IvyDarkRose — Umbra: Invidia and Dirae

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Their Full Name: 

Invidia and Dirae 

Full Name Meaning:

Invidia - “Looking Upon” or “Envious” 

Dirae - “To Fear” Or “Heaven’s Vengeance”   


Their Alias:  

Lock and Key


Invi and Rae

Twins in White

Divine Twins

Glass Pearls

Chubby Bunnies

Snow-White Nemesis

Their Sex/Gender: Female

Their Age: Ancient

Their Species:  Nephellel 

Their Blood Type: Fully Nephellel 

Their Body Type: Plump Bunnies

Their Skin color: White as Snow

Their Hair color: White

Their Eye color: Light Mint Jade

Their Height: 

Both are 5 ft* 

Their Weight:

Roughly 140 LBS


Born in Winter


Relm’s Home

They are Attracted to: king-sized   Males

Currently living in: Mists of the Euphoria

Occupation/s: Wright of Hearts, Mother’s Helper, Artificers of Elements, Dancers (Hobby) 


Their Personalities: 

The Twins are very much the same in a fair amount of ways both have retained this childlike innocence, especially with being sheltered by their parents.  They are soft spoken, Sincere, Shy, with a bit of a mischievous side, that's playful in nature. Both are very imaginative, having such vivid dreams that have caused a stir. Mean they won’t understand innuendos or what is wrong with wearing no clothing, They cling often to one another, find comfort with one another as they sometimes often feel alone even with one another. They too cry tears that are not theirs, something they cannot explain either.       


Dirae is the more assertive then her sister, She is often the “Sword” of the two. She is a tad over protective of her sister and is the first to lose composure and panic if she can’t find her. She can become very energetic, which can turn into wilderness or anxiety depending on the situation. 


Invidia is the “Shield” of the two, often more timid. With this said, she is  the more curiosity driven sister, though still very cautious as she’s fearful about jumping head first into a situation and nonetheless fearful to not listen to her father’s instructions, rather rules. She is the more empathic of the two, feeling off what others are giving off. 

Shared Likes:  Spritiful Freedom, Songs, Dancing, Games, Puzzles, Their Father, Sneaking out of their realm from their parents sight, Creating Things, sharing ideas, Reading (most are fairy tales), Their Mother, Changes in Weather, Food, Miniatures, Giants, Bunnies, Flowers, Sharing with her Sister, Crystals, The Doll House

Di’s Likes  

Dark Chocolates, Training, Breaking Some Rules, Fun Juice, Stories about Warriors, Spicy foods, Kittens, Vibrate colors, getting messy without care, Hot Springs, Horror Genre, Playing Music

Invi’s Likes  

Stories about Damsels in distress and Romance, Lakes,  Milk Chocolate, Cute Sheep, Sweet Foods and Drinks, Pastels, Watching from a distance, brushing hair, Fantasy Genre, Singing


Shared Dislikes: Violence, Death of Innocence, Mother’s tears, Their Father being gone for a long time, Demons and Monsters, mean people, Being alone, Deafening Silence, cheaters (in games), Green Beans   

Di’s Dislikes  

Red, Her Mother or Sister hurt, Being caught breaking rules, Becoming anxious, tight clothing, Remembering the event, failing, Losing her Voice, Sister going missing, Heavy Snow 

Invii’s Dislikes  

Training, Back Pains, being scolded, disappointing others, Her family hurt, The random tears from her eyes, feeling too cold, Nightmares, Bitter Foods, Holes, Horror

Romantic Relationships: Single (Much to their fathers delight)

Previous Relationship: N/A


Luzbel Morning Star (Mikhail) -  Biological Father

Relm - Biological Mother

Treashaw and Asmodeus -Aunt and Uncle (Father’s side) 

Faustus, Some Unknown - Cousin 

Somnus - Full Brother

Dremm, Virtu, Night Terrors, Septhis, Morivin, Loralei, Stigma, Selene - Half Siblings

A Million Anathemas  and Other children - Nieces, Nephews

Friends/Allies: Prometheus and Epimetheus(Crushes), Somnus, Relm, Mikhail

Neutral with: Anyone

Enemies: Unknown to them

[Basic Skills]

Shared Basic Skills

Reflex-  The girls' reflexes are finely tuned, no doubt. Though mostly thanks to the many ‘games’ they play. 

Perception- They can pick up on clue rather quickly, though often feign ignorance. They can tell when someone they just met is having an off day or if they are hiding/holding back a feeling. 

Speed-  Tag you’re it, good luck catching up with them!

Agility-  They two are as agile as they are flexible. With the many things they often do in their free time it comes to no surprise. 

Strength- Becoming physically strong wasn’t always in their plans, they are but fluffy lil marshmallows. However, they have been put through their own training to toughen up as they are required to do so. 

Flexibility-  Often when bored they would try out new ways of dance or simply movement, often were climbing and fitting themselves into odd places.

Intuition- They two can be quite easily alerted to something not right or something invisible calling for their attention. Learned the hard way to trust their instincts. 

Durability- They can take a great amount of blows or attacks before their bodies relent to the damage. They are soft but not fragile. 

Charm- The two just have a natural charm to them, quite endearing to be around. 

Dirae Basic Skills

Vision- For Dirae, her vision is a lot stronger than her sisters. Making it possible for her to make out things farther away or distinguish if something was camouflaged.

Energy- Dirae, oh boy. She has the energy of a child who was given too much sugar with no sign of slowing down. 

Sheer Willpower- Her levels of headstrong determination drive her force and that crazy energy of hers.

Invidia Basic Skills

Thermal Immunity- Cold nor hot really bothers her much, she could stand without clothing in a snow and not be bothered too much. 


Enhanced Reading- Over then many years and being able to calmly sit still for long enough. She has picked up a high reading skill. 

Hearing- Invidia with her  hearing can sense rather well, know when someone is coming closer. Much like picking up sounds from afar. 


[Inhuman Skills]

Dirae Inhuman Skills

Energy Healing- With all her hyper energy, She can convert it into a healing source; which will mellow her out as well. So win win. 

Musical Instrument Proficiency- Once given an instrument, within a good amount of time she’s gotten a handle on how it works and operates. Knowing the in and outs as well as how to produce ethereal-like music from said item.  

Musical  Control-  Attacks, defence, projectaile. All from playing with music, Changing pitches, she can even add to her sister’s voice to make an attack. 

Combat Perception- She can anticipate how someone will fight, find their weak spots and flaws so she can take them down with little effort. 

Light Energy Manipulation-Using a combination of light and her vast energy she can control the energy of light itself, many instances using it to create objects. 

Molecule  Freezing- Dirae can slow objects and organisms to the point they freeze, She gained this skill at a very young age due to the traumatic accident. She can freeze certain items, parts of said target, or use it as a surrounding based attack. Mostly used to stop severe injuries, so one doesn't bleed out without aid. 

Invidia Inhuman Skills

Vocal Magic- Invidia can hum, sing etc to create some kind of reaction. Most are in a form of a lullaby, or incantation. With this she creates shields, or can even attack. The stronger effects of this power are the illusions or mental states.

Requiem of Death- These songs are harmful. Can cause things to decay and break apart. Can even steal life from organic beings.  The worst effect shown when she's in a horrible mental state.

Ballad of Restoration- Songs of healing, rejuvenate and overall gives life or repairs items.

Nocturne Night- Goodnight and sleep tight. 

Soul Thread Manipulation- Invidia is an unique ability to see invisible threads of fate. She can even gain control of them, and pull various threads. Bind, wrap, move, make them visible for others too, these also allow her to read relationships of others (though never can see her own)   

Sensorial Link- Invidia other than her twins sister’s connection. She has been experiencing someone else's presence, mostly their emotions. Someone has made an invisible link with her, but she cannot figure out who.

 Shared Inhuman Skills 


Hard Light- They wrap the light into solid forms, once they did this to make a swing. Though they can make many other things.  

Light Healing- Take the rays of light and heal one of bodily injuries.

Light Attacks-  They can release and explode attacks, typically for them they end up in come kind of toy shape, or simple balls. Once near the light sets off the attack. Sometimes with Projectile. 

Light Defences-  The best offence is a quicker defence. Bubbles, walls, etc Anything to keep a barrier between them and the threat. On another note, bubbling is their favorite as they can roll around or float in the bubble. Allow it to be pushed away by the attacks. 

Light-kin- They grow stronger being in the presence of light.Gaining more strength even when exhausted. 

Light Invisibility- They can shift the light to mask themselves and become hidden.

Light Generation- Able to make light, and increase intensaties. 

Light Absorb-  Take light and absorbs it, reduces light attack damage then reconvert into an attack

Light Teleportation- Any light they can see they can travel to. 

Light Aura-  They surround themselves in light, creating a  light based barrier around their forms like a suit of armour. 


Size Alteration- Most used skill they have, They change size of anything and everything, this could be Colossal or very tiny. One likes to shrink themselves, the other enjoys growing bigger.  Often they will use this in combat to either slip away or attack. 

Size Defiance- With the change in sizes, they can make it so their size doesn’t get slowed down or speed up, depending on the situation. Thus moving smoothly like they would their original size.

Miniature Duplication- This one only works with shrunken sizes, varied on the being. They can make a copy of themselves or others they have made Tiny. These beings act like a separate entity from that who they were cloned from and can SOMETIMES have alternate personalities or even knowledge. Though some they have cloned don’t different at all from their originator.    

Size Traveling-  Using the speed and size to break into other locations and realms. If there is a small enough crack they can travel through.  


Dollification- They can turn others into a living  doll with a touch, and control when or how long it takes to become said doll.  Not the same as their Size abilities, simply turn them into dolls, toys, plushies, Puppets, etc. 

DollHouse Control- Not only can they make dolls, but can place someone within their dollhouse and keep them within. Doll or Not, they are bound to the dollhouse until they break free or if the bind itself is broken.

Doll Manipulation- Can be quite alarming when dolls begin to move on their own, or suddenly appear, have a new look. The girls always had a knack for making playthings.  

Puppetry- They can take over another’s form, control and manipulate them like puppets. Living, dead or other objects. Either way, they can start pulling the strings. 

Doll/Toy attacks- Using objects they’ve made that can send them out to attack others. Imagine giant plushies running at you to grab and smoother you in their bodies. Fun stuff.   

Light as a Feather- This is made with both the size powers and doll created, making it possible to transfer weight into another item. Thus reaping the benefits of weighing nearly nothing. 


Soul Summoning- They can  summon the souls they have sealed away into their dolls, puppets, etc to use as needed.

Soul Sealing- While they do avoid this, they could if they wish to seal a soul into an object, most likely some form of doll or puppet.   

Aura Reading- Via the soul they can read someone’s aura and find out about them.  

Soul Resonation-  They can understand someone else by harmonizing with their soul, also makes it easier to detect changes with another. 

Soul Recreation- They can recreate a soul that has been damaged, however this is limited and often these souls live within dolls. 

Spiritual Aura- Much like Light, they can surround themselves with a Spiritual barrier. 


Twin Telepathy-  They two of them are able to share thoughts with one another, in a manner that is more like understanding what the other is thinking about before even speaking. This link is the strongest with some kind of physical contact. 

Double afterimage- Seeing double? Triple? Infinity? How odd which one is which? 

Shared Wings-  Unlike normal wings, the two form giant translucent wings when with one another to take flight. 


Shapeshifting- Rather a human disguise for when they wonder about, they’ve learned from their first time it is best to look more like their mother than their true selves. 

Bewitched Dancing-  With time to themselves and possible one too many earthly influences. They’ve gotten into dance as entertainment, and are able to pick up new styles and perform within moments. They have even found this skill useful in combat.   

The Guardians- The Guardians once were made to be protectors in the girls realm, typically attacking any being uninvited. Regardless of the threat they posed, they moved almost like mindless puppets; moving when they felt an unwelcome presence. The girls however felt it was dangerous to keep them freely roaming about, especially after a few macabre events. The two sisters felt it best to convert them into dolls, something they could summon if they needed help. 

Nemesis Form- The Nemesis, rather “Snow-White Nemesis” appropriately named after their complexion. Is a towering form of theirs that reaches from 40ft to 80ft tall. Nemesis has multiple glowing eyes, four arms that are accompanied with 6 total wings, four long, and expanding and two inverted as that pair points downward. 


The Two Don’t often use weapons but have Dual Bladed Scissors 

Character Info: 

Born on a winter night, Twin daughters of Relm and Mikhail. Both baring the snow-while features from head to toe with the exception of their jade eyes that stuck out vividly. Growing up the two were raised by the watchful eyes of their mother, rare to see their father around, but when he was they would play many games the girls fondly remember. Though that's barely changed. 

Even when so young they could pick things up around them that were out of place or subtly hinted at through expression or words. Often both would notice behind their mother’s smile, her gaze held the slightest amount of grief, guilt, to what the girls didn’t know at the time, but it was always there. The smallest glimpse in her eyes that weight down her thoughts, her heart. With the worst of those moments, the girls would spend the most time trying to cheer her up anyway they could figure out might do so. 

One winter day, much when the girls were still quite small. They heard a voice when playing outside, it called for them ever so softly. Its tone was so eathreal, and out of place, yet friendly and inviting. Not giving much thought in their child minds, they listened and followed the sound from the safety of their home when their mother was preoccupied. 

Into the soft snow storm they followed, almost enchanted by the voice. Each echo made them grow curious, they wandered farther and farther away, Their tracks covered quickly by the snow. Dirae was the first to come back into reality, making her sister stop, panic setting in for her. Dirae called out for their mother to know the way back, but was only met with the snows silent fall.

While Dirae kept calling and panicking, Invidia seemed all too calm. Her gaze wandered about the area, but an odd shape caught her attention. A butterfly within the snowstorm, it pulled her focus, silently bidding her to follow it now. 

She stepped away from her sister, walking on  as she wanted to catch such a beautiful thing knowing it was something out of place; rather a rare sight. She kept going, smiling as she tried to grab the flutter being that just barely stayed out of her reach. It finally stopped moving forward, fluttering around above her head.

She, being determined to catch it, stopped and finally after waiting was able to grab it into her open palms. Gently she held it to her, peaking in to see it she caught it safe. Giggling as it fluttered in her small hands. It was then she heard her sister’s voice calling her name that she came back into focus. 

She took a step forward to meet back with her sister, with the step was a piercing pain. She froze there as she felt her back burning then looked down to barely see something protruding out of her chest, mixing with crimson. She looked back with widened eyes to make out a figure but not much beyond that as everything quickly grew blurry. 

It pulled away, departing from her form allowing it to drop into the snow. Looming over her, the butterfly escaping her weakened grasp. Last she saw was that figure raising its hand before retreating, her sister's voice growing louder before it all faded.   

Invidia woke up in the arms over her parents, her mind still fuzzy, her body feeling frozen cold. By luck her sister for whatever reason was unharmed, other than hysterical and sobbing. Dirae had not seen whoever attacked and spent her time holding onto her sister, getting soaked in red until found. Managing to keep her sister alive in her arms, though she did lose her voice for days afterward. 

The accident left a bad scar on Invidia as well as softened the color within her eyes as they aren't as vivid anymore. They were put under stricter rules and kept on eye one, Invidia though can swear she even to this day feels another’s presence around her, inside even. Something she can’t explain, not even to Dirae. 


“ Bored is a curse…” - “.. we like to cure.”

“.. Heart made of glass…” - “ How long can such a heart.... last..”

“Would you like to play?” - “ Have some Fun?”

“ Why are humans so involved with Eggplants?”-  “Or Peaches, Must be something sacred”

“ Stick with me Invi..” - “ I am not going anywhere…”

“Humans are so funny, they change so much…” - “Life is a beautiful gift, isn’t it?”

“Who is the one…” -”... Who we cannot see?”


“ I feel we should know something that is being hidden..”

“... Dirae,... do you remember the beast?”

“ My back burns. Not like any other pain I have felt. Ever…”

“ Why do we have to stay…”

“Who’s tears are these?!”


“ It’s best to willfully accept what we can’t grasp.”

“ We should go spy on another human town, maybe the bigger ones?!”

“ Father won’t know if we sneak carefully.”

“ Full Moon tonight! I feel like shedding what burdens and feeling free.”

“ Can you hear me?!”

Character's soundtracks/themes:


Time Garden 

Secret Garden 


- Invidia has a scar going across her back from the childhood accident

- *Both Girls are oddly short for being Nephellels, something truly rare. Though it is speculated this is due to their powers or possibly some kind of suppression.

-Since they need to live in secret, they were given their own realm to control and entertain themselves. 

- While “DollHouse” doesn’t fully fit them, can’t lie. Had the song stuck in my head. 

-Dirae would have been attacked too, however by fate she was spared for unknown reasons.


Good news, Drawing Tablet has been mended ....even so luckily I had a few ref's done! 

Oof they were a lot of work to do, I imagine as tough as their brother's is going to be =w=' 

Art and Invidia, Dirae ©    

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Comments: 28

AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-03-29 14:39:46 +0000 UTC]

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IvyDarkRose In reply to AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-03-29 17:20:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

AhappyFaceEmoji In reply to IvyDarkRose [2024-03-29 17:34:25 +0000 UTC]

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IvyDarkRose In reply to AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-03-29 19:27:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

AhappyFaceEmoji In reply to IvyDarkRose [2024-08-13 03:00:16 +0000 UTC]

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IvyDarkRose In reply to AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-08-13 04:18:22 +0000 UTC]

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AhappyFaceEmoji In reply to IvyDarkRose [2024-08-13 05:47:00 +0000 UTC]

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AhappyFaceEmoji In reply to IvyDarkRose [2024-03-29 19:29:00 +0000 UTC]

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AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-02-25 10:17:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to AhappyFaceEmoji [2024-02-25 18:12:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

brokenlittlebaby [2020-05-20 09:21:43 +0000 UTC]

Okay I'm in love with the twins there so cute! But I'm confused, isn't Invidia one of the deadly kings? Sin of Envy, 7 deadly kings of umbra? I'm just confused, are they separate individuals or are they the same? I know a king is a man but still.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to brokenlittlebaby [2020-05-20 16:02:56 +0000 UTC]

I believe Invidia is actually female, but they are all considered kings. Hard to remember as I lost the notes of that. One of them is a female at least lol.

That said, no I based her name off "Sonmus" the god of sleep's siblings. So name wise had that fun connection. Plus being Luzbel's kids I really thought it funny if both of them had names similar to Dia's I imagine Their Mother Relm had more to do with naming the two girls. Though then again who knows maybe its is hidden message( Being envious of Shamayim. 

>~~~> Sorry I tend to ramble with my ideas and plots lol 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

brokenlittlebaby In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-05-25 06:09:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mama-Devil [2020-04-19 01:33:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2020-04-19 01:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Yes the twinszz! 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Mama-Devil In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-04-19 01:46:08 +0000 UTC]

They bootiful te <3 i pap bunnies >w<

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2020-04-19 01:53:04 +0000 UTC]

plz, plz squish the bunnies! 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Mama-Devil In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-04-19 01:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Squishies and protecc hugs >0>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to Mama-Devil [2020-04-19 02:21:50 +0000 UTC]

Yesh >:3 

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

AJZephyros [2020-04-18 23:55:43 +0000 UTC]

I just loled at them disliking green beans

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to AJZephyros [2020-04-18 23:59:47 +0000 UTC]

Green beans are their mortal enemy x,D

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

AJZephyros In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-04-19 00:04:37 +0000 UTC]

Also yay finally characters Nova is taller than XD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to AJZephyros [2020-04-19 00:06:27 +0000 UTC]

lol only so much Mahaha xD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

AJZephyros In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-04-19 00:09:27 +0000 UTC]

yup a whole 2 inches taller XD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to AJZephyros [2020-04-19 00:16:29 +0000 UTC]

This calls for BOOTS   

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

AJZephyros In reply to IvyDarkRose [2020-04-19 00:16:42 +0000 UTC]

Dem heels

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

DanceOfAngels [2020-04-18 23:23:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

IvyDarkRose In reply to DanceOfAngels [2020-04-18 23:24:36 +0000 UTC]

The two bunnies >w< 

👍: 1 ⏩: 0