jazz316 — Ed Edd Eddy's Robot Rebel Adventure Chapter 13
Published: 2016-06-27 22:23:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 5181; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description It’s been four days since the Ed’s moved into their new underground central command. Over the Course of those days they made tremendous progress in the development of their Rocket and settled within a much safer and well concealed hideaway.

Double Dee was hard at work on the Rocket that needed for their great escape. Before he began construction on it, he made many adjustments to the dwelling not only setting where the shed of food and the van would be but he constructed a more advanced periscope that went through the chimney of Rolf’s house above. Along with the materials he required from their latest victory of shutting a dozen robots down without the use of lasers, he already made improvements on their armor and already had a structured layout of the Rocket.

As Double Dee worked with steady hands and a focused mind on the structure, Eddy and Ed were doing what they always do, let Double Dee do the work as they slacked around. Double Dee didn’t mind this at all this time since only he had any knowledge on to properly make the Rocket without any loss of material or more than a dozen accidents or mishaps that either Eddy or Ed would cause.

Ed was playing with his chickens next to a Chicken Coop that Double Dee put together with some metal making a large box big enough to hold both the chickens and used old pillows he found in the junkyard to make a suitable nest for each of them inside.

“Hey Nestor, Nancy!” Ed called his two chickens which he finally named. “Let’s play tag!”Ed chased around the two chickens as they jumped from him avoiding being tagged by him as Eddy watched from the Van with his arms crossed shaking his head.

“Ed’s such an idiot, I swear.” He grumbled to himself but Double Dee heard it.

“Come on, Eddy. Don’t be harsh on Ed. He is just having fun with the chickens.” Double Dee called out as he put another piece of metal on the structure on the rocket and turned on a blow torch putting his face mask on and welded it into place as Eddy made a face at him as he worked.

Ed continued to play tag with his chickens until he finally gave up on them having no chance at catching them. “Alright, guys. You win.” He panted catching his breath as the chickens stopping running and came up to the big dimwitted oaf. “Let’s play monsters and victims!” He suggested as he started to make growls and roars like a monster from either a comic or sci fi film and began to chase the chickens again.

Eddy groaned at Ed’s constant nagging and playing with the chickens “Wish we had a TV or something I’m so bored!” He groaned so bored out of his mind watching both Ed play and Double Dee work. He crawled back into the Van and layed on the waterbed hoping to try and drown away his boredom with some shut eye but Ed’s playful roars and Double Dee’s work with pounding and wielding just made it and impossible task putting his hands on his ears but that didn’t help at all.

Double Dee took a moment to look at his work as he finished another piece of the rocket. The Structure of it was standing on four stabilizers with sheets of metal covering them. He looked over see everything on the external part of the rocket was completely covered. It had a window in front of where the cockpit of the rocket is inside was fitted with three seats each for all the Ed’s. The Rocket was made from all the parts they compensated from the disabled robots and with that the Rocket stood tall and proud much more than anything Double Dee ever built in his life.

He took his schematic out from his pocket and looked it over. “Well the External is complete, now to move on to the more complicating matter of the internal electronics that it will need.” He said to himself.

Eddy still bored out of his mind stepped out of the van and walked past Ed who was still playing as a monster with his chickens to see how Double Dee was doing.

“What’s the word, Double Dee?” He asked looking at the Rocket with smile on his face thinking they might get out the dimension soon. “Are we done?”

“I’m afraid not, Eddy.” Double Dee sadly said. “We still need many materials and the items we seek will be more complicated to find and retrieve than simple reverse engineered robots.”

“Uh…what?” Eddy asked truly not understanding as well as a bit frustrated that they still are not able to leave yet.

“What I mean, Eddy.” Double Dee started to try and explain it more thoroughly. “We need to get working power sources that come from Devices that use a lot of Electricity and can act as the device we will need to power up the rocket.”

Eddy didn’t understand most of what Double Dee said but he did manage to make out that need something to power the rocket. “So we need a generator or something?”

Double Dee nodded “Yes, but a simple household item won’t cut it. We need something that’s used to power a massive structure or a Vehicle that’s used with high purpose.”

Eddy took the new information in and truly understood what Double Dee was saying. “Ill take a look through the periscope.” He said.

“Good idea, Eddy. You look for anything that could be what we need and ill go through my notes.” Double Dee suggested pulling out his note pad to see if he wrote down anything that might be something they could go find and use.

Eddy went back to the van and press the button activating the periscope having it rise from the van and move straight through a hole in the ceiling moving up through fireplace in the house above till it emerged from the roof. Eddy peered through looking glass and turned the handle to see if he can find anything that Double Dee required. He looked around the decimated landscape, spotting the occasional Robot patrol and smirked knowing that now since they day they rediscovered Rolf’s secret underground lair they no longer had to worry about any more attacks.

Soon Eddy layed eyes back on the junkyard and spotted where they used to be before they moved everything. He could see the junk pile they built in front of the hole they made where they can come and go as they pleased and not giving the Robots anything to discover where they went.

He peered a bit away from the junkyard to spot a large platoon of robots guarding that giant laser that was used to destroy the prototype from earlier. “Why those dirty…” Eddy was about to say something rash about the laser until a makeshift light bulb turned on in his head.

“Hey Sockhead!” Eddy called “I think I found something!” Double Dee put his notes away and hurried past Ed and entered the van. “What do you think?” Eddy shoved Double Dee’s head into the sight glass of the periscope so he could see the large laser.

“Eddy! That might just work!” Double Dee beamed. “That massive laser requires a lot of power for it to fire and if we can take the power source of it, we can use it to power the rocket.” Suddenly Double Dee’s enthusiasm went to down to concern. “But that laser is in the middle of the field and well guarded. We would have no cover if we engage them openly and with numbers like that we would be overrun.”

Eddy shared Double Dee’s concern peering through the periscope again. “Well we could distract them while you get the thingamabob from that laser.” He suggested.

Double Dee shook his head. “That would be too risky, Eddy. As I said there is no cover and the Robots would engage whoever they are targeting with their sheer force of numbers. It would be suicide for any of us to try that.”

Eddy sighed moving away from the periscope and laid on the waterbed. He looked up to the ceiling and wondered what they could do. They needed that power source badly but the risk was too great for one of them and even if they would go with the suggested plan just one of distracting the robots its sill would not be good.

Eddy tried to think along with Double Dee but Ed’s makeshift roars were starting to really annoy Eddy as he scrammed out of the Van. “Hey Ed! Shut your…” Suddenly another light bulb sprung to life in his mind.

“Hey Double Dee…” Eddy snickered “I think I got another idea.” Double Dee emerged from the van and stood by Eddy.

“Dare I ask what you have in mind?” Double Dee knew with the look on Eddy’s face he may not like the answer.

“Let’s unleash a monster on those robots.” Eddy pointed at Ed who was chasing his chickens continuing to act like a monster.

Double Dee looked back and forth at both Ed who acted as a monster and Eddy who stood with sly grin on his face. The Hat wearing Ed put two and two together and realized what Eddy was implying. “You…can’t…be…serious!” Double Dee squealed in disbelieve not even wanting to even dare believe what Eddy suggested.

“Oh I mean it, Double Dee.” Eddy chuckled.

“Do you not remember what happened last time?!” Double Dee practically yelled. “Ed terriozed the whole Cul-De-Sac. He implanted the Children to his bedroom wall with chewed up cereal and we had to avoid contact with any of them for almost a month to avoid their redemption!”

“Yeah, yeah. The Point is what if we unleash Edzilla on the robots that would be the perfect chance for us to get what you need and Ed can just go nuts on them till we get the thing.” Eddy pointed out.

“Eddy, there are so many ways that could go wrong, not to mention how Ed’s overactive imagination can even put us in danger.” Double Dee exclaimed but Ed was overhearing what they were talking about and stopped playing with the chickens as they returned to their chicken coop and Ed jumped between them.

“Monster for Ed! Good I will be.” He cheered as Eddy chuckled.

“See! Ed’s in the game. Are you?” Eddy asked Double Dee with a wide smile on his face. Double Dee was full of worry. He could not even begin to comprehend the risk they were taking. He took a minute to think it over and realized as much as he didn’t want to go along with this so called plan, it was honestly the best option they had.

Double Dee couldn’t help but let out a defeated sigh and just hoped that this would not be the end for either of them. “All right…lets get to the junkyard then we set up Ed’s suit.” Right when Double Dee said then Ed grabbed him and Eddy and took off into the tunnel that led to the junkyard but Eddy and Double Dee managed to snatch their weapons and armor before disappearing into the tunnel with Ed laughing with great anticipation.

Eventually the Ed’s made to the junkyard and emerged from their makeshift hole while keeping an eye out to make sure no Robots were around. Once they found out that the coast was clear Double Dee started to gather all the materials around that would be needed for Ed’s Monster Suit. He remembered exactly how he made it last time but he was overly worried on how this was going to play out.

Eddy kept a lookout while Ed was so excited that he was going to be made into a monster once again. He shook almost violently with excitement as He watched Double Dee use household items and thrown out fabric to make a large suit with four tentacles and a tail. The Mask represented some type of Alien possibility from a sci fi film that Ed no doubt has watch since he put a little impute into the design before.

Double Dee tried to work fast for time was of the essence and a robot patrol could come anytime and they needed to get that power source as quickly as possible before the robots would either move it or the day would end and they would have to return to their sanctuary to avoid the frozen nights.

The Inventor finished the final touches to the mask as it had red eyes and horns on its side. He put some fins that went down the middle of the mask and part way on the body of the suit. He doubled checked to make sure everything was tight and sewed right in place.

He sighed taking a moment to wipe some sweat from his head and really wish he couldn’t say it “Ed, its ready.” He regretfully said.

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!” Ed cheered as he jumped into the suit and fitted himself in it nicely.

“You better not mess this up, lumpy!” Eddy warned as turned his head to him with smile.

“I will be the best monster I can be Eddy!” He beamed with anticipation as Double Dee grabbed the mask.
“I certainly know you will.” Double Dee said quietly very concerned but knew there was no turning back now. Before he put the mask on Ed, he went up to Eddy to talk to him about what to do first.

“Before I unleash…” Double Dee took a look back at Ed who just smiled at him “Our monstrosity, we need to be at the edge of the junkyard where one of us will lure Ed into the open where he can engage our foes.”

“Good idea.” Eddy nodded but then thought of something. “Which one of us will do it?” Now it was Double Dee’s turn to be the smart one here.

“This was your idea from the start, Eddy. So I think you should have the honor of leading our friend to where he has to be.” Double Dee said sharply as Eddy went wide eyed at that for this was something he didn’t expect but figured it was somewhat the fair the thing to do since he came up with it.

“Uh…okay.” Eddy agreed reluctantly. The Trio moved around the junk piles as Ed pulled himself along with the tentacles with no issue whatsoever doing so as Double Dee could not help but wonder how was he able to do it but that question was not going to have an answer soon as they reached the side of the junkyard and Eddy took a peak around the edge to see the platoon of robots a short distance away guarding the large laser.

“Well…its time to get this show on the road, boys.” Eddy said getting his pistols ready. “On you, Sockhead.”

“Oh I know this is not going to turn out well.” Double Dee wined as slowly put the mask on Ed’s head.

“I’m feeling transformed guys.” Ed said as his voice was slightly muffled by the mask as Eddy could help but chuckle noticing that Ed has a chin with the mask on. Double Dee took cover behind a junk pile hearing Ed start to growl and grumble lowly as Ed’s eyes slowly started to turn red.

Eddy chuckled nervously as he could tell Ed was starting to lose it slowly starting to back up out of the entrance of the junkyard.

“I AM A MONSTER!!!” Ed screamed throwing his head into the air letting out a terrifying roar and eyed Eddy like he was food ready for the taking and growled at him moving fast onto him.

Eddy took off running straight into the open with Ed now being Edzilla chased after him quickly gaining on the short figure with remarkable speed. The Robots were patrolling around the large laser when one noticed Eddy running straight at them and a very large monstrous creature about to grab him.

Eddy stopped in his tracks when he watched the robots start to advance on him and looked behind him to see Edzilla lunge at him. Eddy quickly fell to the ground to avoid Edzilla as he flew over him and once he was in front of Eddy, the short one ran back to the junkyard and while Edzilla still had Eddy in his sights a laser blast went right through one of the tentacles and let out a shocked growl then turned to see the many robots marched towards him with lasers charging up and Edzilla let out a very menacing growl.

Edzilla roared at the robots as the two legged ones fired on him and robot dogs charged on him. Edzilla lashed his tentacles out striking at the robot dogs cutting one in two, knocking another to the side with his tail and actually used his mouth to chomp on one. The Two legged ones fired on Edzilla some missing him and some only penetrating the parts where Ed’s body was not.

Edzilla let out another roar as he pounced on a robot striking a tentacle through it killing it from within and twirled his body around holding onto the deceased robot using it as hammer to strike at the others.

Meanwhile Eddy made it back to Double Dee where they quickly but quietly made their around the current battlefield to get to the laser while keeping an eye on Edzilla. They didn’t who to really watch out for Edzilla or the robots? Edzilla was tearing the robots apart piece by piece, bolt by bolt and not letting up as his berserker rage was unleashed.

“I would have never imagined this would actually be working.” Double Dee could not help himself but admit the truth watching how Ed’s overreactions was actually being useful and turning out to be the key they needed desperately.

“I know and you’re supposed the genius here, I guess I’m taking the title now.” Eddy boasted playfully hit Double Dee’s shoulder as they got closer to laser and any robot that was guarding was currently engaging Edzilla.

“Don’t sell yourself short, Eddy. It was a good idea but don’t get too ahead of yourself.” Double Dee retorted as they came on the large laser. Double Dee quickly looked it over to try and tried to figure where the power source would be on it.

“Hurry up, Sockhead!” Eddy shouted as he fired at a robot that spotted him which caused some of the robots to disengage Edzilla and focus on them. Eddy took cover behind a robot that was thrown close to them by Edzilla and fired on the robots that were coming to them.

As Eddy defended their spot and Edzilla was continuing his rampage against the robots Double Dee found a control panel on the laser and tore it open and reveled a large device that was glowing a bright light and it seem to have dozens of circuits attached to it. Double Dee concurred that the device had to be the power source to whole laser. He had to get it off and looked to see a lever to the device. He hastily pulled it down and which shut off the entire laser and made it safe for Double Dee to yank out the device.

Once Double Dee got the device he put it in his pocket and ducked when a laser blast came out him and took cover by Eddy and grabbed his laser rifle and helped him return fire on the robots. Eddy and Double Dee took out the ones that were after them and looked at Edzilla who had only a few remaining robots to deal with.

The Robots realized they were being outmatched and slowly turned their bodies to retreat but Edzilla was not about to let them escape as he lunged at one tearing the robot into pieces, knocked another robot sending straight into the large laser shattering both it and the robot. Edzilla seeing one more left dodge the robots final defense as it fired at him and jumped on top of it and chomped its head off.

Edzilla threw back his head and let out a triumphed roar throwing his tentacles into the air boasting over his victory over the robot horde.

Double Dee knew it was now or never and quickly ran towards Edzilla remembering the only way for Ed to be his goofy self again was to get the mask off.

“Time to put an end to this before it goes further.” Double Dee quickly went up to Edzilla with his back turned on him as Double Dee reached for the mask only for Edzilla to turn growl at him as Double Dee yelped falling back onto the ground as the Monster drooled slowly crawling up to him.

“Ed, please its me Double Dee your friend remember.” Double Dee nervously pleaded trying to get Ed to snap out of it as Edzilla growled and drool dropped from his mouth landing on Double Dee “Eww have you ever heard of any type of manners?”

           Edzilla continued drool over and craned his head back and roared before he could do what was about to do next, a hand came out of nowhere and snatched off the mask.

In an instant Ed went from roaring to a simple “Hi Double Dee.” Double Dee sighed in relief that Ed was back to normal and looked behind him to see Eddy with Ed’s mask in hand.

“Exquisite timing, Eddy.” Double Dee complemented getting out from under Ed standing up and took a rag from his pocket and wiped the drool off his armor.

“Thanks Sockhead.” Eddy replied dropping the mask. “Great Job Lumpy!” Eddy smacked Ed’s shoulder hard “You should those robots whose boss.”

“Thanks Eddy.” Ed replied as Eddy yanked him out of the suit.

“Let’s go home and celebrate boys!” Eddy cheered. “I think we still have some jawbreakers somewhere.”

“Jawbreakers!” Ed cheered laughing as well. Double Dee finished wiping the drool off himself and looked at the device once again.

“Well gentlemen, I think I can agree a celebration is in order. With this device I can get our rocket to power up.” Double Dee smiled as the three friends cheered over their great victory this day and looked to see the sun was starting to go down.

They returned to their hidden dwelling with haste and feasted on what was left of the jawbreakers having a very slobbery toast to a job well done and with their hopes rising they may just get out of the dimension yet.
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Comments: 7

Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-12 09:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Great work buddy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-12 10:44:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you my friend

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Firel-Wolf-88 In reply to jazz316 [2019-12-12 11:17:48 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SammyD-Productions [2017-03-14 04:22:27 +0000 UTC]

Alright, Edzilla is back!!! So far, this is my favorite chapter!! It sort of reminds me of the ending of Jurassic World where Claire lured the T-Rex to fight the Indominus. The robots are the Indominus, Eddy is Claire, and Edzilla is the T-Rex! That and the great tributes to one of my favorite Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes! 

Great work Jazz, I look forward to reading more of this!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to SammyD-Productions [2017-03-14 07:45:20 +0000 UTC]

Lol that's so funny my friend!!!  To compare this to a wonderful movie  So glad you love it 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bendorah [2016-06-30 15:08:36 +0000 UTC]

Ed's an animal!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Bendorah [2016-06-30 15:21:30 +0000 UTC]

Lol i know right

👍: 0 ⏩: 0