Jokesterrzero — Cut into the arm of the stars

Published: 2023-11-01 01:02:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 547; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Memphis always kinda liked the Hootenany and spooky season. But it was always just more of a silent appreciation. They’d dress up, but they’d never really go too far for candy. They always didn’t wanna stray too far from home, and they always would get anxious or would infodump too much on their costume and then feel stupid about it later. They even dressed up as a character of theirs at one point, and no one knew who they were. They cringed at themselves years later.

But they’d dress up this year again. They had to. How could they not?

Besides maybe after helping out with one of the celebrations, they could sit down with a pumpkin flavored coffee and spend the rest of the night writing a story they’d been working on.

That was before the reason they got signed up to help with the hootenany festivities came bursting through their den room door. “MEMPHIIIIIS! MY FAVORITE SIBLING!” A Boisterous, Cheery voice called out.

Iblis Embers. Their sister had been popping up a lot more often as of late. They had told her of their intent to live away from their family and Iblis from that point had seemed intent to try and fix their and their parents….relationship. Whatever was there, anyway. “Iblis, aren’t I your…Only sibling…?” Same reply each time.

“Aww cmon Memphis Tennessee, You know you’re still my favorite!” Their older sister replied, nearly grabbing them out of the chair. Memphis sighed, picking up a coat on their way out while Iblis led them out of their room. “We’re gonna be late for helping out with the hootenany!” She said with a smile. “Y-Yea, Yea. At least let me lock my door…”

Iblis had never been seen running so fast. Guiding Memphis thru the crowded streets, Memphis was trying their hardest to keep up with her. They almost knocked over a centaur wolf like folk and a few others heading in a similar direction, Memphis and Iblis had to apologize to them before Iblis insisted they be off. They eventually got to their destination, Iblis stopping on a dime. “RIGHT! We’re here!” She exclaimed. Memphis just sighed. “...So. What do we do here then?” They asked. “Okay! SO! My idea is, in order for dear ol Sol and Lune to notice you again! This ones a bit of a small step, but getting you more active in the community!” Iblis declared. 

“Doesn’t mean you have to give up your writing stuff or whatever, but they’re sure to notice the more active you are! Doing stuff gets you noticed!” She said. “So we’ll start with you helping some of the folk here by handing out punch with a buddy!” She was looking at Memphis expectantly. “...I. I guess. That works? I really don-” Memphis was about to say. “GOOD! Glad your on board lil sib.” Iblis said, giving them a hearty pat on the back. “I’ll be with one of the other groups helping out!” She said while walking off. Wait, she wasn’t even sticking around? Of course. Memphis just sighed and got to work.

They held the punch bowl, getting it filled with some punch before nearly bumping into someone. “Oh hey, it’s you again!” Memphis looked to see..it was the wolf centaur from earlier! “...Oh. Hey. Sorry for nearly knocking you overearlier. My sister was really eager to get us here.” They apologized again. “Oh it’s fine! I didn’t notice for a second.” the folk laughed. Memphis laughed a little awkwardly. “Anyways i'm. uhhh….Memphis.” Memphis said, giving them their best smile. “I’m Stone! It’s nice to meet you.” Stone replied. Memphis nodded. “Guess i'm working with you for uh. Helping out with punch?” Memphis asked. Stone nodded. 

Well. Time to do this, they guessed.

It. Actually went well. For the most part.But Memphis couldn’t help but think to themself.


Why did it matter so much to Iblis that they wanted them to reconnect with their parents? Memphis hadn’t done anything wrong. The dreamsurge was to blame. The Dreamsuge was why they woke up with these different colors. That’s all it is. Extra colors and a different colored Phylakarida. If that was a crime, their parents might have well as disowned them if they ever got blighted. While they were lost in thought, they didn’t notice where they were walking and stumbled.

Dropping the punch bowl.

Memphis felt like a fool.

They went to go pick up the shards, frantically apoligizing to passerby. And then they cut their hand on one.

“Ow!” Memphis winced, as a shadow loomed over them. They looked up, there was Stone. “Are you alright?” Stone asked. “..Yeah. I’m fine. Hands cut, but i'm fine.” Stone knelt down next to them, and held out their hand. Memphis sighed for a second, and placed their hand in his for a second.

And then Stone spit in it. Memphis gave Stone the most confused look they had given anyone in months.

“Huh..?? Why did you?” And then Stone just rubbed it in the wound.

Was he mumbling? “It’s good for you….will keep out infection.” Was part of what they could hear over all the mumbling. They were confused, but. Why not. No medical care was worse then getting it, so Memphis nodded along and let Stone clean up the wound as the purple ether eventually stopped trickling from their hand.

“..Thank you, Stone.” Memphis exclaimed with a smile, as Stone got up. “Of course!” Thankfully, Stone was a big help during the rest of the evening. They talked kinda briefly, but Memphis enjoyed their evening.

…When Iblis walked home, Memphis in tow, they waved to Stone. They’d hope they’d see him again. He seemed nice. Memphis wouldn’t mind it, running into them again.

They felt like they needed the care tonight.

But they felt weird that night. Something surged thru their veins, they didn’t know what.

And they woke up that next morning with a hunger unlike any they’d ever known.

Word Count: 1003


Stone belongs to Jelliot21


15/1219 acorns

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