JO-Amingo — Mephisto Pheles Reference Sheet

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"Well, I'll be the Devil's Brother..."


"Father of 2, CEO, Brother of the Devil"

FULL NAME: Mephistopheles Michael of Heaven

NICKNAME(s):  Mephisto (by most everyone), Mephy (by Sherry), Boss (by his underlings), Sir (by Draug the Enforcer), Daddy (By Sin and Virtue)


BIRTHDAY: June 6th

AGE: [??] (Physically in his early 30's)

Height: 215.9 cm (7'1")

☆: Gemini ♊️ 

Species: Supreme Archangel 🪽/G: X (Goes by male pronouns; physically masculine)



COLOR(S): Raspberry Red

FOOD: Grilled Salmon

THING: Flirting with women.


(If any of you grew up in the 2000s with an older sibling, you know how that sort of lifestyle goes when you dont see eye to eye with one another. Now, bump thst up 666% and you might have an idea of how poor Mephisto feels. Whether she's ruining his ability to do hos job, or ruining a date with a beautiful woman, Sherry makes it her mission to make Mephisto as miserable as possible, and has been doing so since, well, ever. At least, since the two of them were cast out if heaven. Oops...did i spoil that too soon? Eh, who cares.)



(* = Will go into further detail on said characters page later)

Diana Dastardly: 
Diana first ends up meeting Mephisto after her first "Curtain call" (a game over in Diana's world if you will), where she awakes in his office in Pitts-Purgh-atory, a Building on the edge of Hell. Mephisto offers her a free get out of the afterlife free card as long as she helps him out with a little solid layer down the line.

This "solid" ended up being relatively simple on paper. In an attempt to take everything thst brings him joy, Sherry, the Devil and Mephisto's older sister, ends up having him fired from his own company and takes over it herself. All Mephisto needs is for Diana to help him get her oit of his chair and reclaim his seat as CEO of SynRG solutions. Eventually, after this favor is completed, Mephisto ends up tagging along with Diana as she prepares her adventure around the globe, using his strings as a well know CEO to get the group certain benefits around the globe and, eventually, the mighty milky way and the Tooniverse itself.

[[SPOILERS]] Diantha created Mephistopheles for the purpose of keeping Sherry in her place after she was cast from Paradiso. However, she also created him with the innate purpose of being her lover, and to only love her romantically to prevent another Sherry from happening. While Mephisto doesn't do anything to break Diantha's trust like his sister, he commits the carnal sin of attempting to create life himself, ending up creating the Imp, Sin. Due to this action, Diantha ends up cutting Mephisto off as well, and gives him an out: Leave Paradiso and watch over Sherry down in the underworld. In return, she would eventually welcome him back to heaven as the champion of Paradiso. While taking pity on him, Diantha left him responsible for one other task: Raising the Cherub the two of them initially created as a "how to", simply to show Mephisto how her creation process worked. This being is who we know as Virtue. 

However, before he and Sherry could ever prepare to go to war with one another, Nothing appeared-- an amalgamation of...everything, and in order to save her most prized creations, be it the heavens, or her mortal creations throughout the pages of the Tooniverse. Mephisto was forced to watch Diantha shatyer herself--literally, into countless fragments like stained glass. Each fragment of her contained their own tooniverses, and, in a last ditch effort to avoid Nothing from erasing her and everythingshes created thats desr to her, she began having her soul hop between fragment to fragment, leaving when the situation becomes unwinnable and "resetting" the world by being reborn into another one immediately, as well as the souls of her most prized creations.

Mephisto, still loving his Goddess, sadly carries the burden of knowing everything upon every Tooniversal reset with the knowledge of what will happen, leaving him to become practically sleepless and sickly looking from stress. Sadly, with every reset "Diantha' loses a little more of herself every time, losing a bit of her creation powers in the process. The Diana he knows now, while still being Diantha, is sadly a shell of the woman Mephisto used to love, and he has finally found the courage to move on from their relationship, having found a new woman to dedicate his love to: Remora.

I mentioned that Doodle and Mephisto knew each other upon Diana's first encounter with him in his office. [[SPOILERS]] This is because Mephistopheles met Doodle back in Paradiso. A being of seemingly limitless...everything, Doodle was known as [$&♤♧☆%],  and was practically Diantha's right hand man. Where she went, [NA%?$*#*@] Went, too. 

Upon Diantha's "death", Doodle makes a vow with Mephisto to keep watch over Diana in whatever Tooniverse they reincarnate in. Together, they make a vow of silence to never tell Diana until they know she's ready to accept the scope of what exactly she's dealing with again, as with every "game over" from a previous timeline, that versionof herself actuallydoes die, even if her spirit doesn't.  This has actually fractured Diantha, physicallyand mentally, leaving her who she is now as Diana, a much less powerful version of who she used to be, with no memory of heaven whatsoever anymore.[[END SPOILERS]].

Cherry and Mephisto rarely interact, and have little chemistry other than being friends of Diana. Mephisto is a previous business partner of Cherry's dad from many years ago, but we've long since past that.

The two of them are rather excellent dancers, with Mephisto being quite a showman with his elegant steps, while Cream is a master of Swing dancing, being labeled by Mephisto as "One sassy sister!"

Mephisto is initially weary of Nickel, finding him a bit brutish and animalistic in intelligence. Still, as the story goes on, Mephisto and Nickel become the closest dude bro friends imaginable. I like the picture them like Yuji and Todo, where they butt heads at first bit become brothers at heart come later. 

Mephisto eventually becomes trusting enough to confess his secret to Nickel: That fact that [[SPOILERS]] Mephisto was once Diana's partner when she was the goddess of the Tooniverse, Diantha.  After creating life of his own, a cardinal sin of Paradiso, Mephisto is cast from Heaven and given the task of Working to watch over Sherry in Hell, and because he wasn't there to assist Diantha, Nothing Shatters Diantha's goddess body, breaking it into various glassloke shards, and after various lifetimes of fighting Nothing and losing, Diana is now who she is today, the same Diana Nickel is in love with now.

Due to him slowly learning to move on and accept he will never get back with the goddess he loves so much, Mephisto gives Nickel his blessing and wishes bim the best in his quest to win over her heart.

On top of Mephisto, Nickel is one of the few characters Sin and Virtue dont heckle or belittle. Sin finds Nickel's false persona to be cool, and often calls him Uncle Nickel after he and Mephisto get closer. Not only that, but even Virtue gives him a level of respect she rarely gives anyone but her father, which may not sound like much, but if you know Virtue...its impressive.

Having met on numerous occasions at Mephisto's REAL office in the Pitts-Purgh-atory after having a couple near death encounters, Raspberry finds Mephisto to be both a strange, eccentric dork and his kids to be snot nosed brats. However, she quickly changes her tune after going on various misadventures with him that begin to make her realize how much she takes life for granted and realizes she wants to do more than sit idly by in her room building robots and playing video games all day.

Through each other, Raspberry slowly learns to finally open herself up to new things and try to live her life to the fullest, and all the same she helps Mephisto finally soothe his long since iced over heart, dropping his casual flirty bachelor nature and solely focusing on Raspberry and her needs and wants. 

[SPOILERS] in the end of the story when everything is over, Mephisto and Raspberry are seen hsving gotten together, Raspberry now working alongside Mephito at SynRG to fully optimize her Robots and finally make them sellable. 


Mister Seltzer:
As the story progresses, Larry and Mephisto begin to grow much closer as friends. Initially hesitant to talk to him sll that much, Mephisto is Larry and Teresa's guide throughout the gang's trip to Paradiso, and the one responsible for telling them of their tragic fate. Being a being also created for the sole purpose of loving someone he can never be with, Mephisto understands the young lover's pain personally, and as one of Diantha's prized creations, Mephisto swears he will keep them safe from the jaws of Nothing, no matter the cost.

Miss Honeydew: 
While not having a strong relationship with Mephisto personally, She's quite fond of him after growing close to Larry later in the story, and after he explains to them their origin, She grows to view him as a sort of heavenly protector, falsely believing that because he's an archangel that he must be this iron--no, invincible man in mortal flesh.

When Mephisto is knocked down and badly beaten, Teresa will sing an encouraging song to Mephisto, Sin snd Virtue usually singing along until Mephisto gets back up on his feet. 

Sin and Virtue:
His perfect little children who can do no wrong, if you ask him. Maybe hes blinded to their shenanigans due to being a couple million years behind on sleep, maybe its because love truly is blind, but Mephisto absolutely loves his kids to pieces and, seeing them as he last true piece of Diantha be has left, he vows to watch over them for all eternity through every time line. This seems to be to his detriment, whether he knows it or not, as the Angel and Devil inhabiting his sides at all times, arguing, or asking for chocolate pudding at 3 in the morning make him feel as if he's lost control of his life as he knows it.

Virtue is his darling daughter, and as such he spoils her rotten. Virtue is a "defect" of Diana's, a Cherub that wasnt made fully by Diana's hand, and as such, is missing certain features most cherubs in Paradiso have, such as multiple heads, multiple wings, and and golden blonde hair. This undercooking  sonto speak, left Virtue, well, Virtue-less. Regardless of her bsshful actions, Mephisto loves his little girl, and is willing to drop whatever hes doing for her sake.

Ever the money-making grubber, Virtue isnt above "borrowing" her Daddy's money. 

Sin is a creation a lot more personal to Mephisto's heart. Made entirely without Diantha's assistance, Sin is the corrupted version of an angel all Mephisto's design, creating what would go one to be called Imps in Hell. Despite his demonic appearance, Sin is a happy go lucky boy with a heart of gold, whose only sin is pestering his big sister. Sin loves his dad to pieces, and sees him as his idol and the ideal man, Sin dresses and acts just like his dad in order to channel his awesome dad energy.

Similar to Soul Eater's Weapon-Meister system, Sin and Virtue are capable of transforming into living weapons for their pops to use. Being that they're of Divine origin, notmsl toons wont damage them, but any other holy bodies are capable..

"Oh goddess, PLEASE dont tell me that's Sherry! Not right now, not in front on another date! H-hey, dear, if i told you my sister was really the devil, thst wouldn'tscare you, would it? Yes, that devil--wait! Please no, come back!!"

Sherry is the mean older sibling of your worst nightmares, multiplied by 666%. Sherry revels in Mephisto's misery, loving tintrll him she told him so--Thst his love with Diantha, just like her, would never last. Mephisto, while seemingly whipped by Sherry now, is actually the only Angel higher than Sherry in terms of strength in heaven, which should make sense, given he is--or was, destined to be the one to exterminate her should she ever snap and step out of lind.

Despite their differences, and brother, theres a 5 page document of em, Mephisto and Sherry do care about one another, even if a fraction of a percent. After all, despite them being such polar opposites  both of them know the tragedy that is to have been loved and lost by Diantha, and after both having discovered Teresa and Larry, the two of them finally have a common ground in keeping the two safe for the sake of their impossibly strong bond.

[SPOILERS] Through the two of them finally laying their issues aside for the sake of their mortal friends, Mephisto unlocks his origin form during the final chapters of the story along with Sherry.

Mephisto is admittedly himself responsible for Patrick being bound to Valentine by holy decree, meaning thay he is inadvertently the reason she takes so much pain, being that Patrick is a Tooniversal negative energy magnet. Given Patrick's status as [[SPOILERS]], Mephisto vows tonkeep him safe in this go around of their eternal struggle with Nothing, to keep Valentine from hsving to suffer anymore.

Mephisto knew Valentine back when he was Supreme Archangel of Paradiso, and at the time, kept a rather watchful eye on her for having been the Angel Cherish was caught eloping with when Diantha caught her infidelity in the act. Having been pitied and spared her for not actively having "done" anything with Cherish, Valentine was allowed to stay in Paradise, while all other 100 angels that Cherish laid with were cast out as the Lil lost souls we find in Diana in current time.

Valentine, however, was nevwr treated with anything less than trust and disdain by her fellow chior, and ends up joining the Guardian Angel program for mortals on earth in need of little Miracles. Mephisto, being her boss at the time, Assigned her thenonly person left available for someone of her class--Peanut Brittle Pat.

Nowadays, having become much more humble, He admires how much Valentine has grown since her time as the black sheep of heaven.

Maddie is one of the main Heavenly bodies--Angels who are celestial bodies like the sun, the moon and stars are personified in Diantha's holy choir, and none are more loval than the Earth mother--Madeline. Where Mephisto has flames for hair, Madeline has air and water. Where Mephisto commands an air of authority and respect, Madeline makes watches over Diantha's mortal denziens with love and tenderness, providing everything they could ever need on her celestial body. 

Maddie, despite her loyalty to Diantha, wasnt spared from losing her memories with every Tooniversal reset like the other Heavenly characters were, which is one if the many reasons [[SPOILERS]] Maddie temporarily joins sides with Hemlock and Nothing in retaliation, leading to the death of [IMPORTANT PARTY MEMBER], Which leaves her feeling remorse and desiring to make it up to them after they return from the grave in exchange for Doodle's ability to "New game plus" the universe any more times. 

Mephisto and Madeline nearly kill one another after she causes [IMPORTANT PARTY MEMBER] to die. Even afterbshe is forgiven, Mephisto only warms up to her once again after everything is said and done.

Mephisto is one of the first of the main characters to immediately recognize Hemlock as a spawn of Nothing. Due to this, Mephisto wastes no time attempting to exterminate it. However, try as he might, no matter how many times Hemlock is smashed, squished, stabbed stomped or burned, it always comes back.

Mephisto seems to recognize Hemlock, not for its connection to the Nothing, but because its body looks like a plush that...who was it that owned it again? I was gonna say his kid brother, but i dont recall him having a brother...several sisters, yes, and msybe the Sun, if you count Solaire as a brother, but...i feel like i forgot what we are talking about. 

Diana DARKO*: 
Mephisto does not hesitate to attempt to excercise Diana DARKO out of existence. Despite his best efforts, DARKO is like an eldrich horror amoeba, capable of of protecting herlself withing the deepest recess of Diana's soul. 

Summerville's an incredibly beautiful ocean city with a popular night life, which of course can need plenty of electricity. Lucky for them, SynRG solutions is here for tomorrow's energy today! Using the labor of the damned within Sherry's domain, Mephisto has created a wonderfully rich work experience that combines the eternal hell of licing forever with a seemingly normal office job, turning sinner's dull suffering into sweet, sweet power. 

Of all the sinners working for Mephisto, none are as liked or as trusted as his secretary, Draug the Enforcer. Mephisto, while often a bumbling oaf of s boss, in incredibly courteous to he Demon boy, often providing him raises for essentially doing his job for him while he juggles his work life and Heavenly duty alike. Mephisto often refers to Draug as the son he never had.

The Shadowy Board of Shady Investors*:
Given that Mephisto has essentially created an infinite energy, the Shadowy board of shady investors willing to invest in Mephisto's company for the sake of no one but their own pockets. Now, you would think that Mephisto, being a huge power company CEO would be ecstatic that the world's largest Billionaires all want to invest in his life changing energy source, but you haven't met the Investors, if you believe that.

See, the entire  Board of investors seem to hate Mephisto's guts, each fir different reasons. Candela, the CEO and found pf Candle corp, is one of the many members of the broken hearts club, having had a wild fling with Mephisto years ago, and have never forgiven him since. Don Calzone of the Calzone Mafia hates Tallies, as they make him feel even smaller than he already feels. The Big Cheese, owner of multiple creameries, doesnt necessarily have any bones to pick with Mephisto, but wishes he'd learn to grow a spine, and Business Bear, a Toy company mascot whon retends to be loving and hsppy, but is a soulless witch bent if making Mephisto misersble for her own amusement (gee, who does she think she is? He already has Sherry for that...) Theres also the head of the board, who happens to be a Alexander Vladimir Sardinski is the head of the group, whom all the others fear and respect, making his words their collective goal. He wants SynRG, and is planning in giving Mephisto the boot in exchange for a bigger stake when his Sister, Sherry, takes over. Lastly is Sriracha Sam, a Hot sauce Texan tycoon who makes up for his small stature with a big, hot headed attitude. A big old fashioned about hiw he views the workplace, Sam isn't actually all that against Mephisto either,  but finds intimidating the tallie to be a game all its own.




Mephisto is BIG. Even taller than most regular Tallies, Mephisto stands at a massive 215.9 cm, or 7 foot 1 inches. Thats a whole 7 inches taller than Teresa! Not onky is he quite tall, but compare to anatomy of most, Mephisto's got quite a lot to offer.

Appearing as a Caucasian Redhead, Mephisto's hair and beard is literally a Firey orange and red, constantly flickering and crackling like a campfire. Despite the fact his hair is made of flames, no heat comes off of it  and people are more than capable of grabbing his hair and beard with their bare hands and not feel a lick of pain
Continuing on from his head, Mephisto has large eyes much like Miss Honeydew's, but almost always has them halfway open as if sleepy. He has immediately noticeable bags under his eyes, and both of hisIrises have partial Heterochromia, with one being Purple and Blue, the other Purple and Red. Mephisto's nose is rather noticably large, and always looks a bit red as if he's been blowing it for hours, or stung by a bee.

While not visible, Mephisto's back has markings where his Wings usually sprout. However, given his current condition, he is unable to use any if the abilities his halo would allow.


Mephisto wears a sleek, iron pressed wine colored tailcoat, with a silky white undershit underneath, and a Red tie around his neck. In the front breast pocket, Mephisto carries a yellow Handkerchief, With "R12:7-12" embroidered onto it. His Suit has several silver Buttons, including matching silver cufflinks.

Mephisto wears tight, form fitting Black pants with bell bottoms at the ankles, a silver belt buckle. He wears expensive brown leather shoes with silver buttons on the tops. While not shown, Mephisto wears Knee high Purple socks, and leopard print briefs.

Virtue and Sin....we will get to another time :^)

Mephisto wears dark gray gloves with one glove having R12 onbthe knuckle, and 7-12 on the other. 


Mephisto's emblem is a fusion of Sin and Virtue's, with a Purple heart, one wing from each of them, as well as a Crown and Halo. Each eye on the heart represents Sin and Virtue. 




Friends in unholy spaces 😈💫😇

When Mephisto is in Diana's party, and in the underworld, Demons and Impa alike will not initiate a fight our of respect for the authority Mephisto wields. 

Heavensent, Hellbent 😇💫😈

During battle, Mephisto changes attack stances every turn. When his attack stances changes, his stats change as well. When using Sin, His defense drops to zero, but his melee attacks become twice as strong. 

When using Virtue, Mephisto takes flight and uses a long ranged attack. This Ranged attack guarantees a Critical hit if it lands--IF, as his accuracy is greatly diminished. 

His entire fighting style is heavily influenced by luck and a game of chance, making him a glass cannon of a man.

RANGE: Virtue's Sins:

"O pitiful soul lost in the darkness, O vile Edlrich abominations who dare threaten the Heavens and Earth. May the righteous power from this Angel's sins strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger, shattering your loathsome impurity and returning you from whence you came!




Mephisto takes flight using Virtue's holy power, his eyes changing to resembleher own. The snap of his finger turns her into an angelic Bow that fires arrows of light from high above the clouds. In this stance, Mephisto's accuracy is hindered, but his attacks that hit are guaranteed to strike an enemy in their soul, dealing critical damage. 

The arrows themselves are Virtue's very essence. Due to Virtue being a money grubbing inconsiderate jerk who is often mean to others,  Her powers stem from her sins.

MELEE: Sin's Virtues

"With this swing, May the crusts of the Earth be damned and Shattered, may the Seas Dry into vasts Deserts, May the Sun nor Moon ever grace you with their Divine light!

May the Divine love of this Earthly Imp guide you straight to the blessed light of Paradiso!



S: "Oh! MY! GOD!!"

Mephisto summons his inner evils and temporarily gains a demonic form, his eyes changing to resemble Sin's. He turns Sin into a powerful spiked Mace. In this stance, Mephisto's unsble, or more accurately, unwilling, to back down from a fight, has a 0% chance of avoiding attacks. In return, however, His physical strength is increased tenfold, making his physical attacks much stronger. 

The Mace's Spikes are Sin's very essence, Capable of jutting out and contracting. Due to Sin's over all well meaning and childlike innocence, His powers stem from his virtuous behavior.



"Here at SynRG, we pride ourselves in our well organized work structures, providing all sinners and Devils alike an equal employment opportunities, paid vacation time, and a modest 70,000 hour work weeks. Come make a career from your eternal suffering, and convert that damnation into a cleanly sourced, highly profitable energy. We are SynRG solutions, solving the problems of the Earth with the powers of Hellfire--and we welcome you to the family."

In Summerville's town center, right around City Hall, the Hotel and just encroaching slightly towards Cedar Park, theres an almost futuristic looking, Frutiger Areo inspired building. You wouldnt be able tell upon going inside, seeing just a "regular" office, but the entire company is run by Devils and Imps and souls of those doomed to spend eternity as Sherry's playthings. 

This. Is SynRG. That's Sin energy for you folks confused by corporate naming structures. And its all the glorious work of one Mephisto M. Pheles. Seemingly built overnight, SynRG is an energy company whi runs off the the misery and cursed energy that Devils and souls destined to hell give off, using his own power to convert that into a nice, clean burning energy source. This makes SynRG an everlasting energy producer, and that makes several big wealthy investors all around the world quite interested. From the Candle corp to the well feared Calzone family, to the world's largest toy company, Everyone wants a hand in Mephisto's global energy empire.

That is, except Mephisto.

Mephisto, you see, is living proof that money can't buy happiness. With Bags under his eyes from the course of a Millennia of sleepless nights, His kids always arguing and fighting around him, and his investors hating his guts, Mephisto should realistically have it all, yet has nothing to show for it. He is a broken, tired man who desires nothing more thsn a relaxing vacation away from his duties, but until that time comes, Mephisto puts a smile on his face and dances like the monkey he is for the world's amusement. To make himself feel better and fill the void in his heart, Mephisto drowns his sorrows in booze and women, something his original self would've scolded, no, severely punished him for. He never used to be so...sinful.

"How the might have fallen, Michael~♡"

Ah, right, the Devil in the room.. i suppose we should address the two of them a little more, ey?

Sherry is the Devil, not Mephistopheles. A running joke early on when he's introduced is his insistence that he's NOT the devil, despite his name, likeness and all his employees being hell related. Of course, durong his chapter where Diana is tasked with helping him get his job back, Diana discovers that Mephisto is no devil, and his true identity is that of the Supreme Archangel of Paradiso, Michael, who is tasked with keeping a watchful eye on Sherry after she is banished from Heaven herself by Diantha, enveloping her in a prison of her own sins and turning her into the sexy devil we know today. 

Being the Archangel that was destined to exterminate Sherry, over the previous timeline resets at the hands of Nothing, Mephisto has found his spirits to slowly break down over time, leaving him heartbroken that he and his love will never be with one another again, which in turn begins to effect his power over Sherry. Sherry, never one to shy away from the suffering of others, indulging on her younger brother's negativity and ever growing doomer mindset. Despite how much she is shown to be reveling in his millenia long moment of weakness, Sherry slowly grows to feel closer to Mephisto over the course of the story, eventually learning to accept one another as well as accept that Diantha, while being their goddess and creator, is herself an imperfect being eho was kind of a bitch, if theyre being honest. Learning it's okay to break away from his previous duties, or programming, as Sherry calls it, Mephisto finally learns to let go of Diantha, his heart opening up to Raspberry Tart and him sleeping his first true good night's sleep since he was banished from Paradiso, his eye bags disappearing overnight. 

Mephisto is particularly fond of mortals, sharing Diantha's love for them and loving all of Diantha's creatures without prejudice. All loving, and always accepting, Mephisto is often the most intrigued by anyones problems they come across, even more so than Diana. This extends to his group of friends he makes along the adventure, especially Raspberry, Nickel, Larry and Teresa. Always there for others and never asking for anything in return, Mephisto is the good listener friend no one knows they need until they meet him.

Mephisto, carrying the knowledge of eveey past life he's been through with him, is one of the Narrator figures in the story alongside Doodle, Sherry, and [*$,@*@(@(] (huh? There shouldnonly be three people who know everything...weird.)



-Mephisto was based off of the following characters:

•Mephisto Pheles (Blue Exorcist) for his namesake. 

•Pent (Khonjin House), mainly his lanky body, his facial features, and his over the top reaction faces.

•Michael, the angel. Not really a "character" per say, but he is conceptually the Diana universe's equivalent to the slayer of satan, Michael. The "R12/7-12 referenced on his gloves are a nod to Revelations 12 verses 7 through 12, the part of the Bible that explains Michael's role in the battle for Heaven.  

•Death the Kid (Soul Eater), Particularly the ability for Sin and Virtue to become living weapons, as well as him having two of them, that bappen to be siblings.

-Mephisto's transformation speeches are a direct parody to both the Anarchy and Daemon sisters' speeches from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Likewise, while only shown of once or twice, they have an elaborate transformation sequence for both his forms, as well as showing his kids become their weapon forms.

-Mephisto recently discovered the joy of Dungeons in Dungeons thanks to Raspberry Tart, having taught him how to play during one of their first dates, turned him into quite the fantasy buff after their first run with Raspberry, himself, ad well as the "kids"

-Mephisto was inspired by company CEOs like Iwata-san, people who put their people first, their paycheck second. This is why, despite his company working from hell itself, Mephisto oa well respected by those who work underneath him.

-Mephisto truthfully regrets breaking Candela's heart, and has tried on numerous occasions to make ammends. However, being the crazy latina candle woman she is, shes not the kind of woman who simply lets go of her spite.Aa such, even Fternthe world is saved, Candela is still seen being cruel to Mephisto even after his heroics.

-Mephisto likes to play Ukulele when at rest stops along the adventure. He often write his own tunes while on the road with Diana and the gang, which Raspberry finds to be incredibly comforting in the weird, wide world of Diana Dastardly. 

-The song that Teresa, Sin and Virtue sing to get Mephisto back on his feet is a parody of the Invincible Golgore from the series "Zatch Bell!"

-Mephisto, Sin and Virtue are based off the concept of the angel and devil on your shoulder. This concept eventually evolved into the two of them becoming his children.


Character "Themes": 

So, ususally when drawing, i tend to play music that i feel best represents my character im drawing st the moment to feel further connected to them. It may sound silly, but it's one of my favorite ways to getting absorbed in my artwork. So, going forward, i will refer to these songs as a character's "Theme".

When making Mephisto, these songs came to mind:

Caravan Palace - Moonshine: youtu.be/LEEnJQCOXZw?si=sNs23l…

"You know well, what I've been through

Living there without a view

Asking why we missed our chance

And now I'm looking for something to get by

High and dry


In my cell

I'm looking for"
"How can I even know

What lies ahead if I don't go

I see a chance, I take it slow

And I know I just can't leave these things behind

Trying to feel


In my world"

(Someone, evermore. Sunshine, evermore)

This is indisputably Mephisto's theme as a character. Not just in terms of oh i heard it when drawing him, so--No. This song embodies when it feels like to Be Mephisto.

He is a being of incredible greatness, yet feels trapped and hopeless by the current cycle of everything in the Tooniverse. This is why Mephisto is so on board with Diana's adventure, as Mephisto knows that when they start, it will end with them confronting Nothing. Despite this, he has no idea of how things will turn out of he doesnt go along and keep her safe like he's always vowed. Until the world, no, Tooniverse is free from Nothing, he will never truly feel satisfied. 

The someone/sunshine Mephisto seeks is a metaphor for Raspberry, the first woman since Diana that Mephisto eventually dedicates his life to.

Panic! At the Disco - I have friend's in holy spaces: youtu.be/0TN5bJ1v03E?si=PXp7LP…

"You remind me of a former love that I once knew

And you carry a little piece with you"
"You remind me of a few of my famous friends

Well, that all depends what you qualify as friends"

This one has been on my mind for years now while drawing Diana stuff. Not a big P!ATD fan but this song is just so relatable to Mephisto's character, with its soft voiced singer, the jazzy instrumental, and most importantly, its lyrics.

Diana, being the current incarnation of what originally was Diantha, is the former love of Mephisto, and despite basically being nothing like the woman who crafted the Tooniverse in her personal image, she still carries certain mannerisms and appearance that he csnt help but see in her.

The friends that don't qualify as friends are the Shadowy board of shady investors, as they are all interested in Mephisto for one major reason: Money. As mentioned previously, none of them really like Mephisto and only care for what he and SynRG can do for them.

Tally Hall - Hidden in the Sand: youtu.be/EOFA9kPQ_uU?si=ylOVcf…

"You told me to buy a pony

But all I wanted was you"

The voice, the Ukulele, the passion! Thisnsong is another one of those themese that just kinda clicked with my creation of Mephisto. The entire song really emphasizes that feeling to have loved and have lost and feeling destitute as a result. Diantha, having long since "past", wants Mephisto to move on with his life away from her, but at the end if the day, Mephisto was created with the intent to Love Diantha romantically basically imprinted on him. She wantsnhim to move on, but sll he wants (until Raspberry), is her. 

Caravan Palace - Beatophone: youtu.be/FPjJW5iTFN0?si=3JtBsq…

"Oh you've got my soul on fire

I know that (slow drag)

It sure is dragging me down

I crave that (slow drag)"

While the lyrics themselves arent as important in this one, the beat is what i want you to take out out of it. I mentioned beforehand that alongside Cream, Mephisto is an excellent dancer who is more rubberhose in his dancing style that Cream is, capable of using his long, lanky proportions to bend and twist around. This is simply one of those songs i imagine himself and Raspberry breaking into dance with each other to. 

Len - Steal My Sunshine: youtu.be/teUlISh-TiA?si=bIyiki…

And of course you can't become if you only say

What you would have done

So I missed a million miles of fun

"I know it's up for me

(If you steal my sunshine)

Making sure I'm not in too deep

(If you steal my sunshine)

Keeping versed and on my feet

(If you steal my sunshine)"

The one hit wonder from legendary group Len. Thisbsong is how it feels to be Mephisto in his more wacky, comical sense, being the butt of many jokes and being pushed around and mistreated by his investors and "friends". Despite how hellish his life is, Mephisto takes it all in with a smile. If his goddess wishes tonsee him suffer like this, then so he shall, and he will smile through it all to prove he can't be beaten down, even at his lowest.


When thinking of Mephisto's voice, i can only hear the wonderful chords of The lead singer of Tally Hall--Rob Cantor. Also known for his hit indie musical meme song "Absolute cannibal Shia Lebouf". From his deep, melodrama speaking voice to his angelic singing pipes, Rob is the best voice for a guy like Mephisto.

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Mr--Spoon [2024-02-10 06:28:04 +0000 UTC]

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