My 3 New JSAB OC's: Tigerina, Tiarina and Coralcess
Tigerina is an orange cat or tiger, she is a cute one-legged amputee ballerina, she loves hopping and dancing, she is Tigerbeat* and Evergreen's (Superyoshi5's JSAB/PA OC) sister, she's taller than Tigerbeat*, her name is a portmanteau of "Tiger" and "Ballerina"
Tiarina is a light blue Gembeat with a blue fill, she's a crowned amputee ballerina, she wields a ribbon wand as her own weapon just like Tiaralight*, she is Tiaralight's* sister, she's taller than Tigerina, Tigerbeat and Hessonite, her name is a portmanteau of "Tiara" and "Ballerina"
Coralcess is a half-splitted cat princess similar to Princess Katie**, Kitana** and Gumball**, she's equal-sized to Princess Katie** and the other Mario Princesses, due to her yellow hair and her green skirt, she's a mermaid princess, her name is a portmanteau of "Coral" and "Princess", she shares the name with Hobbybutterfly's Coralina, who is a one-legged amputee ballerina, though they both are females whose name is based on a coral, Coralina being a ballerina and Coralcess being a princess
Tigerina and Tiarina are ballerinas, they both keep the same ballerina suit without any changes in JSAB LTYH
Tigerina and Coralcess are cats
Tiarina and Coralcess have their crowns worn on their heads
Coralcess keeps the same princess outfit without any changes in JSAB LTYH
*SandyKim's JSAB OC's
**Jordanli04's JSAB OC's