jade-whisper — The Demon in Me Chapter 2
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Description Sonic looked around his room, thinking he woke up. The house was too quiet though, and it was pitch black outside. Confused, he walked out of his room.
    "Hey, Tails, you awake?" Sonic called out. He looked in Tails' room. It was empty.
    "Weird…" He wandered around the house without finding Tails anywhere. He thought that Tails might be out, or working on something in his workshop, which was the basement of the house.
    Sonic walked up to the front door, wanting to go for a run. When he tried to open it, nothing happened. It was stuck. He checked to see if it was locked, but it didn't do anything to help it. He frowned and yanked harder.
    "I hope you know that you're locked in."
    Sonic's eyes bulged at the voice that sounded behind him. He whirled around to see Super standing there, looking amused.
    "You!" Sonic glared at the gold demon in front of him. "What did you do?" he shouted. A thought occurred to him. "What did you do to Tails?!"
    Super just chuckled.
    "I did nothing to the fox," he assured Sonic. "Now, you- however…"
    He walked leisurely up to Sonic.
    "It's yourself, you should be worried about." He stopped about an inch in front of Sonic.
    Sonic tilted his head and stared at Super.
    "What did you do…?" he asked slowly, suddenly nervous.
    "I'm in your head, Sonic. Not even sleep will let you escape me."
    Sonic was still confused.
    "Here, let put it simpler for you," Super said mockingly. "I'm controlling what your dreaming."
    "WHAT?!" Sonic shouted in surprise. "You can't do that!"
    "That's what you think." Super replied, and picked Sonic up by the throat, holding on tight enough to make sure he couldn't escape and cause only slight discomfort.
    "And you know the best part? I can kick your ass, pound you to a pulp, and beat you within an inch of your life- and you'll feel it all even though this is a dream- and when you wake up, it'll be like nothing happened. You may have a few cuts and bruises, you'll be sore and tired and all that good stuff, but that's all that will carry through. And then, when you go back to sleep, I can torture you some more!" Sonic stared as Super as he said this, horrified at Super's insane plan.
    "W-what?!" he shook with fear. Super chuckled.
    "And you can't wake up until I let you. Or if I 'kill' you, but you won't really die, you'll just hurt pretty bad in the morning."
    Sonic's ears were flat against his head as gawked at Super. Super laughed at his fear and threw him across the room. He landed on his back, breaking a table in half. Sonic gasped with pain. Super was right about that at least. Sonic rolled onto his side and groaned, then tried pulling himself to his feet. A hand gripped his spines and yanked him roughly into the air.
    Sonic yelped and struggled against Super's hold.
    "You're not going anywhere." Super smirked at Sonic, who was trying to pry Super's hand off his quills. He swung his feet wildly, trying to make Super drop him. Instead, Super slammed Sonic into the wall, face-first. Sonic's struggles were a little weaker after that.
    Sonic whimpered and tried to break Super hold, his eyes slightly glazed with pain. Super growled and dropped him to the ground.
    "You're pathetic," he huffed and kicked Sonic's side. "Have you gotten weaker since the last time we saw each other, or are you too afraid to fight?" Sonic glared at him, and pulled himself to his feet.
    "I'm not afraid of you," he growled.
    "Oh really?" Super smirked. "I find that hard to believe." Sonic growled and threw a punch at Super. Super caught the punch and rammed his fist into Sonic's gut. Hard. Sonic's eyes bulged and he groaned as he dropped to his feet, coughing. Super kicked Sonic upside the head, sending him sprawling out on the floor.
    "This is too easy! I'm almost bored!" Super walked up to Sonic and picked him up by the the scruff of the neck.
    Sonic kicked Super in the side, causing him to be dropped. He then whirled around and punched Super in the face.
    "About time you started fighting back!" Super crowed and lunged at Sonic, his claws raking across Sonic's body.
    The fight lasted for some time, Sonic was unsure how long. After a long time of relentless battle, he was beginning to tire. He was panting, and struggling to keep up with Super's viscous attacks as they came at him nonstop. The house was a wreak from the hedgehogs throwing each other around. The house and Sonic were also spotted with scorch marks, from when Super started to fight with flames. Miraculously, the house did not burn down.
    Super could tell Sonic was worn down, and began to attack quicker, more hits connecting due to Sonic's exhaustion. He was now coughing up blood, and found it hard to stand upright. He tried to punch Super, who simply side-stepped and shoved him to the ground with a simple shove.
    Sonic pulled himself up on his hands and knees, coughing hard, blood tricking out of his mouth.
    "Looks like I'm winning," Super said smugly. Sonic tried to stand, but Super was impatient and yanked him up roughly by an arm. When Sonic tried to pull away, Super dug his claws into his arm. Sonic hissed with pain and stopped. Super grinned and dug his claws in deeper, until Sonic felt them scrape his bone. He cried out and tried to pull away again. Super chuckled and wouldn't let go.
    "I suppose I should be letting you wake up soon, but not before giving you a quick 'parting gift'."  With that he wrenched Sonic's arm around at an impossible angle as hard as he could, and a vicious cracking sound animated the air with Sonic's scream of pain. His claws ripped at his skin with the movement as well.
    Super let go of Sonic, whose legs gave out underneath him, causing him to fall to the ground as he held his broken arm. He gasped with pain, and glared up at Super through pain-caused tears. Super grinned evilly and kicked Sonic's arm, laughing as he cried out in pain.
    "You can wake up now Sonic. I look forward to your next visit." Super chuckled darkly as Sonic was consumed by darkness.

    Sonic cried out in fear as he woke up. He could tell the difference this time. Sunlight filtered through the curtains at his window and he could smell breakfast cooking. He sighed and flopped back into his pillow. After a moment his stomach told him it was time to go see what Tails was cooking. He stood up and stretched, then yelped with pain as his muscles screamed in protest. He was aching horribly and felt exhausted. He groaned. He decided to check the arm that Super broke and gasped at what he saw.
    Short, peach fur couldn't hide the horrible purple and black discoloration that covered his right forearm. The cuts where the claws dug in was visible too, a slight bit of dried blood around them. His arm was the most injured part of him, though it was no longer broken. There was no way he could hide this from Tails.
    Growling, he went to the bathroom and washed the blood off his arm, and hoped Tails wouldn't notice the bruises.
    He had to think up an excuse.
    And after a moment, he had one.
    He walked out of the bathroom and past the kitchen, heading straight for the front door.
    "Hey Tails! Going for a run!" he called out to Tails, who was still in the kitchen.
    "What about breakfast?" Tails called back.
    "I'll eat when I get back!" Sonic responded and ran out the door before Tails could say anything else. If he stayed out long enough, by the time he got back Tails would most likely be in the workshop, and Sonic would avoid questions about his arm.
    He ran leisurely, wondering how what do for the day. He had to think of a way to get rid of Super. Almost on cue, the manic demon spoke up.
    That was an uncharacteristically good idea back there, Super mused. I'm surprised you thought of that.
    "Shut up, I don't want to hear your voice," Sonic replied bitterly.
    You shouldn't act that toward me. Or have you already forgotten our late night brawl?
    "No, I haven't." He subconsciously rubbed his injured arm for comfort.
    Then don't act so rudely.
    Sonic huffed at this reply.
    "I act like this to all my enemies."
    Not quite. You've always treated me worse. Perhaps you somehow knew I was more dangerous, he boasted proudly. Sonic rolled his eyes.
    "You're no worse than Eggy!"
    I beg to differ, dear enemy. I am much worse.
    Super snarled, causing Sonic to fall quiet. Super made a sound of triumph before settling into the back of his mind again. Sonic cried out in anger and gripped at his head.
    'If this keeps up much longer I'm gonna go insane!'


    After a long run to relax, he headed back home, feeling a little better. He ate breakfast- even though it was lunchtime- and wondered if he should run around downtown for the day. He was about to call to Tails that he was heading to town when there was a knock at the door. Before he could do anything, an all-too-familiar voice called out.
    Sonic froze from going to answer the door and started backing up.
    'Maybe she'll leave….' he thought. He could hear Super chuckle in the back of his mind.
    Before he could snap at him, he almost ran into Tails, who was wiping his hands off on a rag to remove oil.
    "What's going on?" he asked, immediately being shushed by Sonic.
    "Amy's out there! Cover for me!" He took off toward the back door before Tails could protest. He knew he'd probably hear an ear full later, but he wasn't really in the mood for it now.
    He managed to run to town without Amy seeing him. He gave a sigh of relief. He didn't really want a bone crushing hug at the moment, and was glad he escaped one.
    Almost sounds like you're afraid of her. Super chuckled as he said this.
    "I am not, I'm just not in the mood because you're bothering me!" Sonic retorted quietly as he walked the streets of the city. Super just huffed at this remark.
    That's no excuse to ignore your girlfriend.
    "She is not my girlfriend!" Sonic shouted at Super, ignoring odd looks from people  as he walked past them. He ran up the side of a tall building so the rest of the conversation would go unnoticed. He sat at the edge and sighed, head resting in his hands as he stared at the people below.
    Ya know, Super broke through Sonic's thoughts. It'd be so easy to make you fall off the side of this building and splat on the ground below. Super seemed pleased with what he just thought of.
    "You can't do that, you'd die too if you killed me!" Sonic argued.
    Not really. I can just reanimate your lifeless body and do as I please. Nothing would happen to me.
    Sonic's eyes widened and he scrambled away from the edge to prevent Super from killing him. Super laughed and somewhat jokingly- though cruelly- made Sonic stumble forward, alarmingly close to the edge. Sonic threw himself backward with a cry of fright, away from the side of the building, landing roughly on his behind as Super laughed his off.
    "That wasn't funny!" Sonic yelled, his muzzle pale with fright.
    It sure the hell was! Super cried out in between peals of laughter. Sonic growled and wished he could get rid of Super already. He pulled himself to his feet and walked to the center of the rooftop, away from the building's edge. He sat back down and growled in frustration as Super kept laughing.
    "Shut up already!!" he cried out at the demon, who's creepy laughter echoed in his mind.
    Why should I? It was hilarious.
    "No it wasn't," Sonic argued half-heartedly.
    Sounds like I'm winning.
    "What makes you think that?"
    Because it sounds like you've given up.
    "Ha! You wish! I'm only a little tired because I didn't get any sleep last night!" Sonic said accusingly. "I be up for this otherwise."
    I think you're just saying that.
    "And I think you're brain dead." Sonic grinned as Super growled.
    Have you gotten stupider? I'm in control of you, in your mind. I can make your life hell. Don't piss me off, Super threatened Sonic.
    "Yeah, yeah,  I know. You've told me, and you've shown me. Now you're the one sounding like a broken record." Sonic chuckled as he said this.
    Super snarled and Sonic felt the demon's anger wash over him, an overwhelming force that had Sonic stop laughing and shiver a bit.
    Keep your attitude under control, before something happens because of it. A flash of pain ripped through Sonic's mind, like when he tried to tell Tails about Super. Sonic groaned in pain and held his head as the migraine erased any smart remarks he had ready for Super. It wasn't as bad as before, as it was just a warning.
    "Alright already! No need to be pushy!" he shouted through the pain. Super just huffed and let the pain disperse.
    Sonic panted and tried shaking off the fatigue that came with the attack.
    "You need to stop doing that," Sonic grumbled.
    I think it's fun. Super replied.
    "I don't." Sonic said as he stood up, already bored.
    And I don't care what you think.
    "Ditto." Super growled at Sonic's answer.
    "Ya know," Sonic started. "You seem a lot grumpier then the last time we fought."
    Years in isolation does that to you. Super's reply was bitter and short. Sonic didn't know what to say to that. He was silent after that.
    It took some time, but Sonic was willing to talk again. Though he didn't get the chance to say anything to Super.
    "What are you doing here, Faker?"
    Sonic jolted to attention and turned to the voice that sounded behind him.
    "What, am I not allowed to sit any more?" he asked the dark hedgehog standing on the building as well, not a few feet away.
    "Just wondering why you're sitting doing nothing, which is not like you." Shadow walked up to him, as Sonic stood back up. Sonic shrugged in response.
    "Just relaxing," he lied.
    And who's this? Super piped up in the back of Sonic's mind. It took Sonic a moment to remember that Super had never seen Shadow before.
    'A friend,' Sonic thought to Super, hoping he'd shut up.
    "And what about that little episode?" Shadow asked. Sonic flinched.
    "I don't know what you're talking about," Sonic lied as Super growled.
    You idiot! He saw you! Super practically roared, making Sonic flinch again.
    'It's not all my fault! It's yours too!' Sonic argued. He shifted nervously where he stood under Shadow's gaze.
    "And you expect me to believe that?" Shadow crossed his arms.
    "Yup." Sonic hoped Shadow would leave. If Super decided he was trying to tell Shadow there would be no telling what he would do to him.
    "Well I don't," Shadow stated. "So tell me what's really going on." Sonic started backing up slowly, trying to get away. He trembled slightly as Super started to growl.
    "There's nothing to say, you're just being paranoid." Sonic shrugged as if there really was nothing to talk about. Shadow was beginning to tap his foot impatiently.
    "Then why are you acting nervous?" Shadow hit the nail on the head.
    "Uh…." He kept backing up. A little too far. He let out a startled yelp as the ground disappeared from under him and he started to fall.
    Shadow rushed forward and grabbed Sonic's wrist and pulled away from the edge. Sonic trembled with shock as Super roared with laughter.
    "You idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Shadow yelled at him as he pulled him further form the edge.
    "Y-yeah…" Sonic was barely able to reply. Shadow stared at him, knowing that usually Sonic would have something smart to say back, even if something potentially dangerous happened. Then he noticed Sonic's arm.
    "What happened here?" Shadow stared at the cuts and bruises that marred Sonic right forearm. Sonic just shook his head.
    Shadow raised an eyebrow at his reply.
    Sonic flinched again.
    "Tell me what really happened."
    Sonic shifted nervously. "I can't," he whispered, Super still too busy laughing to notice. Shadow looked slightly confused.
    "And why not?"
    "I just can't…" Sonic ran off after that, not wanting Super to find a reason to torture him again.
    Shadow stood atop the building, staring at the spot Sonic was at a moment ago. He would find out what was going on. Because from the looks of it, it was more than Sonic could handle by himself.
    He Chaos Control away.
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Comments: 93

jade-whisper In reply to ??? [2013-03-15 08:34:53 +0000 UTC]

Don't you think it would be more rewarding to make up something entirely of your own? I understand that my story isn't completely unique, but wouldn't it feel more fulfilling to create something of your own, instead of building off of someone else's ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zqklink In reply to jade-whisper [2013-03-15 22:28:56 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I guess that's true.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Zqklink [2013-03-15 23:34:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure you can come up with something amazing all on your own. Who knows? Maybe yours could become super popular, and you can have the satisfaction that it's all because of your own clever ideas. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zqklink [2012-08-01 03:30:24 +0000 UTC]

I love these kind of stories.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Zqklink [2012-08-01 03:32:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Primordial-Goddess96 [2011-11-24 06:18:07 +0000 UTC]

super, you bastard

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Primordial-Goddess96 [2011-11-24 06:20:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Primordial-Goddess96 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-11-24 14:09:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Primordial-Goddess96 [2011-11-25 02:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Now, no killing him. He's needed for the plot.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Primordial-Goddess96 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-11-25 02:51:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ElectricalFlames [2011-11-10 09:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Ah ha, finally another great Super and Sonic story :'D This is really awesome, and you've kept all the characters in complete character. Especially Shadow <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to ElectricalFlames [2011-11-11 01:13:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. ^^ I'm glad you like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ElectricalFlames In reply to jade-whisper [2011-11-11 01:16:07 +0000 UTC]

And I'm hoping you overcome whatever is blocking your creativity for Chapter 11 (I think you said something like that at Ch.10?)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to ElectricalFlames [2011-11-11 01:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I did. Thank you. ^^ I hope I get over that soon too... I actually have someone nagging me now...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ElectricalFlames In reply to jade-whisper [2011-11-11 05:14:11 +0000 UTC]

Well, there's always one ^^'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to ElectricalFlames [2011-11-13 06:02:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 01:23:32 +0000 UTC]

"You!" Sonic glared at the gold demon in front of him. "What did you do?" he shouted. A thought occurred to him. "What did you do to Tails?!"

This sounds kinda awkward. It would read better as: "You!" Sonic glared at the gold demon in front of him. "What did you do? What did you do to Tails?!"

"I did nothing to the fox," he assured Sonic. "Now, you- however…"

A comma after “you” would be better than the hyphen, since Super wasn’t interrupted.

"I'm controlling what your dreaming."

“Your” should be “you’re.”

What I don’t get is why Sonic didn’t put up more of a tough guy front in the beginning. Sonic is every bit as hardcore as Shadow; he just presents it in a different way. Rather than be the gruff, grumpy, usually silent guy with a soft spot for only a few people, Sonic is a thrill seeker. He loves adventure, danger, the whole shebang. He loves to help people, and unlike Shadow, doesn’t mind showing people that he’s willing to help them. But they both have some things in common: they won’t let people tell them what to do. They hate to be made afraid, and so when they get scared, they get hostile. Maybe to explain why Sonic allowed himself to show how afraid he was so soon into the story, you can have someone mention sometime later what Super did to Sonic himself in their only other encounter so far. I mean, if someone does horrible enough things to you the only other period of time you spent with them, you’re gonna be scared as hell the next time you meet them, no matter how tough you are. So did Super ever torture Sonic like this sometime before? Maybe try to literally drive him insane? Because if all he did was have Sonic kill people, I’m thinking Sonic would be more angry than scared, since that would be bringing innocent people and his friends into the picture. And we all know how defensive Sonic gets when it comes to other people, particularly his friends.

He landed on his back, breaking a table in half. Sonic gasped with pain. Super was right about that at least.

You do this a lot, actually. You take what could have been two sentences and make them three. It would sound better as: He landed on his back, breaking a table in half. Sonic gasped with pain; Super was right about that at least. The semicolon connects “pain” with “Super” so it remains one sentence, and at the same time shows everyone that the two thoughts are similar but separate. I suggest that if you have a sentence that’s three to five words, and the next sentence is somewhat similar in thought, find some way to connect it with the next sentence unless you’re making an important sentence that would better impact us if it remained as it was. Like the kind of sentence that has its own paragraph, for example.

"I suppose I should be letting you wake up soon, but not before giving you a quick 'parting gift'."

The end should read: ‘parting gift.’” I know it looks funny with the apostrophe and the end quotes smashed together like that, but that’s how it’s supposed to look.

through pain-caused tears

Another thing you do a lot. Try “tears of pain.” And also, try not to use the word “pain” too much. Use similar words sometimes, and other times, just don’t say it. I mean, if he’s getting the crab meat beat out of him, we know why he’s crying, right? You do a really good job of not using “pain” too much in this chapter, but in the later ones, you do this a LOT, so I thought I’d address that now before you wrote the next chapter.

He could tell the difference this time. Sunlight filtered through the curtains at his window and he could smell breakfast cooking.

Again, a semicolon instead of a period after “time” and before “sunlight” would make it appear more professional. Think of it like driving a car, and every time you hit a period, you have to slam the brakes. A semicolon in the right places makes for a smoother ride.

He stood up and stretched, then yelped with pain as his muscles screamed in protest. He was aching horribly and felt exhausted. He groaned. He decided to check the arm that Super broke and gasped at what he saw.

Okay, I LOVE how you phrased that first sentence. Absolutely love it. And the last two sentences would read better as: “He groaned and decided to check the arm that Super broke, only to gasp at what he saw.”

Short, peach fur couldn't hide the horrible purple and black discoloration that covered his right forearm.

Again, very well phrased~ I love this sentence~

He had to think up an excuse. And after a moment, he had one.

I loved this one, too. This is an example of two sentences that could have become one, but ended up impacting the reader better when left as two.

Sonic’s exchange of words with the demon before the change of scene was also great; you kept Sonic very well in character. You can tell he’s nervous, but at the same time, he lets fly his attitude he’s known to show towards the people he hates.

"You can't do that, you'd die too if you killed me!" Sonic argued.

The comma should be a semicolon.

Sonic growled and wished he could get rid of Super already.

This one needs total revamping. Not to be mean, but it sounds juvenile. I pondered on this one and came up with: “Sonic growled, wishing he could be rid of Super now before this got much worse.

"Shut up already!!" he cried out at the demon, who's creepy laughter echoed in his mind.

Should be only one exclamation mark, and the “who’s” should be “whose.”

Why should I? It was hilarious.

You forgot to bold “It was hilarious.”

Sonic’s exchange with Super on the rooftop kept Sonic very well in character. I commend you on that.

And... you also kept Shadow 100% in character. Congrats, because that’s flipping hard to do.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 02:17:01 +0000 UTC]

Yay for the in character Shadow! My obsession with his role in the games has paid off. lol

I made some stupid mistakes I really should have caught... My English teacher would kill me if she knew! XD

At least I'm not making run-ons. I have a horrible habit of doing that.

I like that you're pointing out good parts too. It helps a lot.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 02:19:12 +0000 UTC]

Seriously, good on you for that one. I suck at it.

That's what editors are for~

If I recall correctly, you've been very good with that. I'll make sure to clue you in if you have any, though.

Of course. You had other good things, but they were minor and I tried to keep it short because I didn't want you reading this thing forever~ So I picked out my favorite bits.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 02:31:18 +0000 UTC]

Just play his stories a lot. XD That's just what I do.


That would be helpful. My teacher was always getting after me for those.


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Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 02:36:59 +0000 UTC]

Eh... I can't do that. My mom doesn't like the game. Maybe I'll watch the cutscenes on YouTube.

Well, glad to be of service.

Of course.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 02:43:50 +0000 UTC]

Ah. Makes sense. After all, he does cuss in his game. And there are explosions and guns and stuff. XD

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Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 02:48:50 +0000 UTC]

My mom has no beef with the explosions... just the cussing and the guns. It's been a few years, so I might be able to try my luck again... but I paid for that game with my own money, so I'll be pissed if she does in fact take the game away.

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jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 02:54:46 +0000 UTC]

It's pretty epic. My mom found out after we got it about the cussing. Luckily she isn't too strict on video games. Just on blood and gore. So we were safe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 03:00:20 +0000 UTC]

My mom found out about the cussing as I was playing. Shadow said the word "damn" and she flipped. But, to my surprise, she hasn't demanded we get rid of it.

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jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 03:08:09 +0000 UTC]

My mom was just confused they let 'Sonic' cuss. Which led to a long lecture from me on how that was Shadow, and that they were totally different people. She still saw no difference afterward.
I actually find it fun to make fun of his oh-so-dramatic deaths. I don't get why, but they're just funny.

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Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 03:13:25 +0000 UTC]

I think my mom was upset that it was a Sonic game that was allowing cursing. She thought of the Sonic series as kids' games.

I particuarly love how Shadow screams, "Damn, not here" whenever he falls off a cliff.

Also, the notes are acting strangely... it takes a LOT less posts now before the earlier posts start disappearing. I don't know why.

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jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 03:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I think that's the biggest problem with the parents.

I know right?! XD And he fails around too.

Really? Jeez. I wish I knew what's wrong with DA lately...

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Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 03:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh, well...at least I can play it when she's not around.

I didn't notice that, actually.

Well, I'm pretty sure it's just doing that with "The Hybrid Hedgehog" because we got so many characters doing so much at once. But why it was doing that with "One Weakness" I have no idea...

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jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 03:23:31 +0000 UTC]

That always works. ^^

It's so funny! XD

Jeez, I wonder why...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starprincess13 In reply to jade-whisper [2011-06-29 03:34:14 +0000 UTC]

All we can do is wait and see if it'll fix itself on its own...

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jade-whisper In reply to Starprincess13 [2011-06-29 03:38:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I hope it does.

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-01 13:15:31 +0000 UTC]

omg do you know about warriors(of course ou do) STAR CLAN RULES!!!!! AMAZING STORY!!!!!!!!! WRITE ANOTHER CHAPPIE!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-01 20:49:26 +0000 UTC]

lol, I got like 7 chapts now, and working on more. And, Yes I do know of Warriors, and I love it.

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-02 21:17:38 +0000 UTC]

i just figured that after i went to your profile yesteday after that comment........i was kind-of stupid at the moment......i love warriors, i love the book called starfires quest. have you ever heard of it or read it?????

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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-02 21:22:42 +0000 UTC]

Lol, that's alright. I've done that. ^^
Um... I don't know.... I stopped at the third series.

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-02 22:11:44 +0000 UTC]


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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-02 22:40:15 +0000 UTC]


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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-02 22:51:31 +0000 UTC]


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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-02 22:55:16 +0000 UTC]

Lol. XD

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-03 00:10:47 +0000 UTC]


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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-03 00:13:35 +0000 UTC]

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-03 00:18:32 +0000 UTC]

MADLY AUGHNG IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may i ask when you will get the next chappie in thedemon in me????????

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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-03 00:20:43 +0000 UTC]

ASAP, which may take a while.

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-03 00:29:42 +0000 UTC]

ok can you tell me when you finish it!!!!!!!! i want to be the first person to read it!!!!!!! oh do you know of fanfiction.net????? i have a story on there and i would like you to read it. i sadly doesn't have fleetway super sonic in it tho.........

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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-03 00:42:30 +0000 UTC]

Okay.I'll tell you.

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-03 01:04:29 +0000 UTC]


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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-03 01:05:45 +0000 UTC]

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Luna-The-Hedgehog1 In reply to jade-whisper [2010-07-03 01:17:37 +0000 UTC]

i have given you a llama badge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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jade-whisper In reply to Luna-The-Hedgehog1 [2010-07-03 01:19:39 +0000 UTC]


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