jazz316 — Ed Edd Eddy's Robot Rebel Adventure Chapter 5
Published: 2015-09-17 21:52:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 2080; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description         The Three Ed’s slept soundly on the Kankers couch. The Morning came as the rays of the sun melted the ice that formed over the land at night. Double Dee was the first to wake as a ray of light came onto his eyes from the window. He stood up and yawned stretching out his frail body walking towards the window.

       “What a beautiful morning!” He proclaimed seeing some birds flying around some trees in the nearby woods. He sighed at he watched them land in a nearby nest. He watched admiring the beauty of nature.

       “Even in times of hardship, Nature always finds balance.” He proclaimed out loud continuing to watch the birds in their nest resting his head on his hands. All of a sudden a laser came out of nowhere hitting the nest disintegrating the nest with the birds in it.

       “Oh Good Lord!” Double Dee screamed dropping down from the window waking Ed and Eddy as they both jumped out of the couch yelling in panic hitting the floor hard. Eddy crawled towards Double Dee lying against the wall as Double Dee quickly pulled the string on the window curtains closing them over the window with haste.

       “What’s wrong Sockhead?” Eddy asked in a panicky voice.

       “There is Robots out there!” Double Dee yelled holding onto Eddy shaking him madly. “Just saw two harmless, helpless blue jays get disintegrated into oblivion!”

          Eddy grabbed Double Dee back held him to get him to stop shaking “Jeez Double Dee you get worked over the stupidest of things!”

         “Eddy! How could you be so heartless?” Double Dee yelled at him with sadness and a little anger but Ed jumped between them

         “I have a heart Double Dee!” Ed said in a happy tone with a large grin on his face. Double sighed from that.

          “Thank you for sharing that Ed.” He said still disappointed from Eddy’s heartless gesture but stood up and moved to the table with the weapons on it. Double Dee sat down next to it and started to check on each weapon.

          Ed went into the kitchen and went through the refrigerator gulping down on the food inside as Eddy came up behind him and grew an angry look at him.

         “Quit hogging the Food, Ed!” Eddy yelled at him as Ed emerged from inside the refrigerator with a sandwich in his mouth. Eddy grabbed him and tossed him into a nearby open cupboard which proved to be beneficial for Ed the most as Eddy grabbed a couple soda’s from the refrigerator.

         “Chunky Puffs!” Ed screamed with delight as ran back into the living room holding the cereal box as Double Dee rechecked the weapons to make sure they were in working order. Ed slammed the box down in front of Double Dee as he yelped from the sudden slam.
“What some Double Dee?” Ed asked politely as he gobbled up a handful of the cereal.

        “Why thank you Ed.” Double Dee said with a smile. “These should prove most comforting and I am a bit peckish.” He reached into the box and pulled out a small handful of some cereal and ate as Eddy came into the room with the two sodas’ he grabbed earlier.

         “Here Double Dee.” Eddy said handing him a can of soda as Eddy drank his as well as grabbed a few handfuls of cereal from the chunky puff box as well.

        “Thank you Eddy.” Double Dee chimed as he took the soda and popped it open and took a small sip.

         All the Ed’s sat together and had their small breakfast while Double Dee had a finger on his chin trying to think of something. While he did Eddy butted into him.

        “What are thinking Double Dee?” Eddy asked but Double Dee pushed him away.

         “Personal space, please Eddy.” Double said with some anger hating when Eddy would do that. “For the answer to your question Eddy, I’m trying to think of what we are going to do.” Eddy nodded and drank his soda as Ed scarthed down more of the chunky puff cereal. “We need to formulate a location to stay at. We obviously cannot stay here and risk the Kankers returning to find us. As well as we need a place where we have a lot of materials I can work with to help fortify ourselves and try to find us a way home.”
Eddy and Ed let out big aah’s understanding Doubles Dee’s explanation but Double Dee shook his head mockingly at them for their small minds always seem to be an issue. For awhile none of them said nothing as Ed continued to eat his chunky puffs, Eddy started to pace around and Double Dee sat on the couch and continued to think.

          When Ed finished eating the rest of the chunky puffs he gave a thought “Guys!” He screamed so loudly that the whole Cul-De-Sac would hear him as Eddy and Double Dee quickly tackled him putting their hands on his mouth.

          “Shut up lumpy!” Eddy whispered in anger “Do you want the robots to hear us?” Ed shook his head as Double Dee and Eddy let go of him.

         “Sorry friends. But why don’t we go the van in the junkyard?” Ed suggested. Eddy and Double Dee looked at him thoughtfully and then at each other pondering over at what Ed just suggested. For a few minutes no one moved a muscle until Double Dee finally broke the silence.

            “You know Eddy, Ed may have a point.” Double Dee said giving Ed a smile and few pats on the back as Ed smiled widely. “If we can get to our old hang out. We would be surrounded by all the junk I ever will need to construct more materials and we will be away from this desolate isolation that is our nemisisis’s dwelling.”

         Eddy looked at Double Dee and Ed and shook his Ed trying not to believe that it’s yet another time that Double Dee agrees with Ed on something. “Well I’ll admit Double Dee if it gets us away from here then let’s do it.” Eddy said with confidence.

          “Very well it’s settled then.” Double Dee proclaimed. “Now let us pack up with whatever provisions we can find. For we will need to establish ready supplies when we get there.”  Double Dee seen a backpack laying around the floor and grabbed it going to the Kitchen and started to gather all the food and drinks he could fit in it from the refrigerator  as Eddy and Ed went to the table with the weapons and sat around it, not bothering to help Double Dee at all with the packing. Double Dee looked at them and groaned at how he always seems to be the one doing most of the work all the time as he finished packing the bag with many cans of soda, a lot of can goods, a stack of bread and a carton of ham.

            Once Double Dee was done packing he pulled the now heavy back pack into the living room next to Ed. “Put that on Ed.” He ordered as Ed with his great strength put it on his back with ease.

          “Now Gentlemen, Grab your weapons but maintain utmost safety and care with them as they…” Double Dee started but Eddy threw a hand over his mouth.

          “We got it sockhead!” Eddy impatiently said as Double Dee gave him a glare. Ed picked up the largest rife while Double Dee quickly snatched the slightly smaller one. Eddy was not very happy when the only weapon left was small pistol.

          “How come I get the small one?!” He said with frustration as Double Dee chuckled.

          “Well perhaps you should have been faster Eddy!” Double Dee mocked him and Eddy gave him an angry stare that made Double Dee stop his teasing. Ed quickly went to the door and kicked it open and marched out of the Kankers house with back pack of food and holding his weapon close pointing it straight out.

            “Let the Space Ed’s forge on to the outpost in the junkyard.” He narrated out loud and began walking in the direction of the junkyard as Eddy and Double Dee followed close behind him pointing their weapons in multiple directions keeping an eye out for anything as they walked. The Ed’s walked through the woods on a dirt trail that leads to the junkyard that was nearby. They kept their vigilance as Ed had a serious look on his face keeping his weapon pointed out with his chin on the weapon maintaining a ready aim position in case of trouble as they came out of the woods and upon a steel fence that separated the junkyard.

              “Well that was easy.” Eddy said with a look of accomplice on his face as Ed climbed the fence and gave Double Dee his hand and threw him over it. Eddy was next as he jumped up grabbing Ed’s hand tossing him over next to Double Dee as he climbed down to the other side with his friends. The Three of them started to venture into the junkyard where mountains of junk layed waste as the junkyard stretched for a mile.

            The Ed’s walked further in going through the small trails that existed within the ever large wasteland of junk looking for the van that was their hangout spot and which would be now become their place of solitude. While the Ed’s searched for the Van they could hear growling noises slowly emerge from the junkyard causing them to stop as Double Dee and Eddy almost panicked but Ed maintained his vigilance as the noise came from around a mountain of junk.

            Ed gave a hand to his friends telling them to stop as he slowly crept up to the side of a car door that was on the side of the mountain of junk and peeked around it.  He layed his eyes on the very thing they were searching for which made him grin but then put on a small look of fear seeing what was by it. There was a couple of Robot Dogs and two legged Robot walking around it.

            Ed moved his hand at his friends signaling them to come to him. They slowly moved their way next to Ed. Eddy tapped on Ed’s shoulder getting his attention “What is it Ed?” He asked but again a growl came across from the Robots by the van which sent shivers down all three of the Ed’s spines.

                “Robots Eddy. They are watching over Central Command.” Ed answered him as he looked at the Robots again who were unaware they were there. Eddy and Double Dee looked at each other slowly starting to think of what they were going to do until Ed tapped on their shoulders getting their attention. Ed put out three fingers and started to count down. Eddy and Double Dee looked as Ed counted down to two realizing what was about to happen. Ed reached one and Eddy and Double Dee even though frightened as they were readied themselves.
              “Attack!” Ed yelled cried and quickly emerged from the corner and aimed his weapon and started firing on the Robots and Double Dee and Eddy quickly came after. Double Dee dived to the ground and aimed his rifle firing at the Robots as Eddy jumped over Double Dee and aimed his pistol firing at them as well.
                The Ed’s attack took the Robots completely by surprise as many lasers blasts were coming at them. The Two legged Robot turned and started to charge up its center laser from its head to fire back at them but The Ed’s multiple shots even though they were not accurate one of the shots hit the Robots eye causing it to blow up and the rest of body fell apart. The Robot Dogs raced towards the Ed’s chomping their mouths getting closer.

              The Ed’s focused their fire on them after they took down the two legged Robot. Double Dee managed to hit one in the wheel causing it to lose control and crash into the junked up care and shatter as the other one was hit straight through the mouth by Ed. The Robot hit by Ed fell to the ground and ceased functioning as its circuits stirred and shutdown.

             “Ha we did it, Boys!” Eddy celebrated as he ran past the destroyed Robots straight to the Van as Ed and Double Dee laughed in suite as they hurried to catch up to Eddy as he opened the back door to the Van with painted flames on the sides and water drop on the back end. Eddy hopped inside through curtains that dangled in the back and hurried towards the front crawling over the shag carpeting and the water bed, as Double Dee and Ed jumped in shutting the doors behind them. Eddy reached the Drivers Side and hit the horn as it sounded off loud. “Boys!” He said looking back at Double Dee and Ed bouncing on the water bed. “Welcome to Central Command!”

To Be Continued……………….
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Comments: 6

Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-08 12:58:58 +0000 UTC]

Nice job buddy👍

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-08 13:28:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you my friend

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Firel-Wolf-88 In reply to jazz316 [2019-12-08 13:38:04 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SammyD-Productions [2016-03-14 14:46:45 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, it's Dawn of the Eds all over again. Great chapter man!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to SammyD-Productions [2016-03-14 15:25:42 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you love it my friend. Thank you.😃

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SammyD-Productions In reply to jazz316 [2016-03-19 19:36:51 +0000 UTC]


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