Gloomverse changelings go SO brrr
Changelings are creatures that feed on love and can transform into anything they've seen tto acomplish their goal.
When starved of love, their bodies shrivel. There are five types of changelings. Worker, Mage, Scout, Mutated, and Queen.
Worker changelings are the majority of the hive. These changelings do many tasks around the hive such as caring for grubs,
building, guarding, patrolling, etc. Mage changelings posess a horn that they can use to channel magic and are often guards
and soliders. Scout changelings have wings and are often messengers and information gatherers.
Queen changelings birth many of these three types of changelings. These "Common Changelings" are genderless, replaceable and
do not have much intellect, only obeying the Queen without question. Mutated changelings are rarer. These changelings
can make decisions for themselves, and act as swarm captains, able to give orders and react to situations without the
need for the Queen. The Queen changeling, when gorged on love, can lay a queen egg. Changeling Queens are aggressive to
other queens unless they're related, and two or more Queens can rule a single hive together.
Changelings live in hives, which are dark, warm, and damp.. Changelings do not fare well in the cold.
Changeling goo, or changeling saliva, is a sticky substance changelings can produce to weave cocoons which are used to
hold prey, insulate eggs and grubs, and is used as a binding agent in construction. Changelings can move through the goo
easier than other creatures. The goo sticks to itself like slime.