles Xavier , who was forming the originalX-Men . Xavier offered Hank, who excelled in the classroom, the chance for unlimited academic opportunities at his prestigious School for Gifted Youngsters . The costumed criminal named El Conquistador , however, also took note of his abilities and captured McCoy's parents in order to force McCoy to aid him in his criminal schemes. With the help of Prof. Xavier and the X-Men, Henry defeated the Conquistador and then joined the X-Men as their fourth member, taking the code-name "Beast". Under Prof. Xavier's tutelage, Hank's days were rich with differential equations, Proust, and workouts in the Danger Room . With the X-Men, Hank battled Magneto , the Vanisher , the Blob , the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants ,NamorUnus ,Lucifer , and many others. At one point Hank became discouraged with humanity and quit the team to start a brief a career as wrestler.Beast 2nd costumeHank immediately became friends with Bobby Drake (Iceman)  Hank dated a librarian,Vera Cantor , but he kept his identity as the Beast a secret from her. Hank and Bobby briefly battled Maha Yogi  while on a double date. Hank was sought out by Kraven the Hunter , who wanted to hone his skills in battle against the Beast. Kraven drugged Beast to dull his reflexes, but it caused Hank to regress to a more feral state and he went into a berserker rage. Hank would have killed Kraven if his teammates hadn't separated them. A brilliant student, McCoy completed his doctoral studies and finally left the X-Men and Professor Xavier's school to take a position as a genetic researcher with the Brand Corporation , a division of Roxxon Oil . There he began working with Dr. Carl Maddicks  and started a romance with his assistant, Linda Donaldson .He then isolated the hormonal extract that created mutation. The resulting serum acted as a catalyst for activating latent mutations for short periods of time (this serum would become the basis of the Mutant Growth Hormone ). Dr. Maddicks grew increasingly envious of Hank and witnessed his new discovery.Eager to inform his superiors of his discovery, Hank overheard Dr. Maddicks plotting to steal his research. Unaware of the consequences, Hank drank the serum, trying to disguise his appearance, and underwent radical, physical changes. Hank grew gray fur over his entire body, his muscles expanded, ears became larger and pointed, claws sprouted, and his canine teeth became larger, resembling fangs. The serum further increased his superhuman agility, endurance, speed, and strength, as well as enhanced his senses, and granted him an extraordinary healing factor .After stopping the security guard from stealing his work for Dr. Maddicks, Hank realized that he had failed to keep track of the time. Because Hank hadn't taken the antidote within an hour, he permanently remained in his altered state. Dr. McCoy was now a beast, in fact as well as in in name. Angry, Hank attempted to exact revenge on Dr. Maddicks, but stopped short of strangling him. Dr. Maddicks was shot by Linda Donaldson, who had actually been a spy for the Secret Empire  all along.In an attempt to continue a normal life, McCoy began wearing a synthetic mask and gloves and harness to correct his posture. No one at the Brand Corporation was able to connect that the Beast and Hank were the same person, despite the many attempts by the head of security, Robert "Buzz" Baxter .Hank worked tirelessly to correct his condition, but shunned the help of Professor X and Marvel Girl . After Tony Stark  showed interest in Hank's work, Mastermind  of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants planted the illusion of having killed Iron Man in Hank’s mind. Unable to remember meeting Blob, Unus, and Mastermind before, Mastermind convinced Hank to join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, until he remembered the truth and single-handedly defeated them.BeastAn encounter with Quasimodo , who was attempting to steal Beast's metabolic abilities so that he could get a step closer to becoming more human, caused a majority of Dr. McCoy's life force to be expelled, which resulted in his gray fur becoming blue and the loss of his new found healing factor.[18]  While healing from his battle with Quasimodo, Hank found himself at the home of Buzz and his wife Patsy Walker , and he revealed his dual identity to Patsy. Patsy had long idolized "super heroes", and she elicited the promise from him that in exchange for keeping his secret, he would help her become a "super heroine".After hearing that an old colleague, Professor Hans Jorgenson , had been kidnapped, Professor X summoned the X-Men to track down Spider-Man , but Hank refused. Attempting to check-in on Hank, after hearing of all of the Beast disturbances, Angel  arrived and aided Beast in battling Griffin  and creating a story to explain Hank's recent disappearances. Depressed about his appearance, Hank returned home for a time, thanks to Cyclops, but he left again, after reassurance of his importance from his old girlfriend, Jennifer Nyles . Hank finally reunited with Vera and learned that she was seeking his help, but they were interrupted by the Juggernaut. Hank battled the Juggernaut alone and was losing, until taking-off his synthetic mask scared the Juggernaut and rapidly aged him, due to the mystics that bond him to Earth . Hank and Vera traveled to Canada  where Vera's dilemma revealed itself. Mimic's mutant powers were out-of-control and sapping the energies of people to the point that it was killing them. Hank attempted to cure Mimic, but was interrupted by the Hulk who was finding the source of what was draining his strength. The Hulk left after Mimic drained his gamma radiation, seemingly committing suicide. Eventually, Dr. McCoy left Brand and applied to the Avengers. During his interview, the Avengers were attacked by Toad , impersonating the Stranger , and Hank aided the team. Beast and Moondragon  were then accepted on a probationary basis.

-Animal-like physiology
-Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, senses and dexterity
-Genius-level intellect
-High pain tolerance
-Pheromone manipulation
-Razor sharp claws and teeth

Specifics: The Beast possesses superhuman strength, agility, endurance, and speed, despite his bulk. He possesses the agility of a great ape and the acrobatic prowess of an accomplished circus aerialist. His physiology is durable enough to allow him to survive a three story fall by landing on his feet without suffering any broken bones or sprains. The Beast's legs are powerful enough to enable him to leap approximately 15 feet high in a standing high jump, and around 25 feet in a standing broad jump. He can also run on all fours at approximately 40 miles per hour for short sprints.The Beast can crawl up brick walls by wedging his fingers and toes into the smallest cracks and applying a vice-like grip on them, as well as walk a tightrope with minimal effort. He is adept in performing complicated sequences of gymnastics such as flips, rolls, and springs, and can also walk on his hands for many hours. Further, his manual and pedial dexterity are so great that he can perform multiple tasks such as writing with both hands at once or tie knots in rope with his toes.The Beast possesses enhanced senses, the ability to secrete pheromones to attract members of the opposite sex, as well as a slight healing factor that allows him to regenerate minor wounds and recover quickly from minor ailments such as colds. The Beast also possesses cat-like night vision as well as razor-sharp claws on his hands and feet. Hank is considered one of the world's experts on mutations and evolutionary human biology. He has extensive knowledge of genetics, biochemistry, and a variety of other scientific fields. Hank is also an accomplished keyboard player.

Name: Curtis Connors
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 650 lbs
Species: Human (Mutant)

Origin: Having lost his arm in an explosion while helping G.I.s, Curt Connors decided to create a formula to regrow his arm. He used the limb regrowth of reptiles as a model. However, the serum transformed him into the Lizard. After being stopped from sending his army of reptiles to conquer the world by Spider-Man he was tricked into drinking an antidote changing him back into Connors.Sometimes, however, when under stress Connors reverted back into the Lizard. When it was discovered Martha and Billy were dying of radiation poisoning Billy was sent to live with Curt's sister and Martha died. The Lizard went peacefully to jail after killing a scientist who won what could have been his research grant but was freed by Norman Osborn to join the Sinister Twelve. After the disbanding of the twelve, the Lizard disappeared from the public. More recently, the Lizard resurfaced to face Spider-Man with the aid of a pint-sized "twin" of himself, who was revealed to be none other than his son, Billy. Curt had injected Billy with the Lizard formula while under the influence of a mysterious meteorite that caused savage behavior in those within range of its radiation. Both the Lizard and "Lizard Junior" were eventually captured and transformed back to humans, but the future effects of the Lizard formula on Billy Connors remain to be seen.A new version of the Sinister Six, including the Lizard, appeared during Civil War, but were stopped by Captain America and his Secret Avengers. Since the Lizard was never a member of the original Sinister Six, the circumstances of his involvement with this recent group of villains has yet to be revealed. After Lizard's last appearance, he was able to kill Connors' son Billy. That killed Curt's consciousness and made a new creature of Lizard, the Shed. It possesses Connors' intellect and new powers. Spider-Man tried to defeat him but he failed.After using Connor's serum, which made him immune to Shed's new psychic powers, Spider-Man showed Shed pictures of Billy and "put pictures in his head". Shed started to feel ashamed, and he understood that there was much more to learn and understand for him. He ran off to an unknown place where he continues to capture some humans to call them his "pets".After most of the Spider-Man villains were hired to capture Lily Hollister's and Norman Osborn's newborn son, the Lizard was the second (after Chameleon) to get the child. Connors took the newborn to his "nest" where he did tests on it to see if the infant was a special new species. Soon after, Spider-man showed up to the nest along with Doctor Octopus whom the Lizard took control of to fight Spider-Man.Doc Ock was subdued and Spidey went to get the child from the Lizard who informed Peter that the boy was a useless new species and wasn't actually Norman Osborn's son. Doctor Octopus arrived again and battled the Lizard for taking control of his mind. Spider-Man left the scene with the infant at hand. After Morbius worked with Horizon Labs in a cure for the spider-virus during the massive infection in New York, he started searching for a cure for himself and his friend, Curt Connors.He finally developed a successful cure which Spider-Man injected in the Lizard, turning him back to human form, but keeping his reptilian-mind, although he pretended he was totally cured to start creating a serum to turn back to the Lizard physically.After testing the serum in many Horizon employees, Curt injected himself with it, soon before being discovered by Carlie Cooper, Curt escaped until Spider-Man managed to take him out of Horizon, when his transformation was fully completed, into a new and stronger form of the Lizard.Using a cure developed by Morbius, Spider-Man managed to defeat the Lizard, but not to revert him to his human state. The Lizard was finally captured and put into custody in the Raft, where he realized his human consciousness took over his reptilian body, stating that was the punishment he deserved. After sensing Spider-Man, unaware he was in Doctor Octopus's body, while in his cell, the Lizard told him the cure worked and that he was Curt in the Lizard's body. When "Octavius" asked the Lizard to join him in a breakout made by Hydro-Man Scorpion and the Trapster, he declined with a snort and Trapster called him a "mindless beast."Spider-Man begun to question his morals, as trying to free the Lizard was one of them. When Morbius managed to escape his cell, the Lizard pointed out that he still had nowhere to go. Curt escaped his cell after the security systems of the Raft were shot down by Spider-Slayer. While Spider-Man went after Spider-Slayer, J. Jonah Jameson was confronted byScorpion, but was stopped by the Lizard. He revealed to Jameson that he had retained his human intelligence while they escaped, which Jameson acknowledged

weapons: None

-Lizard Physiology
-Superhuman Strength
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Stamina
-Superhuman Durability
-Superhuman Agility
-Superhuman Reflexes
-Mid level Regenerative Healing Factor
-Fangs & Claws

Specifics: While transformed into The Lizard, Connors possesses a variety of superhuman attributes. Connors himself has the normal physical strength of a human male of his age, height, and build that engages in little regular exercise. While transformed, he possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift about 12 tons. His physical strength has extended into the muscles of his legs allowing him to leap about 18 feet into the air. While transformed, Connors can run and move at speeds greater than that of the finest human athlete and can reach a top speed of about 45 miles per hour. While transformed, Connors' advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him. While transformed, Connors' scaly skin and superhumanly enhanced bodily tissues provide him much greater resistance to physical injury than an ordinary human. He can withstand great impact forces, falls from great heights, and small caliber bullets without sustaining injury. In his transformed state, Connors' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. Connors' reflexes are similarly enhanced while transformed and are superior to those of the finest human athlete. Despite The Lizard's physical durability, he can sustaining physical injury. However, if injured, his body is able to rapidly regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. While transformed, Connors' healing powers are developed to the point where he can fully regenerate missing limbs, just like many known reptile species. While transformed, Connors has a long, reptilian-like tail that he can use to help balance himself or as an offensive weapon. He is capable of whipping his tail at speeds of at least 70 miles per hour. Considering his strength and physical toughness, he can generate enough force to shatter concrete. Like some geckos, The Lizard can detach his tail and grow a new one hile transformed, Connors' fingers and toes are each tipped with razor sharp claws that, combined with his natural strength, are able to cut most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals. His mouth is also filled with rows of razor sharp teeth that he can use as offensive weapons in close combat situations. As The Lizard, Connors has the ability to telepathically communicate and control all forms of reptilian life within a two mile distance. After his transformation into the shed, Connors has the ability to activate the "lizard part" in a human brain, causing them to act on basic reptile instincts. Connors has a genius-level intelligence and is a world renowned herpetologist. Although he has had no formal combat training, his powers alone coupled with his natural savagery in his transformed state make him a formidable combatant. Lizard's strength and agility are reduced when exposed to intense cold for more than a few minutes. High levels of stress can cause Dr. Connors to transform into the Lizard.
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Comments: 2

Jose-Ramiro [2015-05-29 05:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Can't decide here.

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cfakatsuki [2014-09-27 04:23:46 +0000 UTC]

In terms of raw strength I'd give it to Beast but I think Lizard is more tactical he could lier him into an aquatic environment like a swamp or sewer depending on where they fight and just drown beast like a cat but it could easily go either way

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