jack2the7ripper — Fallout New Vegas: Krystal Clear 6 [NSFW]
Published: 2020-01-07 20:56:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 391; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Speical thanks to NeoPhoenixKnight for the cover (Check him out he good)



This wasn't what they were expecting...

At first they expected a buzzing town of people but what they got was a...power ganger? A cheering power ganger that wasn't attacking them, the ganger was so happy he turned and ran to the three with no weapon and spoke with joy.


The three had there weapons drawn and expected a fight but this wasn't what they expected.

(y/n): "Hey pal are you alright?"

Oliver: "Alright? DUDE I FEEL GREAT!"

The trio looked at each other before looking at Oliver.

(y/n): "What happen here?"

Oliver: "Does it matter? Hell no all that matters I'm ALIVE HAHA! And I'm out of here!"

With that Oliver ran off leaving the three confused at how happy he sounded about leaving this place the three turned to nipton.

ED-E: *Worry beeps*

Krystal: "I agree with Ed-e this doesn't feel right,"

The courier nodded but turned to krystal.

(Y/n): "Look I know this feels...off but we need to press on maybe someone would tell us what the hell is going on here,"

Slowly the three began to advance forward as they went up the street and saw...

People tied to crosses.

Bodies on fire.

Head on pikes.

And more sicking fates of death.

(y/n): "What the hell..."

Krystal: "Who would do such a thing?"

ED-E: *Sad Beeps*

Before the three could fully take in what happen they realized they were surrounded, as they readied themselves for a fight one of these red football armored men walked forward. Unlike the others he had a skinned coyote hood on his head and spoke with a cold voice that made krystal's fur stand up straight.

???: "Don't worry I won't have you three lashed and tied to a cross like the rest of these degenerates,"

Still not lowing their weapons the courier and the vixen were ready for anything. The Leader smiled as he waved at them to lower they're weapons.

???: "Please lower your weapons your clearly out numbered here and besides we won't hesitate to end you here both you and your mutant friend,"

Krystal snarled and went to point her rifle at the leader but the courier stopped her and held out his hand to the leader.

(y/n): "We are thankful for your mercy Mr... sorry I didn't catch your name there pal,"

The leading man crossed his arms and spoke in his cold voice.

Leader: "I am Vulpes Inculta of Caesar's legion and I was ordered to come here and bring these degenerates justice by Caesar's word,"

The courier gulped but Vulpes began again.

Vulpes: "Actually you three have come at the prefect moment. See we are trying our best to spread the word that is Caesar and you three can do that for us,"

ED-E beeped in worry as Vulpes went on.

Vulpes: "See that statue on that hill behind you,"

The courier turned to it and sure enough there was a large statue there.

Vulpes: "Go there and tell those degenerates what you've seen this day,"

As the courier turned back Vulpes turned his back on them.

Vulpes: "See this as payment for us not killing you and your mutant friend,"

Krystal growled in anger as the legionnaires began to walk away.

(y/n): "Come on Krystal,"

Krystal: "But-"

(y/n): "KRYSTAL!"

The vixen was grabbed by her shoulders and forced to look at the courier in his (e/c) eyes, she saw a serious look that was held in them.

(Y/n): "There is nothing that we can do! We need to go and besides I don't like either,"

As the courier let go the vixen watched as the Legionnaires began to walk away leaving them but she saw Vulpes turned to them with a sick smile on his face sending more shivers down krystal's spine. She then looked down at the burning pile to see a child sized corpse burning on the pile as it held what looked like a toy bear.

(y/n): "Krystal!"

Krystal turned to the courier with tears in her eyes as she walked forward.

Krystal: "Yeah I'm coming,"

As the three left leaving the town of Nipton to burn.

/Later at the Mojave outpost)

Krystal: "Hey (y/n),"

The courier turned to her as they hiked up the hill and closed in on the large welded statue before them.

(y/n): "Yeah?"

Krystal: "How do you do it?"

(y/n): "Do what?"

Krystal: "How do you be so claim after seeing something like that,"

(y/n) stopped before turning to his friend.

(Y/n): "Honestly Krystal...I don't,"

As Krystal stopped she looked up to see the courier turned to her.

Krystal: "But you-"

She stopped causing the courier to raise a eyebrow.

(y/n): "Krystal you can say whatever is on your mind when your around me,"

Krystal huffed before looking forward.

Krystal: "How could you let those...monsters walk away after what they did!"

(y/n) crossed his arms as he spoke.

(y/n): "Krystal look I was fighting ever fiber in my being to kill those fuckers but I had to think and use my head. If I hadn't stopped you from pulling your weapon we both be dead. There was too many krystal too many for even the three of us to handle its best that we do what they ask and besides,"

He leaned in closer to her and spoke.

(Y/n): "If we run into another one of those fuckers I'll gladly put them down like the sick dogs that they are,"

Krystal went wide eyed at the courier's voice and froze slightly before the courier moved back and waved to her.

(y/n): "Come on Krystal,"

She nodded before walking aside the courier.

Krystal: 'First he was claim now he's cold! Damn I hate to be on his bad side,'



WHOOOA! 2019 was a great year filled with many good stories (and some bad ones) that I have written and read. Not really much to say for this chapter though, kinda wished it to be slightly different but hey nipton was a big event in the game so I had to put it in some how. Next chapter will be Krystal and the courier on there way to camp searchlight...just wandering how do you guys think krystal will react to ghouls for the first time?
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