JungleTheSiger — Catrina Reference Sheet

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Published: 2023-08-17 23:26:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 934; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Name: Catrina C. Catt
Voice Acter: Janice Hiromi Kawaye

 Species: Griffen, Type: Reverse, Breed: Lion and Pidgeon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Best Relationship

  • Queen Catalina (Mother)

  • King Gunther (Father)

  • Jasper Chedderson (Best Friend, Teammate,)

  • Bingo Goativer (Friend, Teammate)

  • Esmerelda Trottleback (Allias, Leader, Teammate)

  • Henrieta Cluckington (Sensei)

  • Harvey Caritbun (Enemy)

  • Fishsticks (Enemy)

  • Wampei (Enemy)

Worst Relationship

Biography: Since day one Princess of the Sky Kingdom, Catrina was a sheltered girl, not allowed to make her decisions, being forced to wear stuff she didn't wish to wear, not being aloud to go in certain places, and to never raise a paw or claw of anykind, despite this though she didn't mind her life as a princess, and loved both her parents dearly, however as she grew, her longing of independance grew, she started to grow a love for archery and a curiosity for the mysterious land that lied under the Kingdom of Clouds, and one day her curiosity had got the better of her, and she had decided to sneak out from the Kingdom and fly down to the land under, unfortantly though on her way down she ended up getting a run in with a bad storm, and then a tornado, which she had to fly fast in front of it so she didn't get caught in it, and she managed to lose it after she hit a state called Animal City, unfortunately for, she had the horrifying realization she had just lost her way home, and she was way to scared of whatever she just seen to try and go back, so she ended up running around on the streets of Animal City, that is until Jasper had found her and offered her a position on the team which she agreed to, and after that, she had begun to show her true colors, no longer showing her proper princess facade, and revealing her wild side while helping stop the crime in the city!

Personality: Catrina is very wild, she runs around chasing random bugs and whatnot, she's hyperactive and her brain hops from topics to topics, and she asks random questions and starts conversations about completely different things out of the blue. If you are to make her mad the girl can be very rude, and become very snappy.

Abilities/Weapons:Catrina's weapon is a cupid styled bow using it with phantoms arrows, what a phantom bow is a defense mechanisms used by the Kingdom of Clouds to defend themselves while not hurting the people, they are created out of magical clouds, and if you were to shoot someone with them it will give off the same pain of being shot, but without the injury, after a few seconds the arrow will disapear, but the pain will still be there
She also has wings and is able to fly up pretty high and pretty fast

-Other Facts-

  • Catrina loves to wear skirts and dresses, but only when she wants to! So please don't try to force her to wear something she doesn't want to wear.

  • Catrina is a lesbian, and everyone knows this, except for the Cloud Kingdom and her parents, which is probably one of the many reasons why she doesn't try to return home...

  • Despite Catrina having no idea what it means, Jasper swears she has ADHD

  • Out of everyone on the team, Catrina's the one that's best at fighting

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