Jax-of-Anarchy — [tGB || Green-Light || Deirdre]

Published: 2014-08-15 14:24:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3062; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 2
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  • [11/07/15] Sideviews courtesy of the amazing Luc-Ari ! I love you ;w;
  • [21/05/15] Finally updated her! c: Someone please roleplay with her ;^;


Name: Deirdre "DEER - druh"

Name Meaning: 'One who has suffered' - Celtic origin
Past Names: Rain

Informal: Deer, Ray

Gender: Female ♀

Start – 1 S.C. ; 6 Seasons
Current - 2 S.C. (21/05/15)
Tribe: Light-Tribe

Profession: Diviner
Apprentice: Lithium
Voice Actress:  P!nk


Height: 21 cm / 8.27 inches

Weight: 2 kg / 4.4 lbs

Body Build: Deirdre is a fairly small she-cat, though she makes up with it in attitude!  She has strong muscles, though lacks in speed.

Looks: Deirdre has a yellowish brown tabby coat, with lighter extremities.  Her most noticeable features are her forest-green eyes and her naturally bobbed tail.


  • A bird skull necklace that came from her first kill.
  • An Industrial piercing in her left ear
  • A gauge in her left ear
  • A smaller piercing above her gauge

Scars/Disabilities: ~n/a~




The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure,
from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.

"What can I say? I find pleasure in pain."

Deirdre loves the feeling of being in pain, whether it be emotionally or physically. 
It’s like a drug to her, and she can’t stop searching for her next high.  This causes
her relationships to often be volatile or unstable because she will initiate conflict
purely to get the feeling she so desperately craved.  She doesn't mean to upset
the other, in fact majority of the time her actions are unconscious, as if she is no
longer in control of herself.  She needs her fix, and will do whatever it takes to get it.


Exhibiting hostile or destructive behavior or actions.

"Get the hell away from me!"

Deidre will fight tooth and claw with no obvious provocation.  She has the tendency
to snap at those around her, regardless of whether they’re friend or foe.  In her
mind, she cannot quite tell the difference when it comes to aggression and love,
and so naturally she often leaves a trail of anger and resentment in her wake.  She is
oblivious to the pain that she causes others, and will majority of the time not understand
what she did to upset you.  Because of her sporadic moods, some often think that she
might in fact be bipolar.


To be wary, suspicious, or doubtful.

"Me? Give you my true name? You've got another thing coming!"

Deirdre has always had issues with trust.  She is not the type of cat who’d take you
at face value, as she always believes others have a dark secret behind their backs.
it takes some time for this she-cat to make friends because of this,  and is slow to
let others into her heart.  Maybe it’s because she lost her parents at such a young
age, so she keeps her distance emotionally out of fear of what it would do to her
if she happened to lose them.  If you do happen to gain her trust, Spirits forbid if
you did anything that even slightly hinted at betrayal.



 Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant.

"Oh please! I can handle myself."

Perhaps it came from living alone as an exile for awhile, or just her nature.
Regardless, Deirdre is a very independent cat.  She enjoys doing things
on her own, and will often be found wandering the neutral territories being
kept company by her own thoughts.  Deirdre is the type of cat who not
only prefers doing things on her own, but she will also be very vocal
about it; turning down help even when she knows she could use it.
Good luck trying to help her!


 Frank and unreserved in speech.

"You really need to work on your stalking there hunnybun."

Deirdre is the type of cat who will always say what's on her mind. There
is literally no filter between her mouth and her brain.  She doesn't care
whether you're a kit or a Silver, you will get her honest, untainted opinion.
This had both pros and cons as other cats will often seek her advice on
situations, not because of her wisdom, but more because she won't
sugar-coat her response.  This however also tends to lead to others
feeling upset as occasionally the things she says can come across as hurtful
even if she didn't mean for it to be.  In her mind, she's just trying to help. 



 Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy.

"C'mon! Let's go!"

Deirdre seems to have the energy of the entire Tribe, always bouncing around, and
eager to do things.  She will complete any task given to her with a smile on her face,
and a spring in her step.  With all the troubles she's faced in her life, there are few
things that can bring the she-cat's mood down.  This had lead to other cats feeding
off her contagious energy whenever they feel down or depressed.  She uses this
constant energy to help motivate others around her.  Whether you're sick, or you
just have a problem playing on your mind, you can always turn to her.


 Full of fun and high spirits; frolicsome or sportive.

"Bet you can't catch me!"

Sometimes you'd swear Deirdre was a kit and not an adult!  She loves to have fun,
and because of this she'll often be found spending time with younger cats and messing
around with kits.  She's the type of cat you can always count on to lighten the mood,
however she often doesn't realize that there are more serious times when joking
and messing around aren't appropriate.  And because of her outspoken nature,
she will also tease others, though she means no harm by it at all. Despite that, however,
she's still able to bring a smile to those around her, and it makes her happy to see
her tribemates happy.


Mentally alert and sharp; keen.

"I think I know where they'd have gone!"

This she-cat has a very sharp mind, and is very quick to catch what's going on.
Whether it be relating to battle tactics, or simply a joke, her mind is always
working at a fast pace.  She is very analytical too, so she often thinks of every
possible detail in a situation.  Mentally breaking down each and every possible
scenario; she won't leave anything to chance.  She will be the first one to figure
out what's going on, and she'll plan to accommodate it, though she prefers if
things go her way!  This also translates to how she interprets other cats, and
she is easily able to break down how you're feeling by body language among
other things.


Status: Active

Skill Set: Secondary

Soulbound: ~n/a~

Signature Move: ~n/a~

Skill Count: 11 of 13

  • [Skill 1] Infrared

          By picking up the thermal body temperature of living organisms, you're effectively able to distinguish what is around you.

  • [Skill 2] Knowledge Keeper

  • Toxic and chemical knowledge is now at your grasp!

  • [Skill 3] A Helping Sting

          By draining the venom from snakes, bees, scorpions, or a patient, you are able to create a biological treatment for that specific venom. You are able to take that venom and dilute it down, using your knowledge of chemicals. From this, you make an antivenin, which can be used to treat patients who've been bitten. It requires the knowledge of what exactly bit/stung them, and it can be stored for later use. But of course, it will go off eventually and more will need to be made.

  • [Skill 4] Exhaustion

          You’re now able to sap away the energy of your opponent – effectively tiring them; they become weaker and less of a threat. More experienced secondaries will be able to transverse the energy to themselves.

  • [Skill 5] Inhibition

          You’re now able to weaken one of your opponent’s five senses – but you have no control over which one. Experienced secondaries can completely subdue the sense for a limited amount of time.

  • [Skill 6] Miasma

         You create a small area of poisonous fog around yourself, which will make the opponents nauseated – if not sick. You cannot move while using this skill and the fog fades quickly.

  • [Skill 7] Fight Back

          You’re now able to create antibodies for certain strains of bacteria and infections. This is detailed work as you are able to feel along the bodies natural antibodies to create your own, ones that will effectively heal the patient. Would require knowledge on the disease and may take time to develop.

  • [Skill 8] Placebo

          You're able to admit a feeling of pain upon another without doing any physical damage.

  • [Skill 9] Contamination

          By coating your fangs or claws with a potent toxin, you’re able to poison anything you come in contact with. This will wilt flowers, contaminate water, kill prey, leave cats with fevers and so forth. Depending on the strength of the poison and experience of the poisoner, the effects on cats can range from sedation, paralysis and in extremely rare cases, eventual death.

  • [Skill 10] Under My Control

          The user can cancel or remove foreign forces from themselves or of others, including physical objects, sicknesses, parasitic beings, powers, supernatural effects, toxins, magic, curses, etc. Essentially anything that isn't part of the fully functional, unmodified biological physical structure can be removed, cancelled and nullified, including the effects they caused. Depending on what it is, it may only briefly suppressed.

  • [Skill 11] Bite Me

          You can now create an acidic form poison – if it goes untreated immediately, it will quickly start to eat away at the skin of the victim. This poison will not only dissolve the skin, but also quickly attract infections.

  • [Skill 12] Ultimate Assassin

          You now have the ability to create a poison that specifically targets the immune system and obliterates it, leaving the opponent’s defenseless against illness and infection until they heal or perish.

  • [Skill 13] Memento Mori

          You inflict a fatal poison on your opponent. You also contract the sickness. You will both die within the hour.


Orientation: Bisexual

Activity: Virgin

Looking For:

✔ Lasting Relationship
✔ Quick Fling
✘ Unsure

Turn On's:

  • Scars
  • Piercings
  • 'Bad Boys'
  • Darker Fur
  • Light Eyes
  • Perverts

Turn Off's:
  • Overly Bossy
  • Demanding
  • Rule Followers
  • 'Perfection'
  • Superior Minded

Current Attractions:



Rain was born on a bright summer's day, something that clearly had an effect on her personality
from day one.  Both of her parents were always proud and encouraging the little she-cat, telling
her she was destined for great things.  She had an older brother, by about a season, who adored
her to bits.  He was the perfect big brother, always there to help her with whatever she may need.
Her life from the beginning seemed to be absolutely perfect.
That was until she reached her sixth moon.

The day had arrived for Rain to receive her tattoo.  She was as excited as any other kit would be
to receive her defining mark, despite the fact that she knew it would be a dark grey like her
family's, her powers inactive.  Being the bubbly little fuzzball she was, she was jumping around
their little makeshift camp excitedly, her kitten fur still jutting out in all directions.

The little close-knit family had decided to make a special occasion out of Rain's big day, and they
had ventured into the neutral territories around the Tribes to show her where she could go if
she wanted to once she received her tattoo.  Her family explained all the different Tribes, and the
powers each of them held.

Her parent's tattoos had both been that of Air-Tribe, so naturally, they knew more about their powers.
Her brother on the other hand, bore the permanent eerie smile of Shadow-Tribe, and he told her
of how they could manipulate shadows and create illusions to attack their opponents.  It was when
they reached the outskirts of Light-Tribe, that Rain's curiosity sparked.

"What about those guys? What cool stuff can they do?" she asked excitedly.

Her parents looked at each other, and shook their heads.

"We don't really know exactly what they can do, all we know is the Primaries have the ability of
healing, and the Secondaries, the ability of poisoning..."

Rain's eyes lit up with excitement as she heard her parent's words.  She had loved the idea of being able
to help heal cats, and was always trying to get her family to teach her about healing herbs.

"Do you think I could be a healer?" she mewed wistfully as she looked out toward Light-Tribe,
he expression awed.

It was at that moment her life would be changed forever.

Because the family lived on the far Outskirts, they did not know of the caimans that had plagued Nandryx.
While they were distracted, a caiman had attacked them.  Without the use of their powers, the cats
didn't stand a chance.

Rain and Alex's parents sacrificed themselves to protect their kits, as any parent would have done
in the same situation.

There little Rain was, crying into the long, silky fur of her brother, when she received her Light-Tribe tattoo.
The tattoo that will one day become that of a poisoner.


                    Rain is born to a loving family
                    She is loved by her family, and adores her older brother
                    They went to the Tribe lands to celebrate the arrival of her tattoo
                    She learns of Light-Tribe
                    Her parents are killed by caimans
                    She is left to the care of her brother 


Some time had passed, and Rain was growing quickly.  Her brother, who had now filled the roll of a parent,
was mentoring his little sister.  He taught her the few fighting techniques he knew, and showed her a few
important healing herbs.

Rain, however, had lost her little spark and her once bright eyes were now dull from sadness.  She was
very close to her parents, and loved them dearly, and for them to be torn away from the little one so suddenly
had really hit her hard.  She spent her days moping and her nights crying.

Her brother was terribly worried about his little sister, and tried to comfort her.

"I know it's hard my baby, I know. But... sometimes these things happen, and we can't change it... I love
you so much.  Please, please promise me that you'll make a good life for yourself?  Go and one day join
Light-Tribe?  I know you'll be so happy there."

Those words had stayed with the she-cat, and her mental state became what it once was.
She made it her life's mission to become the best cat she could possibly be for her brother and her parents.
She would train everyday with her brother, and listened intently to everything he had to teach her.


                    Rain is growing older
                    She is being mentored by her brother
                    She is still haunted by her parent's death
                    Her brother helps her to accept it
                    She vows to train hard for her parents and her brother

After spending so much time with her brother, the two had become very close.  Each one always seemed
to know what the other was thinking, and the loss of their parents had strengthened that bond even
further.  When Rain had come of age, she started to long for her Tribe, and she couldn't deny the promise
she had made to her brother all those moons ago.

The time had come for Rain to take her place among Light-Tribe.  She wanted to make her family proud,
and so she traveled with her brother to the border of Light-Tribe.  She didn't want to leave her brother
behind.  He had a good heart, and she knew she would make an amazing Tribe cat.  The thought had
crossed her mind many a time of him joining Shadow-Tribe, but she knew he was too stubborn.
He enjoyed living alone with no rules to tie him down, after all, it was the only life he knew.
Yet there she was, and in her mind it felt like she was losing him the same way she had lost her parents.
Suddenly she couldn't deal with the thought of not being with her brother, and it took all she had to stop
herself from running back to the Outskirts.

"You know, you could always join Shadow-Tribe... I don't know how you could possibly live alone
out there, Alex."

"I'll be just fine kiddo.  And I won't be alone.  You'll always be with me in my heart, little sis."

"I'll miss your stupid face."

"Haha I love you too."

                    Rain leaves to join Light-Tribe
                    She tries to convince her brother to stay, but he tells her he can't
                    She learns that her true name is Deirdre
                    Deirdre hopes to make her brother proud, and see him again soon


Mother: Rylee NPC 

Father: Kurt NPC

Siblings: Alex NPC ( Might open for tryouts in the future! c: )

Mate: ~n/a~ - Open

Kits: ~n/a~


Relationships and Roleplay Tracker


Status: Open

Time Zone: Central African Time  (Link shows my current time! ツ)

Preferred Method: Skype (jaxjoubert1997)

Secondary Method: Notes

Reply Speed: Fairly Fast

Short Roleplay Example: (Taken from an rp with Ragnar and Obsidia)

Ragnar was so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed he had company. His mind was whirling with thoughts of his family, and he missed them dearly. He couldn't help but wonder if his mother was looking down on him with his fellow ancestors. A breeze ruffled his fur, bringing with it the scent of rain. He loved the smell of rain; it always helped calm his thoughts. He was startled when he heard a she-cat respond to his question. He glanced in the direction of her voice, meeting her beautiful green eyes with his own. 

It was interesting what she said, and it made him think. Lately, good things never really seemed to last, and he couldn't help but agree. He dipped his head politely, "Very true, Orange-Shadow. From my own experiences, there has always been something or someone hiding in the shadows waiting for you to fall. They say that there are several 'blessings in disguise'. If that is the case, then it's only fair to assume that there are also evils and hardships pretending to be good things." He laughed a little at the irony, but that didn't smooth the fur on his spine. Were there more troubles ahead? 


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Comments: 56

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to ??? [2015-07-25 13:59:05 +0000 UTC]

yee <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaIIenShadows In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2015-07-26 02:13:03 +0000 UTC]

Sweeett <33
Would you like to start, or do you want me too? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to FaIIenShadows [2015-07-29 14:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh if you could that would be awesome <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaIIenShadows In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2015-07-30 10:21:01 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing bby <3
I will send you a starter soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to FaIIenShadows [2015-07-30 17:37:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Luc-Ari [2015-05-29 03:09:17 +0000 UTC]

how come I never saw this until now! 
//favs! favs! favs! favs! favs! favs! favs! //

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to Luc-Ari [2015-05-30 12:57:43 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea xD 

Wanna maybe save me a roleplay with her and Sheba once my exams are over? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luc-Ari In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2015-05-30 13:36:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure! I love this cat

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NinjaCheetah [2015-05-21 14:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Eyes the thing at the top
We could RP her and Zero if you like? eue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-05-21 15:58:16 +0000 UTC]



Much yes

//gently sets Skype jaxjoubert1997

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FaIIenShadows [2015-01-02 12:36:51 +0000 UTC]

What a babe  
*Frodo wants a piece of that action!!*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WildBae [2014-09-25 14:13:29 +0000 UTC]

I missed the opening somehow!

And I really wanted to rp with this bby. ; A ;

Maybe I can find a sponsor or something. I'm revamping my boy anyways.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-09-25 15:31:02 +0000 UTC]

Asdfghjkl no!
Whenever he gets in I promise you have a saved rp slot hun <3

Well, If there's a sponsorship spot open I'll be more than happy to help out

Everything you need to know about how it works is here ~  [*] Sponsoring:icontgb-airtribe: :icontgb-earthtribe: :icontgb-firetribe: :icontgb-watertribe: :icontgb-shadowtribe: :icontgb-lighttribe:
S p o n s o r s h i p
Do you have a friend that wants to join TGB? Or do you think you meet the TGB standards and have what it takes to join? Do you not want to wait for the next opening?
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the new Sponsorship program of TGB!
If you can reliably vouch for a non-member's literacy, creativity, and ability to meet the TGB standard, than you may now sponsor that non-member and send the mods of TGB an appeal in order to let them apply to TGB during the off-season (when applications are closed). If you can get three mods to approve of your Sponsorship, then the non-member may apply to TGB!
1) Each member may only sponsor one non-member every two months.
2) Mods will only approve of a Sponsorship if they agree that the person meets TGB standards.
3) If you sponsor someone

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-25 15:42:11 +0000 UTC]

I know! I was so upset! I was placed in the hospital for a couple of days and I haven't been really back on DA as much.
I'm trying to get back on fully this week. ; u ;

Oh my gosh, really? Like I said, I would love to rp with her! ♥♥♥

Oh, alright! It seems easy enough. You would actually sponsor me? Oh my gosh...I feel so honored Jax bby!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-09-25 16:15:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh are you alright hun? :c

Haha it's not a big deal

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-25 16:18:13 +0000 UTC]

I am. I had a panic attack caused from stress. It was much worse than my normal ones. I'm doing much better though now!

Oh, you are just so so so sweet darlin! So, how do we start it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-09-28 13:02:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh my cookies! That's terrible! ;_;
I understand, panic attacks are pretty scary shit

Well, I will note the group (whenever you're ready), and if they say you can join, they'll let me know what tribes and positions are open
ie. Seconday Shadow Guard
They will give at least three spots

I'll also need a literature example to add to the appeal!

Once that's all done, just let me know and I can look over your app for you and give you a couple pointers if you need them, (because I know it can be a challenge, and I've learned a couple things xD ) then you can note the group with the application and the mods will take over from there c:

Exact procedure is explained in the journal thingy c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-10-06 15:25:02 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry over me darling! I will be better soon! ;u;
But yes, panic attacks are no fun.

Oh! I would love it if you could send the note now bby!
And yes! Do you think I should add two rp examples? c:
If so, here are two:

'Why don't you go and take a walk? It might open up those lungs and will probably be good for the kits.', her brother's words barely a whisper to the once lively and feisty warrior. Glancing over warily, Chillstare knew that the her pesky kin was just worried about her. Breathing out a sigh, Chillstare painfully heaved herself to her paws with a grunt. "Ok...", she mewed almost uncaringly. What was the point anymore? To do anything? Looking down at her swollen belly, Chillstare gazed sympathetically. If it wasn't for her kits...who knew what she would do? When he asked if she wanted him to accompany her, the small she-cat shook her head. "No...I'm fine. I just. I need to be alone, ok?", she mewed as she already started padding out of the entrance. She loved her brother dearly and hoped he would understand, but...Chillstare didn't need somecat crowding her. Shivering alittle at the wind that passed through her fur, Chillstare numbly began walking through the territory. It was no surprise where her paws were taking her. She always seemed to show up here. Looking at the pitiful grave site, the pregnant queen looked on sadly, the wind still buffeting her cheek fur. Feeling her tears spill over, she broke down crying once again. Something that seemed like a daily routine.

Watching Coalpaw insult him and stalk off in anger, all Spiderpaw could do was stand there. His ears flat against his skull and his tail began to flash back in forth out of irritation. Why was Coalpaw always so resentful? Did he even understand what Spiderpaw was going through? His life wasn't perfect! In fact it was far from that!

Shaking his head, he had just about enough of it and paced after his brother. I'm so sick of him doing this! Whining like a little kit and then stalking off! , he thought angerly. When he saw his brother dissapear underneath a small burrow, he approached cautiously. He was too big to fit in there, but he cast his large head at the entrance. Glaring down at the darker tom, he began spitting out words. "You don't need my charity? That's not charity you fox-brained idiot! That's called looking out for my brother and clanmate! You think I asked for this? You think I wanted Starclan to choose me? No! I never asked for this and I don't relish in this new "duty". I'm not blessed, I'm cursed! Cursed to never fuflill what I wanted to do with my life! And if you would stop chewing everyone's hearts out like a badger, then maybe cat's would treat you alittle nicer.", he growled loudly.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lameboat [2014-09-24 13:50:13 +0000 UTC]

aaaaahhhHHHHHHHH I REALLY LIKE THIS CHARACTER her design is so nice (& especially that tattoo design) and THIS INFORMATION LAYOUT *strokes screen*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to lameboat [2014-09-24 14:05:04 +0000 UTC]

Awww that's so nice of you hun! I had the idea of her tattoo in my head for so long xD
That layout took so damn long to make omfg so I'm glad it appeals to someone ;_;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Liv-vee [2014-09-24 02:03:30 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh~!  She's so pretty!! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to Liv-vee [2014-09-24 13:53:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you hun!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AutumnBells [2014-09-24 01:53:09 +0000 UTC]

WOW she is absolutely gorgeous! (And I'm loving that tat~)
Welcome to TGB!~
(btw, I LOVE what you did that the bottom of the app around the group logo.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to AutumnBells [2014-09-24 13:47:24 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thank you so much hun! ~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Roozul [2014-09-24 01:03:47 +0000 UTC]

*tosses Lazuli at* She's gorgeous Jax, and adore her personality, Zuzu would love her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to Roozul [2014-09-24 17:00:03 +0000 UTC]

Not as much as I love Zuzu

*Runs away with her*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Roozul In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-25 02:02:55 +0000 UTC]

They can cause mischief together <3

*chases after* Hey bro I need that .o.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to Roozul [2014-09-25 09:57:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh hell yes!

Whut? No you don't don't be silly 
I'll feed her ;_;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Inkuii [2014-09-23 23:10:39 +0000 UTC]

ah welcome to tGB~

i'm sure Kyoki would LOOVE to meet her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to Inkuii [2014-09-24 16:59:11 +0000 UTC]


*snuggles Kyoki*

She's so pretty

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Inkuii In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-24 23:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Yes she is...and irritable too.

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eternailee [2014-09-23 21:55:03 +0000 UTC]


Her and Castollux should meet eue He's probably everything she'd love huehue

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to eternailee [2014-09-24 13:52:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you so much hun! c:
Haha yes that sounds perfect <3

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eternailee In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-24 20:44:01 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, well, note me when you're ready?

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to eternailee [2014-09-25 10:00:10 +0000 UTC]

Yes yes ~
*runs to notes*

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petalkitten [2014-09-23 19:58:13 +0000 UTC]

and Sanibel must meet her *v*

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to petalkitten [2014-09-23 20:22:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ~

*shoves Deirdre towards Sanibel*
Hells yeah!
They balance eachother out personality wise so well c:

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petalkitten In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-23 22:28:19 +0000 UTC]

EEP of course !!

(holds her)
yES !! they would !! that's why i asked omg
sanibel would try to befriend her despite her superficial sour personality i think *v* ! 

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to petalkitten [2014-09-24 13:38:22 +0000 UTC]

*points at notes*

Shall we?

I can start if you'd like? Unless you have a plot in mind? c:

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holyteeth [2014-09-23 19:04:59 +0000 UTC]

She's incredible <3

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to holyteeth [2014-09-23 19:08:37 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks! c:

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WildBae [2014-08-27 14:39:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh! She is simply beautiful darlin!
I'm actually plainning on joining TGB in the next opening. ;w;
Hopefully we can rp then? <3

I'm hoping water-tribe will be open <3

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-08-27 18:28:28 +0000 UTC]

Awwww thank you so much hun! You really should, it's a lot of fun!
asdfghjkl I would love to rp with jew
I'm stuck between putting her in Water or Light, just have no idea which will be open ;_;

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WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-08-27 18:47:54 +0000 UTC]

You are just sooooooo talented my dear!
I really miss Sunshine in TBT now! XD Bc, I know I wanted to rp with your lil' girl.

Ah! Yes yes yes! I'm waiting for the opening, but I actually just got done drawing my boy. ;u;
If it's open, I'm placing him in Water.

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-08-28 15:28:56 +0000 UTC]

You're too sweet hun, I pretty much idolize you
And I miss him too, he was so gorgeous!

Can I see your tgb baby..?

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WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-08-28 20:32:33 +0000 UTC]

Whu....you idolize....m-me? ; o ;
But...your art is incredible darling! My art is so...blah.

Awww, why thank you dear! I miss Sunshine a lot. I hope to be placing him somewhere else though. ; u ;

Oh! yes!
I still need to add a lot, but here is his concept. ♥

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-08-30 14:45:50 +0000 UTC]

Pshttttttt you're too sweet hun  
Darren is so beautiful oh my lord
His design is to die for   
Damn Water-Tribe better be open xD

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WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-08-30 14:53:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh please! Your the kind one! I can't believe an amazing and talented artist like you likes my art. //cries

Oh! I'm glad to hear you like him!
I might add more to him.
Hopefully I'll be able to rp him with Deirdre soon? ;u;

Oh! Haha! I actually don't mind what tribe he is in. Sooooooo, whatever tribe is open, he's going into! <333

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Jax-of-Anarchy In reply to WildBae [2014-09-01 20:16:04 +0000 UTC]

*casually dies from the love*

Yessssssssss <3333

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WildBae In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-09-01 20:32:36 +0000 UTC]

//dies from the sweetness that is Jax

Oh! I can't wait to rp them then! ; u ;

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