Aragaki mika is a second year student from Sekai Kawata high school. She is a solemn and cheerful girl, an elf who had a bit perverse behavior. Currently, she is one of the two second year member in Rakugaki no Fantasy club, a club who study trend and create product in visual modern expertise. love sour cream cheese and plum. She like ecchi, romcom genre in general but she is pretty openminded for all genre.
Yamamoto Ria is also a second year in the same school, a childhood friend of mika and the president of rakugaki no fantasy club. She love writing and make a live from it. She is an half ogre and has a bit problem controlling her power therefore made her distancing herself from other. Quiet girl but a fiery passion in writing shounen, she also pretty over considerate about other people and never let out her intention so easily. She love sci-fi and shounen genre and has been writing in that genre. mika is one of the few people who try to close with her.