JESmith — The Legendary Seven of Mobius

Published: 2008-06-18 21:47:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 3472; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 7
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Description These are the Seven Mobians who used Super Transformation from my fanfic timeline that is a combination of SatAM Sonic and the games.

Please read below for details on each of them and a little insight on my timeline.

This is a documentation on the seven legendary heroes of Mobius, the only seven people in Mobian history to achieve the power of Super Transformation using the seven legendary gems, the Chaos Emeralds. These seven heroes ultimately banded together to combine their power to create a Chaos Control that brought Mobius and the parallel world Mobodoon together as one.

Super Sonic: Out of all the seven, Sonic The Hedgehog was the only one to constantly use the Chaos Emeralds to transform. He first achieved the form during the South Island Incident, also the first incident that involved the Emeralds. As Sonic progressed through South Island on his way to Robotnik and Naugus' lair, he managed to keep collecting enough Aura Rings to activate the Ring Portals that led him to the Special Void, where the six of the Emeralds were initially hidden. When Sonic finally confronted Naugus, he reached out and grabbed the red Emeralds that Naugus had around his neck. This caused a reaction with the other six Emeralds in his backpack, which caused him to transform into Super Sonic for the very first time.

However, because he used the Red Emerald to transform, the Super transformation caused Sonic to go out of control, going on a rampage that ultimately destroyed Naugus. It was later learned that holding any Emerald other than the green one to activate the transformation would cause the user to lose control over themselves.

Sonic would go on to become Super Sonic in almost all of the other incidents. He also had an alternate transformation, Half Super Sonic (Not pictured here), which he turned into during the Arabian Book Incident during his final battle with the Erazor Djjin. This was due to the fact that Sonic used four of the Seven World Rings (Which were also able to allow Sonic to use Super Transformation) to transform and he was not at full power. While he had his flight and increased speed, he was not invincible like his full Super form.

During the final battle with Supreme Ku (The transformed state of the Bablyonian General Ku the 15th, not pictured), Super Sonic partnered up with Shadow and carried the Yellow Chaos and Doon Emeralds.

Five years later when Eggman(Robotnik's somewhat clumsy and stupider counterpart from Mobodoon) reappeared, Sonic transformed again to destroy his battle mech on the moon.

A year later, Sonic used his transformation during the Heroes Incident when he, Tails, Sonia, and Cream teamed up to defeat Metal Sonic mk.IV's Overlord form. This would be the last time Sonic would use the transformation.


Hyper Knuckles: Knuckles, the Guardian of Angel Island, was the second of the seven to achieve his transformation. During the Angel Island Incident, Sonic and Tails found a Ring Portal that led them to Master Emerald Altar in the Hidden Palace. The seven Chaos Emeralds flew out from Sonic's backpack and each flew into a slot in the seven columns that were around the altar, causing seven larger, colorless Emeralds to appear. When Sonic and Tails touched one, they were sent to another planetoid in the Angel Void, like the seven ones they had been sent to previously. When they returned to the altar after completing another round of Blue Sphere, they noticed that the large emerald was now green.

Sonic and Tails entered the Hidden Palace two more times as they went through Mushroom Hill and brought two other emeralds to life, but after the third Emerald Knuckles caught on to them and deactivated the Ring Portals leading to the Palace.

Later, during Fang The Sniper's attack on Angel Island shortly after the destruction of the Death Sphere, Knuckles decided to activate the other four emeralds. Upon the activation of the final Emerald, Knuckles was given a miniature Master Emerald. This allowed him to tap into the power of these seven new Emeralds(Which would later be called the Angel Emeralds) and the Master Emerald to achieve his transformation: Hyper Knuckles.

However, while Knuckles was dealing with Fang's diversions, the weasel had snuck into the Hidden Palace by following Knuckles' daughter Lara-Su into a Ring Portal(Which ironically was the same way Sonic and Tails snuck in) and stole the Master Emerald. Knuckles then learned that when the Master Emerald was removed from the Palace, he could no longer activate his transformation.

Following Fang to the Sky Sanctuary, Knuckles discovered that he was working with a recovered Metal Sonic mk.III, whom he thought was destroyed by Sonic.

Metal Sonic then used the Master Emerald to transform into its own Super form, using his energy blasts to destroy the floating walkways. However, during this assault, Knuckles glided over to the Master Emerald and touched his miniature to it, regaining his Hyper form. After a climatic mid-air battle, Hyper Knuckles managed to destroy the Sonic imposter, and with the help of Sonic(Who had just arrived after receiving Knuckles' distress call) he returned the Master Emerald to the Hidden Palace.

Knuckles would not become his Hyper form again until the Mobius Split Incident, when G-mel stole the Master Emerald after he and Robotnik had been defeated. Sonic and Knuckles used the Chaos Emeralds together at once to activate a Double Transformation to chase after him.

Then, during the Ultimate Life Incident, Knuckles transformed alongside Tails, Emerl, Sonia and Cream to rescue Sonic and Shadow after the Ku the 15th had drained them of their powers and had stolen the miniature Master Emerald, ultimately leading to the downfall of the Ku and the unification of Mobius and Mobodoon. During the battle with Supreme Ku, Knuckles partnered up with Tails and carried the Green Chaos and Doon Emeralds.

Turbo Tails-The third hero to achieve Super Transformation was Miles "Tails" Prower. Unlike the other heroes, Tails did not first achieve his transformation using any form of Emeralds. Instead, Tails used the seven Medals of Babylon during his solo battle with Ku the 15th during the Ku Armada Incident.

Then, during the Rush Sea Incident, Sonic and Tails used a Double Transformation to prevent Ku the 15th from using the power of the Jeweled Scepter to destroy Mobius' core.

Later, during the Ultimate Life Incident Tails would transform with the other four heroes to rescue Sonic, Shadow, and the miniature Master Emerald from Ku the 15th. During the battle with Supreme Ku, Tails partnered up with Knuckles and carried the Red Chaos and Doon Emeralds.

Six years later during the Heroes Incident, Tails once again used Double Transformation with Sonic to fight Overlord Metal Sonic mk.IV.

Royal Sonia-The fourth hero to achieve the transformation was Sonic's sister Princess Sonia, from the parallel world of Mobodoon. At the climax of the Rush Incident, Sonia used the seven Doon Emeralds (Mobodoon's set of Emeralds) to achieve her transformation for the first time. Sonia had guarded the seven Doon Emeralds from Eggman for the past 15 years, but was unaware of the transformation abilities until she saw Sonic transform. Together, she and Super Sonic battled both Robotnik and Eggman.

Later, in the Ultimate Life Incident, the Oracle of Delphius told Sonia of a prophecy that she, Sonic, and five others would take part in a ritual that would properly fuse their two worlds together (The method Eggman used during the Rush Incident was an incorrect fusion that would have ultimately tore the two worlds apart). When Sonic and Shadow were attacked by Ku the 15th after using Chaos Control to stop the ARK from crashing into Mobius, the Oracle told Sonia that the time of the ritual was at hand, and that the large use of Chaos Control had caused a tear between the two worlds allowing Sonia to go back to Mobius to take part in the ritual.

Taking the seven Doon Emeralds with her, she transformed alongside the other four heroes to rescue her brother and the Master Emerald miniature from Ku the 15th. In the final battle with Supreme Ku, Sonia partnered up with Cream and carried the Purple Chaos and Doon Emeralds.

Following the battle, Sonia, Sonic, and the other heroes went to the altar of the Master Emerald to complete the ritual that safely fused Mobius and Mobodoon together.

Six years later, Sonia and Cream would use Double Transformation using the Doon Emeralds to aid Super Sonic and Turbo Tails in the battle with Overlord Metal Sonic mk.IV.


Angelic Cream and Chaos Cheese-The fifth hero to achieve the transformation was Cream, the daughter of Bunnie. At the end of the Mobius Split Incident, when Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles defeated the transformed G-mel and returned the Master Emerald to Angel Island, they discovered that it did not remove the dimensional barriers that Robotnik had placed around the planet. Tikal then appeared, telling Sonic to give the Chaos Emeralds to Cream and Cheese, stating that only they had the power to restore Mobius.(Tikal had explained to Bunnie after she had been raped by an echidna when Tikal sent her to the past that the child she would have would play an important role in her life, and revealed that this was it)

Scared, Cream did as Sonic and Tikal instructed, and she and Cheese transformed(Cheese becoming a Chaos Chao). Together, with the power of the Emeralds, they put Mobius back together again. Unlike the other six heroes, Cream's main ability was not offense, but rather the ability to mend dimensional imbalances.

Later in the Rush Incident, after Robotnik and Eggman were defeated, Cream once again transformed to correct Eggman's improper fusion of Mobius and Mobodoon, and to separate the two worlds.

Then in the Ultimate Life Incident, Cream joined in with the other heroes to rescue Sonic and Shadow. During the final battle with Supreme Ku, she partnered up with Sonia and carried the Orange Chaos and Doon Emeralds. Cream then played a huge part in the ritual to properly fuse Mobius and Mobodoon together as her mending abilities(Amplified by both the Chaos and Doon Emeralds as well as the added power from the other heroes) were a needed asset.

Six years later during the Heroes Incident, a now pre-teen Cream used Double Transformation with Sonia via the Doon Emeralds to help Sonic and Tails fight Overlord Metal Sonic mk.IV.

Ultimate Shadow-The sixth hero to use the transformation was the Ultimate Life Form, Shadow the Hedgehog. At the end of the Ultimate Life Incident, after he had defeated the BioLizard and aided Sonic and Knuckles in stopping the ARK's impact, the BioLizard then used Chaos Control to fuse with the colony and resumed the collision course.

Sonic and Shadow, using the Master Emerald miniature, performed a Double Transformation and succeeded in defeating the BioLizard's FinalHazard form. The two then used Chaos Control, amplified by the transformation, to stop the ARK and put safely it back into its orbit. However, before they could get back on the ARK, Ku the 15th appeared in the Babylon Garden. Ku was originally going to flee Mobius when the ARK began its collision course, but instead fired a tractor beam at the weakened Sonic and Shadow and pulled them into the Garden, using the Chaos Energy draining device that he used on Sonic at the start of the Unleashed Incident to drain them of their power and steal the Master Emerald miniature.

After being rescued by the other heroes, Sonic and Shadow joined the group and regained their transformations. After Ku fused Angel Island and Babylon Garden together and stole the true Master Emerald to become Supreme Ku, Shadow partnered up with Sonic and carried the White Chaos and Doon Emeralds.

Twenty-five years later, during the Black Arms Incident, Shadow used his transformation to defeat Black Doom once and for all. After he destroyed the Black Comet using the Eclipse Cannon, Shadow then used Chaos Control to teleport the ARK light years away from Mobius, taking the seven Emeralds with him to prevent them from ever falling into the wrong hands again, thus making him the last one to ever use Super Transformation.

True Emrel-The final transformation was made by the Gizoid Emrel in his upgraded G-mel body. While not a true Super Transformation, Emrel was the key to the entire group being able to transform at once and was part of the seven to unify Mobius and Mobodoon.

At the end of the Ultimate Life Incident, when Sonia appeared and revealed the details of the Oracle's prophecy, Emerl suggested that he absorb the seven Chaos Emeralds(Which were still on board the ARK) and siphon the energy through the bodies of the other four.(Because activating both the Chaos Emeralds and Doon Emeralds at once too soon would be risky and would likely cause another crisis similar to the Rush Incident). When Emrel absorbed the Emeralds, his color scheme became the one from his original body, and he returned to his full, true state.

Sharing the Chaos Emerald energy with everybody also prevented Emrel from overloading and going a mindless rampage like he did at the end of the Gizoid Incident.

Emrel had to sit out most of the battle with Supreme Ku due to him using too much energy to allow Sonic and Shadow to join the group and transform. Because he couldn't sustain all seven and had already been drained at that point, he transferred some of his energy into the Chaos Emeralds and gave each of the individual ones to each of the six heroes so they could sustain their transformations without him. He held on to the Blue Chaos and Doon Emeralds to prevent him from completely shutting down, however, and he regained enough energy to join in the group to deal the final blow to Ku.

Even though Emrel would no longer carry the Chaos Emeralds after the Ultimate Life Incident to prevent the risk of him going haywire(Uncle Chuck and Rotor later modified him so he could run off a normal energy source instead of the Emeralds), he still retained his true color scheme.
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Comments: 1

CrystalSummerCat96 [2011-12-29 18:13:31 +0000 UTC]

wow preety cool

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