jazz316 — Ed Edd Eddy's Robot Rebel Adventure Chapter 19
Published: 2017-03-19 22:34:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 5488; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description Today was the Day. The Day, the Ed’s, were waiting for a long time. Either they will succeed or fail. Wither they would finally have the last component they will need for their rocket or they would perish trying. So many confident and worried thoughts were plaguing their minds early in the morning as they were prepping their vehicles, putting on their armor and making sure their weapons were ready taking everything they would need. They were in for a fight.

Double Dee was doing some last minute check up’s, calculations and going over some notes he took remembering the layout of the old lemonbrooke gag factory. If the robots only designed it to manufacture rockets and more legions of themselves then it shouldn’t be too much different. Another plan he went over was on how to deal with the robots.

When they went up to the factory to chase after the, Kankers, before they were cyber formed  he knew along with the others that there would be dozens, maybe even hundreds of robots around the factory and not just on the outside but the inside as well. They had key defenses that needed to be taken out if they were going to break in and escape quickly and avoid any one of them being killed.

Double Dee gathered, Ed, and Eddy and brought them to the table to go over a strategy that may just work. He layed out a picture of the gag factory and drew a few pictures of what he remembered seeing at the gag factory before.

He layed out where some known defense s were that would be a big problem. The Robots had four defense lasers that were around the building that would blast any of their vehicles to bits if given a single target and if any of the vehicles were not in motion.

“First, Gentlemen. We would need to destroy those robot turrets.” Double Dee pointed on the picture of what he could make of the turret he saw before at the factory.
“Uh huh.” Ed nodded with a stern look paying attention to his friends plan like he was in one of the movies he cherishes.

“Then what?” Eddy asked shaking his head as if, Double Dee was pointing out the obvious.

“Then…”Double Dee drew a line towards the cargo doors of the factory. “Once they are destroyed along with any robots outside the perimeter, we will enter the factory and deal with any resistance we encounter. We find where are storing the rockets and carefully we extract an engine along with any barrels of rocket fuel we can acquire.”

“Sounds so easy.” Eddy smiled confidence filling his spirits but, Double Dee, put up his hand.

“I wouldn’t dare tempt the fates, Eddy.” Double Dee warned as he bent over and picked up a large device that had many wires running from a timer that lead into separate parts of it.

“What’s that?” Eddy asked.

“This, Eddy, is the final phase of my plan.” Double Dee answered as he made a few tweaks on it and ran a system check hearing it beep for a moment before, Ed, bumped next to him.

“Oh Oh! That’s a bomb right, Double Dee?” Ed inquired with a big grin on his face shaking his hands.

“You are correct, Ed.” Double Dee nodded giving, Ed, a pet on the head. “Once we acquire all the materials, ill place this bomb in the center of the factory and set the timer. As soon as it’s armed we will escape and within said timer reaches zero, it will ignite and destroy the factory, thus we will be fully rid of these menacing mechanical foes and nothing will be an issue all the way till we finish our rocket.”

“All right, All right, enough yapping!” Eddy scoffed impatiently. “Let’s get this show on the road boys!” Eddy ran to the vehicle he would be driving which was none other than his own brother’s car.

“So much for my pep talk.” Double Dee sighed seeing, Ed run off to his vehicle which was the retro van that was the Ed’s main central command for most of the time. Finally, Double Dee commended the plane. He was the most qualified to use it and essentially in his plan it was going to be the key factor in destroying the turrets that surrounded the factory.

The Ed’s started their vehicles as the sounds of the engines roared and echoed throughout the cavern. Double Dee kept his eye on a watch he installed in the plane as soon as dawn hits their operation would be go.

Each of them adjusted their safety belts and armor. Their weapons locked and loaded and ready for combat and did a radio check with each other.

“Loudmouth check!” Eddy confirmed.

“Professor check!” Double Dee confirmed next.

“Uhhh…the claw check!” Ed confirmed last earning a sigh from both, Eddy, and Double Dee.
Soon the watch clicked at the strike of seven! “Alright, my dear friends. Let us begin our operation and let us pray the threshold of fate is kind to us!”

“You stink at pep talks, Sockhead!” Eddy teased over the radio as; Double Dee pressed a button on the control panel of the cockpit that activated the hatch above the cavern. He slowly rose the place up as the propellers gently lifted the aircraft off the ground.

Double Dee chuckled as the moment was truly exciting seeing another of his grand inventions working at its finest as he raised the craft faster until it lifted out of the cavern and hovered high above ground.

Eddy moved his vehicle right over the middle of the open hatch and, Double Dee who was watching from inside his craft above activated another device that made the floor below raise up. The Beanie wearing inventor installed a elevator that lifted, Eddy, and his vehicle out with ease and when he reached the surface he moved it forward till he was clear then the elevator lowered for to bring up, Ed.

Once, Ed made it up top and the others took one last moment to get their bearings for this was going to be the true fight of their lives. This is the moment of the truth.

“Let’s go boys!” Eddy slammed on the accelerator revving the tires in the dirt for moment before speeding off.

“Right with you, Eddy!” Double Dee thrusted a throttle forward making the plane zoom ahead.

“Let’s go terminate some, solar scum!” Ed cried ready for battle revving the van catching up with the others following close behind, Eddy, Double Dee flew above. It would be a matter of minutes before they would reach the factory.

Before they assault the factory, Double Dee, needed to lay out one final piece of the plan so phase one of the operation would succeed.

“Professor…to loudmouth and…claw…over” Double Dee radioed.

“What is it, buzz boy?!” Eddy radioed back not bothering to act as such to, Double Dee’s annoyance.

“When we reach the factory and begin our assault, I need you…loudmouth to act as a distraction for the turrets so they won’t target me, so that I may do a strafing run upon them…over.” Double Dee explained.

“What about, Ed?” Eddy asked not liking how, Double Dee, wants to use him as bait.

“Claw…will assault any robots he encounters to keep as many off of us as he can…over.” Double Dee replied.

“Roger…wilco!” Ed confirmed doing a quick salute placing one hand on the joystick that controlled his rotating laser turret ready to lay waste to the first robot he sees. He would not have to wait long as the hill that had the factory on the other side was in view and in mere seconds the Factory would be in sight.

“All right…go hard…go fast…let’s get them!!!” Eddy yelled accelerating the car faster as he jumped over the hill and slammed onto the ground and behold before him the factory stood with over a hundred robots patrolling around the building. Hearing the revs of the car all the robots quickly turned to see a red painted and metal plated vehicle zooming towards them.

Eddy pulled on the trigger of his weapons and laid down fire upon the legions. Many robots were destroyed but the rest began to return fire. Double Dee flew above over the hill to see, Eddy, already engaged in combat.

“Why doesn’t he ever listen…” He muttered sending the craft diving firing his lasers down on the robots trying to keep, Eddy, from recklessly getting killed.

Ed came over the hill letting out a mighty battle cry as he began to spray the entire field down with laser fire. The Robots were being destroyed one after another. Some tried to fire back as packs of robot dogs chased after the ground vehicles but they were just too fast for them to keep up.

However the battle was only just beginning as more robots poured from the factory. All the current recently made were being sent out to quell the attackers and other robots that were being kept for storage and later to be sent out for patrols were released and sent to destroy.

The Ed’s kept up their attack as Double Dee, did quick evasive maneuvers to avoid any blasts that came up in the sky and did a strafe run on many robots as he could.
Eddy kept ramming his car straight into any robot in his path having activated the auger on the front of his car making it spin rapidly and it tore into any robot, the car rammed into.

Ed circled much of the battlefield keep his distance from the robots and continued to spray hundreds of shots down upon any robot his yelling manically as robots were being turned to scrap metal.

Unfourtunally now that the robots had the intruders in their sites, the turrets around the factory activated and each one took aim at the nearest vehicle in site.
One turret took fire at, Double Dee, nearly grazing the aircraft.

“Not good!” He spun the plane in many different angles to try and shake off the fire but he was making himself unbearably dizzy and the turret would not let up his fire.
Eddy wasn’t having an easy time either as another turret was trying to vaporize him with its streak of laser fire. Shot after shot struck the car and the armor was quickly dissipating and soon enough the shots would blow car up.

“Eddy!” Double Dee called on the radio as he continued to spin the plane around and even let out a quick barf letting out his air sickness. “The plan!”

“Right!!!” Eddy yelled back through the radio trying to getting out the steaks of lasers that was starting to tear the car apart. He grunted turning the car around sped towards the factory gaining the turret that was firing at, Double Dee, attention.

Both Turrets firing down at, Eddy as he sped nearly out of control as the roof of the car was blasted off. “Anytime now!” Eddy screamed ducking his head.

Double Dee quickly adjusted his flight path bared heading upward above the turrets. Once he did very quick calculations in his head, he opened the hatch below the plane and dropped two of his only E.M.P bombs.

The large casings made a loud whistle as they fell quickly down to the earth and each bomb according to, Double Dees, quick thinking each landed right onto two of the individual targets. Not only did the bombs destroy the turrets but they let out a short wave of energy shorting out the machinery causing any system still functioning to overload and blow up.

“Yes!” Double Dee cheered throwing his arms up. “Murphy’s law has triumphed!” but suddenly a large blast was heard next to him and he looked to see his wing was just hit!
The Plane started to lose attitude and plummet towards the ground! “Mayday! Mayday!”
Double Dee screamed as the plane was completely out of control as it whirred towards the ground.

He desperately tried to think of something as the ground was getting closer every second. Suddenly he remembered a key safety measure he installed and pulled on a switch that sent his seat flying straight into the sky screaming as he went as he watched as his plane soon hit the ground and exploded.

When the seat finished its ascent a parachute flapped out of it and started to descend slowly. Double Dee took a quick sigh so glad he made it out of the near fatal crash safely but there was still a battle going on below him.

He watched as, Eddy’s, car was completely tore up and barely going as it is and, Ed, on the other hand had the attention of all the other robots from the factory. Every robot that was left was on full assault for the van. Ed despite the massive numbers was continuing to tear the robots apart with ease with the rotating laser as he fired nonstop and even rammed into a few robots at a time.

Eddy tried to keep his vehicle in control but one of the lasers that pierced through the car hit the accelerator and fried the brakes. Now the car was moving at its top speed and, Eddy, had no way to stop it.

The Bad news kept on coming as he wasn’t paying attention on where he was driving. He accidently drove to the other side of the factory where the two remaining turrets remained. They quickly took aim at, Eddy, fired.

Luckily with the car moving so quickly he was staying just heading of the lasers but with the car stuck in acceleration he had no way to stop and he to make matters worse, his cars weapons were destroyed and he had no way to fight back.

Eddy swerved the back and forth trying to avoid the lasers and ran over a few robots to boot seeing how he still had the auger on the front spinning rapidly. Suddenly this gave, Eddy, an idea.

“Hey lumpy!” Eddy called on the radio.

“Yes, Eddy?” Ed answered as he continued to tear down robot after robot.

“I got a plan, junk head.” Eddy exclaimed as was circling around the factory again. “Get those turrets to fire on you.”

“Roger, walnut!” Ed saluted and turned the van towards the other side of the factory.
Double Dee who was still descending slowly from his parachute watched the events below and hearing the chatter on his headset radio.

“Eddy! What are you doing?” He demanded to know, not liking what he seeing as Ed moved the van in front of the turrets and like, Eddy, before they opened fire on him.

“Trust me, Einstein.” Eddy yelled through the radio. “I know what to do!”

Double Dee didn’t believe a word he said as he saw, Eddy, nearly reach the other side again and Ed was starting to take lots of fire. Of all the vehicles the van was fitted with the most armor but it wasn’t going to hold for long.

Once, Eddy reached other side again he turned the car till it was heading towards turret that was just on the other side of the other one.  The Car sped on not slowing down one bit as, Eddy, made sure the path was straight and unbuckled his seat belt.

“Oh man…”Eddy whimpered as the car within seconds was going too collided with the turret. “This is going to hurt badly.” He closed his eyes and jumped out of the vehicle and hit the ground hard rolling around rapidly as he finally stopped on his back groaning in pain, he managed to look up to see what his so called plan did.

The Car hit turret with rapid speed and with the auger running it tunneled right through it causing it to collapsed down and the car lost the auger but continued to speed towards the next one and once it collided with it, the car finally had enough it could handle and it exploded into flames destroying it and the turret along with it.

Eddy despite being in massive pain just laughed as his plan was a success! He actually did it! He destroyed the turrets and for once in his life a plan actually succeeded but he only wished it didn’t have to be this painful.

But, Eddy’s, laughter came to a halt as a squad of robot dogs surrounded him and a lone two legged robot stood above him. “You got to be kidding me!” Eddy groaned in pain and protest that he did all of that and now he was about to end up dead just after he finally had a true lifetime moment of glory.

Just as the dogs advanced on him chomping their teeth and the two legged robot was charging up its blaster, a laser shot right through it along with a spray of smaller laser blasts that destroyed the robot dogs and the two legged robot fell forward landing nearly on, Eddy, who just barely rolled out of the way.

Double Dee lowered his rife as his parachute finally landed as he shot the two legged robot and, Ed, shot the last of the robot dogs just as the turret above overheated and collapsed from the rapid use. Double Dee quickly ran up to, Eddy, as Ed pulled the van up next to him.

“Eddy, are you alright?” Double Dee checked over him to make sure he wasn’t injured badly.

“Was that awesome or what?!” Eddy laughed as, Ed, came over and helped him up.

“That was completely irresponsible and reckless, Eddy!” Double Dee scolded.

“It worked, didn’t it?” Eddy sheepishly said.

Despite, Eddy’s, lack of paying attention and his irresponsible recklessness, he did come through with that careless crazy plan. “Let’s get into the factory before they manage to make more robots.” Double Dee quickly said as he helped, Eddy, into the van.

Ed quickly jumped back behind the wheel and accelerated the van in front of the factory. He was directly in front of the cargo doors and remembering the plan from before he rammed the car right through the cargo doors. “Knock Knock! I am Ed!” He called inside.

“Now for phase two!” Double Dee stated the next step of the plan which was now to search and retrieve the rocket engine and fuel to go with it.
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Comments: 10

Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-14 16:22:07 +0000 UTC]

Awesome.Nice job buddy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-14 18:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Firel-Wolf-88 In reply to jazz316 [2019-12-15 06:15:26 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SammyD-Productions [2018-09-21 15:08:26 +0000 UTC]

That was epic!!! Awesome work Jazz, ca't wait for phase 2!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to SammyD-Productions [2018-09-21 17:01:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much, my friend Glad you loved it! Yep time for the next phase of the plane

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SUPERDEMONKING [2017-05-09 21:53:25 +0000 UTC]

good comic so far

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to SUPERDEMONKING [2017-05-09 21:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SUPERDEMONKING In reply to jazz316 [2017-05-09 21:55:21 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

epickendall1 [2017-03-20 02:03:58 +0000 UTC]

That was awesome  chapter 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to epickendall1 [2017-03-20 08:10:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much 

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