JatoWhitz — [VT] .: Misha Gunnarsen :.

Published: 2017-03-06 14:01:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 1019; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 4
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.: Handler Information :.Basics:

Name: Misha Gunnarsen
Nickname(s): Whatever you can come up with~ He gives everyone nicknames, you're free to return the favour.
Gender: Male
Age: 22  
Sexual Orientation: *shrugs* “A girlfriend seems like a lot of work…”
(Bisexual but can't be bothered to hold a relationship so uh... good luck.)
Ayy he found someone. Still Bisexual lol
Rank: Lead Warrior
Vandreren Born/Newcomer: Vandreren Born


Basics: You wouldn’t know it at first glance but Misha is average in height. Problem is, it’s hard to stand out when every other guy in the tribe is an absolute giant. It seemed he skipped out on those genes.
In terms of build, he’s athletically built, lean and agile and always in peak condition despite the fact that he seems to spend fifty per cent of his time napping. It’s a real mystery.
His hair’s dirty blond in colour, medium-short in length and slightly wavy but always messy and unkempt since he really can’t be bothered to keep it neat. Brown eyes.
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 80kg
Notable traits: He has a number of small scars that come from general wear and tear that comes with the Viking life. The most notable are the single scar down his right eyebrow, two over his nose bridge, two over the left corner of his mouth and one down his left jaw.
Usually bandages up hands, a habit he picked up from his younger years that he never quite got over as an adult. His hands are heavily calloused and scarred up but you're unlikely to see them.
Hella nice arms. It's too bad he's fond of loose clothes.
Voice Reference: Chris Cox as Hawkeye/Clint Barton
youtu.be/TfW-lZq3MTw?t=193 (3:13~3:54)
Theme Song: TBA


Father: Torvald Gunnarsen [Deceased]

Mother: Nina Kuryakin [Deceased]
Siblings: N/A
Partner/Spouse/Lover: Asbjorn Solvhelm  (In Progress)
Children: N/A
Bjarni Gunnarsen (Uncle) [Deceased]
Ylva Vandreren (Aunt) [Deceased]
Bjorn Vandreren (Cousin)
Ulfr Vandreren (Cousin/Bestfriend)
Gyda Vandreren (Cousin)
Katya Vandreren (Cousin)
Valencia Vandreren (First Cousin Once Removed)
Calder Vandreren (First Cousin Once Removed)


Personality: Laidback and relaxed. You couldn’t find a lazier person in the Tribe. He spends a good deal of his time just relaxing and lounging around and he’s known for being the most lax of the faction leaders, letting the warriors get away with just about anything shy of murder. He has a bad habit of pawning off a lot of his work on his best friend/cousin Ulfr who just so happens to be the lead Hunter. Luckily Ulfr is more than happy to show off his fighting prowess so it usually works out in the end.

Amongst family he’s extroverted and friendly, the type to just throw his arm around someone’s shoulder and give them a big ol’ hug. And considering everyone within the Tribe is family, that means the entire Tribe gets that treatment. He’s known for having a pretty good sense of humour, easy to hang out with and just a general goof. He’s less open with those new to the Tribe but he’s quick to warm up and give the newbie their new nickname.

Misha’s usually the voice of reason if a fight were to occur or tensions were to rise between the more hot-headed members. Usually this just involves him ordering a few fighting warriors to take it outside and not break anything but he’s quite willing to get physical if people decide to act stupid.

Despite his relaxed nature, when push comes to shove, Misha can switch into serious mode at the drop of a hat. He absolutely will not tolerate disrespect towards the Tribe and is fiercely protective of its members. When it comes down to it, he will not hesitate to kill someone if it’s for the safety of the Tribe. Do not mistake his easy going nature for indifference. He takes his job as lead warrior very seriously.

Interests: Napping, sparring, his tokotas, food, cool looking weapons~

Dislikes: Unnecessary stress, pointless jobs, threats to the fam


Born into the Vandreren Tribe, Misha was always very close to the Vandreren children having grown up beside them. His mother, a Russian villager, fell in love and ran away with a passing wanderer to live with him in his Tribe. Torvald and Nina were for the most part, a content couple. Loving and devoted yet fierce in battle, Nina having quickly grown accustomed to the excitement that was Viking life.

When Misha was born however, Torvald’s demeanour seemed to change. He became ever so slightly cold, less the affectionate man Nina had married but he did his duty for the family and made sure Nina was never in need or want.

It was around when Misha was three that Nina grew ill with a mysterious illness. The healers were unable to diagnose the sickness, and before they could even get her to Allvaldr to see the seers, Nina was gone.

For the rest of his childhood, Misha was raised by his father and the Tribe. He grew extremely close to his cousins, practically acting as their surrogate younger brother.

Nina’s death took a hard toll on Torvald but it also seemed to trigger something in the old Viking. You see, for most of his life, the younger Gunnarsen had lived in the shadow of his older brother. Bjarni had always been the stronger, the more popular brother. He had managed to woo the Chief’s daughter and earn himself a position as leader of the Tribe. Where Bjarni and Ylva had three beautiful, healthy children, Torvald and Nina had never been able to bare more children after Misha. Not to mention Bjorn and Ulfr were strong, wilful sons. Misha had never been particularly tall, and had always been a bit on the scrawny side. Where the brothers were loud and outgoing, Misha was reserved and laidback.

Torvald’s envy of his brother leaked into his parenting style. The aman was the very definition of an overbearing father. Deeply critical and ever controlling of his son’s life, he pushed his son to be the absolute best in everything his did. Wanted him to get better, be better than his cousins. Being the rather shy, obedient child, Misha tried to do just that, despite harbouring no competitive spirit or desire to best his cousins. Despite Torvald’s best attempts, Misha never grew any resentment for his almost-siblings. That was not the case for his father.

Up until the age of sixteen, Misha was a workaholic. He spent many an hour training and practicing and learning, pushing himself to the edge and trying to get better, faster and stronger. Of course, he simply couldn’t compete with the leader’s children, nor did he want to. Torvald never failed to hammer in his disappointment into his son.

This all culminated shortly after Misha’s initiation into the Warrior class on his sixteenth birthday. It started with a small argument the night before, continued to simmer throughout the trial and finally ended after the trial when father and son came to blows. Despite the successful trial, Misha still wasn’t good enough; the fight had been amateurish. Sloppy. It could’ve been over much faster but the sixteen-year-old had wanted to “have fun” at his official initiation. Torvald swung first, but Misha showed his father that all that training hadn’t been for nothing.

Misha moved out the same night. He showed up at the Vandreren homestead, broken nosed and bloody but smiling wide as if he hadn’t just gotten into a brawl with a much bigger opponent. He asked the spend the night until he could sort out living arrangements, and Ylva gave him a big pat on the back before letting him inside.

Father and son never spoke to each other again. There was the occasional acknowledgement if they were forced together in social settings but for the most part, Misha avoided his father whenever he could. His outlook on life seemed to also take a completely turn. He stopped taking training so seriously, took to relaxing and taking it easy and just became a whole lot more easy going. 

Torvald died in the battle of Dreyrugr. Misha had gone out with the others on a raiding trip to return to the wreckage of their home, finding his father amongst the man casualties of the raid. For the first time in over a year, the teen started to feel regret for his actions. But there wasn't time to grieve. The Tribe was vulnerable and in need to structure. The Vandreren children had lost the most and he needed to help them. He reluctantly took up the title of Lead Warrior and keeps the title to this day. 


Tokotas Owned:  

Non-Tokota Pet: TBA


  • Seen with a big ol’ smile on his face 9 times out of 10.
  • Acrobatic as hell. Likes to show off with handstands and backflips and whatnot, usually on the back of a tokota. Will happily teach kiddos to do the same.
  • He specialises in taking down larger opponents with leg sweeps and swift punches and is very good at his job despite his easy-going nature. He got the job for a reason.
  • Other than his fists, his weapon of choice is the bow and arrow. He’s got pretty good aim too, if he could say so himself.
  • Raised his ‘Curly Girl’ from puphood himself and she’s usually his toko of choice. Their personalities are mirror images of one another.
  • Lazy af. If that hasn’t been established yet.
  • Can’t grow a beard to save his life. Just has a constant 5 o’ clock shadow.
  • Favourite past time is daring Ulfr to do stupid shit. Who likewise dares him to do stupid shit. It’s a vicious cycle that will forever give Bjorn and Gyda headaches.
  • Surprisingly clumsy. 
  • Can't lie to save his life.

Art (c) JatoWhitz

Why do so many of my pictures have open white space.
I never know what to draw there

Will probably be updated in the future when I get around to having Curly girl approved. And named LOL

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