JeanLuz — Who Are You? (Ib fanfic IbxGarry Friends)
Published: 2013-04-30 07:29:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 2664; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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Description Who are you?

Ib was sitting at the café, it had been at least a year now, she had been meeting Garry here for macrons and a fun day out every Sunday. Her parents had met Garry and had grown to trust him. At first they use to chaperon their visits but Garry was soon welcomed into the family like a son and brother. Ib smiled recalling the first time her parents dropped her off to let them spend time alone. She kicked her legs a little her red skirt fluttered a bit with the movement. She took a sip of her tea, earl grey, it was something Garry had her try once and she had grown to like it. She tugged on her bright red scarf a little and looked around trying to see if she could spot Garry in the crowd, her scarlet eyes shifting from one person to another a few times she thought she saw him but it was just some woman or other person. She sighed a little; it was unlike Garry to be late. She felt a bit worried now; she had found herself pondering before about what Garry did when she wasn’t around. He always seemed in a hurry around the end of their visits. She stared at her auburn reflection in the tea as her mind started to wander.

She had never really bothered to ask him about what he did. If he had family, if he had a place to live. Her heart beat faster for a moment at the thought that he might be living on the streets and had been too polite to ask for help. She was taken from her thoughts when she saw a familiar figure in the distance. It was Garry he was standing at the corner of the street, she got up from her chair quickly. Her petite feet scurried across the sidewalk until she reached Garry she latched onto him giving him a tight embrace. Soon though she began to cough the strong scent of cigarette smoke took up the air around them both. She stepped back and waved the air away from her face then looked up to the man she had embraced. He wore what she thought was Garry’s coat but now she could see it was a different color a darker blue. The man turned and faced her dusting himself off. “That was surprising.” He remarked a cigarette was in one hand the other hand was on his hip. The thing that caught her attention the most though was his eyes, a similar scarlet to hers. Ib frowned and pointed to her eyes “Did you get contacts?” Garry shook his head “No...” He paused but slowly smiled as if realizing something “Yes I mean. I did.” His smile seemed off to Ib as though it was more of a smirk then the kind smile she was use to. “Where were you? You are never late.” She kept her eyes on his, they were rather distracting. Garry quickly put out his cigarette “sorry I just need a smoke before I got…over there.” He looked around a little unsure of which direction Ib had come from.

Ib took his hand “The Café…are you feeling ok Garry?” He nodded “Yes yes I’m fine. Uh let’s go you lead the way.” Ib sighed and began to lead him back to the Café they got back to the table she had saved for them. The waitress came over and smiled at them both “It’s good to see you both again.” She had been their server many times since they had been coming to here “The usual right?” Garry frowned “Umm actually I’d like to see a menu if you don’t mind.” The waitress gave a slow nod “Oh sure” she took one out and handed it over then started off to tend to another table. Ib watched Garry “You aren’t going to get earl grey tea?” He shook his head making a slightly disgusted face “Of course not.” He paused though glancing over the menu at Ib “I..I actually wanted to try something different today.” Ib gave a small nod “Are we still going to get macrons?” she wondered if maybe her coughing earlier had upset him. Garry smiled “Macrons? Of course.” His smile seemed a bit more genuine this time. She slowly smiled back calming down a little. When the waitress came back Garry ordered coffee and a plate of macrons for them to split. Ib spoke up “I thought you hated coffee….you said it was too strong.” He shook his head “Yes, that’s true but I started drinking some after last time we met and it grew on me.” Ib tilted her a head a bit in confusing “Since last Sunday.” Garry frowned “Yeah sure.”

Ib sighed and sipped her tea “I’m sorry for coughing, I thought you quit smoking.” Garry rubbed the back of his head “Yeah I’ve just gotten stressed from work recently.” Ib perked up “What…” before she got a chance to ask the waitress returned with his drink and the macrons. The waitress smiled at them “Enjoy” she glanced to Garry for a moment seeming to find something amiss with him as well. But she was soon off and away again. Garry picked up the mug both of his long fingers curled around the ceramic he inhaled the scent much like he usually did with his tea and took a slow sip. Ib took another drink of her tea before grabbing a macron, she nibbled on it a little feeling a bit odd to ask her question now. The silence between them both as Garry enjoyed his coffee started to bother her though. Garry had always been much more talkative but he was so quiet right now. Ib sighed looking at her auburn reflection again. Garry took a macron and dipped it in his coffee before placing it in his mouth after a few moments he finally spoke again “So…what are we doing after this?” Ib took out a piece of paper from her pocket “You gave this to me last time.” It was a ticket to an art show in the park. Garry took it and looked it over “Oh right” he seemed a little displeased “I lost my ticket. I guess I will have to buy another when we get there.” He handed it back “This is close by right?” Ib gave a nod “I had to show my parents so they knew where we’d be.” She reached across the table her tiny hand touching Garry’s forehead “Are you sure you are ok?” Garry looked up at her hand he gave a small smile and a slight huff. “You’re really cute.” Ib got a bit red and moved back she sipped her tea again. Another long pause between the two took over. Before long there were only colorful crumbs left on the plate and a light stain of their drinks left in their cups.

Garry stood up dusting some crumbs from his shirt. “We should be heading off.” Ib was looking down at her cup a little. This all felt odd to her, part of her wasn’t sure if she was really talking to Garry. Garry held out his hand to her. “Come on.” She looked to his hand slowly she smiled this was much more like him…except she hadn’t heard him say her name once. She shook the thought away and took his hand they started off Ib felt herself somewhat leading Garry though since his steps seemed a bit slow, hesitant even. Garry seemed to be looking out for something, distracted. Ib held his hand a bit tighter. Garry looked to Ib “So…how are your parents?” Ib looked back to him. “Fine.” Garry frowned a little “You are quiet today.” She shook her head “You are quiet.” He tensed a little and looked away. “I guess my head is somewhere else.” Silence again took over. They soon found themselves at the park, an area was roped off and various easels and tables were set up displaying the art work. It was nice out, a gentle warm breeze blew by the sun was still out but was slightly obscured with white puffy clouds. The park itself was a bit like art work. A royal green sprawling patch of land dotted with colorful flower patches and large shady trees. People shift across the place some entering and exiting the roped off art show others simply strolling around. Ib and Garry migrated across toward the art show.

As Garry and Ib approached the art show, Ib held out her ticket to a security person. He took the ticket then smiled at Garry “Ah you got her; that was fast.” Garry seemed a bit confused at first but slowly smiled “Oh yeah, sorry about that we had to get something to eat.” He just shrugged, they let them both in. Ib somewhat ignored the comment and started to look at the works on display. The various artists smiled at them both as if they recognized them. Ib got a bit closer to Garry all this attention was bothering her some. Garry paused at a table set up with his name on it. Ib turned and looked her eyes widened as they fell on a large canvas with a portrait of her on it. She was standing with darkness around her smelling a red rose which seemed to mostly hide her smile. The brilliant scarlet of her eyes shown through the most in the painting. She felt her face get a bit warm she was in state between being rather touched and a bit embarrassed. She looked to Garry “You did this for me?” she managed to ask. Garry didn’t speak he seemed to be almost taking in the painting and a few small other works on display as well. After a few beats he finally spoke “Oh yes of course.” he smiled “What do you think of it?” Ib looked back to the painting “It’s beautiful. You did a great job.” She pointed to parts of the painting “You did a lot of nice brush strokes and carried the paint over the canvas delicately but thick enough so it stayed solid.” She fell silent. Garry stared at her a bit amazed at what she had to say. Ib wasn’t surprised by this, she liked art it was not just her parents who wanted to go to Guertena’s gallery that day. Garry smiled finally “Such a talented young lady.” Ib slowly smiled at this.

The pleasant moment between the two ended abruptly, a voice suddenly spoke out “W..w..who are you?” Ib and Garry turned to see another Garry standing nearby, the familiar greenish blue coat and blue eyes. Ib’s eyes widened she looked to the two. Others nearby stared at the two in confusion as well. The red eyed Garry slowly smirked “There you are. You have been a lot of trouble to find you know.” He seemed to have been expecting this. The blue eyed Garry still seemed rather frightened. “What are you talking about?” The sky was slowly growing darker, Ib snapped out of her daze and looked around she glanced up and saw the sun was starting to eclipse. She looked away and back to the two Garrys in front of her. The red eyed Garry gave a faint laugh. “You are quiet dull for something clever enough to elude me but the game is over. You need to go back to your canvas.” Ib’s heart sank. The blue eyed Garry shook his head “No…no.” Suddenly everything went dark. Ib saw someone moving toward her before it became pitch black. The darkness lifted just a little. She felt someone holding her. She looked up and saw the blue eyed Garry. She backed away from him. The blue eyed Garry had some faint tears in his eyes. Ib shook her head “Who are you….Are you really Garry?” She looked around realizing they didn’t appear to be in the park anymore. Around them were large velvet walls…perhaps the ropes that separated the art show from the rest of the park? The sky barely visible was storming and unwelcoming. Along the walls were the various works of the art show. Ib’s attention was brought back when she heard Garry’s voice. But it was the red eyed one.

He stood at the end of the velvet hall. “This ‘Garry’ as you call him is nothing more than a rambunctious painting. A forgotten self portrait of mine come to life.” He put his long fingers against his chest “I am Guertena Weiss.” Ib felt her body tense up at these words. She looked to Garry who seemed rather horrified. Guertena held out his hand to Ib. “Come with me, this place is going to be his tomb. I rather you not get trapped in here as well.” Ib stared into his scarlet eyes. Garry spoke up “Ib...” She looked back seeing the faint tears in his one blue eye. Ib recalled the time they spent together, how many times she had seen him frightened in that gallery, and how many times she had seen him smile since then. This Garry had to be real. She moved to his side and shook her head to Guertena. Guertena frowned and moved his hand down to his side. “You are really going to stay here with something that is not even real?” Ib shook her head again. He frowned “Then are you coming with me?” She shook her head again then quickly took Garry’s hand she started running moving past Guertena. He lost his balanced as Garry smacked into him trying to keep up with Ib.

He fell over and groaned “What is she thinking?” He huffed. Garry tried to speak “Ib you should go…I can’t make you stay here please just leave without me.” Ib shook her head again. She kept her eyes out on the paintings but found herself having to quickly change directions. It was becoming slowly more obvious that these velvet walls had become a maze. She finally slowed down and looked around. Garry and Ib started to catch their breath. Garry shook his head again “I’m…really sorry Ib. I should have told you…but I forgot myself. When you found me I just…sort of thought…” Ib held up her hand to get him to stop talking. She pointed down the hall there was two vases one with a blue rose and another with a red rose.  Above the vases was a worrying empty frame, there was red roses with yellow tips growing out from it though. Garry frowned “It’s come to this again…” he sighed. Ib started toward them she took out the red rose then glanced to the frame. Garry managed his way over and took the blue rose. “Guertena could have already trapped us in here…” Ib shook her head “I don’t think he wants to leave me in here.” She looked around at the paintings again she recognized some from a table near Garry’s table. Garry looked around “There doesn’t seem to be a way out though.” He quickly got nervous “….I really hope there isn’t some art monsters again.” He took out his lighter and shook it feeling a bit of a fuel splash around inside put him slightly at ease. Garry looked to Ib “Any ideas on how to get out?” Ib held up her hand then placed on the right side wall. “In a book I read, it said the best way to solve a maze is to follow the right wall.” Garry frowned “The right wall? How do you know which one is the right one to pick?” Ib looked to him with a small frown. Her relatively expressionless face seeming to say ‘are you serious?’

Garry took a moment then held out his hands thinking through what had been said. He finally gave a weak laugh “Right Right.” Ib rolled her eyes a little and started walking. Garry hurried to catch up and walked beside her keeping close eyes on the paintings and art work they passed. He ran his hand through his lavender hair one of his fingers caught on one of the darker strands for a moment. He frowned “I hope you can forgive me Ib.” Ib looked to him and took his free hand in hers she offered a tiny smile. Garry slowly smiled back but then looked away sullen once more “Even though I’m not real you still want to be friends?” Ib gave a nod when he looked back to her. “I would have been friends with Mary to…but she was trying to hurt us.” She looked into his sapphire like eyes “You don’t hurt people. You are nice to me and others.” Garry smiled “Thanks for trusting me.” Ib just gave another nod and continued to walk. As she rounded a corner she caught sight of a familiar sign warning her to not touch the walls. A black hand bubbled out of the wall and grabbed her arm. She cried out in pain. Garry nearly squealed and pulled her from the hand’s grasp. He picked her up and began to run down the hall a single red petal fluttered behind him. Many hands sprouted out grasping for them both. Ib began directing Garry. Though the hand had hurt and spooked her a little Garry’s frantic running was getting her more nervous. She didn’t want them getting lost. Fortunately Garry followed her directions staying along the right wall but out of reach of the strange hands. They entered another hall vines suddenly sprouted up from the ground nearly separating them. Though the vines failed at separating them they did manage to trip Garry he stumbled trying to keep Ib away from him so he didn’t fall onto her. She bounced out of his grasp as he face planted onto the ground she fell onto his back. Garry groaned Ib sat up on his back and looked to him “Are you ok?” “Oh yeah I’m fine.” He spoke in a muffled voice “I need to get back up.” Ib stood up and dusted herself off.

Garry rose his head and rubbed it then rubbed his back giving it a small pop as he straitened it out. “That was petrifying.” he sighed “I will not miss this place if we escape.” Ib was looking over her rose, she sighed at the missing petal. Garry looked to her then to his rose he gripped a petal between his fingers and pulled a petal loose. His body tensed from the pain. Ib looked to him a bit surprised. He gave a weak laugh then smiled “See we are a bit more even.” Ib rose her hand up then lightly planted it onto the top of his head giving him the lightest whack. “Don’t do that, it’s dangerous.” She rose her voice a little which still wasn’t that loud. Garry had flinched just a little “S..sorry.” Ib looked around then to the walls “I don’t think the hands are here.” Garry stood up and dusted himself off he rolled his shoulders “It doesn’t seem like it.” Ib took his hand again and started to lead. “I remember these works; they were much closer to the exit.” Garry looked around “Yeah I think these were a few booths away from me.” He paused “Oh! Did you get to see the painting I did?” Ib nodded “It was nice…thank you” she spoke at a very hush tone. Garry smiled genuinely “I’m glad you liked it.” As they continued through the hallway Ib stopped she saw a fork in the hallway both sides looked exactly the same. There was an area of darkness to pass before you ended up in the lit part of both halls. Garry looked back and forth at both of them “One of them must be a fake.” Ib nodded she started to the right “This is the right way to go.” Garry followed taking her hand again “How are you so sure?” Ib didn’t answer Garry tensed and the darkness surrounded them both, it felt thick for a moment it seemed like they were covered in the darkness with only the light from the end of the hall guiding them. Garry hurried his pace wanting to be freed from the darkness. He stopped as soon as he got to the light and gave a sigh of relief “Thank goodness.” He gave a faint laugh “I have to say I got a bit nervous there for a moment.” He looked to Ib then slowly frowned she had her eyes closed as she twirled the rose in her hand. Garry slowly got more nervous “Ib you’re scaring me a little…”

Ib stopped twirling her rose then started to speak “My name isn’t Ib, or it wasn’t but you can call me that if you want.” Her eyes opened revealing a familiar pair of blue eyes “I’m so glad you came back to play.” Garry let go of her hand and stepped back his body starting to shake “M..M…Mary?” She shook her head “Not anymore you wanted me to be Ib so that is who I am now. Let’s play Garry” she reached out for him. Garry jumped back “Where’s Ib?” Mary gave a faint laugh “She is with Father; he will take good care of her Brother. Let’s play now please.” As she started toward him thorn laced vines with red rose buds began to sprout from the walls toward him. Garry screamed then started to run down the hall trying to escape. Mary was slowly following him. “We are playing tag?” she giggled “I must be it” she smiled. Meanwhile Ib emerged from the darkness and continued for just a few steps when she quickly moved her hand from ‘Garry’s’. ‘Garry’ frowned “Ib what’s wrong?” she took some steps back “You aren’t Garry. You are Guertena.” Guertena slowly chuckled “You’re such a bright girl. How did you know it was me?” She sighed “You smell like ashes. Where is Garry?” He pointed to where they came from. Ib looked her scarlet eyes growing wide. The darkness they had emerged from now held a mirror showing Garry trying to flee what looked like a frightening replica of herself. “Garry…”she whispered sadly. Guertena shook his head “He is just a painting, both are. Come on. I need to get you out of here.” Ib looked to Guertena her eyes fell upon an object something crossed her mind and she acted without thinking it to far through. She reached out to Guertena’s coat pocket and plucked a blue rose from it. He tensed and tried to grab it back from her but it slipped through his fingers. Ib took a few steps back then started to run. Guertena practically growled “Don’t do this!” he ran after her. Ib started to pluck the petals out “He…he loves me” she plucked another “he loves me not” she couldn’t believe she was doing this but it was to save Garry. Guertena tensed at each petal removed his body started to grow cold like paint drying on a canvas “Stop it Ib!”

Garry started to knock down some of the pedestals holding the vases trying to keep Mary back. He was starting to get tired, his lungs burned a little. That is when he noticed, his body was actually getting warmer. He shook his head and focused on staying ahead of Mary. As she pursued him the vines and roses grew over the discarded art allowing her to simply step over it. Garry turned a corner quickly finding out it was his last. In front of him was a wall sized mirror, he tensed “No…” He saw the reflection change slightly though he caught a glimpse of Ib running toward him “What?” He mouthed then the reflection changed back. He turned around and saw Mary at the end of the hall “Oh Brother, it is going to be your turn to be it.” She giggled. The vines started to grow closer. Garry pressed his back against the Mirror. Ib reached the end of her hall as well there was still 3 petals left on the rose. Guertena looked rather hurt; his eyes had dark circles under them. “Ib that is enough. Give me my rose.” Ib saw the mirror change showing Garry and the fake her closing in. She turned back to Guertena and gripped the petals “B…bring Garry back. He wasn’t hurting anyone.” She tried to command as much authority as she could in her voice. Guertena frowned trying to keep his authority in the situation as well but slowly he yield.

Guertena braced himself on the wall and huffed “Fine…he is a fake though.” Ib shook her head “He is the most real person I know…” Guertena shook his head he snapped his finger the mirror became like liquid. Garry started to fall through, Ib gasped and moved away. Garry fell back onto the ground “Oh thank goodness!” he gave a sigh of relief. He looked around though and saw Guertena then quickly grabbed Ib “You aren’t going to hurt her!” He paused and saw how tired Guertena looked then looked to Ib holding the other blue rose “Ib…” she frowned “He was going to let you be destroyed…” she went back to Guertena holding out his rose to him. He took it the wall suddenly bulged nearby him and a table with a vase appeared out of the wall. He placed his rose in and snapped his fingers again. A nearby painting of the park began to glow softly. Garry picked up Ib and went through the painting not waiting a moment. Ib held onto Garry and frowned looking back at the mirror in the painting world “Garry” she pointed some vines were growing out of the mirror. Guertena tensed seeing the vines, they were coming through the mirror and soon Mary stepped out from it as well. She gasped “Father!” she slowly smiled, it looked insane though “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Guertena started to back away a bit fearfully “M..Mary.” He quickly started to run for the painting. Garry held out his hand but as Guertena reached for it Mary cried out. “Father….what are you doing….DON’T LEAVE!” she screamed suddenly the vines rushed him over taking the painting. The glow faded and Garry was pushed back nearly dropping Ib on the ground. Ib tensed “Oh no….” Garry held onto her “It’s not your fault Ib…” Ib frowned “…but…what happened to him?”

It was night time in the park now the people who had been there before seemed to have already packed up their art and left. The new painting dimly lit by the moon light was all that was left. Ib and Garry’s shadows were cast upon it, their hands held together. The painting showed the blue eyed Ib smiling in the strange maze gallery they had been in holding the hand of smiling Guertena who seemed to have vine like tattoos covering him, his rose clasped in his free hand. The signature on the corner of the painting bore his name and the title simply said “Reunited.” Garry gave Ib a hug, she tensed a little his body felt warm “I’m so sorry about all of this Ib.” She shook her head “It’s ok Garry.” He sighed and moved back “D….I understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore.” Ib shook her head “We can still be friends.” She frowned looking back the painting “At least…it seems they are happy.” Garry frowned “Guertena was really lonely…that is why he painted her in the first place.” Ib gave a nod. Garry sighed and picked up the painting “I’ll make sure to put this some place safe.” Ib followed him as he started to walk she stayed close to him. “Reunited…..maybe that is what they wanted. To not be alone.” Garry looked to Ib and gave a faint smile at her “Everyone wants to have at least one friend to depend on.” Ib looked to him slowly she had a smile as well. Though she was sad about Guertena it was oddly nice to know that Mary was still alive and that in some way Guertena seemed to be to. Most importantly though she had Garry back painting or not, he was real to her, a true friend.
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Comments: 13

Coolstar422 [2015-06-06 10:22:36 +0000 UTC]

-gets to the part where the second Garry came in. Quickly scrolls to the bottom without looking ahead in the story- omg... this is too much pressure... God I hate my emotions sometimes... I don't wanna continue for the sake of finding something bad, but... -scrolls back up and continues to read- curiosity, you win, for now... -reads the whole thing- wow that was really good. Like really good, welp time to read your other one. It's five o'clock in the morning actually, but who cares!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to Coolstar422 [2015-06-06 17:52:04 +0000 UTC]

^_^ thank you so much. lol I hope you got some sleep but I am glad you've enjoyed what I wrote

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Technichain [2014-08-21 19:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Interesting concept. Very magical, intense and mysterious. ^_^ I love it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to Technichain [2014-08-21 19:38:44 +0000 UTC]

^_^ Thanks, it was just an interesting theory i wanted to run with.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ReiSpirit [2014-01-29 17:10:04 +0000 UTC]

I love the idea of Garry being a painting, it created such a great plot!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to ReiSpirit [2014-01-29 18:56:12 +0000 UTC]

^_^ thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ReiSpirit In reply to JeanLuz [2014-01-29 19:46:14 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome, I hope you have the best of luck with your future work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to ReiSpirit [2014-01-29 23:11:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kuraikitsune13 [2013-05-18 17:13:36 +0000 UTC]

I love it! I got confused here and there but it's a really nice concept. Well done! ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to kuraikitsune13 [2013-05-18 17:47:02 +0000 UTC]

thanks, sorry for the confusion at any point ^_^;;; I like to write but I'm a horrible editor.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kuraikitsune13 In reply to JeanLuz [2013-06-09 16:56:18 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome~! No, it's okay. It really do have a nice storyline, and I'm willing to read anything as long as it has a good plot! * ^*)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JeanLuz In reply to kuraikitsune13 [2013-06-09 17:25:30 +0000 UTC]

well thank you ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kuraikitsune13 In reply to JeanLuz [2013-06-09 18:09:55 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0