As Lylat began its recovery effort from the Aparoid War, a previously unaccounted-for associate of Andross' assumed control of the remains of Oikonny's Remnant. Star Fox, much like the Cornerian Defense Force, was still not at full strength, but pursued this new adversary regardless. What was to be a routine mission proved to be a near-fatal incident for Krystal. Up to this point, the Cerinian had a passive telepathic ability, which didn't respond well to the detonation of a singularity weapon. The mission was technically a success, the enemy assumed to have taken their own life with the weapon, but Krystal had suffered a brain hemorrhage. The incident would trigger the attachment issues Fox had developed in his childhood from the deaths of his parents, and against his better judgment, would push him to kick Krystal off the team following her recovery.
Art (c) me
Characters (c) Nintendo