Jewsters1986 — AoT AU: Learn To Love Mike x Reader Chapter 43 [NSFW]

#alternateuniverse #miche #nanaba #shingekinokyojin #mikasaackerman #attackontitan #erenjaeger #readerinsertfanfiction #attackontitanshingekinokyojin #conniespringer #jeankirschtein #shingekinokyojinattackontitan #leviackerman #mikexreader #mikezacharias #mikezacharius #readerxmike #mikezachariasxreader #mikezachariusxreader #mikezakariusxreader #nikedok #readerxmikezacharius #readerxmikezacharias #readerxmikezakarius #michezacharias #michezacharius #michexreader #readerxmiche #readerxmichezacharius #readerxmichezacharias #michezachariusxreader #michezachariasxreader #isabelmagnolia
Published: 2017-07-08 11:59:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 1926; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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“Isabel!” You gasped, not quite believing your eyes. “I...I thought…”
“She’s alive...she’s very weak but after some rest she’ll be okay.” Explained Jan hurriedly. “I couldn’t take her to Stohess District Hospital and risk Nile finding out she wasn’t dead, I didn’t know who else to turn to.”
“Eren give me your key for the gate!” You ordered, dismounting Gemini and holding out a hand.
“Okay.” He nodded hastily, fumbling around in his trouser pockets for the requested item and handing it over. “Take Gemini and Sherrett back to the stables, on your way look in on the dining hall, Jean and Connie should still be in there.”
“What do I tell them?”
“Tell them to find Uncle Levi and Mike and say that Isabel is here, they’ll know what they’re talking about.” You replied, unlocking the heavy gate and pulling it open. “Go, hurry!”
“I’m on my way!” Nodded the stable boy hastily, grabbing Gemini’s reins and galloping away back up the path towards the manor.
“Come on Jan!” You urged worriedly, waiting until the cart was fully inside before slamming the gate closed and locking it again, taking a moment to quickly scan the area and make sure no one had seen what was going on.
“Take the cart to the main entrance, I’ll join you in a moment.”
“Thank you f/n.” Nodded Jan, affording you a sincere smile.
You nodded and turned back to the gate, double checking that it was securely locked before sprinting back along the gravel path towards the manor.

“Jean! Connie!” Yelled Eren, harshly pulling Sherrett to a halt at the veranda and looking through the open doors leading into the dining hall.
“What do you want now?” Groaned Jean, poking his sandy haired head around the doorframe and narrowing his hazel eyes.
“Go find Levi and Master Mike, we have a visitor and she needs urgent help!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Just do it Horse Face!” Snapped Eren angrily, causing Gemini to shift uncomfortably at his tone of voice. “Tell them Isabel is here and she needs our help, they’ll know what you’re talking about!”
“What on earth is with all the yelling?”
Nanaba!” Gasped the stable boy, his emerald eyes widening as the blonde maid came into view. “Listen to me, you have to find the master and tell him that Isabel is here!”
“Who is Isabel?”
“Just do it please!”
Blinking rapidly and clearly very confused by what was being requested of her, Nanaba nodded and quickly rushed across the dining hall towards the double doors leading into the main entrance foyer, a loud shriek leaving her lips a few moments after stepping through them.
“Jean, Connie do as Eren says and find Lord Mike immediately!”
The two male servants looked at each other in confusion for a few seconds before running through to the entrance hall and skidding to a halt at the sight that greeted them.
“Where the fuck are Levi and Mike?” You screamed angrily while Nanaba hurried to close and lock the main door as Jan rushed into the entrance hall carrying a bloodied and beaten Isabel in his arms.
“Holy shit not again!” Gasped Connie, his amber eyed gaze instantly falling on the barely conscious body.
“Oi are you fucking deaf?” You snarled, walking up to him and snapping your fingers in front of his face, instantly gaining his attention. “Go find Mike and Levi NOW!”
“Right!” He nodded, stumbling backwards and almost landing on his rear end before finding his balance again and dashing up the stairs.
“Hey, what’s with all the shouting?” Came an irritated male voice from the first floor landing.
“Levi where is the master?” Breathed Connie, falling up the stairs but stopping himself just before he crashed into him.
“In his study, why?”
Before he could say another word, the other servant barged past him and along the corridor to the right, leaving him stood frowning in annoyance at the lack of an explanation.
“Levi?” Asked Jan hopefully, moving to stand at the foot of the stairs, still carrying Isabel in his arms and watching as the raven haired male descended.
“Le-Levi...Bro?” Called Isabel weakly, her voice barely reaching above a squeaky whisper.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Soothed Jan, adjusting his hold on her. “You’re safe now.”
You and Levi exchanged a worried glance, not realizing you were still silently being watched by a very confused Nanaba and Jean until they both stepped forward to try and gain a better understanding of what was happening.
“Jean make yourself useful.” You said suddenly. “Jan’s cart is outside, take it around to the stables and have Eren deal with it.”
“Okay.” He nodded, hastily making his way over to the main door and unlocking it.
“Lady F/n, what on earth is going on?” Asked Nanaba, furrowing her brows and observing the injured redhead.
“She’s a friend of my uncle.” You answered evenly before looking up the stairs and frowning. “Damnit where the hell is Mike?”

Sighing deeply, Mike sat back in his seat and scratched the stubble on his chin as he read through a rather scathingly worded letter that had been sent to him from Petra’s distraught parents.
It made for some rather uncomfortable reading in all honesty, especially when they demanded an explanation as to why the only thing they had left of her was a severed head.
Shaking his head he put the letter down and rubbed his hands over his face, ranking his fingers back through his dark blonde tresses, allowing his bangs to fall back into place as he leaned his head forward again and sighed deeply.
Unfortunately there was nothing he could do to find out what Nile’s thugs had done with Petra’s body so that they could give her a proper burial, something which greatly angered him considering her four years loyal service. All he could do was write a letter of condolence to her parents and inform them that her murder was being investigated along with that of Auruo, but he had strong doubts that his words would bring them any comfort.
Reaching for the next letter on the pile, he furrowed his brows when the sound of someone yelling downstairs caught his attention.
Usually the manor was quiet and peaceful, of course Levi snapped at the other servants on the odd occasion but he never raised his voice in such a way that he could be considered to be shouting...furthermore the loud voice which seemed to be spewing forth some rather colourful language belonged to a female from what he could make out through the closed door of his study.
Deciding to see what all the fuss was about, he stood up and walked around his desk towards the door.
However just as he opened it, a young male with a shaved head fell through the now open space and onto the polished wooden floor with a loud thud followed by a groan.
“Connie?” Inquired the tall male, offering a hand to the servant when he groggily raised his head. “What’s going on?”
“Oh Master, forgive me!” Stuttered Connie, pushing himself upright before brushing down his shirt and trousers. “Mistress F/n sent me to find you, a man and a woman have just turned up here unannounced, the woman is in bad shape.”
“Did they give their names?” Asked Mike suspiciously, his normally soft blue eyes hardening at the thought they could be two of Nile’s spies.
“I have no idea who the man is Master, but the woman gave her name as Isabel.”
Breath hitching in his throat, Mike took a moment to regain his composure before rushing past the now confused servant and along the corridor towards the stairs.
“Go find Levi!” He called back. “Tell him to come to the entrance hall at once.”
“He’s already there Master!”
“Good, then you come with me!”
“Yes Master!”
Almost tripping up over his own feet again, Connie hastily spun on his heels and ran to try and catch up with Mike who was now dashing down the stairs towards the entrance hall, his eyes widening visibly at the sight that greeted him upon arrival…

Looking around at the sound of a familiar voice calling your name, you breathed a huge sigh of relief upon seeing your husband descending the stairs and moving to stand at your side.
“Mike, this is Isabel and Jan.” You explained. “They were the two people we met up with in the Underground District last night.”
“Forgive me for showing up here like this Lord Zacharius.” Said Jan nervously, bowing his head as a sign of respect. “I couldn’t risk taking her to the hospital in Stohess District in case Nile found her and decided to finish the job his hired thugs started.”
“How bad is she?” Asked Mike, looking Jan straight in the eye.
“A couple of broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, but apart from that it’s mainly cuts and bruises.”
“Very well, you can both stay here until she recovers.”
“Thank you My Lord.” Smiled Jan nervously. “I was a doctor by profession before fleeing to the Underground District, I’ve brought as much medicine and equipment as I could…”
“If you need more we’ll make sure you get it.” Nodded Mike, turning his attention to Nanaba. “Prepare two of the guest rooms and run a hot bath, she’ll need those wounds cleaning. After that I want you to try and find some clean clothes…”
“She can borrow some of mine.” You piped up. “I don’t mind.”
“Could I request that someone fetch my medical equipment from my cart?” Asked Jan. “I believe one of your servants was told to take it to the stables.”
“Springer, get going.” Said Levi sharply, directing a harsh glare at the aforementioned male. “Take it straight up once you have it.”
"Uh, yes Levi.” He answered, rushing off towards the dining hall doors.
“Follow me.” Said Nanaba softly, gesturing to the stairs and ascending them.
“Thank you for your help.” Said Jan, once again bowing his head before adjusting his hold on Isabel again and accompanying Nanaba up the stairs.
“I can’t believe she’s still alive!” You muttered, raking a hand back through your h/l h/c hair and shaking your head. “I thought for sure Nile’s thugs had killed her after we heard that gunshot.”
“Yeah well, it seems we were wrong.” Remarked Levi, raising an eyebrow towards Mike. “What do you plan to do now? This is twice in as many days we’ve had people turning up here unannounced and practically dead on arrival.”
“Unfortunately I don’t think we have much of a choice about keeping this persecution of you and your family secret anymore.” Said Mike lowly. “I’m calling a meeting of all the household staff, they need to be made aware of why this is happening...any one of them could be at risk of being the next in line to feel Nile’s wrath.”
“Tch, fine.” Replied Levi. “I’ll go inform that brat in the kitchen that we’ll be having guests until further notice.”
“Thank you Levi, leave a note where everyone can see it as well asking them all to gather in the dining room after they finish their duties tonight.”
Nodding in response, Levi turned and walked away towards the door leading to the servants quarters, leaving you and Mike stood alone in the entrance hall.
“I’d better go find Isabel some clothes.” You mused, taking a step forward to make your way upstairs, however you were stopped in your tracks when Mike gently gripped your arm and stopped you.
“What is it?” You asked worriedly, concern evident in your e/c eyes as you met your husband’s gaze.
“Isabel will be alright.” He said after a moment’s hesitation. “Her injuries don’t seem that serious, try not to worry about her.”
“Thank you for agreeing to help them.” You smiled, raising your free arm and gently placing your hand over his, squeezing it lightly.
Mike silently nodded and leaned into you, placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I still have some work to do, I’ll check in on Isabel and Jan later.”
Nodding and releasing his hand, you hastily jogged up the stairs and made your way to the master bedroom, failing to notice the defeated look on Mike’s face at once again lamenting yet another failed attempt to ask about your sudden declaration of love the previous night.

Upon entering the master bedroom, you immediately headed over to the wardrobe, opening it and starting to rummage through your casual clothes for something that Isabel could borrow.
Frowning thoughtfully, you pulled out a pair of simple cotton trousers and a matching shirt, figuring that while she was most likely going to be spending most of her time in bed recovering from her injuries, she would probably appreciate something light and comfortable.
A sudden scream of agony and cursing from above followed by muffled voices made you look up towards the ceiling, wincing worriedly as you imagined what they were actually doing to her...whatever it was it didn’t sound particularly pleasant.
Sighing deeply you closed the drawer you hand been looking in and made your way out of the room.
“Ah F/n!”
Looking up as you reached the stairs leading up to the second floor, you saw Connie appear at the foot of them carrying a wooden crate.
“I was told to retrieve these for Jan, do you know which guest room he’s staying in?”
“Oh, no sorry I don’t.” You replied. “I’m just about to go find out myself so you may as well come with me.”
“Okay.” He shrugged, cautiously following you up the next flight of stairs. “So um, who are they then? Our guests I mean.”
“Friends of my uncle.” You answered, stopping when you reached the top of the stairs and turning to face him. “Listen Connie, there’s a staff meeting taking place tonight in the dining hall after you’ve all finished your duties tonight. Will you let Jean and Eren know when you go back downstairs?”
“Of course.”
“Great, thanks.” You smiled, looking left and right down the long corridor and humming thoughtfully. “Now then, I think Isabel is in one of the guest rooms on the left considering I heard her crying out while I was in the master bedroom.”
Walking off down the corridor you started knocking on each of the doors until you finally got a response when Jan opened one and greeted you.
“Ah f/n!” He gasped.
“I’ve brought Isabel some clothes and Connie has your medical equipment.” You said evenly.
“Thank you, just place it down on the bedside table please. Your maid is assisting Isabel in the bath, they shouldn’t be too long.”
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Said Connie, leaving the crate on the polished oak cabinet beside the large neatly made bed.
“Thanks Connie.” You nodded, flashing him a small smile and waiting until he had left the room before speaking again. “How is she?”
“I’ve popped her shoulder back into place, unfortunately I can’t really bind her ribs until she’s had her wounds cleaned.”
“That explains the screaming I heard five minutes ago.” You mused, looking towards the door which you assumed led to the en suite bathroom.
“She’s still very weak but after some food and rest she should start to feel a lot better.”
"I’ll arrange for something to be brought up for her.”
“Thank you for this f/n.” Smiled Jan, placing a hand on your shoulder. “We really do appreciate it.”
“My family has lived in fear of Nile for far too long, it’s time to end it.” You stated boldly. “That list Isabel gave us is on its way to the commander in chief of the military, hopefully he will act on it and bring that bastard down.”
Patting your shoulder and nodding, Jan moved away towards the bedside table and set about opening the crate containing his medical supplies.
“Jan.” You asked cautiously, biting your lower lip and dragging it back between your teeth as you held back your anger. “What...what happened after Levi and I escaped? How many...how many people died because of us?”
Jan instantly ceased what he was doing, his shoulders slumping visibly as he sighed and lowered his head.
“Three of the people on that list were killed, but the ones that survived are still willing to stand up and testify should he be brought to trial.”
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, swallowing down the lump in your throat at his words.
“We managed to take down two of the attackers ourselves though, so it wasn’t a complete loss.”
“Good, I’m glad.” You nodded. “Anyway I’ll have a word with Nanaba when she comes back downstairs and arrange for some food to be brought up here for Isabel, you’re welcome to join us downstairs to eat or I can have something brought up here for you too.”
“Would you be alright to wait?” He asked. “Isabel would like to speak with you, also I would prefer to eat up here so I can keep an eye on her if that’s alright?”
“Yeah sure.” You agreed, affording him a weak smile and taking a seat on the bed while you waited for Nanaba and Isabel to emerge from the bathroom.

Heading back downstairs, Connie soon came across Eren and Jean stood in the main entrance hall, having a rather...civilised discussion to his great surprise.
“Oh guys, heads up!” He called over the bannister rail as he made his way down towards them, causing them both to fall silent and turn their attention to him. “The master is calling a staff meeting after we all finish our duties tonight.”
“A staff meeting?” Asked Eren, furrowing his brows and cocking his head to one side.
“Of course he is!” Scoffed Jean, once again igniting the animosity between them. “Think about it idiot! Petra and that other guy were killed and sent back here, now someone else turns up beaten to a bloody pulp...that’s not exactly what passes for normal is it?”
“Shut up Horse Face!” Snapped Eren, turning back to Connie who had now joined them. “So where are we all to meet?”
“F/n says the master wants us all to gather in the dining room.”
“Do Levi, Mikasa and Nanaba know?”
“I’m assuming he’ll have already spoken to Levi.” Mused Connie, raising a hand and scratching his shaved head. “He is the head of the household staff after all.”
“Well, I still have a few jobs to do outside so will one of you let Mikasa know what’s happening if you see her?”
“Yeah sure.” Nodded Connie.
“Thanks, see ya later.”
Furrowing his brows as he watched Eren leave, Jean then turned back to Connie.
“So any clue what’s going on or what?” He huffed in annoyance, folding his arms.
“Sorry no clue, f/n hasn’t said much about it...only that Isabel is a friend of her uncle.”
“Great so we’re all in the dark about what’s been happening recently, well that’s just peachy!”
“Hey calm down!” Advised Connie. “We’ll probably get told what’s happening at the staff meeting later right? It’s no big deal.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Shrugged Jean, still not entirely convinced that there wasn’t something suspicious taking place at that moment in time. “Come on, let’s get on with the cleaning before Levi decides to make us sleep in the
“Heh, well you’ll fit right in then won’t you?”
“Shut up!”

“So you want me to prepare extra food until further notice?” Questioned Mikasa, not looking up from the large pot she was stirring on the stove.
“Yes.” Replied Levi bluntly.
“Alright, whatever the master wishes.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Will that be everything?”
“There’s a staff meeting in the dining hall once everyone’s finished their duties this evening, your presence is compulsory.”
Clicking his tongue in annoyance at the raven haired cook’s attitude towards him, Levi turned to leave. However just as he reached the door, he was stopped by Mikasa speaking to him again.
“What’s going on with you and Eren?”
“None of your damned business!” He growled dangerously.
Mikasa’s overprotectiveness of the stable boy had always puzzled him, he never could quite understand just why this girl was so obsessed with him.
“It is if he’s in trouble.” Said Mikasa firmly, removing the pot from the heat so that it wouldn’t boil over while they continued their conversation. “What’s going on?”
“Tch, all will be revealed at the staff meeting tonight.”
“Why was whoever killed Petra threatening to hurt Eren?” She demanded, boldly approaching the raven haired male. “Who are they and what’s he ever done to them?”
Deciding he’d had enough of her attempts at interrogating him, Levi turned back to face her, fixing her with a steely glare.
“Dinner won’t make itself.”
“You don’t care at all do you?” Snarled Mikasa angrily. “You don’t care that Petra’s dead or that Eren’s life is being threatened do you?”
Levi remained unphased by the accusations currently being thrown at him, however what Mikasa said next served to undo his usually calm composure.
“Eren’s just a fuck toy to you isn’t he? I bet you’ve never cared about anyone in your entire life other than yourself!”
In a blinding turn of speed, Levi’s right arm came up, fingers gripping the young cook’s shirt collar and sweeping her off her feet before slamming her against the stone wall behind him.
“Let go of me you damned midget!” She growled, smokey eyes narrowing in anger as she struggled in his grip, but to no avail.
“Get back to work.” Said Levi bluntly. “Everything you need to know will be explained at the staff meeting after everyone finishes their duties.”
Ceasing her struggling, Mikasa reluctantly accepted his answer and averted her gaze, gritting her teeth to stop herself from further insulting him...she didn’t particularly have much of a choice if she wanted to keep her job.
Releasing her, Levi brushed past her and left the kitchen, making his way back upstairs and leaving her to continue preparing lunch.

Looking up when the bathroom door opened, you swallowed hard when Isabel emerged with just a towel wrapped around her body.
She was still very unsteady on her feet and required Nanaba's help to walk.
"How's she doing?" You asked cautiously, standing up and helping the young redhead over to the bed.
"Her shoulder is still very sore, as are her ribs but I think the heat from the water may have helped." Replied Nanaba, carefully holding her steady as she attempted to sit down.
"I'll bind her ribs before she gets dressed." Said Jan evenly, fishing around in his medical supply crate before pulling out a long bandage roll.
"By the way Nanaba, there's a staff meeting tonight after everyone has finished their duties. Mike wants everyone to meet in the dining hall." You said evenly.
"Of course My Lady." Nodded the blonde maid, momentarily turning her attention back to Isabel. "Do you need me to help her put some clothes on once she has had her wounds dressed?"
"Yeah I think it might be for the best."
"Very well."
Taking a step back for a moment, you and Nanaba watched as Jan carefully started to wrap the soft bandage roll around Isabel's bruised torso, exercising caution to make sure he didn't bind her too tightly and cause more pain.
"Fortunately none of these cuts are deep enough to need stitches." He mused thoughtfully. "I'm afraid I don't know how long we will be here though until she's fully healed."
"Don't worry about it." You said evenly. "You heard Mike, you can stay here as long as you need."
"Thanks f/n." Croaked Isabel, a pained smile finding its way onto her swollen lips.
Nodding thoughtfully you turned back to Nanaba.
"At lunch time will you bring some food brought up here for them please?"
"Of course My Lady."
"Thank you."
"She should be alright to put some clothes on now." Said Jan, shuffling back across the bed and turning his back to while he sorted through the crate again.
"Are you able to stand for a minute?" You asked, looking back to Isabel.
Wincing and closing her blackened eyes, she weakly shook her head.
"It's alright, don't worry about it."
Starting by putting the plain white shirt on, you and Nanaba then carefully lifted Isabel from the bed so you could slip the trousers on before getting her comfortable in the middle of the plush mattress.
Nanaba then set about fluffing up the soft pillows while you pulled the thin silk sheets up to her chest.
"I've never been in a bed like this before!" Giggled the redhead, coughing slightly and gripping her ribs when they ached in protest at her actions.
A gentle knock at the door soon caught your attention, causing you all to stop what you were doing immediately.
"I'll see who it is." Said Nanaba.
Nodding you turned back to Isabel and smiled.
"Lord Mike!"
All eyes turned towards the door as their visitor was announced, however he didn't enter the the room straight away.
"I came to check if everything was alright."
"Yes My Lord, we've just finished tending to her wounds.
"Stepping aside, the blonde maid allowed him into the room.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, halting at the foot of the bed and placing his hands behind his back.
"Better thank you." Whispered Isabel.
"She will make a quick recovery provided she gets plenty of rest." Said Jan, replacing the lid on the crate and turning back to face your husband.
"Good." Nodded Mike. "If you require anything, just ask."
"We'll leave you to it then." You said, standing up. "Levi will most likely come by and check on you later."
"Thank you, we're very grateful to all of you." Said Jan, once again bowing his head.
"You can lay off the bowing thing." You giggled. "He's not the king!"
Mike snorted in amusement, Nanaba however rolled her eyes and tutted, not quite able to understand how you were able to crack a joke in such a serious situation.
"Sorry, I'm originally from Wall Maria." Admitted Jan, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm not exactly familiar with how things work here."
"Don't worry, we'll see you later."
"F/n wait!" Coughed Isabel, grimacing at the pain her dry throat was causing her.
"Nanaba would you get a her a glass of water please?" Asked Mike. "Just go and get one from my study, the kitchen will take too long."
"Yes My Lord."
"What is it?" You inquired, sitting down on the bed and meeting the young redhead's gaze.
"I'm...sorry I didn't trust you last night..." She whispered. "With...the list..."
"Yeah you really gave me quite the scare you sly bitch!" You smirked devilishly. "Fortunately we realized what you'd done and the list is now on it's way to the commander in chief of the military, so if all goes well...Nile's days are numbered."
"So...you're not...mad?"
"I was at first when I thought I'd lost it because it fell out of my pocket during our escape." You admitted, feeling slightly guilty at the hurt look in her dark green eyes. "I forgive you though so don't worry about it okay, concentrate on getting better."
"Thanks...I will."
Nodding and flashing her a grateful smile, you stood up from the bed when the door opened and Nanaba walked in carrying a glass of water.
"Don't drink it all at once Miss Isabel." She advised, placing it into her hands. "Take small slow sips."
"Will either of you been needing anything else?" You asked, glancing over at Jan.
"No I think we will be fine for now." He nodded, taking a seat on the bed.
"Alright, well if you need one of us just ask. There's usually someone wandering around nearby at all times."
With that, you, Mike and Nanaba left the room, quietly closing the door behind you.
"Wow, I'm glad that's over with and that she's going to be okay." You sighed, folding your arms and furrowing your brows. "It's just one shitstorm after another at the moment."
"I still have some work to do, I'll be in my study if anyone needs me." Said Mike evenly.
"Alright, I'll see you at lunch." You nodded. "I need some air."
Feeling slightly disappointed that you seemed to not want to spend any time with him at the moment, Mike silently wrapped an arm around your shoulders and leaned into you, placing a tender kiss on your forehead before walking away towards the staircase.
"I shall return to my duties then." Said Nanaba gently, sensing that you would rather be left alone.
"Thanks Nanaba." You smiled sadly. "I'll see you later."
"My Lady."
Once she had left your side, you furrowed your brows and clicked your tongue.
While you were truly grateful that Isabel was alive and going to make a decent recovery over the next few days once her strength returned, part of you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Nile were to find out that she was now at the manor. Also the fact that some of his hired thugs were now dead wasn't something he was likely to take well, in fact to hazard a guess you would have to say he would most likely be more dangerous and determined than ever...however it was a risk you were going to need to take whether you liked it or not.
You may have won this battle, but the war was far from over.

The rest of the day passed by peacefully, much to everyone's relief.
With Isabel peacefully sleeping after managing to keep down two small meals and Jan currently relaxing in his guest room while he took stock of his medical supplies, the rest of the servants were starting to gather in the dining hall.
"Looks like we're the first ones here." Mused Connie.
"No shit genius!" Scoffed Jean, taking a seat and folding his arms. "We just finished cleaning the place so of course we're the first ones here!"
"Whoa, no need to be an ass about it!" Sitting down next to his colleague, Connie looked towards the veranda doors at the slowly setting sun. "So any ideas what this might be about?"
"No clue, Levi wasn't exactly forthcoming with the details."
"He never is." Scoffed a female voice to their left.
Turning to look, the two males saw the door leading to the servants quarters to see Mikasa walk through it.
Her smokey eyes were narrowed and she had an unmistakable air of annoyance about her as she took a seat opposite Connie.
"So you're as clueless as we are then?"
"It would seem that way." She answered evenly. "Has Eren not come in yet?"
"He might be a little longer considering he has an extra horse to deal with.
"Makes sense I suppose."
An awkward silence descended over the assembled servants, the tension in the air so thick one could've sliced through it with a knife had they chosen to try.
A few moments later, the doors leading to the veranda opened and
a rather dishevelled Eren walked in. Straw stuck out at odd angles from his messy hair and judging by the creases and marks of his shirt he'd been in a bit of a scuffle and lost.
"Eren are you okay? What happened?" Gasped Mikasa, standing from her seat.
"Sherrett decided she didn't want to share a stall with Jan's horse." He grunted, moving to sit in the chair next to Mikasa. "I ended up having to board it with Gemini."
"Heh, don't let Levi see you in that state Jaeger!" Snickered Jean, unable to keep the smug grin from his face. "How about I take you out for a quick dip in the fountain?"
"I wasn't aware horses were allowed to sit at the dining table!" The stable boy shot back, narrowing his emerald eyes at the dual haired male.
"Why you little..."
All eyes turned to the doors leading to the main entrance hall as Nanaba stepped through them, accompanied by Levi who decided to remain in the doorway.
"He started it." Snorted Eren, shooting Jean an angry glare which earned him an eyeroll from the raven haired male.
"Tch, make sure they don't kill each other while I'm gone." He scoffed, turning on his heels and closing the door behind him, leaving the other servants to sit and wonder exactly what was going to take place during this meeting.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to do this?" You questioned worriedly, keeping your back to your husband as you continued to stare out of the window at the sunset.
“Unfortunately we’ve been left with no choice.” He answered evenly, sitting forward in his chair and placing his elbows on the desk. Interlocking his fingers and narrowing his eyes thoughtfully, he drew a deep breath before continuing. “I know you’re worried about what they will say about Eren and Levi being involved with each other, but their lives could be at risk too...it’s best to tell them the truth.”
“I know.” 
Turning his gaze towards you he slowly pushed himself out of his seat and approached you, placing his hands on your shoulders. 
“It will be alright f/n.”
“Will it?” You laughed mirthlessly. “Cos from where I’m standing everything is about as far from okay as it gets!”
“I know, but there’s not much we can do about it at the moment until we have a response from Premier Zackly.”
“If he responds.” You scoffed distastefully. 
Shaking his head, Mike rested his chin on your shoulder, closing his eyes when he felt you bring your head back to rest against his. 
“He will, it just might take some time. I know it’s hard but just try to be patient.”
“Easier said than done.” You muttered, gently nuzzling his cheek.
Eventually a knock on the door distracted you from your tender embrace, your brows furrowing as Mike raised his head.
“Everyone’s present in the dining hall.” Came a familiar bored voice. 
“Thank you Levi, we’re on our way down.”
Swallowing hard you met your husband’s gaze with a look of questioning, still unconvinced that full disclosure was the right path to take.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. 
“Everything will be alright.” He replied, taking your hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I promise.”

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Comments: 7

frankaykay [2017-07-08 23:41:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jewsters1986 In reply to frankaykay [2017-07-08 23:49:55 +0000 UTC]

hehehehe next chapter in progress

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vergil-Spard666 [2017-07-08 18:10:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, that picture! Love this story so much!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jewsters1986 In reply to Vergil-Spard666 [2017-07-08 18:46:42 +0000 UTC]

lol thanks ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vergil-Spard666 In reply to Jewsters1986 [2017-07-09 20:04:59 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mogu-Moguri [2017-07-08 15:58:00 +0000 UTC]

Just wanted to say how much i love this story! It's awesome that someone write about Mike  :3

I loved this chapter, looking forward for more!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jewsters1986 In reply to Mogu-Moguri [2017-07-08 16:04:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you that means a lot to me
Yeah Mike needs more love, he's so underrated it hurts! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0