JoJos-Gym — Fey's Exploits 4 (STORY BELOW!!!)[FINALE]

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Published: 2023-09-15 16:51:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 19064; Favourites: 94; Downloads: 20
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September 13, 20XX, El Salvador, Just South of the Honduras Border

The convoy quickly fled the city after the raid in Oro territory. Reinforcements, a surplus of armed sicarios were due not long after. Humvees left the scene as Fey and Zap sat in the back seats of the speeding Mobile Command Center, as he hacked El Nino’s phone. “So what are we looking for, I doubt it's easy to find his most visited location.” Fey Looked over at his laptop as he ran a hacking program. “Once I’m into his OS, I can leech his GPS Metadata, and find hotspots of his activity.” Looking over to Fey “It would be better if I didn't have to do this in the back of the M.C.C. but time is of the essence.” The Group of armored vehicles and the overwatch helicopter traveled for about an hour before they pulled back into HQ. Men and women dismounted and began to offload any seized assets, wounded, dead, and narco prisoners. Zap Unplugged his laptop and walked into the SATCOM center to improve the hacks speed. Before long he was able to open the phone and access all of his GPS data. “Now it’s only a matter of compiling and searching his most visited locations!” Fey and Zap high-fived, though he was sent back into his chair from her force. “Sorry Zap…”

September 15, 20XX, El Salvador, Hell’s Handouts HQ

The computer compilation of El Nino’s locations seemed a slow crawl to every tech team member, and  Fey, it only took a day to fully compile and read out every bit of the hotspots he had visited during the last 2 years he owned the phone. Bars, business centers around South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe, and… an unknown spot in the middle of the jungle? “Why would a sweaty pig like El Nino be taking so many trips to the center of the jungle?” Zap analyzed all known satellite photos of the spot, pulling up a 2km x 5km anomaly. “Well judging by the blurred-out satellite photos of the last 3 years, it looks like someone is trying to hide this strip of land.” Fey Looked close, and noted a highway that seemed very developed but ultimately led to this strip of nothing, “That's it, She must have a jungle fortress! That's our spot right there!” Fey jumped up, ready to take the data to the higher-ups immediately and get approval for an assault on the fortress.

After an hour of debating with the upper levels of “HH” Fey finally got a rescue and capture mission approved and was rounding up an assault team to finally cut the head of the Golden snake that was the Oro Sobre Todo Cartel. The mission, formally dubbed “Operation Just Right”, was to commence as soon as possible, and Fey began to round up 3 Squads and Humvees, till she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking back she saw Mastiff, the head mechanic for the whole PMC, “Fey, You are gonna need a lot more firepower than normal for a full-fledged assault like this… and I'm proud to tell you that she’s ready!” The girl's eyes lit up like sapphires, as a beautiful LAV-25 pulled up behind him. “Now I just got her up and running, but I haven't painted her just yet… Figured bullets coating her chassis would ruin it anyhow.” Fey Walked over and gently touched the beautiful vehicle, before running up and hugging the old man “Thank you Mastiff, we’ll get Eleven back and bring her to justice, I promise you!” Surprised, Mastiff let out a grunt as the two massive arms wrapped around him. “You got this Fey!”

A team made up of three squads left the headquarters, gunning it for the jungle fortress. It was a long shot, and it could have been a guise to throw them off the trail, but this was their best hope. Fey sat in the gunner seat of the Lav, though it should have been cramped, it looked as though Mastiff had made some modifications to better accommodate the large lady. The 3 hours it took went by slowly, their engines boomed down the long highway. Radio silence made each vehicle feel isolated from one another, yet the sight of friendly lights was a strange comfort. As the men looked around the road, they noted that there were no buildings along its sides and that it was much too smooth to be a real locally made road. It was clean, unused, and made a sense of dread hop into their stomachs.

Up ahead The LAV commander spotted a cartel checkpoint. As it so happened the checkpoint also spotted the assault team, and opened fire with small arms. The two humvees both fell in behind the Lav for cover, and Fey readied the 25mm main gun, opening fire with a salvo of HE shells. BOOM BOOM BOOM. A loud and explosive entrance for the team's biggest undertaking of their careers. Men flew from the explosive shells, and Fey’s shots blew up a cartel supercar. These were the high-ranking members, Heidi’s most trusted… “Bring it on!!" Fey said with a large smirk. Soon Humvee Alpha Broke off to begin cleanup Ops around the area, and to minimize sicario and high-ranking members escaping. Humvee Bravo took to pulling ahead of the Lav to begin their strike on the servant’s village and to set up a rendezvous for all other teams. The Lav kept moving up the road, absorbing all manner of small arms fire, all the while Fey took out all large threats. On the next checkpoint, Fey opened another barrage of hellfire, yet a Sicario with an RPG-7 still stood atop his post, and let a rocket loose at the vehicle. Fey noticed this as she saw the flash, and put herself against the turret wall, and quickly to the opposite side, causing the LAV to swerve. The team all jolted, just as they heard the rocket scrape the side and ricochet into a pile of cleared brush. A sigh of relief came from all of the occupants as they began the pull up to the Fortress. Though said fortress would better be described as a palace. The building was gilded, coated in a shiny yellow hue, and its architecture could have been compared to the great hanging gardens of Babylon. It was grand, and it infuriated Fey that some greed went this far.

     A Gilded security gate stood before them but was quickly blown off its hinges. The team was not prepared to encounter emergency mines the sicarios had laid out, as two of their wheels were blown off the LAV. Unable to control the vehicle, the driver braced for impact as they were sent careening into the side of the palace, crashing through the marbled walls, the turret unable to turn due to damage. Fey tried to open the turret hatch, but it wouldn't budge, till she punched it, afterward poking out her torso. A group of guards had begun to surround the LAV, and open fire, as Fey ducked back in. Luckily they all quickly emptied their magazines, and Fey Sprung out again, grabbing a hold of the 240b machine gun atop the turret. In a moment Fey mowed down their resistance, and hopped out and onto the black marble floor. She heard the clicking of heels as the ringing in her ears began to calm. Looking to the doorway, there she stood. The large, blonde beast. Heidi held Eleven in her hand, Fingers wrapped around his throat. A medical injection gun in her opposite hand. “Well well, If it isn’t “The Tank” As this one so quite liked to mention…” She smirked, “Fey, you are good as finished…” Her evil smile never left her face as she held up Eleven like he was made of paper. “F-f-Fey!! RUN! She’ll K-kill you” Eleven let out a meager groan as Heidi barely refrained from snapping his neck. “I’ll deal with him later, but now, I have Hell’s Handouts Best and strongest… “ She held the injection gun, a purple vial nested atop it, up to her neck to get her vital dose of the serum. Just as she was about to inject herself,  Eleven kicked it out of her hand, and yelled “It keeps her this strong!!! Don't let her use it!!!” Frustrated, Heidi threw the man to the side, Fey cried “ELEVEN NOO!” Heidi, looking mildly inconvenienced, went to grab the Serum. Just then a soldier took a shot from the hatch of the LAV and distracted Heidi, just long enough for Fey to grab it. Fey looked to Eleven, and then back to Heidi, she had to do this for him. Taking the tip of the injector to her neck, Fey took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. Feeling the cold liquid rush out of the device, she began to feel a surge of energy like nothing other. The soldier rushed over to give Eleven medical attention, as Fey felt the serum enter her bloodstream. Fey felt an exponential growth building deep inside of herself. She felt waves of warmth hit her as the serum spread throughout her veins. Her neck strained as the rush of the chemicals went down to her shoulders, feeling the straps of her vest begin to dig into her skin, and hearing the metal buckles begin to strain, struggling to hold over her growth. Her arms felt the warmth burrow deep,  she saw her biceps and her forearms nearly double in size, the orgasmic growth making her flex involuntarily. Fey felt it hit her pecs, her strong cleavage could nearly tear her ballistic vest in two. Her abs felt as though she had done a thousand crunches in the last minute, her six pack feeling more like an impenetrable brick wall. Finally, her legs began to sprout as she felt them grow vertically, her quads felt like she could shatter a tree with a small flex, and her calves flexed, as they burst out with power. Fey stood there for a moment, and huffed as the growth had finished, leaving her standing taller, and her muscles flexing much harder than the beast in gold. Fey couldn't help but touch her stronger than steel core, and flex her mountain lifting bicep. Heidi saw this godlike growth and yelled “You idiot! You took my dose!” as Heidi began running towards her,  Fey readied herself for the battle. Heidi reached Fey, jumping into the air and planted a big punch to Fey’s face. Soon after Heidi launched a barrage of attacks onto the girl, Fey began to block and dodge, accessing Heidi’s attacks as they came in and anticipating each blow. Finally retaliating, Fey kicked the Blond in her side, leaving a substantial mark as a meaty thud echoed throughout the room. For a moment Heidi winced in pain, feeling her side. Fey, surprised with her newfound power, punched her square in the jaw. Sending her flying as she tumbled into the ground. Jumping back up to her feet Heidi had a second wind and began her second assault of furious kicks and punches. Fey grabbed the heeled boot of the blond and flipped her over, kicking her in the gut, and sending her flying into a pillar on the wall. The marble cracked as she shook herself off. Heidi was furious, and she took the bowie knife out of her leg holster. The same kind she had stabbed Fey with days prior. “I’ll teach you. I’ll teach you what I’ve taught every man and woman to get in my way” She jumped back up and began to slice up Fey’s arms pretty badly. She then grabbed Fey’s belt, tossing her onto the Lav, before sprinting to her, pouncing up onto the armored vehicle. Fey rolled onto her back, planting the soles of her boots on Heidi's abs, using her newfound strength, she sent her flying into the roof, falling back onto the floor, bruised and battered. The blond beast was like an unrelenting bull, through the blunt force trauma, and two broken ribs, she kept on fighting. As Fey tried to regain herself, she was tackled by Heidi, as she tried to put the knife to her throat. As they wrestled it was a stalemate it seemed. Fey tried to kick but dared not take her hands off of Heidi’s, as she tried to stab the black-haired woman. Fey struggled to keep the knife out of her throat. She began to feel Heidi’s grip on the weakened, her strength subsiding. She was getting weaker by the second… but how? “You Took my friend” Fey began to sit back up, her abs burning from Heidi’s resistance. “You hurt so many people” She was able to get her feet under herself. “YOU DESERVE TO PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES” Fey finally stood up, Heidi’s power draining and the PMC poster girl held her in one hand, as she had done to Eleven. Fey slammed Heidi into the ground and planted her boot onto her chest. “I guess you could say that ass kicking was just right!” Heidi was drained, using the last of the serum in her body to put up an arm shakily before passing out.


    Fey rushed over to Eleven and the soldier, as she cradled her hurt friend in her arms. “I'm sorry I wasn’t here sooner ‘Leven. I’m sorry” Fey, worried for her friend, began to cry, as the man regained his consciousness “Fey- You saved me… Thank you.” Fey heard his voice, wiping the tears off her face. “Eleven, I’ll get you out of here, I promise.” He supported himself, albeit with an unsteady arm, and pulled her close for a hug, “I'm forever in your debt, you big hulk", he let out a small laugh. Fey hugged him back, and through her chest, he said softly, “F-fey… You’re crushing m-me” Fey loosened her arms and laughed a little in embarrassment. Standing him up, he leaned on the soldier. Fey took Heidi’s unconscious body by the scruff of her neck and called on the radio to fall back to the rendezvous. They all began their walk to the servant’s village, we're Fey deposited Heidi into a humvee, placing cuffs around her wrists. 

November 11, 20XX, New York City, United States, UN Building

Fey sat in the front row of the UN assembly. Speakers from each affected South American country spoke praise and happy words about Fey’s essential role in the downfall of the ‘Gold Above All’ Cartel, and their leader, Heidi “Goldie Locks” Leopold. Fey Stood up and went to the stage, and a PMC Doctor followed. Fey gave a small run down of her exploits in Central America and the work she did in bringing Goldie down. The Doctor explained that Heidi’s Super steroid was only effective with subsequent dosing and not fully permanent. A picture was displayed above, showing Heidi’s depleted, yet still impressive physique. “At the end of the day, I didn't do this for a reward, or praise, I did this to help the people of the world, to show them that they can stand up to any tyranny and oppression they may be under. And of course to save a friend…” The UN erupted in applause, the biggest open drug war in history had finally been ended, and left way for new problems to arise… They always had new problems.

November 11 20XX, New York City, United States

Fey, Eleven, and a few other PMC members all sat down for pizza at a local restaurant. Having the whole splay before them, they began to dig in. Fey was a few slices deep before she heard a ring from her phone/. Excusing herself, she walked outside into the cold Fall air and answered. “Hello? Yes sir, yes sir… Ukraine sir? Yes sir. Pripyat. Yes sir. I’ll prepare right away.” She sighed, and hung up “New problems all the time…” Before entering back into the restaurant and sitting next to Eleven with a smile.

And a special thanks to BombshelI  
<3 <3 <3

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Yargilfist [2023-09-15 17:12:24 +0000 UTC]

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