justanotherfangirlst — The Nine Tailed Hero: Kitsune

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Description ★ Masami Natsumari★

"There's a bit of truth in every myth"

■  Name || Masami Natsumari
■  Japanese Name || 難痛麻栗 磨瑳身
■  Rōmaji || Natsumari Masami
■  Alias || The Nine Tailed Hero: Kitsune
■  Birthday || July 26st
■  Age || 23 (current)
■  Gender || Female
■  Height || 152.4 cm (5'4")
■  Hair Color || White
■  Eye Color || Gold
■  Blood Type || O Negative
■  Quirk || Nine Tails
■  Status || Alive
■  Occupation || Pro Hero
■  Fighting Style || Ranged Attacks, Hand to Hand Combat

◣ A b o u t ◥███ Short Introduction

Masami Natsumari (難痛麻栗 磨瑳身, Natsumari Masami), also known as The Nine Tailed Hero: Kitsune (九尾の英雄:キツネ, Tsudzurao no eiyū: Kitsune), is the number 15 Pro Hero

███ Personality
    Masami Natsumari is more on the reserved side. She would rather sit back and observe, only interjecting when she has something important to add. But that doesn't mean that she isn't willing to stand up for herself and for what is right. She is quite loyal to her friends, and nothing will stop her from protecting them. Like Nori, Masami is kind to others, and there is always a touch of kindness in whatever she does. However, unlike Nori's sassiness, Masami tends to let her anger show a little when she is fighting villains. 
    Masami is very stubborn and once she has an opinion of something or someone, it is very hard to change her mind. Especially when the person she learns something about is someone who is trying to date, or currently dating one of her friends. And while her comments may come off a little cold about the person, it is only because she is trying to protect her friends. Masami doesn't have many close friends, but the few that she does have, she holds close and doesn't want anything to happen to them. 
    Masami is also very nurturing in her own way. She can be seen as the mom friend of the group, and it can be seen in the way that she mentors her interns and work studies. There are very few students who leave her internships with poor reviews. She makes sure that her interns learn at least one thing new about themselves as well as things that come with the territory of Pro Hero Work. 

███ History

    Masami was born in the middle of the night, and while it was known at birth that her quirk was a mutant one, her quirk didn't truly show itself until she was 7 years old. She was just trying to hit the target with a ball, a game that she had been playing with her other classmates, but in frustrartion she lit the ball on fire. One of her tails dissappeared after that, but it was then that she had learned some of what her quirk could do. She spent years trying to calm herself so that her anger would not be the cause of any more accidents. As Masami grew stronger, she knew that she wanted to be a hero.

    She enrolled into UA, and after passing the entrance exam, she is enrolled into the hero course program alongside Nori Bushida . Together, they trained and studied to become proes together and growing close. Nori and Masamri attend the same agency for their workstudy and start to master new combo teamup moves, bringing them even closer together. The two become best friends and inseperable, where one would go, the other would follow. When Nori created her own agency in Hosu City, she invited Masamri to join her as a hero at her agency, to which she accepted happily. The two spent the first years running the agency and savign those in Hosu City.

    It was only natural for Masami to be one of the first to meet Hawks when he started dating Nori. Masami made it known that if ever broke her heart, there would be consequences, and it just might be her villain origin story. Hawks made sure that Masami knew that he had no intentions of hurting Nori, but that she would be the second in line to come after him, with Nocturna being the first. Masami kept a close eye on Hawks as Nori's relationship with him grew, and slowly warmed up to him as she saw that being with him made Nori happy. 

◣ A p p e a r a n c e ◥

███ Appearance

    Masami is rather on the short side, with long white hair. Her golden eyes look more like a fox than a human, with slit pupils rather than round ones. Due to her quirk, Masami has two large red and white fox ears on her head, as well as up to nine red and white tails that come from the base of her lower back. She is rather slender, but don't mistake her slenderness for weakness. She is lean and athletic, like a gymnast. 

    Masami's casual outfit is rather simple, but stylish. She wears a dark red tube top with a black sheer shirt over it. The shear shirt has a mandarin collar, with golden clouds at the bottom. Her low rise jeans are a dark blue and her thigh high boots are black. Her hair is tied up in a half pony. Normally, Masami only has two tails visible when she is out in public on her days off, but that is only if she has power to spare. 

    Kitsune's Hero Costume consists of a short kimono dress that is over a sleeveless mandarin collared shirt. Her stockings come up to her mid thigh. Her heels have a strap across the ankle to hold them in place as well as a bell on either strap. Her kimono is red with a smoky pattern at the bottom with a white sash around her middle, however this sash also hides the hole where her tails come out. Her hair is tied up in a half up ponytail. She normally has all nine tails in view unless she has burnt one up from using her power

(Winter Hero/Villain Costume) (Coming Soon)

███ Personality

███ Likes

✔ Painting (But all art is fine)
✔ Tea
✔ Hanging out with Nori
✔ Walking through gardens
✔ Taking reference photos

███ Dislikes

✘ Loud noises
✘ Bright Flashing Lights
✘ People who hurt her friends
✘ Getting up early
✘ Getting Wet

◣ A b i l i t i e s ◥

███ Quirk

    Nine Tails: Her power is stored in her tails. The more tails that she has, the more power she at her disposal. She can grow up to nine tails at a time, though it can take a couple of days for each tail to grow back. Her flames are aren't very big, but can be used to knock back enemies and to light small fires. These flames also keep her warm on colder days and can be used as a light. As she uses her quirk, her tails slowly disappear, and her powers are depleated once all of her tails are gone. 

    In addition to her tails, her ears are highly sensitive and can hear sounds up to 3 miles away. While it was a little bit overwhelming at first, Masami learned how to tune out the outside world when she was not using her hearing to find something or someone. Her ears are also used to cool her off on hot days as the heat escapes through them. The fur on her ears is also sensitive and she can sense movement close to her, allowing her to have an idea of what is behind her at all times. 

    Her eyes are also the result of her mutant quirk. Her pupils are slit, rather than round. This allows her to see better in low light, though she cannot see in the complete dark. Her eyes can take some time to adjust to bright areas if she has been in the dark for a long period of time. Sudden flashes of light can temporarly blind her, rendering her eyes useless in a fight.

  • Fire Shot (ファイヤーショット, Faiyāshotto): Sends a fire ball towards an enemy

  • Fire Claws (ファイアクロー, Faiakurō): Flames surround her fingertips and create long claws that allow her to slice through almost anything

  • Byakko Illusion (白虎幻想, Byakko gensō): An illusion created by her kitsune abilities, while more successful on inanimate objects, she can create some illusions of herself.

  • Night Walk(夜の散歩, Yoru no sanpo): Allows Kitsune to walk in the near dark with no issues.

  • Flaming Fire Fox( 炎の火のフォックス, Honō no hi no Fokkusu): She can temporarly transform into a large fox, surrounded by flames and can attack in this form.

███ Stats

Ultra Archive

Power:      4/5 F

Speed:      4/5 F

Technique:      4/5 F

Intelligence:      5/5 F

Cooperativeness:      2/5 F

Ultra Analysis

Power:         6/6 F

Speed:       5/6 F

Technique:       5/6 F

Intelligence:        6/6 F

Personal Stat:       4/6 F

███ Equipment
  • Bow and Arrow: While this equipment is only used sometimes, she is a decent shot and can hit an enemy from a good distance.

◣ B a t t l e s & E v e n t s ◥


(TBD)◣ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ◥

███ Trivia
  • When she is off duty, she can reduce her tails to two, although all nine can appear at the moment she needs them.
  • The fur on her tails and ears is very soft, though she doesn't let other people touch them.
  • Her favorite flower is the Nightshade
  • While she would rather fight with her flames, she is a decent shot with a bow and arrow
  • She sells her paintings and donates portions of the money to art programs across Hosu City
███ Quotes
  • "Break her heart, and I'll make sure they'll never find you."
  • "There is a bit of truth in every myth"
  • "Never let them tell you you can't be a hero"
  • "I would rather not, thank you"
  • "I don't play well with others"
Original template (c) dre-tama | modified by Phantom-Otaku
Here is a link to her Toyhou.se page

(A/N: I will update this as I continue catching up on the series. I just recently started and I want her to grow as I continue to watch so there will be some things left blank for now and will be updated later)

Nocturna © justanotherfangirlst
Ref Sheet credit © amekihaname
Hero Costume Pose Ref © Anadia-Chan  Here
Casual Outfit Pose Ref Found here
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