Joreal — Twice The Twin Twerps For Thanksgiving

#abdl #sissies #sissy #abdlgirl
Published: 2023-11-23 05:12:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 39783; Favourites: 605; Downloads: 31
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    Tiffany sighed as she looked down at the chain jutting out from her neck. Her eyes followed it slowly, connecting the collar secured tightly around her throat to the one clamping down on Junie right across from her. Wriggling her bottom, she tried to adjust her sitting position to no avail. Her arms were bound behind her, with the rope used to restrain her digging into the flesh under her chest. Her legs, trapped under her thighs and bound tightly, left her groaning to herself as she rocked from side to side. Across from her, Junie blushed, trying not to return her gaze.

    The kitchen they had been left unattended in was not covered in festive decorations. It was instead laden with the telltale signs of a chef hard at work: grease-covered bowls and whisks in the sink, rolling pins and cutting boards littered all over the counter, and an oven loaded with a bird and all the sides one would need for a feast. The starved sissies had been trussed up like turkeys and left to observe Ms. Emily working tirelessly all day, cooking food they were certain neither of them would be allowed to taste even a morsel of. The girls’ tummies rumbled as they thought of the food they would be receiving, and Tiffany continued the newly-broken silence with her favorite activity: complaining.

    "Rrrgh... this is so dumb..." Tiffany whined to herself. She shoved her fingers up into the ropes securing her arms, finding them bound tightly and refusing to give at all despite her wriggling and mild cursing. The chain connecting her and Junie's collars jingled in the air as it tensed and gained slack whenever Tiffany slid back on her knees before returning to her bound position. Her look of disappointment was only matched by the sigh of resignation she expelled once she gave in and accepted defeat at the hands of her binding.

    Junie awkwardly smiled at Tiffany, murmuring a muted "At least it's not the Tot-Box..." before Tiffany snapped a "Ssh!" at her. " Don't give mommy any ideas!" Blushing at being reproached, Junie looked down at her bib which read "TURKEY" in multi-colored baby blocks. Massaging her elbows with her mittened hands, she rocked back and forth, letting the chain sway even more while Tiffany continued to fight her restraints.

    Huffing to herself, Tiffany managed to shove her index and middle fingers from her right hand under the ropes along her back, wriggling them as she spoke to Junie. "We're gonna make a break for it, Junie. You and me. I'm gonna untie myself, then I'll untie you, and we'll make our way through that cat flap in the door. There gotta be someone out there that can help us deal with Momm- uh, Ms. Emily!" Wriggling her fingers back and forth, Tiffany feels her fingers become stuck. "Trust m- uh, hhh... hang- oh! MmmMMmmm..." Blushing at her failure, Tiffany realizes her hand has become trapped in the ropes, her wrist stuck fast under the binding. Junie stares blankly at her captured companion.

    "...Yes, someone who can help us deal with Mommy- er, Ms. Emily, as you said..." Junie corrected herself, not due to embarrassment as was the case with Tiffany, but in fear that Tiffany would headbutt her for putting the idea in her head again. The last time they had both called Ms. Emily Mommy, they were rewarded with ice cream, but Tiffany had blushed crimson and pitched her ice cream at Junie in a frenzy at being rewarded for being a good girl. She continued: "...however, I think it would be better to hear Mo- Ms. Emily, out, Tiffy..." she rubbed her elbows with her mittened hands once again, worried what Tiffany would say.

  Before Tiffany could reply, a pair of hands landed on the girls' shoulders with a THUNK! The well-manicured nails and floral scent could only mean one thing:

    "Hello, my beautiful bound babies~! How are we doing this afternoon? I'm sure you two can't wait for the turkey to be prepared." Staring down at Tiffany and Junie, she followed their eyes from staring at each other to concentrating on the door, to staring at Ms. Emily. "Well, then." She said to herself. "Nobody's talking about running off to some secret place Mommy can't find them at, now are they?" Lifting the big babies by their bindings, she carried them out to the dining area and unceremoniously deposited them on the floor with a PLOP. She tapped her foot on the floor as she stared down at Tiffany and Junie, who were instantly on the same page as to what their story should be.

    "Oh, of course not Mommy! We were just thinking... uh..." Junie stammered and couldn't think of what to say as Ms. Emily stared her down with an enormous grin on her face. Tiffany immediately picked up the slack and followed up with "-We thought a stroller ride outside would be a great reward for doing... our chores here, mommy!" Junie jumped back in, bobbling her head up and down as quickly as she could. The jostling tugged the chain attached to Tiffany’s collar which dragged her head back and forth as Junie continued the movement for a few seconds, squeaking out “Y-yes! That sounds like so much fun, Mommy!”

    Ms. Emily's perfectly manicured hands left the shoulders of her ditzy diaper dorks, settling on their heads as she drummed her nails against their scalps. She hummed to herself, taking a moment to place the hand that was on Junie's head under her mouth with her index finger on her lip, while her other hand drilled "Shave and a Haircut" into Tiffany's head.

    "Hmn... No, I think it’s too blustery for that today. Don’t you see that intense wind outdoors~?" Snapping her fingers, a wild gale blew up and slammed all the windows shutters closed. The securing hooks fell effortlessly into the eyes, securing them shut one by one. “See, girls? I wouldn’t want you getting hurt out there.” Circling them like a viper coiling around its prey, she gracefully slid her right hand from the end of one of Tiffany’s twin-tails and onto Junie’s bonnet. She rustled it noisily, taking pleasure in the flinching she felt come from Junie anticipating a noogie which never came. Whistling into the room she came from, Ms. Emily called out: "Kendra~! Stacey~! Come here, won't you?"

    A clattering noise rang out as the sound of a pile of blocks toppling over arose from the playroom. It was soon followed by the stomping of feet rushing towards the kitchen, halted a few feet away by the sound of Kendra getting the wind knocked out of her and Stacey sharply whispering under her breath, “Hold it! Mommy’s gonna punish us if she sees us running into the kitchen!” Kendra meekly replied “R-right… warn me next time before you clothesline me, though…” and the sound of gently clacking Mary Janes announced the arrival of the twin terrors.

    Ms. Emily was tapping her foot, arms crossed as she stared at the façade of two terrors pretending to be perfect little angels wandering into the kitchen. She sighed to herself, snapping her fingers at the girls as she used her djinn magic to smooth out the creases in their dresses from where they clawed at each other when they rose up from the playroom floor. “You could pretend, at least,” Ms. Emily scolded with a disparaging finger wagging at them, “to behave like the dainty little misses I know you can be. Perhaps then I’d give you more age-appropriate food~.”

    Hearing the promise of something solid for their plates after years of pureed mush, the girls immediately corrected their posture. Any sign of slouching or disinterest in what might be going on dissolved into a simpering display of politeness. Kendra’s hands went to her sides as she pulled the edges of her dress apart, drawing her leg back to execute a proper curtsey. Stacey bowed her head and pressed her hands into the pleats of her apron. The embarrassing display caused Tiffany and Junie to forget their predicament momentarily as they giggled to themselves.

    Kendra and Stacey blushed scarlet as they waited for Mommy to tell them what good little girls they were. They kept their eyes down, looking at the ground and clenching their teeth in wide-mouthed smiles. Kendra risked breaking the silence first, taking a breath before calling out in a sing-song voice similar to Ms. Emily’s, “Oh, of course, Mommy~. We just need to be reminded every now and then, since we’re still big, dumb, diaper babies who barely made it to toddlerhood~!” Following her sissy servant’s style, Stacey slid her hands together and bunched her apron as she added in a simpering voice, “Mommy, we hafta’ act like that sometimes. It’s whuh babies like us do! We’re very sorry for not behaving better, we know we can.”

    Delighted at the immediate turnaround the twerps made at being called out, Ms. Emily released her hold on the captive crybabies to walk over to smooth out Kendra and Stacey’s dresses some more. They had been smoothed perfectly by her earlier spell, but she knew the effect a slow, steady hand easing non-existent creases down had on her girls. Kendra and Stacey both flushed up as she put the “finishing touches” on their dresses before finally giving both girls a pair of bottom pats under their dresses. Kendra and Stacey simultaneously whined out “T-thank you, Mommy…” as they did their best to contain their excitement at having their diapers checked so casually.

    Wrapping her arms around the simpering sissies’ waists, Ms. Emily gently but firmly escorted her charged up to Tiffany and Junie, who were momentarily enjoying themselves as someone other than them were having to deal with the attentions of their overbearing orderly of a Mommy. It was only when the looming shadow of Ms. Emily, along with Kendra and Stacey’s at her side, did they realize the predicament they were still in. Stopping mid-giggle, Tiffany jerked her head back to tug on Junie’s collar and get her attention. Sputtering out a cough, Junie looked up in horror as she realized what was going on. Filled with fear, not knowing what to do next, she lunged her face into Tiffany’s and began making out with her.

    Junie began thinking to herself, “Please don’t punish me, please don’t punish me, please don’t punish me!” as she began messing herself on the spot. Tiffany, shocked by the reaction Junie made at the looming presence of their sissy sisters and Mommy hovering over them, responded by filling her own pants as she blinked in bewilderment. She could feel Junie’s hot breath exhaling through her nostrils, her heaving bosom squeezing against her own; the chain remained tight despite the shortened distance, as Junie’s neck pulled back to accommodate her face leaning in. The girls’ padding slammed against each other as Junie turned her Mary Janes up, bending her toes forward to press herself against Tiffany even closer so she couldn’t back away.

    Tiffany, on the other end of the kiss, sat stoic. She thought to herself, “JUNIE?! You don’t have to get so into this!” As she felt Junie’s head turn, she continued her thought process, thinking to herself “Mommy is just gonna make it worse for us!” Still in amazement at the daring play Junie had made, she stared ahead at the closed eyes of her friend welling up as a tongue slid into her mouth. It reached down and entwined with Tiffany’s own tongue, a sucking motion pulling it out of its cave as she felt the wetness drawing her into Junie’s mouth. “…But wow, how are you so good at this?” Tiffany felt herself giving in to the sensations Junie was pushing into her, and eventually wrapped her own tongue into the tug-of-war happening between the trussed-up toddler’s mouths.

    Releasing her hold around Stacey and Kendra’s waists, Ms. Emily sauntered up to Tiffy and Junie’s mouths and raised an ear up to their lips. She listened with a finger raised at the twerps she left behind, signaling for them to remain silent as she inspected what was going on. A pleased grin eventually revealed itself as she heard the telltale sounds of two tongues smacking against each other. “Well, would you look at that, girls~.” Ms. Emily rose up and patted the raised bottoms of the masticating morons. “It seems like you can play nice. All you needed was your get-along collars, heehee~!” Giggling to herself, Ms. Emily returned to Kendra and Stacey and took them around the waist again. Lifting them effortlessly with one arm each, she looked down once more before walking off. “If you keep playing nice, you just might get a nice surprise, girls. It is Thanksgiving, I suppose… and you should have something you can be thankful for. One moment, girls~.”

    Taking Kendra and Stacey in her arms, Ms. Emily carried them over to a set of highchairs and secured them in with their locking trays. She opened the oven behind them and withdrew a fully-cooked chicken, fully-brined and ready to be carved. She slid open a cupboard door and pulled out a large jar with the words “giblet gravy” written on a label. As she slowly unscrewed the lid, she inhaled a long, drawn out whiff of the turkey, which was filling the room with a savory fragrance. Kendra and Stacey kicked their legs under their highchairs, and Tiffany and Junie had come up for air to look. All four were drooling wildly at the sight of such a large prize sitting in front of them.

    Ms. Emily finished removing the lid, and set it on the counter. Lifting the oversized jar, she walked it delicately over to Tiffany and Junie, holding it in one hand. Kendra and Stacey were mesmerized by the turkey, looking over their shoulders to behold its grandeur. Junie was spellbound. Only Tiffany, who noticed Ms. Emily getting larger, was able to snap out of it and yank Junie literally back to her senses as she tugged her collar with their connected chain. “W-w-wait, Mommy! We don’t need- I mean, we- we already dumped in our didies! Look, we made ‘em extra messy, didn’t we, Junie~?” Sweat rising on her brow, Tiffany urged her airheaded accomplice to coerce Ms. Emily not to do what they were afraid she was about to do.

    Junie looked up, stifled a shriek at the sight of the jar filled with who knows what, and stammered out a defense as well. “Y-y-y-yes, Mommy! Look, I’ll- unf~!” Junie scrunched her face up and wrinkled her nose as she attempted to fill her pants a second time. “I’ll… I’ll make it extra messy, just for you! P-p-please, d-d-don’t fi- oh."

    Before she could finish her sentence or fill her pants, Ms. Emily pulled the front of Tiffany’s diaper out and splattered half the jar of turkey leavings down her pants. Tiffany’s face contorted into a misshapen mess as she whined “Ewewewgrossgrossgrossyuckieyuckieyuckieohthat’scoldMommawhy- ah…”. Releasing the waistband, her diaper snapped back into place, and Ms. Emily squishing it down with her free hand. “Whew~! Looks like someone made a big messie in their didiee~!” Giggling to herself, she turned to Junie who began vigorously shaking her head and screaming. “MOMMY PLEASE NO I DON’T WANT IT, I’VE BEEN GOOD MOMMY I’M BEGGING Y-”

    Ms. Emily had her diaper pulled out, and the second half of the goop sliding out of the jar. All the heavier sediment which had been at the bottom began glorping out, falling down into the front of Junie’s diaper. She began with a low whine which picked up into a moderate howl, ending with Junie repeating “I’ve been uh good girl tho, mommie… snf… uh weally ghud ghurl… sniff, cough” as Ms. Emily tapped the bottom of the jar with a finger of the hand holding the jar to excise the last bit which had become stuck to the inside. Once the last of it had dropped out, she unceremoniously released the waistband of Junie’s diaper, allowing it to snap back as well. Smushing the mess down into Junie the same way she had with Tiffy, Ms. Emily smiled down at her stuffed sissies and walked over to the counter.

    Walking back, she revealed a roll of duct tape, as well as a large vibrator. “It looks like the two of you have been a bit ungrateful, so I’m going to have to leave those chastity belts on. However…” Ms. Emily peeled off a large section of the tape, wrapping it around the wand’s settings so it was permanently on the highest frequency. She turned it on before wrapping the activation button, preventing it from being disabled. Dangling the prize in front of her sissy subjects, she raised an eyebrow. “…you might, with a bit of hard work, be able to make this a very happy holiday, my stuffed sissies~.” Dangling the treasure between the trembling tots, she tapped her index finger against her lower lip. “Hmm… but who should have the honor of holding- well, having it held against them?” Swinging the head back and forth, letting the wiggling wand drift from one diaper to the other, she tittered as she watched the sissies’ eyes follow it in a trance.

    “Eeny… meeny… miney… mmm… Junie~!” Ms. Emily swung the wand into Junie’s massive pamp, holding it down as it mushed the contents of her diaper down and pressed into the sissy’s chastity belt. Junie’s eyes went wide momentarily before resting into a relaxed state, feeling the muted vibrations pelting her belt. Ms. Emily kissed her cheek and taped it down to the winner as Tiffy grunted and whined in frustration. “Mommy, it’s not faaair~! I deserve to have the wand! I, I sho- MMPH!”

    A wadded up, sopping wet rag was shoved into Tiffany’s mouth, followed up by a set of three rectangles torn from the duct tape sealing it shut. Tiffany’s tongue, depressed by the ball, felt the flavors of prunes seep into its pores. She shut her eyes tightly and cried mutedly into the tape covering her mouth. Junie meekly looked up at Ms. Emily who took her chin into her hand. “Oh, don’t worry, baby girl. You’re safe to hump your little baby brain out against this bratty bimbo. Just shove your giblets into each other and have fun~!”

    Scratching Junie under her chin, Ms. Emily rose up and walked back to Kendra, Stacey and the turkey. Tiffany shrieked into her sopping gag, raising a stink as she stared daggers at her sissy sisters in their highchairs. They stuck their tongues out at Tiffany when Ms. Emily walked behind them, and clapped their hands together. “Turkey time! Turkey time!” They chanted, a giggle coming from Ms. Emily as she raised the carving knife. “Yes, yes. It’s time for turkey. Who wants a leg~?” Stacey raised her hand. “Me! Me!” Ms. Emily lifted a drumstick onto a plate, then asked “And who wants a thigh~?” Kendra timidly, said “…I’d like one, Mommy…” Sighing in delight, Ms. Emily slid one onto another plate. Piling them high with sides, she deposited them on the trays in front of Kendra and Stacey, in full view of Tiffany and Junie. “There you go girls, happy Thanksgiving~!” Eyes sparkling, Kendra and Stacey nodded and said “Thank you, Mommy~!” in unison before descending on their meals.

    On the floor, Junie rammed her diaper against Tiffany’s, feeling the vibration of the wand shove the mush out of the way and resonate against her chastity belt. She felt herself go cross-eyed as she leaned down into Tiffany, who felt the giblet gravy bunch up in front and keep the head of the vibrator from connecting with her own belt. Junie began moaning into Tiffy’s ear, not noticing the grunting and shuffling from Tiffy as she grunted out more BRAPPS from her rear end. As Kendra and Stacey were in the middle of their meals, Tiffany felt Junie tip her over and land on top of her with a SPLAT. Her diaper bunched up even more, pushing the wand deeper against Junie’s belt as Junie cried out in ecstacy. Tiffany sobbed to herself as she felt the mess slide down the center of her diaper, her sissy sisters mocking her from their highchairs:

    “Look at the little losers, Kendra~.”

    “What a pair of wimpy whiners, Stacey~!”

    “At least they got to mash their potatoes~.”

    “Snrk! Yeah, they’re really creaming their corn~!”

    “Candying their yams~.”

    “Mushing their peas~!”

    “Their mac ‘n cheese is gonna be extra creamy after all that stirring~.”

    Kendra and Stacey chortled at each other’s mocking jokes, shoveling food into their mouths between quips. Meanwhile, on the floor, Junie continued rubbing her diaper against Tiffany’s. The wand was all but touching her chastity belt after compressing her padding down and moving the mess Ms. Emily had dumped down her pants to the edges outside of her pillowy cloth diaper. Tiffany closed her eyes in an attempt to give in to the pleasure the wand might give her. She listened to the vibrations of the head, inching closer, closer, closer… when she suddenly heard a SNAP and felt the displaced mush rush back to the center, blocking the wand.

    Snapping her eyes open, Tiffany looked over at Ms. Emily just in time to see the djinni’s clenched fist expel the last of the telltale pink smoke, signaling she had just cast a spell. Tiffany grunted, shifting her weight on her crotch to try and move the mess out of the way, only to feel it slide around to hold the brunt of the mass in her diaper so it muted the vibrator’s head from reaching her metal cage. Her last straw breaking, Tiffany began sobbing into the rag, chewing it down and releasing even more prune juice down her throat. The mocking, moaning, and Tiffany’s own weeping were deafening. Finally, Tiffy heard one last quip from Ms. Emily before Junie’s moans drowned her out:

    “Happy Cranksgiving to you two as well, my little losers~!”

    A final, muted “HRMMMPH!!! Mmnnn…” was covered by Tiffany and Junie BRAPPING out farts against their pressed-together pamps.

Art by 34Qucker

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blac11gol4 [2023-12-03 20:56:32 +0000 UTC]

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blac11gol4 [2023-12-02 20:50:22 +0000 UTC]

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hospitalled [2023-11-28 06:08:18 +0000 UTC]

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TJam420 [2023-11-23 19:40:50 +0000 UTC]

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riantied [2023-11-23 19:06:59 +0000 UTC]

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smokeysis [2023-11-23 11:43:10 +0000 UTC]

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Krigstein [2023-11-23 07:52:18 +0000 UTC]

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34Qucker [2023-11-23 06:33:20 +0000 UTC]

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