Jon825lazery7 β€” Lazy Foxwoods
#fat #foxwood #john #belly #caleb #coyote #cuddling #family #familylove #fox #lazy #memories #movienight #nostalgia #sandra #teasing #weightgain #wolf
Published: 2016-05-27 13:44:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 7907; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Waking up the next day, John sat up, his belly fell forward into his lap, quite heavy still, though thankfully having some give in it. Whimpering softly to himself, getting up from bed, he stood slowly, his middle tugging forward instantly. Taking a wider stance, he held the underside of his stomach, wobbling to his mirror, taking a look at himself, he caught a glimpse of his belly peeking out of his busted button and buttonless pants he had on yesterday. Immediately, his paws roamed down to my belly, rubbing and squeezing, feeling just how full he still was even after an entire day to digest, showing the burger he ate probably lasts longer and makes it harder to digest, guessing even an adult would feel the same way, John could hear his belly still trying to breakdown whats left of the ground beef. Though, some of his belly fat gave in, he still looks like his he went through another binge.

John slowly wobbles outside his door when he heard footsteps, seeing his father wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, which failed to cover past his sizeable belly, showing much of his belly fur, who stops to see his son's own frame, chuckling.

Caleb:"So, Sandra got to you too, huh?"

John squeezes his belly softly, laughing to himself.

John:"Mom sure does know how to treat her family."

Caleb chuckled and rubbed his head.

Caleb:"You don't have you worry about eating today, Sandra knows when to stop, in spite how she'll keep doing it."

John chuckles, hugs his father around his gut, his head nestled against his soft middle, yet feeling firm from yesterday's contest, still hearing his belly breaking down the leftover burger. When being adopted and gaining weight, John not only felt warm and soft within himself, but this inn, the fox, the coyote, he felt more than that, not only there's so much carefree but also felt safe and secure around the gluttony become. John continue to listen to Caleb's belly digesting his binge.

John:"Oh, your so stuff! Doesn't it bother you?"

His eyes moved upwards toward his head, looking down on him.

Caleb:"When your doing this as long as me, your mom, your uncle, or your aunt, you'd pretty much build up a tolerance to going a day gorging without getting a bellyache. Now, Sandra will be making breakfast but trust me, go change and don't worry about covering yourself."

John:"Ok, dad."

John went back into his room, leaving Caleb going downstairs. John took off his busted clothes and began looking into his wardrobe, he was about to wear a more spacious pair, but his dad did tell him not to worry about covering himself, obvious they done this before, told him to worry about outgrowing his wardrobe and/or wearing tight clothes around the inn. Due to his recent weight gain, John decided to go for it, taking out a pair of pajamas that looked like it would fit in, which he didn't mind, the shorts felt a little snugged around his waist while the t-shirt left most of his belly exposed.

Looking himself in a mirror, squishy his soft dome, John enjoyed being big and playing his belly fat, including with his parents and friends. Wobbling to the dining room, holding his gut to help with the balance, he sat down still rubbing, he turned his head to his father rubbing his own bare gut. Noticing his son watching, Caleb gave a smile and a wink, prompting him to smile.

Sandra:"Alright, I hope my boys are hungry."

Sandra came into the dining room with three plates, one plate for each of them, still a loving and caring wife and mother, the bloated coyote made six sets of sandwiches for her husband and son, including a plate for herself. When she came in, Sandra is wearing a purple bra and panties, with a pink robe with the belt tied in a knot below her chest and above her belly, which is left exposed.

It wasn't that bad, since some gave in, Caleb and John ate with little discomfort as the sandwiches were a little larger, but able to stomach them down. Finishing their breakfast, John needed to get something off his chest.


Sandra:"Yes, baby?"

John:"Is it ok if I don't eat anything for a day or two? I'm still full from yesterday."

Sandra wasn't sad, mad, or disappointed, she kept smiling glancing to her husband who nodded.

Sandra:"Sure thing, sweetie. We got plenty of recess to ourselves."

John remained in delights, kinda surprising that she didn't pressure him or Caleb to reconsider their choices, or, more specifically, John's choice.

Caleb:"So, does anyone want a nap."

That...was different. John pondered until it would answer by itself when he yawned.

John:"Nap? But we haven't eaten anything."

Caleb:"But we do relax and nap, nap a lot. So, why don't you go back to bed, while me and your mother do napping of our own."

John wanted to say something but yawned again.


John slowly got up, holding his gut while wobbling back upstairs, leaving the fox and coyote to clean the plates. Back at his room, John lifted the blanket and slowly got on his bed, covering himself, he soon fell back asleep.

John woke up a few hours later, well rested now more of this belly gave in, getting up to smell the scent of something mom and dad are making John made his way to the living room. Sitting on the couch, turning on the TV, Caleb and Sandra came in with a plate of muffins.

Caleb:"Ah, look who's up just in time."

Sandra:"We thought you'd regain your appetite so we made these."

Caleb:"Let's hope you have. Eat up, son."

John:"Why not?"

Placing down the plate and a glass of milk, John already made his way of stuffing his face, many muffins with different flavors; blueberry, strawberry, chocolate chip. Already, his belly slighty distended, John took the time to took in his parents gave his bare belly a rubbing when those two trapped him in the center between them. Sandra kissed his cheek, Caleb wrapped his arms around him while resting his cheek on top of his head, those two couldn't resist hodling their wolf son tight.

Couple of hours later, the three fat canines were eating chocolate while watching TV talking about Caleb being a rescue pilot when he enroll into college.

John:"You were a pilot back in college?!"

Caleb:"That's, right. A rescue pilot to be in fact. I enrolled in a space rescue corps."

Sandra:"When it was your father's last test, he had to parachute from a high altitude and land in the center of a target area."

John:"What happened? Did you pass?"

Caleb:"Oh, I did pass but I quit."

John:"Huh, why?"

Caleb:"Because I decided to live a less dangerous life to open a bed and breakfast after I proposed to this lovely, plump coyote with an adorable tummy and a amazing appetite."

Caleb leaned to kiss his wife's cheek. Sandra giggled.

Sandra:"Those were college years that your father was his plump self."

John:"What do you mean?"

Sandra giggled.

Sandra:"Because your father was able to fit into his outfit before he proposed to me. I can't imagined if that outfit lasting any longer."

Caleb:"Hm, what's that suppose to mean?!"

Sandra:"You know what. Before this you're able to stuff your plump belly into that outfit. Now, look at you, handsome."

Sandra poked the sarcastically fox's white belly.

Caleb:"The reason she brought it up because she wants to see me burst out of it. Even so, it stretches, I can still wear it."

John:"You still have it?"

Sandra:"Of course he does, but he hasn't used it ever since he quitted. Not anymore with that belly."

Caleb:"Hm, well if you insist, how 'bout we do it right now?"

Sandra:"Certainly, dear. I'd be here to squeeze your soft tummy when it comes out by itself."

John giggled, he wasn't upset by their parents petty disagreement, just still excited about the lifestyle they go through their lives. Getting up from the couch, slowly on their feet, the belly canines went up the stairs to Caleb and Sandra's room. In the room, Caleb began searching for it in the closet, Sandra was sitting on the edge of their bed rubbing her gut, John just stood on his feet watching his dad looking for his old uniform, he took the time to look their bedroom, there he saw three pictures of them in high school.

Caleb:"Ah, found it."

Caleb found his uniform and showed it to both of them. Sandra giggled while John glanced at it, the uniform was certainly...small. Compare how Caleb was big to the uniform being small, the story made it clear, in the past, in the present, which is now, shows distance.

John:"Show...that belongs to you."

Sandra did her best to hide her laughter upon hearing John's confusing statement.

Caleb:"And this is my helmet I also found."

Caleb tossed the helmet, John caught it. John imagined his would still be able to put on, since none of his face gone chubby, that goes for him and Sandra.

Sandra:"That's the only part of the outfit that fits him."

Sandra winked at John, whether she knows what he was thinking or teasing her husband, either way, John placed it on their bed.

Caleb:"That helmet always fits me, they made it for all sizes for all species."

John:"Dad...uh, I was wondering..."

Caleb:"...What's wrong, son?"

John:"Was opening an inn your life, or was being a space pilot your real dream?"

Caleb looked at his wife than at his son, not knowing he wasn't expecting a question like that, neither consisting choosing what he would do in his life. Caleb smiled, placed the uniform on the bed, when he was about to answer.

Caleb:"To be honest, when I was a cub I always dreamed to soar among the stars, and court danger on epic terms as a daring rescue pilot... laughing in the face of impossible odds, relying on instinct and cunning reflexes to see him through each mission with my crew."

Caleb flexed his arms to demonstrate, prompting Sandra to laugh, she got up going towards him.

Sandra:"And after quitting, he settled down to be my chubby fox. He did rely on instinct and reflexes when it cames to food to daringly rescue himself from starvation."

Sandra teasingly padded his bare belly.

Caleb:"Honey, hehe, I'm telling our son the story of how his father became a rescue pilot in college."

John chuckled.

John:"It's ok, I don't mind. Besides, your careless lives seem epic to me."

Sandra got the message when Caleb raised on his eyebrows at her to let to have it his way.

Caleb:"Well, it was epic trying not to lose my lunch when I find myself in an emergency freefall after some uppity alien fighter uses my shuttle for target practice..."

John:"What?! You were attacked by an alien?!"

Caleb:"Well, 'attack' is a strong word but it seems to be 'another incident' during flight practice."

Sandra:"And its a good he met me, thanks to those indulgent meals we had, he could go for 'daring' stunts without getting sick, even helping his co-pilot."


Sandra giggled. Saying for the coyote who got her fox into a burger eating contest that made him look sick but managed to keep it down.


Caleb:"Yeah, Sirrus, who is a bird, but not just any bird, a phoenix to be in fact. He was my co-pilot, we were diving through the atmosphere after escaping yet another narrow brush with certain disaster, and yes, besides that 'target practice' we had more disasters than that."

John:"What happened to him?"

Caleb:"We parted ways, we haven't seen each other ever sense. After my final spacefaring adventure, I settled into a happy, fat life with Sandra. I kept that outfit as reminder of what I went through."

Sandra:"And now you found it. So, put it on cutie."

Sandra handed him the outfit.

Caleb:"Hehe, all right now, watch and learn, all it takes is to stretch it out."

Sandra:"Watch and learn closely, John, to see how much your father has grown."

John giggled. This he has got to see.

Showing confidence, Caleb attempted to put on his old uniform, getting it on was a bit difficult getting all four limbs through it, but that wasn't the hard part. The part came when zippering it up, the zipper struggled to contain the white ball of fluff which is his belly, he had to wrap it in before closing it, that, however, backfired. When the zipper slowed down when it reached the widest part of his belly, the suit was, who knows, two or three sizes smaller.

Sandra chuckled while John did his best to contain any of his giggles, well, more like laughs, that will make him feel bad.

Caleb:"All it needs-"

Caleb arched his back, lifted his belly than sucked it in, the zipper moved a few inches up more before he was able to completely fasten it when it reached the slender part of his body; his chest. Even with a bit of chest fur exposed, Caleb felt content of proving them, felt snugged, tight, and stuffed into his old uniform. Sandra press against his back, her chin rested on his shoulder while her arms are wrapped around his stomach.

Sandra:"Well, you were able to fit in."

John was also excited, his tail wagging until he noticed the zipper going down by itself.

John:"Uh, dad?"

Caleb felt something, the breeze of his chest fur sticking. He and Sandra looked down to see the zipper pushing down, apparently, his massive belly proves to be unable to contain, his gut pushed it down, allowing the suit to open up and his belly bounced out.

Caleb:"Oh, I really outgrown this."

Sandra:"And that's so cute you did it for me. If you stayed in college, I don't know what would I do without my fox keeping him so soft and squishy."

It turns out, Sandra really did enjoyed it because it reminded on how he quitted to be with her. Sandra kissed his cheek, nuzzling her head against his neck. Caleb and Sandra sat on the edge of their, Sandra kept rubbing her fox's exposed belly.

John:"Hey, mom?! Hey, dad?!"

The two bellied canines see their bellied wolf wearing Caleb's helmet, being too loose for his head.

Caleb:"Ah, there's my son. Help your father lay down."

John giggled. Helping the former pilot laying down, Sandra hugged him, laying next to him, nuzzling her head against his, rubbing his bulging belly in the air with her paw. John hugged his father's guy too, feeling so soft, he just, impulsively, sat on him, careful not to put his full weight to give him a bellyache, while on there, he instinctively rubbed his gut. Looking down on his mother and father, smiling towards him back, letting their son rubbing his bellied father.

Next day...

Friday night!

It's movie night!

The family is planning sitting on their butts watching a movie. Good thing Caleb puts back his suit sticking with this shorts and ill-fitted t-shirt. In the living room, John and Sandra are sitting together on the sofa, Caleb offered to cook, its a good thing he began sooner, the table had few large bowls with food within each one; soft pretzels, nachos laced with gooey cheese, hot dogs with three settings; some with no toppings, some with ketchup, and some with mustard, sets of different sweets ranging from candy bars to candy bags, and 1.5 liter bottles, one for each of them.

John was tempted to eat the entire table, usually the family eats the entire food before the movie even starts but they managed but one of them struggles to keep his appetite under control for being kept waited.

John's belly growled. He groaned.

John:"Oh, I'm starving."

Sandra:"Here. Lay down on me."

Seeing her son hungry, Sandra offered John to lay his head on her belly, snuggling his head deep into her belly.

John:"When's dad gonna be done? The movie's gonna start."

Sandra:"I'm sorry, baby. We can't eat until your father's done cooking, even if the movie starts early, he needs his filling too."

John:"Aren't you hungrier than me."

His was answered when Sandra's belly growled underneath him.

Sandra:"Oh, mommy is hungry. But you like doing this like we do, playing with our tummies while listening when laying your head. You like that don't you sweetie?"

John was in a deep trace, not because he continue getting cozy on his mother's tummy but Sandra is relaxing his hunger by giving him a bellyrub.

Hearing footsteps, Sandra helped John in a sitting position. Caleb came in with a large bowl of popcorn laced in melted butter, he's not wearing his pilot uniform but he is wearing his helmet.

Caleb:"Captain Foxwood has made popcorn for his crew."

The two laughed at his sudden imitable captain statement.

Placing the popcorn down, sitting in the center, helmet taking off and on the table, the movie started and it didn't take long for the gluttonous canine family to start chowing down. Already, the candy, hot dogs, popcorn, nochos, pretzels were quickly gone down their greedy gullets, wiping their muzzles clean from the cheese, ketchup, butter, and mustard, chugging down their soda with only quarter of the fluids remaining. The snacking is already gaining on their swollen stomachs, father and son's shirts riding up, exposing more of their bellyfur, mother's rob getting smaller, undoing the knot to help it expand more.

Half-an-hour pass, sodas drained of all their fluids, John yawned, he wrapped his around Caleb's bloated gut, snuggling against his side, eyes closed. Caleb and Sandra saw their son sleeping peacefully against his father.

Sandra:"Aw, look that him. So, cute."

Caleb:"Can't get enough of feeling how big and soft he keeps getting."

Sandra:"You think we should carry him to his room?"

Caleb:"Really? Like last?"

Sandra giggled, remember how Caleb and Sandra how to carry the heavy, bellied wolf when he grown a lot, going into his food coma. Then suddenly, they heard their son subconsciously speaking.

John:"Hmmm, love you mommy and daddy."

Taken aback by this, Caleb whispered in his ear.

Caleb:"We love you too, John."

Caleb gave a smooch on his head, leaving his son to sleep, Sandra nuzzles her head against his chest as the movie credits finished.
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Comments: 11

zoomb350 [2016-05-28 03:02:13 +0000 UTC]

What do you mean by belly fat giving in?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jon825lazery7 In reply to zoomb350 [2016-05-28 03:12:09 +0000 UTC]

If their bellies feel heavy and/or they slim down a bit.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

zoomb350 In reply to Jon825lazery7 [2016-05-28 23:57:08 +0000 UTC]

That makes me wonder, do their bellies stay the same size every time they expand or do they shrink to a permanent amount of fat?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jon825lazery7 In reply to zoomb350 [2016-05-29 01:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Zommb, are we really going to this?πŸ˜‘

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

zoomb350 In reply to Jon825lazery7 [2016-05-29 01:27:07 +0000 UTC]

I'm just curious.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jon825lazery7 In reply to zoomb350 [2016-05-29 05:07:56 +0000 UTC]

Well, there tummies stay not too big nor too small. They gained but their bellies slim down a bit, I choose they slim for another weight gain story or sequence, or choose to temporarily let them keep full for belly play.
How's that?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

zoomb350 In reply to Jon825lazery7 [2016-05-29 10:18:27 +0000 UTC]

Makes perfect sense.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Calebfox [2016-05-28 02:51:11 +0000 UTC]

Sweet little story, here, hehe, and I definitely like how John was getting to enjoy Sandra's softness, using her belly for a pillow, and I always fancied a scene where Caleb would try squeezing into his old, stretchy flight suit, but not quite fitting completely into it, so I was glad to see it happen, here!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jon825lazery7 In reply to Calebfox [2016-05-28 03:13:16 +0000 UTC]

If possible, when DuoRadon opens for commissions again, how 'bout commission for what you said?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Calebfox In reply to Jon825lazery7 [2016-05-30 01:03:47 +0000 UTC]

I'll give it a shot, sure, would make for a fun scene.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Jon825lazery7 In reply to Calebfox [2016-05-31 22:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Also, Sirrus, ever think about seeing more of him? You know, I might put in one of my next stories if I get the chance. By the way, did you read the camping story I created?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0