jack2the7ripper — Fallout New Vegas: Krystal Clear 6 [NSFW]
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Description Also I decided to hold off on the fate of camp searchlight.


"Look out for you team for they will in turns look out for you,"- Unknown.


???: "I cannot lose another one. I'm kicking you out because i'm doing this only for your best. We won't talk about this any further. Goodbye,"

...: "Krystal,"

???: "Sorry krystal when he sets his mind to it he doesn't change it. There isn't anything I can do for you,"

...: "Krystal,"

???: "Why don't you join the corneria army I'm sure they will take you in,"

...: "Hey krystal wake up,"

/Real world/

The vixen awoke to her shoulder being gently shook as she looked up to see the courier sitting in a chair next to the bed she was on. Krystal's head felt like it had been ran over as she rubbed her emerald eyes as she shifted on the bed to the courier.

Krystal: "(y/n)?...what happened?"

The courier handed her a bottle of water as she gladly took it and moved around to were she sat on the bed.

(y/n): "Well after we arrived here I got us a few drinks to help with...you know,"

The vixen drank the water as she looked around to see they were in some room filled with bunk beds.

Krystal: "Are we still in the outpost?"

(y/n)  nodded as she rubbed her head still in pain.

(y/n): "Yeah they have this little part off for any travelers or any drunks like yourself,"

Krystal blushed at the thought of her being drunk as she ask.

Krystal: "Did I do anything rash?"

The courier shook his head.

(y/n): "Nah you were just tired and you may have fell asleep on my shoulder,"

Krystal: "Oh shit sorry about that,"

(y/n) smiled.

(y/n): "Its fine but I got some good news,"

Krystal turned to the courier as she sipped on her drink.

(y/n): "You remember those fire ants a while back?"

She lowered her drink and nodded.

(y/n): "Turns out this Ranger in the other building had a bounty on them and guess what that left us?"

Krystal covered her eyes as green flash almost blinded her but as it died she looked at the courier again to be surprised.

Krystal: "What is that?"

(y/n): "Its called a service rifle a semi-auto rifle that fires 5.56 rounds speaking of which,"

Another but smaller flash surrounded the courier's hand as a ammo box took its place.

(y/n): "I think these will put more of a kick to your rifle,"

Handing her the box the vixen look down at the small paper box to that they were 5.56 armor piercing!

Krystal: "(y/n)...you don't have to give me this,"

The courier only smiled as he waved her off.

(y/n): "Of course I do I mean you did help me with the ants so this is your share,"

Krystal smiled as thanked the courier.

(y/n): "Not a problem Krystal now you ready to go?"

The vixen got up from the bed and stretched before turning to the courier.

Krystal: "Let go,"


After going around Nipton the three (ED-E included) began there hike to a settlement called Novac. The walk was a quiet one but their was a few Vipers along the way but with the new fire power that the three had they made easy work of the raiders. After looting said raiders the three began again on the path to Novac.

Krystal: "Hey (y/n)?"

(y/n): "Yeah whats up?"

Krystal: "Why do people think I'm a mutant?"

(y/n): "Uhhhhhhhhh...well I...honestly I don't know what you want me to say,"

Krystal turned to the courier.

Krystal: "I'm asking because ever since Nipton, Primm, and the mojave outpost everyone has called me a mutant and its starting to get annoying,"

The courier scratched his head as he spoke.

(Y/n): "Well we can't just say hey 'your not a mutant your really a alien fox lady from outer space with a heavy case of memory loss' Like they would believe us,"

Krystal sighed as she looked forward.

Krystal: "Guess your right,"


As the three continued to walk the courier got a idea and turned to her.

(y/n): "Hey we can always cover you up!"

Krystal and ED-E turned to the courier with a 'wtf' look.

(y/n): "What? I'm just saying we can get you some gloves maybe have you warp your tail around your waist and get you a hat and BAM! No more mutant calling,"

Krystal rolled her eyes as she kept walking.

Krystal: "There are two things wrong with that,"

(y/n): "Really?"

Krystal: "Yeah,"

(y/n): "And what may they be?"

Krystal held out her hand (that didn't hold her rifle)

Krystal: "One: I think that's a stupid idea,"

(y/n): "Hey give me some credit I'm only trying to help!"

Krystal: "Two: Its is so fucking hot right now I think adding more layers will cook me,"

(y/n): "I...I well I did forget the fur being a problem,"





(y/n): 'Maybe we can shave some of it off'


(y/n): "I DIDN'T SAY THAT!"

Krystal: "YES YOU DID!"

They stop.

(y/n): "No I didn't,"

Krystal: "Yes you did I heard you loud and clear!"

(y/n): "No I didn't *turns to ED-E* Did I say anything about shaving her fur?"

ED-E: *Conforming beeps*

(Y/n): "See even ED-E says I didn't say it,"

Krystal: "Than his hearing sensors must be broken because I heard you say 'Maybe we can shave some of it off'!"

(y/n): "I was only- Wait what,"

Krystal: "You heard me you said 'Maybe we can shave some of it off' did you,"

(y/n)'s eyes where wide eyed as he looked in shook at her.

Krystal: "Whats with that look?"

(y/n): 'No way did she just nah she could have,'

Krystal blinked for a second before narrowing her eyes...did she just. No he...he just said something but his mouth didn't move!

(y/n): "Krystal?"

Krystal: "Yeah?"

(y/n): "Did...did you just...did you just read my mind?"

Krystal: "What?"

(y/n): "I...I don't know- Wait! What am I thinking right now?"

Krystal blinked before looking at the courier before taking a step back before blushing.

Krystal: "YOU PREV!"

She then began to hit him on the head out of embarrassment.


Krystal: "You jerk! You said you weren't looking!"

ED-E watched as Krystal beat the crap out of the courier for thinking about something that he should have not thought of.

(y/n): "I'M SORRY OK! *Still being hit* "I SAID I WAS SORRY!"



Krystal: "YOUR TOO LOUD!"


*On a cliff side not very far away*

Raider: "..."

Raider2: "..."

Raider: "No?"

Raider2: "Dude hell no,"

With that the two raiders turned around and began to walk back to camp.

*Back with you and krystal*

(y/n) then reaches out and grabs her hand.

(y/n): "Krystal!"

Krystal didn't stop attacking and began to hit the courier with her rifle in hand as the courier did his best to block.



After grabbing her hands the courier shook her.

(y/n): "Krystal focus!"

She turned to him with angry eyes only to see he was...smiling?

(y/n): "Krystal...I think you can read minds!"

Krystal: "What?"

(y/n) let her go as he smiled widely.

(y/n): "Krystal your a psyche!"

Krystal titled her head as she looked at the courier.


She froze as she realized that (y/n) was right! She could read his mind!

(y/n): "It must be from where you come from! Oh man this is so cool I was thinking about you race and what powers you guys might have besides being a blue anthro fox but my god being able to read each others thoughts! So cool...well a bit creepy but still cool either way!"

The vixen smiled as she held her head.

Krystal: "My...people,"

She then turned up with a smile as well.

Krystal: "I can read minds!"

The courier smiled back nodding.

(y/n): "This is a major skill you can us! I mean you can us it to find out when someone is lying to you or in combat when you can predict your enemies next move!"

Krystal: "Amazing!"

(y/n): 'Wait does this mean do you have other powers?'

Krystal froze as did the courier before they both got a idea.


Krystal: "Ok what do I do?"

Krystal were standing in front of a tin can with ED-E and the courier behind her.

(y/n): "Well I'm not much of a psyche expert but I'm pretty sure Psyches are able to read minds and also lift things with there minds,"

Krystal: "Alright than how do I do this?"

(y/n): "How should I know? I'm not the super powered fox lady you are,"

Krystal: "I mean I have no memory soooooo,"

(y/n): "Well maybe think about moving the can in your head and maybe we can get cooking,"

Krystal nodded before holding out her hand.

Krystal: "Alright,"

(y/n): "You got this krystal!"

ED-E: *Cheering radio clip*






(y/n): "Um...is everything alright there krystal?"

Krytal: "Yeah I'm trying,"

(y/n): "Take your time,"





Krystal: "Move,"


The can remained unmoved.







Still nothing.

Krystal sighed before lowering her hand as she turned to the courier.

Krystal: "(y/n) this is pointless,"

(y/n): "No its not were trying to find out what other powers you have so try and move the can,"

Krystal turned back to the can holding her arm out again.





Krystal: "Agh! This stupid were wasting our time,"

(y/n) held out his hands to her.

(y/n): "We have a few hours till sunset we have time,"

Krystal: "Again were just wasting our time I don't think I can*points to the can* lifted that with my mind,"

(y/n) sighed as he placed a hand on his chin.

(y/n): "OK OK how about anything else..."

Krystal: "Look (y/n) if I had any other powers do you think I would show signs of other powers?"

(y/n): "Well I don't know how about- think fast,"

Krystal took a step back as she snatched something that was thrown at her, she blinked before seeing that the object was one of the hand guns that they took from the vipers.

The vixen narrowed her eyes at (y/n).

Krystal: "What if I hadn't caught this?"

The courier shrugged.

(y/n): "I guess you won't have insane reflexes?"

Krystal: "Har Har,"

She threw the gun back at the courier as she crossed her arms.

(y/n): "Well besides that I doubt having reflexes and mind reading is your only powers,"

Krystal: "What makes you think I have more powers?"

(y/n) Shrugged.

(y/n): "A hunch?"

Krystal: "(y/n) I doubt your hunch means I have other powers,"

(y/n): "Maybe you do,"

Krystal: "Maybe I don't,"

(y/n): "You might,"

Krystal: "I might not,"

(y/n): "I mean there must be something else you might have besides that I mean you could be doing something else-"

Krystal held out her hand.

Krystal: "(y/n) stop,"

(y/n): "What I'm only trying to-"

Krystal: "(y/n) shhhhhh,"

The courier blinked as Krystal held the side of her head as if thinking she then looked forward.

Krystal: "(y/n)...I think we may have a problem,"

/Later at NCR ranger outpost charlie/

(y/n): "Something is wrong here,"

Krystal nodded.

Krystal: "Yeah I though I was hearing something and it brought us here,"

(y/n) took a step forward to look around to see nothing and by nothing there were no guards that didn't seem right.

(y/n): "Can you here anything?"

Krystal shook her head as the three walked over to the door into the main building.

Krystal: "Nothing its just...I don't know how to describe it,"

(y/n): "Dead?"

Krystal: "Yeah..."

Carefully the courier reached forward and gently pushed open the door to the main building as it creaked open reviling the dead bodies of NCR rangers and veterans. Krystal blinked and was about to rush in but the courier held out his arm stopping her.

(y/n): "Wait...something feels off,"

As the three entered the building the courier noticed something.

(y/n): "They're rigged,"

Krystal looked at the courier before turning back to the bodies and to see one of them was right next to a well hidden frag mine.

(y/n): "See it?"

Krystal: "Yeah,"

(y/n): "Looks like who ever left them wanted them to be found,"

Krystal looked at the body before asking.

Krystal: "What do we do?"

(y/n) turned to her.

(y/n): "What any other good person would do. We give them a proper burial,"

With that the three began to disarm the bodies and went to work.

/2 hours later/

(y/n) placed down the last cross on the last grave as he stood up in a set of new armor that he took from one of the outpost's locker. Krystal should at the feet of the graves as she held her hands as ED-E hung low.

(y/n): "Whoever did this wanted to send a message,"

Krystal: "It was them wasn't it?"

(y/n): "You know what I'm going to say,"

Krystal: "Why did they do this?"

(Y/n): "I don't know Krystal...But it seems this isn't going to be the last time we see the legions handy work,"

Krystal: "They are sick,"

(y/n): "Agreed...and one day they will pay for what they have done,"

Krystal turned to the newly armed courier as he picked up a veteran helmet.

Krystal: "Do you have to wear that?"

(y/n): "No...but it seems only right to wear this,"

Krystal: "Why?"

(y/n): "The next legionnaire I see...I'm going to kill him,"

As the courier put on the helmet the eyes to the gasmask lit up red.

For the courier had declared war on the legion.


Well that is a long ass chapter of 2100+ words! Hot damn that was amazing to write. I was kinda planning on giving the courier the veteran ranger armor later but I was like...meh why not do it when he visits Charlie ranger outpost. Also this story is now on deviantart! So yeah win win all around.

God this story is going to be a long one.
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