jazz316 — Ed Edd Eddy's Robot Rebel Adventure Chapter 6
Published: 2015-10-14 16:32:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 2410; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description The Ed’s celebrated their victory for while as Eddy honked the horn one more time without thinking there could be more Robots around as Double Dee and Ed bounced on the bed some more until Double Dee fell off of it.

              “Alright alright…Gentlemen let all take a deep breath and settle down.” Double Dee said but Ed kept bouncing and Eddy just hit the horn some more as they were too overjoyed to be listening at all. Double Dee annoyingly looked at them figuring that they were not going to stop their playful celebration till he did something about it.

             He looked around the shagged carpeting and found a loudspeaker lying amongst the many junk that was all over the floor. Double Dee picked it up and turned the switch on. “Enough!” He yelled through the loudspeaker having his voice roar loudly through the van causing Ed and Eddy to cover their ears and Ed almost shattered into pieces.

            “Jumping Geronimo!” Eddy yelled having his ears ringing from Doubles Dee’s little way to get their attention. “What are you trying to do Sockhead?! Blow our ears off?!” he yelled at him angrily getting from the seat of the van and moved towards the back.

           “You wouldn’t listen to me Eddy So I improvised.” Double Dee stated setting the loudspeaker down as Ed after recovering sat up on the bed. “Now that we have this van under control we need to establish a great many details to it.” He pointed out as gathering a pad and pencil from his pocket.

           “Like what Double Dee?” Eddy grumbled sitting on the edge of the bed with his arms crossed and Ed layed back on the bed reading another comic he had in his jacket. Double Dee groaned from Eddy’s lack of common sense as he wrote down a list of items and tasks that were going to be needed to help fortify their new Central Command. Eddy just watched Double Dee work on and sighed with impatience as he went back to the front of the van seeing the sun has gone down and the junkyard was already engulfed in ice.

           “Hey Guys it’s already night time so I’m getting some shut eye.” Eddy called out as he leaned the driver chair back putting his hands behind his head drifting off to sleep.

          “Good Night Eddy.” Double Dee and Ed said simultanesly. Double Dee looked over his notes that he wrote to make sure they were in the order he believed they should work at and smiled satisfied with himself. He put his notes in his pocket climbing on the side of the bed and got comfortable getting a pillow that was on side of the bed.  “I guess we better retire too Ed. We have a very busy day tomorrow.” He told Ed who throw his comic to the side.

          “Your right Double Dee. Nighty Night.” Ed yawned as he layed on his side and immediately fell asleep before Double Dee could say anything. Double Dee chuckled a bit as he adjusted his pillow laying down on it falling asleep too tired to even label the inside of the van to his liking for the day had taken its toll on him and his two best friends but as Double Dee fell asleep little did he know that the next day would be more busy than he could realize.

  The Morning came like any other as the sun rose in the distance over the land of junk and waste the van with the Ed’s inside dwelled in. The light shined in the van striking Eddy sleeping on the reclined driver’s seat. He moaned lifting his hands up to shield himself from the bright light as he woke soundly sitting upright. He stretched his body out and climbs out of the seat to check on his friends in the back.

          He found Double Dee sleeping peacefully on the water bed but Ed was on the carpeting snuggled into Double Dee’s bag. Eddy went wide eyed when he noticed some cans and some spilled food beside it.

         “Ed!” Eddy screamed tackling the sleeping oaf as Double Dee woke with yelp from the loud noise as Eddy wrestled the now wake Ed as Eddy got him in a choke hold shaking him madly.

         “What’s this all about?!  Stop it Eddy!” Double Dee yelled getting between Ed and Eddy somehow able to push Eddy off of Ed.

         “What’s this about?!” Eddy screamed some more “ Ed ate all of our food smart guy!” he pointed to all the empty soda cans and empty boxes that once held food but now all that was left were crumbs all over the shagged floor as Ed gave an innocent look.

         “Sleep walking again Ed?” Double Dee sighed as he checked the bag to see if there was anything left but Ed ate everything they had.

         “Aww shucks. Sorry guys.” Ed whimpered  a little bit as Eddy humped in anger for Ed always manages to bring them a lot of trouble in a lot of occasions and now it’s happened yet again and this was a problem that they would have to fix fast or risk starving to death.

          For awhile the three Ed’s said nothing for Eddy was still mad at Ed who just sat trying finger out the crumbs in carpet as Double Dee was going through his notes hoping that something he wrote down might help them with their unsuspecting crisis. Double Dee flipped through page after page on his little notebook trying to find a solution until he came across a page where he put suggested sites to find possible ready supplies.

        “Gentlemen I may have a solution to our problem.” Double Dee said gaining Ed and Eddy’s attention. Ed scooted a bit closer to Double Dee to listen as Eddy layed against the side of the van.

        “Well spit it out Sockhead!” Eddy impatiently yelled out as Double Dee gave him an angry glare for he despised Eddy at times for his rudeness and his impatience.

        “Well Eddy!” Double Dee sneered at him “I was going to suggest after some looking over details of my notes I have concluded that the best way to find more readied supply nourishment would be at Rolf’s establishment.”

        “Oh Goodie Goodie! We get to Rolfs place!” Ed giggled bouncing up and down hitting the ceiling of the van each time he did giving Eddy a quick laugh and Double Dee groaning at Ed’s lack of wisdom.

        “Well then let’s go boys!” Eddy ordered out as he opened the back door roughly jumping out grabbing his laser pistol with Ed jumping next to him grabbing the large laser rifle. Double Dee however thinking a bit got out of the van and stood next to it as Eddy and Ed were just about to run off and they took notice Double Dee wasn’t with them.

        “Hey Double Dee let’s go!” Eddy called but Double Dee shook his head at Eddy and Ed as they came back to see why wasn’t coming with them.

       “Eddy it would be wise for one of us to remain and guard our new establishment and I can try to make some modifications that would prove beneficial to our up keep and safety of it.” Double Dee suggested as Eddy made mocking face at him like he was scared to go but Ed understood him though after reading several sci fi comics he knew that a home should never be left unguarded bring Double Dee into a hug.

        “Guard our home well young space outlaw as we forage on to find our food supply.” Ed sounding like a leader giving his troops orders and confidence as Double Dee chuckled seeing Ed show rare signs of wisdom once more for it fascinated him greatly as well as amused him.

       “I will, you two have my solemn word. Good Luck.” Double Dee told them as Eddy and Ed got back to what they started taking off heading towards Rolf’s house as Double Dee began to look over his notes once more.

       Double Dee looked on his first page to find he wrote something that reverenced to a watchtower so they can keep an eye on the land and be aware of local dangers and possibly oncoming Robots that may come to their home. He began to look for anything that he could use to make something that would allow him and the others to watch the horizons without having to be up in actual watchtower and risk being seen.


        Meanwhile Eddy and Ed were working their way to Rolf’s house being very careful watching their surroundings to make sure no Robots were lurking around for even Eddy being careless as he usually was, was taking careful looks around any corner, over any obstacle and behind anything he and Ed came across getting towards the Cul-De-Sac finding the row of houses and easily knew by heart which one was Rolfs.

        They calmly walked towards Rolf’s house as Ed and Eddy walked back to back keeping their surroundings in check not wanting to be surprised this time by more Robots. They walked up to see Rolf’s doors and windows were blocked off by toppled cars and debris so they were not going to get inside except the back. They walked towards the edge of the fence that surrounded Rolf’s house and further in the back that would keep his known farm animals from wondering off.

        Eddy and Ed lifted themselves over the fence leading into Rolf’s backyard seeing that it was just as much a derelict as the rest of Cul-De-Sac. The Garden was destroyed plants dried up or burned to crisp, pens for animals were torn down and no animals were in sight. Eddy grinded his teeth together in anger then threw his weapon down and got on the ground pounding his arms in frustration as Ed continued to look around but out from behind Rolf’s shed that was still in somewhat in good condition emerged two chickens that came out from their hiding place to start petting the ground looking for something to eat.

        “Chickens!” Ed yelled with glee running over them and embracing them both with a very large grin on his face making kissing sounds at them. Eddy watched Ed embraced the chickens and only one thing rang in Eddy’s head, Dinner!

        “Great find Ed! Now put them down and get out of the way and we will feast on chicken tonight.” Eddy said picking up his pistol as Ed looked at Eddy with shock that would suggest such a thing. Ed set the chickens behind him and stood in front of the chickens with an angry look as Eddy looked at him dumbfounded.

        “What are you doing lumpy!?” Eddy growled at him as Ed stood his ground with his arms crossed.

         “These chickens shall not be roasted!” Ed loudly decreed echoing across the Cul-De-Sac Unfourtunally gaining the attention of three two legged Robots who begin marching their way to Rolfs. Eddy on the other hand did not like Ed’s protection on what can be food for them all as he threw his pistol aside.

         “Why you...” He angrily pouted as he jumped and tackled Ed sending them over the chickens straight through the door of the shed. Ed was gagging as Eddy choked him out but something caught Ed’s eye as he pointed behind him getting Eddy to look despite his anger with Ed.

          They both gasped at what they saw as Eddy got off Ed and Ed stood beside him both looking at their discovery. The Shed was filled top to bottom with all sorts of meat that either hanged from the ceiling or was lying in small piles on the floor. From lines of hot dogs, steaks, sausages, turkey and even chicken was in there. As luck would have it even a few barrels of water were sitting inside.

          Ed started to drool at the wondrous site of the food as Eddy took a few steps to the side to avoid getting any of Ed’s slobber on him. Eddy ran outside dragging Ed along with him as he hopped into the air extremely happy.

         “We did it Ed! I can’t believe Double Dee was right about this!” Eddy screamed with excitement as Ed laughed and they high fived not knowing that had company coming as the noise of shattering fences caught their attention.

         The three Robots that picked up on Ed’s yelling caught them in their sights as Eddy and Ed gasp as they hugged each other in fright as Eddy then reached for his pistol but a Robot shot its laser between Eddy’s hand and his pistol as Ed holding Eddy rushed behind the shed to take cover and both looked in fear as the Robots came straight into the backyard.

        Eddy and Ed both looked at each other shaking like mad scared for their lives as they were without defense since they didn’t get their weapons. The Robots started to walk towards them till the chickens came into the path. One Robot looked down at one of the pelting chickens and took a shot at it hitting the ground close to it as it flapped around scared out of its mind and the other chicken followed suite as the Robot began to shoot at them trying to vaporize all organics which included animals.

        Ed went from scared to a very angry look as he watched his precious chickens get terriozed and almost vaporized as the Robots continued their assault on them chasing them throughout the back yard of Rolfs. Ed growled madly as his eyes turned red with fury as he jumped out from behind the shed dropping Eddy. He pulled his one eyebrow apart in fury getting into a readied stance “Biggggggg Troubbbbbbbllllllle!” He screamed so loudly with maddening fury that even Double Dee in the junkyard working on his project could hear it.

        Ed charged at the Robots grabbing a toppled tractor using his hidden strength and threw it at one Robot making it shatter along with tractor. He jumped onto the second Robot and started to tear it apart piece by piece ripping off its head jumping down the open point where the head was and tore out its insides till he emerged from the metal chest ripping apart circuits as electricity flew. The last Robot turned away from its chase of the chickens and got ready to fire on Ed charging up its eye laser.

        Ed tore the destroyed Robots leg off and jumped into the air avoiding the Robots laser beam as he collided the metal leg he held and smashed the Robots head in striking it with quick bashes with the leg until all that was left of the Robot was nothing but a pile of scrap. Ed looked to see all the Robots were destroyed as his eyes calmed from red back to their regular look, dropping the leg and taking a breath of relief. The Chickens came up to Ed as if they knew he saved them as Ed laughed bringing them both into a loving hug.

        Eddy still behind the shed watched the whole ordeal as his jaw was dropped and his eyes wide. He couldn’t even believe what he just saw for he seen Ed go into a rage before but nothing ever capable for what he just witnessed as he slowly came out from his hiding place.

        “Ed!” Eddy dumbfound said as he couldn’t find the words to continue still gapping at Ed’s barbaric display. Ed put the chickens down and went up to Eddy.

        “Yes Eddy?” Ed answered with a smile as like what he did earlier never happened at all.  Eddy shook his head to get him out of the trance he was in and brought his arm over Ed.

        “Nothing lumpy let’s get this stuff back to the van.” Eddy said as he began to think on what they can do so they can take as much as they can till an idea came up and Eddy chuckled knowing it was a good idea that would involve Ed’s tremendous strength.

         Double Dee back in the junkyard just finished his project and stood outside to admire his work. He made a custom made periscope that started from inside the van with two handles on it and throughout the top with a press of a button it rises out through the top of the van extending into the sky just above the largest mountains of junk so he and the others can keep an eye out for any trouble. Double Dee smiled at his handy work and decided to see if it really worked, going inside the van and toke hold of the periscope looking inside seeing the mirrors from the junk he gathered in the junkyard that were cleaned till they shined so nothing can block the view leading up towards the exit above to see out of the junkyard.

           Double Dee smiled widely seeing his project was a complete success and chuckled loving how his hard work will be greatly beneficial to him and his friends but while looking he caught some movement coming throughout the junkyard which looked a building was moving on its own. Double Dee gasped at site since was coming close to the corner where the van would come into site. He drop the periscope down and grabbed his rifle and hurried outside to see what it was and when he laid eyes on it he dropped his rifle in amazement.

        The Building was the shed with food from Rolf’s backyard as Ed was pulling it with rope that was wrapped around it as the chickens walked beside him and Eddy was sitting on top of the Shed with a very impressed look on his face while holding his pistol and Ed’s large rifle. Ed dragged the shed all the way over to the van and set the shed right next to it while Double Dee watched in awe as Eddy hopped down from the shed setting the weapons next to the van.

         “Hey Double Dee! We got tons of food and man you should have seen Ed here, he tore three Robots apart like it was Halloween last year all over again.” Eddy laughed bringing Ed over giving him a playful noogie as Ed laughed and Double Dee regained him.

          “Excellent Job to the both of you. I will start making a cool device so we can keep the food frozen so they don’t grow moldy and we don’t run into another nourishment problem.” Double Dee said as he gave Ed a pet on his head and Eddy a playful hit to his shoulder going over to a junk pile he made to find what he needed to make the device as Eddy grabbed his pistol and kept an eye out as Ed started to play with the chickens that followed him all the way home giving a sense that Ed was their savor and they liked him as Ed loved them.

          The Day continued on without any incident since Ed and Eddy brought the shed home and Double Dee got the device he made ready within a short time and attached it to the shed making the inside cool with a low temperature keeping the food frozen and the water as well making sure their food supply was kept intact and even Eddy put on a ton of locks on the door to make sure if Ed slept walked again he couldn’t get into the shed to eat them out of house and home again.

          The Sun went down and the Ed’s retired inside the van where Double Dee then showed Eddy and Ed his periscope that he made and explained its functions and what they will use it for. Eddy and Ed actually paid attention since they couldn’t do anything else with the outside frozen over from the night. After each of the Ed’s took a turn on the periscope they simulatansily took selective spots in van to get some well deserved rest for each of them accomplished something on the day and were ready to face more challenges but little do they know that the next day’s challenge will be their hardest yet.
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Comments: 13

Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-08 17:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Awesome.Nice job buddy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Firel-Wolf-88 [2019-12-08 17:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you my friend

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shifter234 [2018-08-23 19:46:05 +0000 UTC]

Don't f%&k with an Ed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Shifter234 [2018-08-23 19:55:14 +0000 UTC]

lol thats right

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shifter234 In reply to jazz316 [2018-08-25 21:47:36 +0000 UTC]

Indeed it is.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bendorah [2016-04-04 23:23:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to Bendorah [2016-04-04 23:24:26 +0000 UTC]

LMAO!!! I know Everyone loves that!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SammyD-Productions [2016-03-22 05:27:38 +0000 UTC]

Another awesome chapter!! The part where Ed went on a rampage against the robots for trying to kill the chickens was the best part! The story is really getting good, and I love it!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to SammyD-Productions [2016-03-22 08:35:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much my friend. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SammyD-Productions In reply to jazz316 [2016-03-24 06:40:53 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome friend 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PinkWarrior30 [2015-10-14 22:10:59 +0000 UTC]

Sweet! This is awesome, love the detail to Ed's rampage.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jazz316 In reply to PinkWarrior30 [2015-10-15 00:01:41 +0000 UTC]

Lol thank you my friend, I'm glad you love it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PinkWarrior30 In reply to jazz316 [2015-10-15 09:46:47 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0