ItsTheLocket — Hospitality (Full Story on Wattpad)

#anime #camilo #crossover #fanfiction #friends #frollo #hospitality #meeting #newfriends
Published: 2023-04-07 20:47:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 7780; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description It's a sunny Sunday morning and the Frollos are just waking up. Today Claude will be giving his first public talk in the West Triangle congregation. After stretching, Ica looked over at her husband, who was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.

”What are you thinking about?” She asked softly.

He turned his head to look at her and smiled. “Just how nervous I am for my talk.” He chuckled. 

Ica rolled over and took his face in her hands, and kissed him on his pointy nose. “You’ll do great.” She said as she ran her fingers through his soft gray hair. “I’m very proud of you. And right before you step on stage say a silent prayer.”

Claude took her hand hand placed it on his chest. “Well…I’m not even at the Kingdom Hall yet, and my heart is beating kind of fast just thinking about it.”

”Here, let me help with that.” She leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth. 

Claude smiled and chuckled through the kiss. “Crazy girl, you’re making my heart beat even faster.”

“Do you want me to stop?” She murmured smugly.

Claude smirked back. “No…” Ica leaned back into kiss him and he pulled her closer to him as she slipped her fingers back into his thin hair, gently stroking his scalp.

“I know this helps relax you.” She whispered. All he did was give a hum of approval. Then all of a sudden, they heard the joyful voice of their son followed by him and their dog jumping into their bed, cutting their romantic moment short. Irish and Nixen quickly aroused from their beds and skittered downstairs.

 “Time to get up! Papá has his first talk today and we can’t be late!” Shouted Zephyr as Roary slobbered over both his human parents.

They both sat up then gave each other knowing looks then eyes their son mischievously. In an instant they grabbed Zephyr in their arms and pinned him to the bed tickling him vigorously. He kicked and squealed but his parents held him tight. Roary gave excited yips as he tried wriggling his way in between them. Eventually Claude and Ica let go of their son, too weak to hold him anymore because of their laughter. The flopped onto their backs with their heads resting on Zephyr’s lap.

”You guys are so nutty sometimes!” He chortled down at them.

”Do you want to know a secret son?” Asked Claude lifting his chin a little to see his son’s face.

”And what’s that Papá?” Said Zephyr fixing his father’s bangs, which had became disheveled in their playful tousle.

”You took my nerves away.”

Zephyr raised his slanted eyebrows, which were identical to Claude’s. “I did?”

Claude sat up and so did Ica, as he took his son into his lap. “I was telling your mum here, how nervous I was for my talk today. But then you came in here and jumped on us and well,” Claude gave a quick chuckle. “Made me forget how nervous I was with your silly antics and not to mention you gave me some good pointers, about the villains and heroes.”

Zephyr smiled at the recognition his father had just given him and reached up and patted his father’s head affectionately. “Oh Papá, you’ll be fine. Just say a silent prayer before you step on stage.” Claude playfully took Zephyr’s head in his hands and turned it an away so he could see into his ear. Zephyr laughed and pushed his father’s hands away. “Papá what on earth are you doing?!” He yipped, still laughing.

”Checking to see if you have a little mummy shaped bug in your ear.” He said turning his head and checking the other ear. By this time Ica was rolling with laughter. “Your mum said the exact same thing me before you even came in here. So I wanted to see if there was a mum bug in your hear who told you to tell me that.” 

Zephyr wriggled his head from Claude’s hands. “You’re crazy, you know that Papá. And I thought mummy was the crazy one.” He laughed. “But come on we’ve fart arsed around long enough. It’s already 7:15 and their meeting starts at 9:30 like ours…except it takes like 45 minutes to get there.”

Zephyr’s parents just studied him for a moment. “Well looks like someone’s done their research.” Said Ica humorously.

”Well yeah, I know this is dad’s first talk and I just want everything to go okay. I mean, I know that Jehovah will take care of him…but I guess I’m a little nervous for him too.” Zephyr looked down feeling a bit shy. 

“Oh Zephie bears, you’re such a kind caring boy.” Said Ica hugging him. “You’re right, Jehovah will take care of him and make sure everything goes smoothly.” She kissed his head. “Alright, now run along and get dressed.” She gave his bottom a playful whack as he scrambled off the bed. “We’ll do the same.”

”Okay, you’ve got 20 minutes and you’d better be dressed. And don’t go back to kissing each other either!” He called as he ran to his room down the hall, with Roary on his feels. 

When his parents heard his door close they smirked and leaned in to kiss each other but before their lips met they heard Zephyr’s door open followed by his voice. “I mean it!” Then they heard it close once more. 

His parents just looked at each other then burst out laughing. “Oh how I love that boy.” Chortled Claude.

As Zephyr had wanted, his parents were dressed and downstairs within 20 minutes. “I’m so proud of you guys! You followed my directions! And I already fed the animals, and let Roary out so they are all good! Maybe I should be the grown up!”

Claude ruffled his brown wavy hair. “Crazy boy. So listen, go grab a change of play clothes.”

Zephyr tilted his head. “Why?”

”Because one of the brothers offered hospitality, and I accepted.” Replied Claude.

“Oh! Okay! Cool! I’ll be right down!” With that he zipped upstairs. 

As soon as he had gone upstairs he was back down, with an a Bug’s Bunny shirt and matching shorts. “Here, I’ll take those.” Said Ica taking her son’s clothes from him and stuffing them in the bag.

”You could fold those a mon amour, they would fit better.” Said Claude. Ica just gave him a playful ‘yeah okay’ look and brushed past him and out the door. Claude looked to his son who shrugged innocently and giggled. 

As the drove to the West Triangle Kingdom Hall, both Ica and Zephyr noticed Claude’s stern face as he gripped the steering wheel. “Papá.” Said Zephyr breaking the silence. “You have your Disney Villain on.” 

Claude glanced in the rear view mirror. “My Disney. Villain. Face?” 

“Yeah, it’s the face you make when you are troubled about something…but thinking about something at the same time. Your eyebrows go all slanted and you mouth turns down into a frown, and your expression becomes really hard. You look like a Disney villain.” Zephyr.

Claude just raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?” 

Ica leaned reached over and took his hand. “He’s right, wily old man. But you are the farthest thing from a Disney Villain.” She kissed the hand she was holding, making his face soften. Then Ica turned around and eyed Zephyr. “Zephie bears, you do know you get that exact same expression as your father sometimes right? That means you must look like a Disney villain too.” She retorted sticking her tongue out at him. He tried to playfully whack her in the head but she ducked, his hand whooshing through empty air. “Too slow!”

”Hey you two crazies. I’m trying to drive now please can you settle down!” He said slightly raising his voice annoyed, his face turning stern again.

Zephyr and Ica quickly stopped their antics. “Gee Papá, you’re kind of acting like a Disney villain now.” His son said. His voice teetering on defiant.

”Zephyr! Stop.” Snapped Ica. Her silliness gone.

”Sorry.” He said quietly.

“Claude what’s the matter? Are you alright? Me and Zephyr shouldn’t have been horsing around. I’m sorry.” 

“Yeah Papá, sorry. You aren’t a Disney villain. You are the farthest thing from that like mummy said. You are kind, and loving, and you protect me and mummy. I love you so much.” Said Zephyr, giving him a sincere smile but pushing back slight tears he feels forming in the pack of his bright green eyes.

Her husband’s expression softened again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get short with the both of you. I guess my nerves are getting the best of me. I really hope I don’t make a fool out of myself up there.” He let out a sigh.

”Claude…” Ica took his hand again. “It will be okay. I promise.”

”But what if it’s not.” He said, defeat in his voice.

”Look, there’s the Kingdom Hall sign.” Said Zephyr pointing to a white sign with cranberry letters that read, ‘Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.’ As they turned into the parking lot, there were no cars. “Looks like I didn’t need to hurry you guys after all.” Zephyr’s bright green eyes scanned the parking lot of empty cars. “We’ve got twenty minutes before the meeting starts. I’m sorry for rushing you this morning.”

”It’s okay peanut.” Said Ica softly. “You were just excited is all. But since we’re early, how about we say a prayer with daddy?” She threw an encouraging smile in her husband’s direction. “Is that okay?” He nodded. 

Zephyr unbuckled his seat belt and wrapped his arms around Claude’s neck and kissed his head affectionately. Claude craned his neck up to nuzzle him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

”It’s okay Papá.” Said Zephyr hugging his father a little tighter. “I’m just happy you didn’t threaten to beat me like nanny and meema.” 

Claude chuckled. “I never ever do that.” He said tenderly. “I think those Brits and Jamaicans have anger issues.” 

“Heeey.” Drawled Ica and whacked him playfully on the arm.

”See what I mean?” He smirked at her. Zephyr laughed out loud. Ica just stuck her tongue out at him. “Okay, ready to say the prayer? I feel better already. You two always know how to make me smile, even if you do get a little insane sometimes. I love the both of you very much.” And with that the Frollo’s held each other, bowed their heads, and Claude led them in prayer. After they all utter amen, Claude felt and instant calm wash over him.

“Do you feel a little better Papá?” Ask Zephyr.

Claude took his son by the back of the head and lightly knocked his forehead against his own. “I do peanut.” He said affectionately.

Pretty soon cars begin pulling into the parking lot of the Kingdom Hall. “Guess we should go in now, huh Papá. Claude's nodded, and the Frollos all got out of the car and started toward the entrance.

All of a sudden Claude halted in his steps. “I can’t do this! Let’s go back home.” His son and wife just stared at him in disbelief. Then a grin crept across his aged face and then he burst out laughing. “You two should have saw your faces!” He said laughing even harder. “I’m just joking. I’m fine. Your not the only two who can be a bit cheeky.”

Zephyr puffed out a wood of hair and he marched right into his father and slapped him playfully. “Papá, ce n'est pas drôle ! J'ai failli avoir une crise cardiaque.” (Daddy that’s not funny! I almost had a heart attack!)

“Oh, est-ce qu'on frappe maintenant ? Je vois que le gène jamaïcain émerge de mon doux petit garçon qui le rend fougueux. (Oh are we hitting now? I see that Jamaican gene is emerging from my sweet little boy making him feisty) Teased Claude. Ica couldn't help but laugh. Even though the couldn't understand them, the look on her huffy eleven year old’s freckled face was all she needed.

Zephyr just rolled his bright green eyes. “Come on daddy, let’s just hurry and get inside. I think mummy’s rubbing off on you.” Said Zephyr taking his father by the hand and pulling him forward. 

“Hey, wait for me!” Yipped Ica as she grabbed her son's other hand.

When they got to the entrencnce of the Kingdom Hall, they were one of the first people inside, but the few brother and sisters that were there, went up to introduce themselves right away. One of them being a family consisting of a father, mother, and a daughter around Zephyr’s age. 

“Hello there! You must be the speaker.” Said the brother holding out his hand. His dark eyes were kind and welcoming. He could detect an accent that sounded Asian, but couldn't quite place it. “My name is Kakarot Ladyington. And this is my wife Jinx, and our daughter Celestine.

“Nice to meet you.” Said Claude, shaking his hand. “I’m Claude Frollo, and this is my wife Ica, and out son Zephyr.”

“Well isn’t it nice to meet y’a-” Before Jinx could get her greeting out, Ica had thrown her arms around her, catching Jinx off guard. “Ooh!” She squeaked. But then her surprised melted away, and a a large friendly spread across her face, and she squeezed Ica tightly. She pushed her back a bit so she could see her face, but still gripped her shoulders. “Well you’re a hugger! I love that! I'm from the South so down there, people are a little livelier. I was even on a hidden TV show, and the concept of the show is to see how  people would react to certain situations. Oh lord, I didn't even know I was on it! Anyway it just so happens I was on the episode to see how people would react to strangers taking food off their plate.”

Ica’s eyes widened. “That sounds like a beating waiting to happen.” She exclaimed.

“Well shug let me tell you.” Jinx waved both her hand. Everyone was mighty fine with it.” Said Jinx sunnily. 

“Did she take food from you?” Asked Ica.

“Oh she did, but I was happy to share.”

“Cool! I would have shared mine too!”

As Claude and Kakarot watched their wives converse, they chuckled to each other. “Well looks like this two are getting along quite well.” Said Claude. 

“Yeah, that’s Jinx for you.” She is so bubbly and friendly. “I have a hard time keeping up with her.”

“Tell me about it.” Said Claude, immediately concecting with Kakarot. “I call Ica my crazy girl. Ever since we’ve met, she has kept me on my toes. We’ve been married twelve years and she’s still keeping me on my toes. Her and my son. He’s just like her!”

As both of their parents got to know one another, they didn't see their children disappear. “Come Zephyr.” Said Celestine. Her voice was high and sing song like. “Let’s i’ll go introduce you to the other kids.” She took his hand and led him away into the main auditorium. 

“Oh! Okay!” He said gladly following along. 

“So how old are you? I’m nine.” Asked Celestine.

“Eleven, but everyone thinks i’m your age. I guess i’m small for my age.”

“Oh well yeah kind of. I thought you were nine too.” She giggled.

“It's the same with Clelestine.” Said Kakarot. “Well Claude, it looks like we’ve got a lot in common my friend. “Speaking of Celestine,” Kakarot looked around. ”Where is she?” Claude realized that Zephyr was gone as well. “Oh, there they are.” Kakarot pointed to to their children.

When Claude looked he saw Zephyr surrounded by the other children laughing and waving his arms around as if he were telling some grand story. He smiled to himself. Just like his mother. 

Just then, there was a friendly voice come through the speakers, letting the congregation that the meeting was about to begin. “Alright, we’d better get in there. Are you ready?” Asked his new friend, giving him one encouraging pat on the back. Oh and don't forget, hospitality after the meetings. I'm have arranged a barbecue cookout for us.”

Claude nodded. He still felt a twinge of nervousness, but the prayer he and his family said in the car and the Ladyington’s being so welcoming, put him at ease. 

After singing the opening song, brother Talcotte, announced Claude up to the platform. “Alright, if we could all give our attention to brother Claude Frollo, from the North Aurora congregation as he covers the topic, ‘How Can We Conquer the Evil With the good.’ Brother Frollo please.

To Claude’s surprised, he walked up to the platform his nervousness completely gone. He saw the smiles of all the brothers and sisters as well as the encouraging expressions from his family. He thanked Jehvah and began his talk. He started with the illustration that Zephyr had explained to him, mentioning his name in the process and how me had given him the pointers, making him slide down in his seat a little his face turning slightly red. Ica chucked silently at her son’s bashfulness. 

When he was done with his talk, the audience clapped as me got down off the stage and back to his seat with his family. “Good job Papá!” Whispered Zephyr. Ica reached over Zephyr and gave his hand an encouraging squeeze. He thanked Jehovah again, and readied himself for the Watchtower study, to his surprise was led by Kakarot. 

After the meeting, more brothers and sisters came up to introduce themselves to the Frollos, and compliment him on his talk. All the while, his face turning red with bashfulness identical to the face his son had made earlier when Claude had mentioned him in the talk. When the got back into the parking lot Kakarot gave him the directions to the park they would be hosting hospitality at.

“I’m so proud of you Papá.” Said Zephyr, as the left the Kingdom Hall. “Told you it would be okay.”

Claude chuckled and glanced back at him in the rear view mirror. “That you did peanut.” 

Ica gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I agree with Zephyr.”

As they got to their destination, a sign popped into view which read Lake View Park. “Ooo look!” Piped Zephyr pointing enthusiastically. “There’s a big lake! So cool!”

Ica laughed. “Just promise me you won’t try to go swimming.” 

“No, I won’t. I don’t want to get in trouble like Dakota.” He said, remembering the scavenger hunt the Fletchers had taken him and his friends on.” Realizing that they said they would keep that between him and his friends, as well as the Fletchers, he gasp and quickly covered his mouth.” “Uh…I mean…”

Ica knowing that her son wanted to keep that part of the scavenger hunt to himself, just says, “Good, because then I would have to get all wet having to drag you out.”

”Mummy, I know how to swim you know.” He gave his mother a pointed look, but all she did was laugh.

”I know peanut.”

Claude parked the car on a gravel lot, and immediately saw the Ladyingtons, as well as a couple other people he saw at the meeting but never got a chance to introduce himself and his family to. Kakarot waved them all over. 

“Hey guys! Welcome to Lake View Park.” Said Kakarot sunnily. 

“It’s so pretty here!” Said Ica as she took in the trees with their thick trunks and bright lime green leaves blowing in the warm breeze. The picnic area was nice and clean, and the smell of a variety of grilled food wafted through the air. It was all brought together by the gentle lapping of the lake, glittering in the bright warm sun.

“Oh it sure is!” Piped Jinx, her southern accent light and playful.

Kakarot ushered his friends in front of him so he could introduce them. I invited a few others, I hope you don’t mind. The Frollos shook their heads, happy that they would get to meet more of the friends in the congregation. This is my sister-in-law Trudy. 

Ica waved, immediately seeing the resemblance between her and Jinx. “Hi! So nice to mee-” Trudy didn’t let her finish. She grabbed Ica in her arms, and squeezed her hard, this time catching her off guard. “Jinx burst into high pitched laughter. 

“I might have told my big sister that you were a hugger. She said she wanted to beat you to the hug.” She said still laughing. Ica joined in with the sisters’ laughter.

”Okay, I admit, you got me.” Said Ica, as Trudy Parker let go of her. 

“My you’re so little chall.” Said Trudy patting Ica’s shoulders and waist. Trudy was taller than her sister so Ica must have looked even smaller to her. 

Ica chuckled. “Yeah I get that a lot. I’m 42 but probably look like 21 or something right?”

Trudy didn’t deny Ica’s assumption and chuckled as well. “Well I won’t say I wasn’t thinking it.” But then I saw your other half over, so I didn’t think it would be possible to be that young, being married to a much older man and all.”

”TRUDY!” Yipped Jinx, appalled  at her sister’s brashness. “Sorry shug. Sometimes my sister doesn’t think before she speaks.” Jinx threw Trudy a disapproving annoyed look.

Ica just laughed. “It’s okay Jinx. We get that a lot too. I’m not offended.

“See Jinx, she’s fine.” Her little sister just rolled her eyes. Then Trudy looked at Zephyr. “And is this your little boy?” 

“Yup, that’s my little rugrat.” Said Ica affectionately. 

“How old are you snug?” Asked Trudy bending down to his level. “Wait don’t tell me. Eight? Nine?”

Zephyr nodded, thinking how Celestine thought he was nine as well. “I’m nin-”

Just then Celestine butt in. “No auntie Trudy, he’s eleven!” Her aunt’s eyebrows rose in surprise
 but quickly evened out as she realized that he has genes like his mother. “Yup I thought he was nine too.” Said Celestine

”Well I see he takes after you.” She turned around to look at Ica, who shrugged and grinned innocently.

Claude watched the entire encounter, amused. Kakarot just shook his head but he has a light hearted smile on his face. “That’s my sister-in-law for you. Anyway, this here,” he said putting his hand on the back of a tall young man with spiky bleach blonde hair and gray eyes, “Is my bible student Naren Wierzbicka.”

He gave a small shy smile. “Hello there.” He had a polish accent. “Nice to meet you.”

A giddy smile graced Zephyr’s freckled face. “Hi Naren! Your hair is so cool! Can I feel it?” He said hopefully.

”Zephyr!” Said Claude giving him a look. His son cringed a little, knowing that he shouldn’t have blurted out such a bold the awkward question.

Naren chuckled. “No no, it’s quite alright.” Naren bent down and let Zephyr feel his hair. It was crunchy to the touch. “I put gel on it, that’s why it’s so hard, but it helps keep the spike.”

”It feels so cool and funny all at the same time.” Zephyr turned to look at his parents. “Mummy, daddy, can we get gel and spike my hair?” 

Ica gave him an inquisitive look. “Well Zeph, I don’t know if it will come out right. Your hair is wavy and on the longer side. It might just make your hair kind of well…er all limply. Do you know sometimes when I use the gel in my hair…it just makes my hair not so coily?”


“Well when you have hair like mine it doesn’t really spike it kind of just…um stretches or gets really frizzy if I don’t use enough.” Ica tried her best to explain this to her son…not quite sure how to explain it even to herself. But she saw his crestfallen face and decided to entertain his curiosity. “But, when we leave, on the way home we’ll get gel and give it a try. Okay?”

He grinned and nodded vigorously. “Okay! Yay! I’m gonna have hair like you Naren!” 

Trudy leaned over and whispered in Ica’s ear. “Oh shug, he might be half white but he’s still got the black hair struggles.” 

Ica laughed and shook her head. Entertained by Trudy’s matter of fact words. “Oh yes. This is true.”

Kakarot continued with the introductions. “Lastly, this here, is Grimhilda.” 

A petite elderly woman with tan skin stepped forward. In her hand she held a cranberry red cane and her pure white hair was pulled into a floppy bun on the top of her head. “Hola everyone. Nice to meet you.” Like Naren, she had an accent except hers was Spanish. As usual, gave the older a woman a hug, who was as small as she was.

”Right.” Started Kakarot. “Now that everyone has been introduced I thought we could have lunch now?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “So we have a bunch of food. Classic burgers and hot dogs, veggie kebabs, a fruit salad, sweet potatoes, chicken and beef tostadas, and pierogis.” 

“Oh! And we brought dessert!” Piped Ica. She reached into picnic basket the brought, and held up a tray of confetti cupcakes, complete with blue icing, with crushed Oreos and Chips Ahoy on top. “I call them Cookie Monster cup cakes.”

Celestine’s dark eyes widened in delight. “Those look amazing! Sister Frollo!  I can’t wait to have one!”

She put the cupcakes aside and got on her knees to Celestine’s level. “Well, I hope your wait is worth while. I hope they taste okay. I tried my best and I managed not to burn them.” She chuckled. And call me Ica, if you’d like.” She said said gently. She hugged the bubbly nine year old girl then started tickling her. Celestine started laughing and giggling hysterically. “Although I think I’m a better tickler than I am baker.” When Ica let her go, she bounced up to her parents. Ma, I like Ica. She’s fun.”

Claude looked at his wife fondly, admiring how she had a way with children. Seeing her with Celestine made him think of what it would have been like if they had had a daughter instead of a son, and if she would be like his wife. But then something Ica had said entered his mind. ‘I bet if we had a girl, she would be like you.’  Claude smiled to himself as Ica stood up. He took her hand, pulled her close and kissed her quickly, but tenderly. “I love you.” He murmured.

”Guys! STOP!” Cried Zephyr, embarrassed at his parents’ PDA.

”Aww ain’t that sweet.” Cooed Trudy.

”Sorry guys. My parents are so mushy!”

Jinx and Kakarot smirked at each other. Then copied the Frollo couple, making their daughter also reel with embarrassment. “Not you guys too! EW!” Both couples laughed as their children rolled their eyes, and made exaggerated disgusted faces.

Kakarot composed himself and let the Frollo know where the bathrooms were so they could change out of their dress clothes and into casual attire.

After the Frollos had changed and rejoined the friends, Kakarot began putting on the hot dogs, hamburgers, and kebabs. He had also laid out the spread out some snacks to munch on before the actual meal. Out of the corner of his eye, Claude caught his wife plundering the fruit salad. He threw her a disapproving look and she cringed innocently, giving him an embarrassed goofy grin. Kakarot noticed this and chuckled inwardly. “If you guys are hungry, go ahead and start eating the spread of snacks I put out.” Everyone nodded and made their way over to the table.

As everyone began making plates, Claude made his way over to where Kakarot was manning the grill. “Do you need any help?” Asked Claude sincerely. 

Kakarot smiled an gave a small nod. “Would you mind grabbing the buns over on the table for me?” 

“Certainly.” Claude walked over to the table and saw his son stuffing multitudes of grapes into his cheek. He shook his head and ruffled his brown wavy hair. “Crazy boy.” He said softly. When he got back to the grill he handed Kakarot the buns.

”Thank you.” He said giving a slight bow of his head.

”My pleasure. So, Naren’s your bible huh?” Claude glanced over where him, Zephyr, and Celestine were laughing. 

“Yeah, he’s a great kid. He’s 15 and a very bright young man. He’s originally from Poland and moved here when he was five years old. I kind of taken him under my wing.” Said Kakarot, wistfulness in his voice. “His…parents, let’s just say they weren’t very happy with him when he decided to start studying. But nonetheless, he’s never wavered and is always eager about his study. We pick him up for the meetings as well as field service. He’s a little shy, but he’s slowly coming out of his shell.” 

Claude saw his eyes shine as he proudly spoke of his young bible student. “You know, you should have seen me when I was first called on.”

Kakarot raised his dark eyebrows. “Oh, you didn’t grow up in the truth?” 

Claude shook his head. “No, I…well I grew up in Paris, but bit became difficult to live there, so I moved to the states. When I met my wife she was studying, but I didn’t know it at the time. We met in the park. “He glanced fondly over at his wife. “She invited me to walk with her. We started becoming close but we…we um lost touch. Within that time, Liam, that’s the person who studied with me, knocked at my door.” Claude thinks back to when he first met Liam, his bright smiling face as he stood in the rain on his doorstep. “I invited him in, but I kind of got angry at him…and I yelled at him and kicked him out.” Claude huffed a laugh. “But then I saw him in the café and he was so happy to see me I couldn’t believe it. Even after I was a jerk to him.” Kakarot listened intently as he flipped the burgers over. “I apologized and before you know it he convinced me to have a bible study. As my wife would say, ‘he wore me down.’ Then ironically me and Ica ran into each other at the assembly after almost a year. We had gotten baptized on the same day and had no clue until we saw each other at lunch. And well here I am.”

Kakarot smiled at Claude and took the rest of the food off the grill ad powered it down. “Well, I’m glad Liam wore you down.” They both laughed. 

Claude helped Kakarot carry the grilled food over to the picnic table as the ladies started putting out the hot dishes of food. “Is everyone ready to say a prayer, then we can eat?” Asked Kakarot politely. Everyone nodded. “Okay great.” The small group of friends lowered their heads, except Zephyr being the eccentric one, tilted his head back, as Kakarot led them in prayer. After the Amen, everyone began making their plates.

When everyone had their plate, and settled in, Trudy, Jinx, and Grimhila, crowded around Ica and gave her mischievous expressions. Ica looked at them with wide eyed innocence. “Um…hi.” She said slowly. “Why are you guys looking looking at me like that?”

”So how did you and Claude meet?” Started Jinx.

”Spill added.” Trudy.

”Ahora.” (Now)  Finished Grimhilda. 

Ica smirked and narrowed her hazel eyes. “Oh I see what this is. Fine. We met in the Mercury Park. A park in my area. I saw him walk by me and he looked so sad. I guess…I don’t know. There was something about him…that made me want to make him feel like he wasn’t alone. “She glanced over at her husband, who took a bite if his hot dog, laughing with Naren and Kakarot and she smiled to
herself. “But anyway, I didn’t say anything to him until I saw him like a month later. Yeah let’s just say when I saw him I pretty much embarrassed myself.”

”Ooo what did you say shut?” Pressed Trudy.

”I said that the hills in the park reminded me of Sonic the Hedgehog.” The three women sat there its bemused expressions on their faces. “Yeah! That’s exactly how he looked at me. Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game by the way. I was 30 back then and I grew up in the 90s. Sonic was very popular.” Chuckled Ica. 

“Haha alright sweet love, go on.” Said Trudy.

”So after I embarrassed myself, I asked him to take a walk with me. I wanted to get know him. At first we just enjoyed the company of each other. But after a while, and I told myself I wasn’t, and denied it when my best friend asked me about it but I was falling for this much older man, and I know it’s so weird and unconventional but oh, I couldn’t get him out of my head.” She explained giggling as she remembered her early crush on Claude. “But then we parted ways for a bit.”

”How come miha?” Asked Grimhilda, the wrinkled in her brow deepening as she furrowed it.

”Well, I was studying and he wasn’t and…” Ica paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to phrase her sentence. “We both needed to figure somethings out. But get this! We ran into each other at the assembly about nine months later! We both were getting baptized! Turned out he studied with Liam, who is now his best friend and was his best man in our wedding. So…I think with Jehovah, he helped us find each other. I know that sounds kind of corny.”

”It doesn’t!” Piped Jinx. “I think it’s dry romantic.”

”I love him so much. And about a year later, we had little peanut.” She looked over at Zephyr who now had Celestine on his back. Then she giggled. “I was really surprised when I found out I was pregnant because you know but sure enough I was. He is an amazing father. But yeah that’s pretty much it.”

”Ohhh!” Squealed Jinx, that is so cute. You have an adorable little family.”

”Well thank you. And so do you.”  Said Ica sunnily. 

Back over near the lake Celestine and Zephyr we crawling all over Naren. “I can’t believe our only fifteen. You’re so tall! Although I guess I’d be the opposite. People are always telling me that they can’t believe I’m eleven because I’m so small. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.” Said Zephyr feeling guilty that he may have made Naren feel uncomfortable. But instead he gave a light hearted chuckle.

“W porządku, (It’s okay) I am not mad. I like you Zephyr you are very funny.” He said, his accent strong but not thick. 

“Naren, I like your accent.” Said Zephyr smiling at him sincerely. 

“Ah, I am from Poland originally. I come here when I was just five years old.” He explained. “So you  can speak polish?” Naren nodded. “Cool! I can speak French! My Papá taught me!”

”And I can speak Korean.” My appa (dad) taught me.” Exclaimed Celestine proudly. “But my mum only speaks English so me and Appa can have secret conversations.” 

“Yeah!” Said Zephyr excitedly. “Me and my Papá do the same thing. Who taught you to speak Polish. Naren? Oh wait…duh both your parents. You all were originally from Poland. A solemn  look appeared in Naren’s gray eyes and Celestine looked a tad uncertain. Zephyr hesitated. “Did..did I say something wrong?”

“Well no it’s just that..that…” Celestine fumbled with her words. So Naren stepped in.

”It is okay Cele. My parents are, how you say, not so happy that I study.” He said sadly. “I mean I still live with them, but they always tell me what I m doing is wrong and that Kakarot and the Witnessed are taking me away from them. I know it is just because they worry and love me, but I do not want to stop my study.”

”Oh…” Said Zephyr quietly. Then he ran up and gave him a large hug. “Well I’m glad you’re studying. You can be like my big brother, if you want. I’m an only child so I never had a brother or sister.” He said looking up at Naren.

His fair skin reddened a bit, feeling a little bashful. “Oh okay. I would like a little brother. And Cele is already like my little sister and the Ladyingtons are like my second parents. I hope that isn’t dziwny.”

“Huh?” Said Zephyr tilting his head. 

Naruen chuckled “It means weird.”

”Oh! Well it’s not weird because my mum has a second mum.” Another sister in our congregation. She loves her like she was her own child. And her blood sister Missy and Brian aren’t in the truth, so it’s nice for her to have my mum. And she’s my nanny. I love her very much.”

A smile graced Naruen sharp features. “I am happy about that. Hey, do you want to see what I brought? It is very cool.” Celestine and Zephyr nodded vigorously. Naren went over to his backpack, and pulled something out then walked back over to Celestine and Zephyr. In his hands he held a beautiful replica of a sailboat. The outside was painted a bright shade of royal blue, with red trim mingled with hues of gold. The sail was a soft bream color divided into three parts, held together by strong carved wood pillars. There on the boat’s side in bright white bold letters that read Czysty.

“Woooahh.” Cooed Zephyr and Celestine in tandem, their eyes widening at the magnificent boat.

”Pretty cool yeah? Me and my tata,  my father built it. We named it Czysty. It mean pure in Polish. In Poland, we would have an annual sail boat race. There would be a whole day for it. Food, music, and of course medals for the winners.”

”Ooo did ya ever win?” Asked Celestine eagerly. 

“Well, not exactly. I mean I got third…but it wasn’t first.” Naren smiled. “But my tata was always proud of me. Even if I would have gotten last place, he said he would always be proud of me.” Then a wave of sadness passed over Naren’s angular features. “But I guess no more…now that I study.”

Zephyr went up and hugged Naren, followed my Celestine. “Don’t worry, I know your...tata still loves you but even if...for now he’s not proud of you. I am because you decided to keep studying, even if your parents aren’t happy about it. Jehovah is proud of you too, and that’s the person who you especially want to be proud of you.”

“Yeah!” Piped Celestine.

Naren smiled fondly at his two friends. “Thank you. So what do you say, want to sail my boat?”

Zephyr and Celestine jumped up and down. “YEEAHH!” 

“Okay, so i’ll show you how to do it.” Began Naren as he placed the sailboat in the lake. Then turning back to his young friends he held up the controller and explained which each part did. “This is how you steer. “He pointed to a a small wooden helm in the middle of the controller. Celestine and Zephyr nodded. “This button,” he pointed to D-Pad button to the left of the tiny helm. “Controls the sails. It takes some practice but when you feel the wind change directions, you manevur the sails to catch the breeze and propel you forward.” Lastly he pointed to a joy stick. “This is how you slow down and accelerate. In order to make effective turns you will nave to slow down at times. If you don’t the boat could lean to far and turn over. And of course acceleration is how you speed up. Alright, that is pretty much it. Who would like to go first?”

Zephyr immediately started forward. “Oh! I-” then he looked over to Celestine who had a shy look on her face. “Um, do you want to go first, Celestine?”

Her dark eyed kit up. “Oh yes! I’d love to!” The eager nine year old hurried up to Naren and graciously took the control from him.

“Now don’t worry, I’ll walk you through. So first you hold it lome this.” Naren put his hands over Celestine’s delicate ones. “So slowly push the joystick forwards.” Celestine did as he said and the tiny sail boat started forward. “Bardzo dobrze, very good. Now we are going to make our first turn. Take the little helm, and turn to the right.” Once again she did as he said. The boat made a smooth turn. Zephyr stood quietly but watching intently. Then a slight breeze began to stir. “Perfect, now it's time to try the sail. The end is blowing to the east, so so hit the down, on the D-pad.” Celestine’s finger for d the D Pad and she hit the bottom arrow. The thinner back sail popped out as kept the boat from going wayward. 

“Oo I’m doing it! I’m doing it!” Cried Celestine, elated. Nauren laughed out loud, happy that he was able to make her so happy with her sail boat. 

Then the breeze began to pick up a but and the boat picked up speed. “Alrigt Celestine, press the the left arrow on the D-pad and turn the helm at the same time.” Instructed the fifteen year old. Celestine gave a quick nod, concentrating hard. As she turned however, she faltered, not getting a good grip on the helm, as her petite hands couldn't grip the D-pad correctly. The boat began leaning too far to the right, almost horizontal with lake.

Celestine shrieked and fumbled with the remote. “Nauren! It's going to turn over!” Zephyr’s bright green eyes widened as he held his breath. Nauren quickly, but gently took Celestine’s hands in his and guided her fingers to the proper controls, bringing the blat upright again. Celestine let out a sign of relief as they say, we back to the edge of the lake. “Phew, that was close. Thanks Nauren.”

“Of course. You did very well for your first time.”  The little nine year old beamed. “Okay Zephyr are you ready for your turn?” 

“Yes!” He nodded eagerly as he went to take the the control. “If it's okay, Naruen, can I try on my own? Er...but stay near me in case I mess up. I done want to capsize your boat.”

Naruen chuckle. “But of course.” As Zephyr began, his brow narrowed in fierce concentration. When the breeze returned he released the sail almost flawlessly, his long fingers working nimbly. Then came time for the turn back to where they were standing at the edge of the lake.

As Zephyr made the turn, like on Celestine’s turn, the boat began turning too much to one side. “No!”  Zephyr falteed but gritted his teeth and gripped the remote tighter and strained his fingers as he hit the joy stick slowing it down with the break. Eventually the boat righted itself and he returned it back to shore.

His began clapping. “That was great Zephyr that was awesome! You’re a natural.” Cried Celestine running up to him. 

“Yeah, that was pretty awesome. You didn't even need my help when you started going over to far.” Added Nauren, walking up behind Celestine.

Zephyr looked down blushing, but feeling proud of himself all the same. “It’s kind of like playing video games.” He said bashfully.

Just then the adults came over to see what the kids were up to. “Ooo is that a sailboat?! Asked Ica running up to Nauren.

He nodded. “Tak, yes. I was telling Celestine and Zephyr that me and my dad used to build and sail them. And we would race them every year at the annual boat race. This was my favorite one. The name of it is Czysty.”

“That means pure in polish mummy.” Piped Zephyr.

“That’s awesome, and it’s a beautiful boat. You and your father di-”

“Tata means dad in polish.” Piped Zephyr once again.

Ica laughed. “I guess my little peanut is a polish peanut now.”

Zephyr puffed out his small chest, proud that he was learning polish words. “Naruren taught me.”

In the corner of her eye, Ica saw Celestine climbing up an oak tree close by. “Miss. Ica! I can be your lookout!” She called, leaning over with one hand grasping a branch and the other hand shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked out over the lake. “I can see everything from up here. Only, I don’t have the telescope!

”Ooo I want to try!” Zephyr scurried up the tree next to Celestine and copied her stance.

“Clelestine!” Barked Kakarot. “지금 당장 내려와!” (Get down right now!)

Celestine cringed. “Uh oh.” She jumped out of the tree and gingerly walked up to her father. 

His voice was stern when he spoke to her. “조심해야 해, 다칠 수도 있었어. 네가 나무에 올라가도 상관없지만, 내가 널 찾을 수 있도록 나한테 알려줘야 해. 내 말 들려? (You need to be careful, you could have gotten hurt. I don’t mind you going up in the tree, but you need to let me know so I can spot you. Do you hear me?)

Celestine looked down, apologetically. “응, 이해해. 죄송해요 아빠. 난 그냥 아가씨를 봐서 신났어. 이카는 나우렌의 배를 항해한다. 하지만, 내가 위험할 수 있는 일을 하기 전에 네가 괜찮은지 물어볼게.” (Yes, I understand. I’m sorry dad. I was just excited to see Miss. Ica sail Nauren’s boat. But, I’ll ask make sure it’s okay with you before I do something that could be dangerous.)

Kakarot’s expression softened and he placed a gentle hand on his daughter’s head. “그래, 착한 소녀야.” (Alright, good girl)

As Zephyr watched his new friend being reprimanded, he knew that the same would be happening to him as well, once he saw the stern looking on his own father’s face. Oh no…he has his Disney Villain face on. Thought Zephyr, his stomach twisting knowing what’s about to come.

“Zephyr, viens ici s'il te plaît mon fils.” (Zephyr, come here please son.)

Zephyr slunk over to his father like a dog that knows it’s been naughty. “Papa, je suis désolé-”

Claude cut him off. “Fils de Zephyr, écoute, ne parle pas.” (Zephyr son, listen, don’t speak)  His voice was gentler than Zephyr had expected, but his face still held its stern appearance and disapproving look. “Nous en avons déjà parlé. Vous ne pouvez pas vous enfuir et être impulsif. Je sais que vous aimez vous amuser, mais que se passerait-il si vous aviez blessé Celestine ou vous-même d'ailleurs ? Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais si vous étiez gravement blessé. Sachez que vos actions affectent les autres, alors à l'avenir, n'oubliez pas d'avoir la maîtrise de soi. Est-ce que tu comprends?” (We’ve talked about this before. You can’t go running off and being impulsive. I know that you like to have fun, but what if you had hurt Celestine or yourself for that matter. I don’t know what I would do if you got seriously hurt. Know that your actions affect others, so in the future please remember to have self control. Do you understand?)

Zephyr nodded solemnly. “Oui papa, je suis désolé. Je serai plus prudent la prochaine fois, et je réfléchirai avant d'agir. (Yes daddy, I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time, and think before I act.)

Like Kakarot, his father’s expression softened as he looked at Zephyr’s apologetic face. Then a faint smile graced his thin lips. “Did I have my, as you say, Disney Villain face on again?” He said, his voice turning slightly playful.

Zephyr nodded, his somber face also turning playful. “Yeah, you did. But…you aren’t a villain to me. It’s like when meema gets her ‘pissed off face.’ That’s why mummy calls it. “But I know she still loves me and she would never hurt me.”

Claude glanced over at his wife who had been quietly watching her son being reprimanded with the rest of the ladies and Naruen, her face slightly guilty. He just shook his head, but gave her a knowing look. “Well, okay. Thank you, for not seeing me as a villain.” Claude bent down and hugged his son. “You can go play now, just remember what I said.” His son nodded sincerely and made his way over to Celestine, both looking a tad guilty that the both of them had gotten in trouble engaging in the same antics. 

Ica walked up to Claude and hugged him from behind. “I’m sorry.” Said Ica quietly rubbing one arm.

Claude raised his slanted eyebrows. “For what mon amour?”

Sometimes I think I’m too soft on Zephyr. Like I’m not a responsible parent or I encourage his bad behavior. I wasn’t that worried about him climbing the tree, in my mind, that’s what kid’s do…but I know he could have gotten hurt. And I don’t know if I’m a bad example for Celestine an-”

Jinx and Kakarot joined the Frollos where they were standing. “Don’t be silly.” Interrupted Jinx. “I don’t think you are a bad example for Cele. She adores you. She can be a little too adventurous for her own good. Besides Zephyr was only following after her.”

”Yeah but still, Zephyr was impulsive too. He has been warned about that in the past.” Said Claude.

”You know,” piped Trudy walking up behind them, followed by Grimhilda, those whippersnappers are two peas in a pod. I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up married one day.” She said cheekily. Jinx gave her a warning glance to stop with the unsolicited statements. 

“Yeah, my daughter is like her niece over there.” 

“Aww Jinx, I think you’d make an adorable grandmother one day.” Cooed her sister.

Jinx’s dark complexion flushed with aggravation. “Good Lord Trudy! Can you be serious for just one minute!”

Grimhilda laughed out loud. “Esos dos. (Those two) Reminds me of when I was growing up, me and me hermanas.”

Just then Ica perked up. “Ay Kakarot, I didn’t know you were bilingual. Um…I heard you talking to Celestine…well not that I was eavesdropping or anything!” She added quickly.

Kakarot chuckled. “Yes, I was born in Korea. I lived there until I was five. My…mother and father, the put me up for adoption.” A wistful look passed over Kakarot’s face. “But anyway, I was adopted when I was  six years old, by a lovely family who taught me English. They live in South Dakota, I have an older sister, and a younger brother, they still live there with my parents. They are in the Agbar, congregation. When I turned 21 I moved here to Oregon, where I met my beautiful wife. He looked fondly over at Jinx, who blushed a but. We got married and within the year we had Celestine. I taught her Korean when she was a baby.” He looked over at his lively daughter, playing around the oak tree with her friends. “She can be a handful but we love her to death.” He chuckled.

”Ohh and what about you Claude.” Cooed Jinx. “You are a real Frenchmen I see.” 

Claude reddened a bit. “Well my situation is similar to Kakarot’s. I grew up in Paris, France. I…was…” Ica discreetly took her husband’s hand, knowing that it was hard to talk about his past, especially with people he’s just met. “I lost my family young, so I was also adopted. But the situation wasn’t the greatest. When I got older I moved here, where I met my beautiful wife.” Like Jinx, Ica blushed. “I didn’t grow up in the truth but I started studying and ironically we got baptized on the same day. But long story short, we had our little boy and I taught him how to speak French.” Concluded Claude.

”Yeah and they have secret conversations too!” Piped Inca.

”I know riiight!” Drawled Jinx. Everyone laughed.

”Your families are very much alike.” Said Grimhilda. “Maybe you all will become in-laws.” She gave them all a cheeky smile.

”Grimhilda not you too!” Said Jinx facepalming herself. Once again everyone laughed.

Just then, Naruen came over with his boat in hand. “Sister Frollo, did you still want to drive my boat?” He asked smiling at her. “I know we…never got to it…”

”Because we got in trouble.” Said Celestine in Zephyr in tandem.

Nauren gave them an apologetic look. “It’s alright, we know we were the reason.” Chuckled Celestine.

”I would love to!” Said Ica jumping up eagerly. With that everyone headed back over to the lake’s edge to watch the 42 year old womanchild enjoy Nauren’s miniature sail boat. Eventually Celestine and Zephyr took over the lessons, eagerly teaching Ica how to sail the boat around the lake. 

Naruen chuckled and went to take a seat on the bench, watching them contently. Not long after, Claude strode up to where he was sitting. 

“May I?” Asked Claude gesturing to the spot beside him.

Naruen smiled. ”But of course.” They sat in silence for a moment watching their friends and family enjoying the park. Then Naruen broke the silence. “Your family, is very lovely. I can tell you love them very much. My dad and I used to be very close…just like you and Zephyr.” He said wistfully. “I miss that.” 

Claude watch Zephyr playing with his energetic mother  and bubbly new friend and smiled to him self. “I love that boy so much. Sure he drives me crazy sometimes, but I would do anything for that little cacahuète. Naruen looked over at Claude a little confused. Claude chuckled. Peanut. That’s what me and his mother call him since he’s so tiny. My wife’s mother called her that too when she was little.

”Oh, I see. Well he is pretty small.” Chuckled the fifteen year old. “My mother called me Mój cenny. Polish for ‘my precious one’. She hasn’t called me that in so long. I kind of miss it. I have been studying six months…and things have changed between us. But I very much like my study, so I do not stop, no matter what.” Explained Naruen

Claude placed a caring hand on the fifteen year old’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you.” He said tenderly. “And I know Jehovah and your congregation are too. You never know, your parents might see your example and one day join you in pure worship. But for now, keep doing what your doing.”

Naruen hugged Claude unexpectedly catching him off guard a bit. “Thank you, brother Frollo.”

”You are very welcome.” He said hugging him back.

Just then out of no where a beach ball came hurtling toward Claude and Naruen who ducked out of the way. “What in the world?” When Claude looked up he saw everyone looking at them guiltily. Everyone pointed at Kakarot, who turned a deep red, but also had a mischievous look in his dark eyes. Naruen and Claude had been so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t know the rest of the group had been tossing around a beach ball. “What are you all doing?” Asked Claude looking at the small group bewildered. 

“We’re playing keep it up!” Said Zephyr excitedly. “Come papá join us will you?!” His son’s bright green eyes were eager and hopeful. By this time, Naruen had already picked up the gotten up to join everyone leaving Claude sitting there in the bench. 

“Where did you even get that?” Asked Claude still contemplating the situation. 

“They are giving them away over there.” Zephyr pointed to a little shack that had a sign up that read, Free Beach Balls. “Now come and play.”

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