JamesBingDaddy — Batman needs a Robin

Published: 2022-01-03 05:43:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 5014; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Description Six Months Later

In the last six months since the report of Robin’s death, the Dark Knight has become just that. A Dark Knight, still serving justice and assisting the police against super criminals like Penguin, Riddler and others. However, since the death of the Boy Wonder, reports from Arkham say he is violent. Each time he brings back one of these villains to Arkham or Black Gate he brings them back suffering from multiple broken bones. For example , three months ago this reporter was told that the Joker returned to Arkham in a body cast.. this reporter has to ask the hard question.. When will Batman go too far? Yes I said when for I believe it is only a matter of time before he goes from body casts to body bags..” Catwoman furiously turned the monitor off, she was unable to watch Summer Gleeson another moment longer.

Catwoman, “I’d like to claw that pretty little throat..” Alfred cleared his voice. Catwoman froze then cleared her own throat. “Sorry Alfred..”

Alfred, “A lady should refrain from such talk Miss Kyle. I have little respect for Miss Gleeson however I can’t help but worry..”

Catwoman looked at Alfred, “You believe she’s right? That he’d actually kill someone?”

Afred’s face fell, “I’m afraid I see what she’s referring to. Master Bruce has indeed become more violent since.. I fear he is slowly losing control.”

Deep down she knew he was right, she had tried everything. Sometimes she was able to get him out of his bad mood but he’d slip back into it later. She was able to face her own guilt but Bruce couldn’t do the same thing. He could face Jason and tell him he was sorry for not saving him. The poor boy was gone and they couldn’t bring him back.

Catwoman, “How do we fix this?” Alfred put a hand on her shoulder.

Alfred, “I don’t know.. but I know we won’t give up.”

Not too far away, inside the Drake household. Someone else was worried about Batman. His name is Tim Drake, son of Jack and Janet Drake. Their property sits next door to Wayne Manor and for a long time Tim has been a big fan of Batman and Robin. Tim is 16 years old and a very smart teenager. Smart enough that he knows who Batman and Robin is. He figured it out a few years ago when he discovered the hidden entrance to the Batcave where the Batmobile emerges and returns. From there he looked up a property map for Wayne Manor, combining that knowledge with the fact that Bruce Wayne has the resources to be Batman plus he’s had two wards who are the perfect age to be Robin and Nightwing. To him it was two and two makes four. His theory has been reinforced with the death of Robin and Jason Todd supposedly leaving town with his birth mother. Tim noticed that both Batman and Bruce Wayne haven’t been the same since. Not to mention that before the death of Robin there was Selina Kyle who had come to live at the Manor. About the same time the world was introduced to Catwoman. Tim had become increasingly worried about his hero, especially after that news broadcast just now.

Tim, “Batman needs to be grounded, he needs someone he can mentor.. he needs Robin.” Only problem was the first Robin grew up and was now Nightwing. Tim stared out his window over at Wayne manor in the distance. It was then he spotted a motorcycle approaching Wayne Manor. Even at this distance he knew who it was. It was Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing. At that moment it occurred to him that the solution was to talk to Dick and convince him to become Robin again. He was aware of the possibility his approaching them could make matters worse but he figured if he explained his motives that everything would work out. He had hoped they would be able to figure things out without his help but it had been six months.. and Batman wasn’t getting better. Maybe an outsider’s opinion was just what they needed. Tim summoned his courage and marched to Wayne Manor.

Dick entered the Manor and found Selina just leaving the Batcave main entrance. She paused out of surprise for she hadn’t expected him back from Bludhaven.

Selina, “Dick? What brings you here?”

Dick, “Good to see you too.. and you know.. the usual.” She knew what he ment. Dick would come back to Gotham when he could to try and help Batman. Dick would gladly stay longer if it helped Bruce but he also had responsibilities in Bludhaven.

Selina, “Of course, it’s good of you to come.” They shook hands then were joined by Alfred.

Alfred, “Ah Master Dick, good to see you again.”

Dick, “Likewise Alfred. So where is Bruce?”

Alfred, “Master Bruce was stuck in a meeting at Wayne Enterprises but he should be back soon. I was just about to start dinner. Shall I set a plate for you as well?”

Dick nodded, “Can’t turn down one of your meals.” The doorbell sounded and Alfred left to see who was at the door. He returned with Tim Drake at his side.

Alfred, “It’s young Master Drake, he says he has something important to speak to you about.”

Dick of course remembered Tim Drake. Dick had actually met Tim when Dick’s family were still a part of the Circus. The Drakes had taken a photo with the Flying Graysons before the tragedy occurred. The tragedy being that Dick watched as his parents plummeted to their deaths. Their act had been sabatoshed when the circus refused to pay protection money. Later Dick would meet Tim again when he agreed to watch the much younger Tim Drake on some weekends.

Dick, “Tim? Well this is a surprise, how have you been?” They shook hands.

Tim, “Great thanks.”

Dick turned to Selina, “Selina this is Tim Drake, his parents live on the estate next door. Tim, this is Selina Kyle.” Tim and Selina shook hands.

Selina, “Of course, I’ve seen you in passing but I’m afraid we haven’t had the opportunity to meet until now.”

Tim, “It’s nice to meet you.. I don’t mean to just show up uninvited but.. I have to talk to you.”

Dick, “Well sure what’s going on?”

Tim had been thinking hard about what he was going to say and still wasn’t sure but it had to be done.

Tim, “I realize it’s going to come as a shock but please understand I have only the best intentions in coming here.” All three adults were puzzled but Tim continued. “To start, I know your Nightwing, Catwoman and that Mr Wayne is Batman.” All three stood motionless and their faces betrayed nothing. Dick laughed and spoke first.

Dick, “What? Where did you get a fantastic idea like that?” From there Tim went into a short summary of everything he knew and layed out all the details. By the time he finished Dick, Selina and Alfred were no longer trying to hide their shock. After a moment Dick aas again the first to speak.

Dick, “Alright Tim.. what’s on your mind?” They all sat except for Alfred who busied himself with preparing dinner. Tim explained how he had noticed Batman’s behavior change since Robin’s death and expressed his concerns then he offered his solution to the problem.

Tim, “From what I can see, Batman needs Robin. He grounds Batman, Robin in many ways is a moral compass, someone to set an example for.”
Dick and Selina had been silently listening to Tim. After hearing Tim’s solution each responded in turn.

Selina, “I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that.”

Dick, “Me becoming Robin again isn’t going to help, Robin is a hero in training. Neither Bruce or I see myself as someone in training but as equals. Sure it seems to help some when I come back to Gotham but I can’t be here all the time.”

Selina, “That’s right, Dick has his own city to look after.”

Tim sighed, “There’s got to be a way.. Gotham needs Batman and Batman needs Robin.”

Selina and Dick looked at each other then back to Tim. They explained how Joker killed Jason then explained that Batman blames himself for Jason’s death.

Selina, “So you see.. having a Robin isn’t enough. It runs deeper than that.” Hearing all this he realized the error in his solution but at the same time he couldn't help but feel he was right.

Tim, “But you gotta try something.. Batman can’t be allowed to go down that path.. that’s not who he is.”

Dick stood next to Tim, putting his hand on his shoulder, “We agree on that and believe us, we are trying everything we can.” After that they discussed Tim’s schooling just before Bruce returned. He went straight to the cave and didn’t even bother to check where everyone was. Tim decided it was time for him to go so he said goodbye and walked home. Walking back he reflected on everything they discussed. He understood more now but he knew his solution would help, regardless of Bruce’s guilt. As he reached his house a new solution occurred to him but it was crazy, or was it? Maybe he could become Robin. He would totally fit the role of a hero in training. Not to mention he was pretty smart, after all he did figure out Batman’s secret identity all on his own. So why not become the new Robin? Tim cared what happened to Batman.. his mind was made up. He would become the new Robin and be what Batman needed. First he needed to prove himself to Batman so he went back into his room and began making a temporary Robin costume.

Back in the Batcave Bruce listened to Dick and Selina as they told him about their visit from Tim Drake. Once they finished Bruce had to admit that he was impressed with Tim’s detective skills.

Bruce, “However, he’s wrong. I don’t need another Robin. Jason is dead because I failed him and I won’t take on another Robin.” Selina kneeled beside him but before she could speak the alarm sounded. It was coming from Arkham Asylum.

Dick, “Who is it?”

Bruce glared darkly when he saw the name, “Joker..” Both Selina and Dick sighed. Bruce stood and made his way to the armory. Selina turned to Dick.

Selina, “Coming along then?” Dick Nodded.

On the other side of Gotham Joker worked on her latest plan for Gotham.

Bubba, “But I still understand why we had to grab that computer nerd.” Joker grabbed her gun and swung it hard across his jaw, sending him to the floor.

Joker, “I never said you needed to know now did I? I know the plan and that is enough! If you need to know anything about it I will tell you!”

Bubba held his bleeding jaw, “Of course Miss Joker…”

Joker, “Now put a smile on before I carve a smile onto your face and let me work.”

Bubba forced a smile and ran off. Joker turned to her prisoner. He was a short and nerdy looking man with wirey hair. He was terrified of his host.

Joker, “Now back to business.. you were just getting me access to the World Wide Web..”

The End.

Lady Joker, female joker, fem joker, madam joker, Catwoman, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Nightwing, Batman, the Joker’s Wild, Bruce Timm, fanart, fan art, fanfic, fan fiction, Robin, Tim Drake
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