itzamahel — Underwater

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Published: 2018-03-12 13:21:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 5085; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description This illustration (a digital painting using as its' base a lineart / sketch I produced with ink during October '17, when I was taking part in the INKtober challenge) features original characters Nina Roux (Agent Upsilon, in green) & Anna G. Whitaker (Agent Lambda, in blue), alongside a "Mimixcoa" (atop the left corner) and a mutated Ahuitzotl (left), from my personal fiction story project, IXIPTLA (meaning "impersonator" in the nahuatl language).

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    In February 2010, the Private Military AXIS Institute, an international academy for bounty hunters which employs finest futuristic military technology (such as the Alpha-Omega super powered bio-suits) developed by industry giants ABEL INC. & Ulhaden Corp. has launched a secret operation: " Mission ATLANTIS", sending seven Alpha-Omega agents plus 30 other agents and staff members aboard a multi-terrain vehicle (that can shift from a submarine to a jet) into a reportedly paranormal area at the heart of the Sargasso Sea . At the moment, sophisticated satellites had identified the resurface of new land on that area, first considered a glitch on the technology, and later considered the possibility of a paranormal finding. Those events hardly could make it for a military mission briefing, but the situation became more complicated when reported routes of people trafficking from South America started to disappear in that area, as if there was "a portal" there. More than that, investigations revealed that non-human hybrids, or "daemons", which AXIS' Alpha-Omega agents are specialized in neutralizing, were involved. The possibility that this new island is a secret demonic lair for demonic slave traders has given the institution's bureaucrats the perfect excuse to launch this most extraordinary expedition. Their agents, however, knew nothing about the truth.

Nina is a 18 years old agent possessing an armor/adaptive bio-suit with enhanced regenerative powers, and is the best friend of fellow agent Anna, a 21 years old, who possess an armor that allows her to move better through underwater territory. Anna has been part of the military academy which owns these suits for 4 years, while Nina has been for one, and yet, Nina has earned an hierarchical rank for her accomplished missions in this short time, when "demonic outbreaks" became more regular.

Nina is a Workaholic and dedicated Alpha Omega agent, became a member of the squad and then team leader in record time. She entered in assignment for the starting 2009 trainees, at time the institute itself was full of doubts, and with irony, they housed then one of their greatest promises. Very responsible and dedicated, it was a mixture of less planning and scheduling and more doing, keeping up a backbone and meeting whoever is there to help doing the work which brought Nina one step ahead. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but all the support she found so early in the institute served to "lift off" her potential. Of course it was not all easy done as it's said.

Anna is a serious and no nonsense, charming member of the Alpha Omega Squads. Anna keeps it professional and seems to behave exactly like a leader. Always ready to speak her mind, is keen in the art of discourse, and is reputed to have a strong demeanor. She makes sure she's much more than a pretty face, and is often on her own scope. Developed a strong sense of justice and before claiming to help others, will do that in accordance with proper jurisdictions and on-going authorities - a trait others may comply about - since the consequences of such help may take long and be less than desirable 'genuine' help. Haunted by the possibilities of her deeds being likely diminished by conflicting interests, she means not just to step on the highlight and maintain order - but walk across the front lines and do what must be done. If not, to be the one giving orders, only the most precise, decisive, and if possible, just. When she finds out the truth about demons, it only strengthen her own views. However, she's not close-minded and despite trying to avoid it, is full of doubts.

In truth, it's the AXIS' highest hierarchy that deal with slave trading, of humans and nonhumans alike, directly trading and securing the routes of slave captors and slave owners, deciding, according to who pay best, who gets to die and who gets to live, which nonhuman "demons" are allowed to surface, and which aren't. In the proccess, they also get to have the agents killing humans from certain ethnicities, following certain characteristics, which death brings no guilt for they've been considered criminals - in some cases, by merely existing in an area considered property of a great corporation which AXIS and the entire military cartel is associated with. This includes giants from the food, pharma, oil, energy and mining industries. It's no secret to some of AXIS' staff - demons themselves - that nonhuman secret societies exist and manipulate the trafficking of people worldwide, granting mining enterprises a bigger profit in exchange of blood, sweat and tears. One of such societies is the Jötunn Scientific Organization, headed by the obscure Ymir, a master geneticist and old time sponsor of AXIS' "ethnic cleansing". What happens is that Ymir's organization had just recently become indebted with an extraterrestrial organization, the Aztec Confederation, based in Aztlán (outside Earth, that the Aztecs call "Anahuac"), after the Einherjar, a group of Jötunn belligerents, led a failed attempt to conquer Aztlán. A third party, which is basically an ancient, powerful, immortal and feared criminal of Aztlán named Xbalanque, plus his young ally, the Cuetzpalin Paynal ("Fast Lizard"), a "demon" from Earth who got into Aztlán just recently, had unlike the Jötunn dealt a fatal blow to Aztec civilization, by setting free the gigantic beast Cipactli, an immortal Quinames ("giant" in nahuatl, an elder race of entities) who used to carry the weight of the world and have its vital energy constantly drained by some Teteoh ("Gods") from the Aztec Confederation, led by Huitzilopochtli ("Hummingbird of the South", the patron of Mexico and God of War), an ancient enemy of Xbalanque. All of these issues are barely known to AXIS' staff, let alone to most mortals. But AXIS do hear one thing or another from Ymir, and a mastermind like him knows when to employ other forces as his insurance program, or as his front lines. In order to avoid an intergalactic conflict (which Baal , an Elemental God like Ymir and Huitzilopochtli themselves, forbid them from starting, and encourage them to prevent), Ymir and Huitzilopochtli came to an agreement, in which Huitzilopochtli would let the captive Einherjer alive as long as Ymir sent loads of slaves, human and nonhuman alike, which his organization keep in the underground realm of Hel, kilometers beneath some Norwegian glaciers, to Aztlán, as they'd work in rebuilding the civilization that has been damaged by Cipactli's liberation. But Ymir knew that the lives of some soldiers, albeit super powerful as the Einherjer, would never compensate for the huge amount of slaves which Huitzilopochtli asked, so he had his human sponsors carrying a plan b.

    The trade would take place in the phantom realm of Nahui-Atl ("Water Sun" in nahuatl, referring to a past "Sun Era" from Nahua cosmology), an island forgotten by time, and trapped in another dimension, which links Aztlán to Anahuac (Earth) but that isn't present in either. The dimensional rift which the island is found is the result of the island's collapse into the oblivious sea of Atl-Tlachinolli (literally "boiling water", it's a nahua concept which translates as "Holy Water" when referring to blood, but also means warfare, or holy war. In the story of IXIPTLA, it's both the substance which fills the blood of the reptilian Cuetzpalin species or the substance present in the composition of ancient Quinametzin, like Cipactli. It's Huitzilopochtli's main source of vital energy), centuries ago, three hundred years before the collapse of its neighbor continent - Atlantis. Known to Jötunn and Aztec leaderships alike, Nahui-Atl is a portal that would act as the perfect spot of this trade, out of the spotlight or knowledge from earthly authorities - even though some of them benefitted firectly from it. This time, however, Ymir had a plan B: he would recurr to his allies at AXIS' staff, that'd send this suspicious operation and have its agents "liberating the slaves", just to send them back to the hands of corporations that, associated or not to the Jötunn, would have them forcibly sent straight to Hel, where they'd work 'till it broke them, and then, they'd be tested upon up to their deaths. Interestingly, the so-called "liberators" would merely send the slaves back to their owners and didn't even know it. But the Aztec Confederation, composed mostly by Cuetzpalin (and some humans), wouldn't be fooled that easily, as they've used Nahui-Atl's ruins as a military base for decades, and were indeed restoring some of its structures to accomodate certain fiendish devices, able to extract the vital energy of any sentient being, and convert it into food for the gods with the press of a button, turning the previously ritualistic blood sacrifice into an automated industry (like that of meat/dairy/milk, of animal exploitation, which some humans still sponsor). Those slaves, who'd rather die working in Hel if they fell on the hands of the Jötunn, would face another face of death at the hands of the Aztec Confederation. In the sunken city of Matlaltitlán, once Nahui-Atl's greatest metropolis, the Confederates have erected an oxygen dome, crafted by Huitzilopochtli himself, separating the city from the ocean of that dimension, and making it inhabitable after centuries. This time, the town was tirelessly roamed by Cuetzpalin troops, riding dinosaurs and flying reptiles, ready to defend the prison complex where the slaves would meet their fate, and where Huitzilopochtli would be fed. Despite the accords, Huitzilopochtli cared more for feeding himself (or rather his many "selves", as he's actually one out of other entities that share a collective mind, the U Kux Kah, or "Heart of the Sky" in the K'iché Mayan language) than rebuilding Aztlán, and his minions, blindly followed his orders for the sheer sake of combat and bloodshed. They knew for sure that if they sided with the war god they'd win and kill as many as they could. They knew war was on the horizon, if it wasn't, they'd force their hands to make it. Still, THIS war isn't made of just two or three components.

    The tension between the Jötunn and Aztec Confederation has called the attention of the latest embodiment of an old enemy of both forces: the Saqraruna Organization, the newest face of the ORS OHORELA which fought during the same war that centuries ago had Nahui-Atl sunken in first place. And the Saqraruna only can be considered as such because they're sided with the fiends known as Centzonmimixcoa ("Four Hundred Northerners", or "Four Hundred alike the Cloud Serpent", Cloud Serpent being Mixcoatl, the Aztec name for Tupaq, the Primordial Dragon and Elemental God of Darkness. They call themselves the "Yana Phuyu", meaning "Dark Clouds"). The Saqraruna Organization, led by the cyborg alien mastermind SPECTRO, are hid beneath the bureaucracy of the Republic of Tahuantinsuyu, that has been largely manipulated by the human incarnation of Tupaq, " Tupaq Amaru III". Tahuantinsuyu has been an enemy to the CIA and the enterprises behind AXIS, however they've managed not only to break free from their grasp, they did change the game and turned the table, granting their authorities a place of prestige within international community, and expanding their spheres of influence, while keeping their actual business in relative secrecy. This secrecy, though, has lately been damaged with the actions of distinct Cuetzpalin and independent, autonomous, anarchy-oriented, informal groups and individuals. This way, the "Cuetzpalin Paynal" and some of his allies are common enemies to three distinct beligerents: the Saqraruna, AXIS/Jötunn (the Jötunn and AXIS agents are practically on the same side, though they don't know it) and the Aztec Confederation. Unlike the three of them, though, Paynal's group has an actual interest in freeing the slaves being traded, and granting them a better life condition, as free from misery as possible, and as autonomous as possible - otherwise it'd just be a privilege profitting from someone else's suffering - one that can only be granted by struggle and combat against those who dare to call themselves "leaders". Some of these slaves were indigenous peoples frm South America, targeted by the traditional landlords behind the livestock and agribusiness industries on latin american countries, sponsored by international politicians whose policies benefit their economical sectors and the maintenance of distinct roles for distinct populations and States. Most Latin American States, for example, are fated to produce food for most of the world's population of consumers, while other industrial sectors and administrative roles are reserved to business from other states, not because of historical factors, but because of trades and extortion. These peoples, captured and traded, were also victims of christian indoctrination, the lifeless religion that promotes obedience, servitude and parasitism, and several of them were personally known by Paynal, who has been active in the indigenous territories of Brazil in the last year (since August 2008, actually), so he set out to gather allies and create a small, informal task force to locate and free the slaves from their masters, and more importantly, prevent their "owners" from reaching them in future occasions. Still, as the teams arrived in Nahui-Atl and the Aztec Confederation considered it a break of accord, thus a war crime, another side has risen in the war: the Ahuitzotl, led by the eponymous individual, who's an ancient enemy of the Aztec Confederation (and in lives past a lead scientist of it's force), seeking the powerful Nemontemi Stone, at the time possessed by Xbalanque, one of Paynal's allies. Others were Jacob, a scientist from California who's retired and went to Mexico, where he became a supporter of indigenous autonomy militants and eventually met Paynal, on an occasion by which he stole and started to use the Gamma armor, which put him in constant enmity with AXIS' authorities and agents; Montezuma another Cuetzpalin, from the Algonquian First Nation territories; Omepaynal a Cuetzpalin involved with organizations of landless workers in Brazil, and Cuauhtemoc a Cuetzpalin and Basque separatist that's also a necromancer, sorcerer and hides a lot about his past, but seem to know a lot about the Jötunn and the Saqraruna. He implies that they work together - towards the elimination of the Cuetzpalin.

    In this scenario, the detested Cuetzpalin Paynal, who has met Nina on other occasions, also hid a secret which she, alongside her fellow agent and best friend - Anna G. Whitaker - would find out by chance - that the Cuetzpalin's a human teenager boy (15 years old)! This revelation expanded their horizons, as it implied several "hybrid demons" were possibly humans, too, and that AXIS turned them, from girls usually caring about justice, into cold-blooded assassins hunting for a bounty. The Cuetzpalin wasn't the demon which AXIS and the media tried to depict him as, but he was no hero, either. His pragmatic approach was combative, swift and violent against those who dare to exploit the sentient nonhuman and human animals alike. Yet, could that alone save any of them from the wrath of the Cuetzpalin, the Ahuitzotl, the Centzonmimixcoa or the Jötunn? Paynal's persona has changed, and he's tried to convince them that a truce was the best interest for these mutual enemies. Besides, after two months stranded in the island, among the many truths they've witnessed, Nina and Anna would realize that AXIS not only lied to them, it manipulated them into becoming the guards of slave trading while championing liberation, and repressing actual liberators. This deceit could break anyone's resolve, but it only brightened Nina's, whose last year has been filled with conspiracies and investigation. According to Huitzilopochtli, those who side with Xbalanque, who claim to "seek the liberation of the Quinames and restoration of an abundant, blissful nature", are the Necoc Yaotl ("enemy of both sides", or "traitor"). For Paynal, it's a compliment. One the world would know about months later. But would Nina and Anna go that far so to become what they fought against? Or they'd seek to find their way and expose truth under the wing of a decaying law?

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Comments: 3

Joey245 [2018-03-13 13:17:26 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, this is really cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

itzamahel In reply to Joey245 [2018-03-13 13:26:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

joker105 In reply to itzamahel [2018-03-28 22:20:33 +0000 UTC]

Hi so epi

👍: 0 ⏩: 0