jonut21 — Rachel has tea with the Sisters!

Published: 2023-09-26 22:22:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 11385; Favourites: 82; Downloads: 0
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Description www.deviantart.com/nerdgagger wrote an amazing story of his OC's visiting the sisters at the Manor.  Rachel was the first to sit down to tea.  Visit his site and read the amazing story! 

All Dolled Up (1/3)Near Bigmouth Bay, September 199X“Come on, Carrot. Push harder!”“I am!” Rachel shouted from behind the station wagon. The old beater was still reliable under most circumstances, but not this one. Caught in a freak thunderstorm, Rachel had gotten the thing stuck in the mud on an unpaved country road in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night, the result of taking an off-highway “shortcut” on the way back to town.Thanks, Dani. Dani had taken the wheel for the time being as Rachel pushed, unsuccessfully, the spinning tires kicking up mud all over her clothes and face. In the passenger seat, Liana was still tying to make heads or tails of the county map. “Why am I the one pushing anyway?”“Because you’re the one who drove us into the mud, you dweeb.”“But you’re the one who…” Rachel’s hands slipped from the rain slicked rear of the wagon and she fell face down into the mud. The tires stopped spinning as Rachel laid there in defeat for a moment under the ongoing deluge. “Fuck it, I give up. We’re stuck.” “Well if we just… wait hold on…” Liana timidly chimed in, flipping the map a couple more times.Dani turned off the engine and tossed the keys to Rachel as the redhead returned to the driver’s side door. “Eh, someone will roll through and pick us up,” she said.“Nobody else is going to be stupid enough to drive down this road tonight,” replied Rachel, her brows furrowed behind her dripping orange bangs. “Hey, you should know by now not to listen to me.” Dani folded her hands behind her head as if somehow pleased with herself for getting them into this situation. “No kidding. So where are we on the map, Li?” “I um… I don’t know.” She flashed a sheepish grin.“Great.” Liana set the useless map aside. “Well, if nobody’s coming down this road anytime soon, maybe we can walk back to the highway? It’s only a couple miles.” “Yeah, a couple miles in the rain,” said Dani.“Well, why don’t you push and I’ll drive then?” said Rachel.“I’m good.”“Dani!”“Alright fine. Don’t get your panties in a twist, Carrot.”I hate when she says that.Dani continued, “We’ll walk back to the highway and hitch a ride from Large Marge. But when we get back, I’ve got dibs on the shower before you two use up all the hot water. By the way you’ve got mud on your face, Carrot.”“Yeah, no shit.”They locked up the wagon and began to make their way back down the road, trudging through dirt and downpour. The three were, of course, entirely under dressed for the weather: Rachel in her green flannel, light wash jeans, and black Chucks, Liana in a white blouse tucked into her blue jeans and brown boots, and Dani in a black tee, black jeans, and black boots. Then again, they hadn’t expected to be stranded in the middle of a storm in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night. Within minutes of walking they were already soaked.They came across a fork in the road. “I don’t remember this being here,” said Rachel.“Neither do I,” added Liana, her arms folded over her uncomfortably translucent blouse, “Hold on, what’s that over there?”In the distance through the rustling pine were a pair of soft yellow lights glowing in the dark.“A car?”“No they’re too high up… I think it’s a house.”“I think it’s a roof over our heads,” said Dani.They made their way left past the fork toward the lights, which at the time seemed a much better option than the miles they would need to trek back to the highway. Soon enough, the dirt country road gave way to worn rugged cobblestone.Crash!Thunder and a flash of lightning. It was difficult to grasp in the brief moment the flash had illuminated their surroundings, but it appeared that they were nearing a rather large old Victorian manor, perhaps worse for wear but structurally intact. The lights were coming from a pair of high windows, the upper story or even attic. In the dark they were like a pair of eyes watching over them. Waiting.What the hell is this doing all the way out here?“Uh, guys? Isn’t this place a little too… creepy?” said Liana, inching closer to Rachel’s side.“Beats being in the rain,” said Dani.As they stepped up onto the covered porch, they enjoyed a moment of respite from the rain before Dani pounded at the brass knockers on the worn yet stately wooden doors.“Hey!” she shouted over the howling wind, “It’s fucking wet out here! Anyone home?”“Now, dearie, there’s no need for such profanity.”The three were startled by a voice from behind, Liana practically jumping into Rachel’s arms. The old woman had appeared out of nowhere. She was slender and tall, nearly Dani’s height,gliding past them up the steps in a long flowing black dress of frills and lace that would’ve been appropriate for a funeral. In a past century. The woman herself appeared nearly as antique as her dress, her skin and hair ghostly white.“Erm,” said Rachel, “We’re sorry to bother you ma’am, but we ran into some car trouble down the road—”“You drove into the mud, Carrot.”Thanks again, Dani.“—and we were wondering if you had a phone we could use to call a tow truck?”“A telephone?” said the old woman, “I’m afraid we don’t have those fancy electrical hookups that you young ones take for granted these days.”“No need for such modern contrivances, we say!”The three jumped again, turning to see that the doors had opened and a second old lady was standing there, wrinkled and white and dressed like the first although much shorter and rounder in stature. Her grinning face was lit from below by a candelabra she held clasped in her hands.“That’s right, Sister,” the tall one said, taking to the other’s side. She too was grinning a ghastly grin.“No phone?” said Dani, “What century is this?”The tall one continued, ignoring Dani’s remark, “You are however welcome to stay the night. I wouldn’t want such nice girls traveling alone in this dreadful storm.”“Such nice girls,” echoed the short one. “Right…” Rachel felt a tug at her flannel. She glanced aside to see Liana looking up at her with an unsure expression. Rachel nodded.“Well, we were kinda hoping to get back into town tonight so…”“Please, dearie! We insist! In fact, we already have accommodations prepared for you.”“You… do?”“Do you have hot running water?” asked Dani.“Of course, dearie.”“Sold.”--- The interior of the house somehow managed to seem even darker. Black wallpaper, walnut floors, brass accents, scarcely illuminated by what little lamps and candles the Sisters had bothered to keep lit. Everything was old and worn, coated with dust and cobwebs. It also seemed much larger on the inside, the foyer itself cavernous and the second floor landing almost impossibly high beyond the grand central staircase. It was as if the architect had specifically designed this place to be haunted.“This is a… nice… home you’ve got here,” said Liana.“Why thank you, Miss…” “She’s Liana. I’m Rachel. And this is our… Dani.” “Pleasure,” said Dani, “Now where’s the shower?”“Dani!”“No, it’s quite alright, Miss Rachel,” said the tall one, “I can see you girls are drenched from the rain and are eager to get out of your clothes.”“Uh, what?” said Rachel.“We do have some wonderful attire for you three to wear.”“While your clothes dry, of course,” added the short one.“Yes. While your clothes dry.”“Thanks?”“Now then, come along, dearies. We have rooms for you upstairs.”The three followed the Sisters by candle light up the stairs, each step creaking under their feet as they ascended. The wall along the staircase was decorated with dozens of portraits of the Sisters and other figures equally old and pale and ghoulish. Among these portraits were also several of young women of about Rachel’s age, dressed in a variety of frilly outfits much more colorful than those of the Sisters and their elderly relatives.Ugh. I wouldn’t be caught dead in those.“These are your relatives?” Liana inquired.“You might say that,” said the tall one.“Such a lovely family,” added the short one. “But alas, it is only the two of us left in the Manor. It does get so lonely sometimes.”“So lonely.” “I see—GAH!” Rachel shouted as they reached the top of the stairs.Upon the landing, they were greeted by an assortment of dolls of all manner of shape and size, lining practically every shelf, surface, and seat in sight. Their cold glassy eyes staring right at her.Yeah sure it’s lonely out here, but this is a little much.“That’s a lot of dolls,” said Liana.Dani was uncharacteristically silent on the matter.“We do indeed have quite the collection. They’re our little helpers.”“We wouldn’t know what we would do without them!”“Now then, Miss Rachel. Here we are! This is your room.”The taller Sister opened one of the doors in the hall past the landing, revealing a surprisingly cozy and inviting bedroom given the rest of the house. It was clearly better maintained than anything Rachel had seen so far. Fully furnished, clean, and well lit. It even had an attached bathroom. There was however one issue: its décor was utterly, disgustingly pink. Pink and white striped wallpaper, pink bed sheets, pink paint on the furniture. Pink everything.Rachel hated pink.“It’s… nice?”Repulsed as she was, Rachel didn’t want to refuse and hurt these weird old ladies’ feelings.“Please, Miss Rachel, make yourself at home.”“Our home is your home, after all.”“So… we each have our own room then?” asked Liana.“That’s correct, Miss Liana. There’s no need to share, plenty enough rooms for the three of you. And, while we trust that you are indeed nice girls, we ask that you refrain from certain… activities… if you’re so inclined.”“No naughty business!”Dani winked and elbowed a blushing Liana.Rachel had no idea what they were alluding to.“Come along, Miss Liana. Miss Dani. Your rooms are this way.”Liana lingered at the doorway.“Don’t worry, Li,” said Rachel, “I’ll be right here if you need me.”“I wouldn’t recommend wandering the halls alone,” said the taller Sister, “The Manor can become rather unruly in the dead of night. Best to stay put in your rooms until morning.”“Come on, Mouse,” said Dani, “You can visit your girlfriend later.”“Eep!” Liana squeaked as Dani tugged her along by one of the belt loops on her jeans.Girlfriend?Rachel shrugged and closed the door as the others left down the hall. Finally she could get out of her wet muddy clothes. She slipped off her Chucks, socks, jeans, and flannel, casually tossing them in some direction vaguely toward the bed. Her tank top and underwear were, thankfully, only slightly damp from the torrential downpour, and would dry quickly. Given the circumstances, she was inclined to keep them on anyway.After washing the rest of the mud from her face at the sink, she remembered the Sisters mentioning something about spare clothes. The armoire stood at one side of the bedroom, and adjusting the waistband of her black cotton Fruit of the Looms, she walked over to it in search for something to wear while her clothes dried. Opening the doors, she was mortified by her options. Hanging from the rack were nothing but a series of pink frilly dresses, each more garish than the last. The drawers were even worse, filled with pink hosiery and pink lingerie in all manner of appalling frills and lace. Rachel slammed the wardrobe shut in disgust. Underwear it is.She flopped onto the bed, the mattress unexpectedly comfortable given its age. The sheets were a soft satin and so were the cases of the pleasantly fluffy pillows. With the patter of rain against the window, she could almost fall asleep there. Almost.Thump.Rachel tumbled off the bed, dragging the sheets with her. She wrestled out of the pink tangle and sat straight up on the floor on alert, turning to the bedroom door with expectation of some unknown intruder busting their way in.Thump.It wasn’t the door. It was…The wardrobe?Rachel stood up and once again approached the armoire, the floor boards softly creaking under her bare feet and the patter of rain continuing to tap the windowpanes. Slowly, cautiously, reluctantly, she reached for the armoire doors, expecting whatever rat or possum or other creature had made its nest in the frill filled furniture to come leaping out at her. She swung the doors wide open and…Nothing.No. It was more than nothing. Rachel parted the dresses to see that the back of the armoire had vanished, replaced instead by a dark passage into some unknown space and the gentle whisper of something moving within.They came all at once. Dozens upon dozens of articles of clothing! Stockings, bras, panties all flying out from beyond the wardrobe. Directly at her. She yelped and fell back onto her butt as the clothes flew around the room on their own as if possessed by some poltergeist. She tossed off a pair of silky briefs that had managed to land directly over her face only to feel something snaking up her leg. Stockings had begun winding themselves around her ankles and were working their way up.“What the fuck!?”She pulled one off and two more joined. She pulled two off and three more joined, wrapping in tandem around her bare legs, binding them together and even cinching themselves between her ankles and knees. In her attempts to claw off the attacking nylons, a pair of frilly pink socks worked their way over her hands, and the stockings latched onto her wrists.Seriously what the actual fuck?The silky briefs had circled back and Rachel ducked, narrowly avoiding the assailing underwear, but the hosiery had continued to bind her legs further. A pair of bras had joined in on the action, wrapping their straps around her nylon-bound legs and clasping themselves with alarming dexterity. Her wrists had been bound to her ankles by this point, and although the nylons afforded some elasticity, Rachel was finding her movements to be increasingly restricted by their ever-growing numbers.She imagined how ridiculous she must have appeared, flailing about on the floor in her underwear, in a fight with underwear. Even doing her own laundry wasn’t this bad!In her struggle her tank top had ridden up, exposing her bare midriff as well as the entirety of her Fruit of the Looms, and she could’ve sworn that some of the nylons were caressing her butt just for the hell of it.“Get the fuck off of mmph!”The silky briefs had circled back once more, and this time they hit their mark, flying directly into Rachel’s open mouth and cramming themselves deep inside. As if on signal, several more pairs of underwear came flying at her face, wrapping themselves layer by layer over her panty packed mouth, each more muffling than the last.“Hrrrrrgh!”Rachel fumed through layers of silk and satin as a lacy pink push up bra settled its cups over her already bulging granny panty gag, its straps wrapping and clasping around her head in a makeshift harness. She tried calling for help, but her cries were too muffled by the multitude of gag layers for anyone to hear. A pink lace corset wrapped around her torso, lacing itself up tight and pinning her arms as the stockings had reached all the way up to her shoulders.“Hmmmgh! Mmmph!”The binding nylons then began to retract into the dark passage, pulling her toward the armoire. She squirmed in futility, a helpless hosiery bound worm, as she was dragged by her ankles across the room and into the dark passage beyond the wardrobe.“Hmmmgh! Lnnnh! Dnhnn!”Rachel was dragged inside. The doors swung shut and the room was once again quiet and still.  
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